It was Key Stage 2's turn this week. The weather just about stayed dry and parents seemed to enjoy themselves as much ...
NYCC has asked schools to share the attached leaflet with parents
Lots of fun was had as the children moved through 3 different activities - Maths on the Move, Archery and Dodgeball. parents ...
Years 1 - 6 thoroughly enjoyed a short concert given by some of NY's peripatetic music teachers. If any children wish to ...
A huge thank you to everyone who supported our Staff Cake Stall, in aid of the Ukraine, yesterday. We raised over £480 ...
Congratulations to Ilsa and Hugo Year 2. Ella and Thomas Year 3. Georgia and Elliott Year 4. Charlotte and Archie Year 5 ...
Mrs Roodhouse joined us this morning for Collective Worship. The focus was on 'temptation' - how Jesus was tempted in th wilderness ...
11.03.2022 Years 3 and 4 attended a football festival organised by the sports partnership (Skipton Tennis Club).
Over the past two weeks Year 1 has visited Embsay Library - stories were shared, vocabulary explored and a love of reading ...
On Friday 4th March, Year 4 joined with some other local schools to take part in a fair trade workshop led by ...
Mr Garland and Ellie from Skipton Rotary Club came to school on Thursday to present prizes and certificates for this competition. Prizes ...
Thursday 3rd March was World Book Day. We marked the occasion by dressing up and taking part in a live story event ...
It was wonderful to be in St Mary's again as a whole school community. We were welcomed by Rev Tim and Mrs ...