UK Coasts – What will we find at Boggle Hole? 


Writing: We will finish reading Cosmic by Frank Cottrell Boyce and then move on to our new class story which will be Holes by Louis Sachar. 

For our fiction and grammar work, we will using The Lost Thing by Shaun Tan to discuss themes and conventions and to consider and evaluate dilemmas faced by a character. We will write a detailed conversation between two characters using the formal and informal voice before planning and creating our own story using the same theme and style. 

Non-fiction writing will be under the genre of debate and argument, we will also use explanation writing through our geography work on coasts and we will write a personal manifesto for the School Council Elections. 

Grammar: This term we will be using: embedded clauses and consolidating the use of the comma, dash or brackets for parenthesis; developing cohesion in our writing and identifying the use of the comma for ambiguity.  Weekly grammar checks which will help the children to consolidate their learning, will be sent home for homework this term. 

Spellings: Over this half term, we will continue with the Year 5 statutory words. The fifth list will be issued during week one and the sixth list will be issued half- way through the term. Year 5 spelling patterns will be taught through a weekly discrete lesson and regularly applied during our morning work and our literacy and topic lessons. Children can access Spelling Frame at any time during the term and practise the Y5/6 rules which they have been learning in class. They can also access any previous year group rules should they wish to revise their spellings.  


We will begin our work on fractions this term: 

  • Understanding equivalent fractions, proper and improper fractions and mixed numbers.  

  • Comparing and ordering fractions applying out knowledge of converting to equivalent fractions. 

  • Adding and subtracting fractions where the denominators are multiples of the same number 

  • Finding unit and non-unit fractions of amounts.  

The children will be expected to regularly practise and apply their division and multiplication facts from their times tables.  This knowledge is essential to support their work on fractions, decimals and percentages over the next two terms. 


Forces: The children will learn about different forces such as gravity, friction and water and air resistance including how these can balance and oppose each other.  They will understand how mechanisms, including levers, pulleys and gears, allow a smaller force to have a greater effect. 


UK Coasts: The children will discuss the coastlines around the UK and the features that can be found there. They will learn how some of the physical features are formed and why certain manmade features are vital to the livelihood, ecology and safety of our coastal areas. During our visit to Boggle Hole this term, we will carry out fieldwork activities, map work and enhance our learning about coasts. 


Coding (1):  Using our Espresso programme, the children will find solutions to problems, identify errors in programs and refine procedures to make movements more efficient or to achieve different outcomes. 


Linking to our Geography topic of ‘Coasts’, we will be studying the coastal paintings and techniques of the Canadian artist Maud Lewis. We will be using our knowledge of Coasts to consider adding specific coastal features in our paintings and will be using Acrylic paints. 


Kanga will be teaching cricket this term and the children will learn how to Link together a range of skills and use these skills in combination. They will collaborate with a team to choose, use and adapt rules in the game of cricket. 

The children will be swimming at Aireville Pool each Tuesday. 


Salvation: We will be reviewing and discussing the details within the Easter story, focusing in on what Jesus did to save mankind.   


In music this half term, the children will continue to learn either the trumpet or trombone; this is taught by a peripatetic teacher from North Yorkshire’s Wider Opportunities. 


Les Animals: The children will learn how to talk and write about their pets and favourite animals. 


Circle times and discussions 

Me and my future: We will learn about the life skills the children will need as adults. Such as managing money, making a good impression, learning about careers and knowing the difference between essentials and desires.