
Topic – Superheroes


In literacy this half term we will be learning about narrative through reading a range of stories with familiar settings. The stories we will be focusing on are Supertato and Super Daisy. We will concentrate on the sequencing of stories and the importance of the characters. We will build up to designing and describing our own superhero. We will also spend time enjoying poetry, looking at the structure of simple poems and following a pattern to create our own verses.

Phonics: Phonics will be taught daily.

Spellings: Spellings will be sent home each week and assessed on Fridays. These will be sent home in their spelling books so that you will be able to see how many they got right the week before. Please remember to send the book in every Friday.

Reading: Reading books will be changed on Mondays and Thursdays. Please re-read each book at least once. Books will not be changed unless they have been re-read as this helps to build fluency and comprehension. Please send in your child’s reading folder every day.


In maths we will focus on number and place value as well as addition and subtraction. We will start by sorting and counting objects before starting to compare objects using the greater than, less than and equal to symbols. We will read and write numbers in digits and words. Mental maths activities will be incorporated into lessons daily as well as into the provision stations in the classroom.


Ourselves: This half term we will be learning about Ourselves as Humans and that we have many similarities and some differences. We will learn about the senses and how they help us to keep safe and make sense of the world around us. We will be able to say which part of the body is associated with each sense.

Seasonal changes: Throughout the year the children will observe changes across the four seasons and look at observing and describing weather associated with the seasons and how day length varies through the year.


Real Life Superheroes: In History we will be learning about real life superheroes, and will focus on Florence Nightingale. We will order and sequence the events that happened in her life as well as looking at how hospitals have changed over time.


In Computing we will be focusing on computational thinking. We will focus on giving instructions and then moving onto describing what happens when we press buttons on robots. We will learn how to make something happen linking to algorithms.

Art & Design

The children will develop an understanding of simple mechanisms through designing and making a moving picture based on their topic of ‘Superheroes’. They will then evaluate their finished product.


Hockey: We will be learning techniques used in hockey and the skills used to take part in team games. We will build our understanding of the importance of rules when playing a game. We will also be developing our fundamental ball skills.

Dance: The children will also learn dances relating to their topic of superheroes.


God: We will consider how Christians perceive God and how the Christian values are portrayed through parables.


In circle time we will discuss ways we can stay safe and follow rules. Through role play we will also learn how our behaviour affects other people and how to work and play co-operatively. We will also be discussing how to keep healthy.


In music, we will be learning about pulse.