Pasture Road, Embsay, BD23 6RH
Pasture Road,
North Yorkshire
BD23 6RH

To the parents of children in Year 2

Malham Tarn Centre –26th September 2022

We intend to take the Year 2 children to Malham Tarn on 26th September to take part in den building and pond dipping as part of their science work on the habitats. We will travel to and from Malham by bus, leaving school at 9.15am and returning to school for 3.20pm.

The cook will provide a packed lunch for all children which will include a sandwich, vegetable sticks, homemade biscuit, cookie or shortbread. Please feel free to send your child with an extra drink and or snack. Please could we ask you to choose your child’s sandwich filling via the following link by Monday 12th September.

Children will need to wear a school jumper and warm trousers or tracksuit bottoms. Please ensure they bring a warm waterproof coat and wear wellies or boots.

Under the terms of the Education Reform Act 1988 the school is not allowed to make a charge for this activity, but we are permitted to ask for contributions, and the governors have authorised us to do so. I am sure you will understand that we cannot afford to pay for this visit from within the funds available to us so may I ask you, therefore, if you would be willing to make a voluntary contribution of £9.43 towards the cost of the activity. No child will be excluded if his or her parent does not make this contribution, however if insufficient voluntary contributions are received, regrettably the activity will not go ahead. The preferred payment method is through ParentPay. When using this online payment system you are automatically consenting to your child participating in this activity, therefore no reply slip needs to be returned.

Yours faithfully

Mrs Prest
