Welcome to Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School on behalf of the whole school community. We are a happy and popular village school with high standards and expectations. Our team of talented and dedicated staff all work together to provide the best possible education for the children in our care.
We work together to nurture an inclusive family of hard-working, respectful individuals who have a lifelong love of learning.
“Life in all its fullness” (John 10:10)
In February 2020 Ofsted judged our school to be Good under the new framework in all areas, commenting:
This is a school at the heart of its local community. The distinctively Christian ethos is welcoming. Pupils are interested in the opinions, lives and
cultures of others. Their understanding of what is fair and just is well developed. Pupils organise and run events for local and global charities. Their
cake stalls raised money for cancer research. They are proud to help and make a positive difference for others. Leaders are ambitious for all pupils.
The curriculum is well thought through and planned. Leaders prioritise reading. Pupils in each key stage achieve well in most subjects. This includes
those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils like many subjects, including history and mathematics. Their talents and interests
in music, art and sport develop well.
Pupils enjoy school. Their attendance and behaviour are good. Pupils feel safe and know that their views matter to staff. Responsibilities, such as pupil
council roles and ‘play pals’, build pupils’ confidence. They cooperate well with others and develop a healthy competitive edge. Pupils say bullying is rare,
but they know what to look out for. ‘Worry boxes’ help pupils to share their thinking. Pupils find staff kind, saying that they always ‘sort things out’.
We continually seek to improve the education we provide for our children and are constantly looking for ways to involve the local community in everything that we do.
In May 2017 our Church School inspection (SIAMS) judged us to be outstanding, recognising the extent to which our Christian Values are reflected across the whole of school life.
I very much hope that you will take the opportunity to come and visit our school to see all that we offer.
Fiona Prest