Pasture Road, Embsay, BD23 6RH
Pasture Road,
North Yorkshire
BD23 6RH

Homework and PE in Year 4

Although homework can occasionally change from what is listed below (depending on our topic), I thought it might be useful for you to have a copy of what is normally sent home each week.  More information on how you can support your child is also stuck inside each individual homework book (ie. their spelling book, SMIRFs book, homework book, reading record)

Usually, homework is expected in a week after it is handed out, to allow your child time to find a suitable point in their week to complete it.  Every family’s week / weekend is different, therefore you can choose the quietest point in your week or weekend for them to do their work.  Children will write down their task each day in their homework diaries and it would be greatly appreciated if you could check them once a week to see if it has been completed. 

Individual 1 to 1 reading / group reading and times tables practise will take place throughout the week in class.  Your child is encouraged to read at home every day, (signing their reading record book) and to practise their times-tables card in preparation for this.

Please could you ensure that your child brings their books in every day as we read, do spellings and SMIRFs or times tables daily. It would also be useful if your child could have a named A4 size plastic book bag to keep all their books together in.  If you have any more questions regarding homework, then please do not hesitate to contact me. 

Thank you

Mrs Speak

Handed out

Due in


Talk homework

- Due the following Monday


SMIRFs (Maths instant recall facts)

-Due in the following Tuesday.

-Practised or tested on Tuesdays.



Reading to an adult and discussing their book in detail (using the inference questions sent home in their reading record book).


A grammar activity


A science activity

-Adult to sign reading record book when completed.

-Due in the following Wednesday


PE Day

Spelling zappers and a spelling activity

-Due in the following Thursday. 

-Tested on a Thursday.


PE day

Maths activity – usually linked to one of our on-line sites (My Maths Online, Sumdog, Times Tables Rockstar or Times

-Due in the following Friday

Topic project

This is sent home once a term

(see the sheet for handing in date)


Important information – since returning to school, year 4 have been offered the opportunity to take part in some tag rugby training, leading to a tournament in October.  This will be on a Friday, so please note that PE days will now be Thursday and Friday for this half term.