
This policy sets out the establishment based procedures within which all employees of Embsay School must operate.  Further details can be gained by referring to the North Yorkshire Employer policy as detailed in Section 2.

Every young person should experience the world beyond the classroom as an essential part of learning and personal development, whatever their age, ability or circumstances.

Learning beyond the classroom is the use of places other than the classroom for teaching and learning. It is about getting children and young people out and about, providing them with challenging, exciting and different experiences to help them learn.

It is about raising achievement through an organised, powerful approach to learning in which direct experience is of prime importance. This is not only about what we learn but importantly how and where we learn. It is not an end in itself but rather a vehicle to develop the capacity to learn. Good quality learning beyond the classroom adds much value to classroom learning.

1.   Scope and responsibilities

This policy applies to all educational visits, outdoor learning and adventurous activities carried out with young people. In addition it applies to any visit taking place abroad which does not involve young people.

The Headteacher has appointed an Educational Visits Co-ordinator. They will have the training and experience to enable them to competently discharge their responsibilities as listed in The Handbook.

The Educational Visits Co-ordinator is: Fiona Prest

Administrative tasks will be carried out by: Shirley Chapman

2.   Establishment policy and procedures

The Policy for Educational Visits, Outdoor Learning and Adventurous Activities (September 2017) “The LA Policy” published by the Children and Young People’s Service of North Yorkshire County Council is the employer’s policy and procedures. Specific local procedures will be in line with, but not duplicate this handbook.

Where there is conflict with non-statutory guidance or advice from other sources The Handbook will take precedence with clarification sought from the Headteacher, and if required from the Children and Young People’s Service.


Routine acknowledgement: Whilst it is not a legal requirement to gain parental consent for curriculum activities, written acknowledgement will be gained on enrolment for routine local visits and activities which are a part of our normal educational provision during the school day and information regarding the nature of the types of visit will be included in our prospectus. We will always aim to fully inform parents by ParentPay of the nature of each visit, activity or series of a similar nature, remind parents that they have acknowledged this, and give opportunity to update information and emergency contact details.  On occasions a curriculum opportunity may become available at short notice and we will always aim to notify parents that their child will be offsite but this may not be possible.

Non-routine consent: Written consent will also be gained on enrolment for those visits which are non-routine visits and activities and those visits which fall outside of normal hours. We will fully inform parents by ParentPay of the nature of each visit, activity or series of a similar nature.

Specific consent:

Blanket consent: Written consent will be gained on enrolment for routine local visits and activities which are a normal part of our educational provision. This can include visits and activities beyond the normal day such as after-school sports fixtures and information regarding the nature of the types of visit will be included with the consent form. We will fully inform parents by ParentPay of the nature of each visit, activity or series of a similar nature, remind parents that they have already consented, and give opportunity to update information and emergency contact details. Use of the outdoor environment to extend learning and rehearsals etc within the village, which take place within normal school hours will not be notified separately.

Individual consent: Written consent which may be electronic via ParentPay will be gained for every individual visit, activity or series of a similar nature which involve a higher level of risk including but not limited to longer journeys, residential visits and adventurous activities, those which fall outside of normal hours and non-routine activities which are not a normal part of educational provision. We will fully inform parents by ParentPay of the nature of each visit, activity or series of a similar nature.

Medical information: We will use the medical information on record in our Student Information Management system alongside any updated information which parents will be given the opportunity to provide for most visits and activities. Where visits or activities involve a higher level of risk it may be appropriate for separate medical information and consent forms to be completed.

Staff competence

Records will be kept of induction, training, relevant qualifications and competence using the ‘My Details’ section of Evolve.

To ensure sustainability of important visits deputy leaders will be appointed in order that contingency plans can be put in place should a visit leader be indisposed.

EVC Training

The Educational Visits Co-ordinator will attend appropriate training and revalidation as required in The LA Policy.

Visit Leader Training

Visit leaders will be approved by the Headteacher and will have attended appropriate training as required in The LA Policy.

3.   Planning and approval procedures

The procedure for booking trips is set out in Appendix 2.  The Visits form is an essential part of the process and must be completed as soon as the visit is contemplated to aid planning and risk management. In the case of Local Area visits, no further risk assessments are required unless ‘adventurous’ activities are planned – see Appendix 1. For non-local area visits the Visits form needs to be supplemented by any site specific risk assessments and the relevant generic LA risk assessment.

Risk management is a vital part of planning and assessing benefits and risk associated with visits and activities. Sensible risk management relates to identifying significant hazards and mitigating against risk through appropriate control measures. It is not a paperwork exercise but a dynamic process before and during a visit or activity in order that young people can be kept safe from harm. Generic or event specific risk assessments will be used to record significant findings.

External providers: Wherever possible visit leaders will gain credible assurances of health & safety management systems and quality provision through a Learning Outside the Classroom Quality Badge. Alternatively assurances will be gained through a Provider Statement as detailed in The LA Policy.

4.   Visit Planning and Management System

A web-based system is used to facilitate the efficient planning, management, approval and evaluation of visits.  All staff that lead or accompany visits can access their own account,  which is set up by the EVC. This system is used in all cases, except where the visit is regular (eg whole school to Church, rehearsals in known village buildings, regular trips undertaken for specific purposes) and the head teacher has decided that EVOLVE does not need to be completed.

Approval of visits will be made as detailed below. Initial approval in principal will also be gained as required in The LA Policy.

Local Authority:

Visits abroad and all adventurous activities regardless of location. (As detailed in The LA Policy).

Governing Body:

The governing body has a strategic role to set the vision and direction of the school and to oversee and drive up its educational and financial performance. To enable this it will hold the Headteacher to account by oversight of Learning Beyond the Classroom opportunities to ensure that the educational experiences are of high quality, that best value is obtained and financial regulations are adhered to.


All visits and activities, after the Educational Visits Co-ordinator has checked paperwork.

5.   Accidents, Incidents and Emergency procedures

For the duration of all off-site visits and activities there will be a nominated suitable person providing 24/7 cover. This emergency contact will have secure access to all details of the visit including medical and next-of-kin information for all young people, accompanying staff and other adults. In addition they will have access to Council emergency numbers.

6.   Monitoring of visits and procedures

Governors will monitor the implementation of this policy by acting as a critical friend in monitoring the implementation and effectiveness of the policy.

The Educational Visits Co-ordinator will ensure that there is a system in place for appropriate monitoring of visits and activities.

7.   Charges for Off-site Activities and Visits

Charges for educational off-site visits and adventurous activities, including charges for visits and transport, requests for voluntary contributions and remission of charges are made in line with the guidance and requirements of the NYCC School Finance Manual. Reference should also be made to the school’s Charging and Remissions Policy for School Activities and Lettings which can be found on the school’s website.

8.   Inclusion and SEND


We endorse the principles for young people of a presumption of entitlement to participate, accessibility through direct or realistic adaption or modification and integration through participation with peers.

We acknowledge that it is unlawful to treat a young person with a protected characteristic less favourably or fail to take reasonable steps to ensure that young people with protected characteristics are not placed at a substantial disadvantage without justification.

We also acknowledge that expectations of staff must be reasonable, so that what is required of them (to include a young person) is within their competence and is reasonable. Reference should also be made to our Policy for SEND which can be found on the school’s website.

9.   Safeguarding and Behaviour

Safeguarding procedures should be considered as part of the planning process with additional consideration for residential visits.  Visit Leadership Teams should:

  • As part of planning, liaise with the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and other staff to identify any relevant safeguarding issues
  • have access during a visit to the DSL (or trained deputy) either directly or through the Base Contact.

Any volunteers who accompany any visit or activity will be vetted and be directly supervised by a member of staff. If they are to have significant unsupervised access to young people then an enhanced DBS disclosure will be obtained and they will undergo induction and training in their role and responsibilities as detailed in the LA Policy and local procedures. Reference should also be made to Embsay School’s Safeguarding Policy which can be found on the school’s website.


Appropriate behaviour is essential for the smooth running of learning beyond the classroom activities and ensures that effective memorable learning can take place. Young people, parents and carers will be made aware of the code of behaviour, expectations of young people and sanctions which may be invoked should the code be breached. In addition parents and carers will be made aware of their responsibilities for removing young people in prescribed circumstances. Reference should also be made to Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School Behaviour Policy.

10. Insurance

Young people participating in visits and activities will have annual travel insurance provided under an NYCC Schools Journey Insurance policy. Any differences to this will be notified to parents/carers as appropriate before any consent or payment is made.

11. Transport

Careful thought must be given to planning transport to support off-site activities and visits.  Statistics demonstrate that it is more hazardous to travel to an activity than to engage in it and staff must follow the specialist guidance provided in the Employer’s transport policy. 

Appendix 1 - Local Learning Area


The boundaries of the locality are shown on the attached map. This area includes the following frequently used venues:

  • Embsay Church
  • Embsay woods
  • Embsay reservoir
  • Shire Lane Cricket pitch
  • Embsay Village Hall
  • Central Skipton (including the Castle, Town Hall, Library, Railway station, Aireville Park, Aireville Pool, Ermysteds, SGHS and Skipton Academy)

We use this extended area on a regular basis for a variety of learning activities, and approved staff are allowed to operate in this area inputting visits on EVOLVE using the Local Learning Area option, provided they follow the Operating Procedure below.

Operating Procedure for Local Learning Area

The following are potentially significant issues/hazards within our extended locality:

  • Road traffic.
  • Other people / members of the public / animals.
  • Losing a pupil.
  • Uneven surfaces and slips, trips, and falls.
  • Weather conditions.
  • Activity specific issues when doing environmental fieldwork (nettles, brambles, rubbish, etc).
  • Dangers due to proximity to water

These are managed by a combination of the following:

  • The Head or EVC must give approval for the visit
  • If planned in advance, the Visits form must be completed.
  • The visit must be entered on EVOLVE before a group leaves (save in very limited circumstances detailed at 4. above).
  • Only staff judged competent to supervise groups in this environment are approved. A current list of approved staff is held on EVOLVE.
  • The concept and Operating Procedure of the ‘Extended learning locality’ is explained to all new parents when their child joins the school.
  • There will always be a minimum of two adults.
  • Staff are familiar with the area, including any ‘no go areas’, and have practised appropriate group management techniques.
  • Pupils have been trained and have practised standard techniques for road crossings in a group.
  • Where appropriate, pupils are fully briefed on what to do if they become separated from the group.
  • Pupils’ clothing and footwear is checked for appropriateness prior to leaving school.
  • Staff are aware of any relevant pupil medical information and ensure that any required medication is available.
  • Staff will deposit in the office a list of all pupils and staff, a proposed route, and an estimated time of return.
  • A mobile phone is taken with each group and the office have a note of the number.
  • Appropriate personal protective equipment is taken when needed (eg gloves, goggles)
  • If planned activities involve any of the following:
    • Climbing
    • Fire
    • Sharp objects
    • Use of water
    • Adventurous activities

then a detailed risk assessment must be completed. If a member of staff is unsure whether the activities proposed fall into this category of risk then the Headteacher or the EVC must be consulted.

Revised Appendix 2 – Procedure for booking school trips/visitors to school

  1. Class teacher decides would like to do visit and calculates rough costings/possible dates
  2. Class teacher begins to complete Visit form and discusses this with head or deputy. Dates for letters, EVOLVE Risk assessments etc decided.
  3. Date is provisionally booked with visit to site if relevant
  4. Office checks and finalises costings and pays any deposit required.  Final dates for cancellation etc are checked and noted
  5. Letter prepared by class teacher, checked by office and sent to parents setting out date by which payments must be received (this is ideally before the last date for cancellation) and in any event at least 5 days before if no payments are required.
  6. Class teacher puts details on EVOLVE and provides written risk assessment for visits outside Local Area (visit form is sufficient for visits within local area) to EVC at least 7 days before trip is scheduled to take place.  This should include:
    1. Itinerary for day with timings if not shown on visit form
    2. Groupings if school needs to be aware
    3. Any specific risk assessment from visit site
    4. Relevant LA Risk assessments
  7. EVC approves visit on EVOLVE (which is then forwarded to headteacher) and passes signed written risk assessment to headteacher for approval and filing in file in school office
  8. On day of visit all staff accompanying the visit and any volunteers are briefed on content of risk assessment.  An appropriate briefing is also given to the children.