Claws, Paws and Jaws  


We will be looking at fiction and non-fiction texts around our theme of claws, paws and jaws. We will be studying stories with a familiar pattern – Handa’s Surprise.  We will explore new vocabulary and use this to create our own characters for the story. In non-fiction writing, we will look at and create fact files on different animals. We will continue to focus on the structure of sentences, making appropriate spelling choices, the use of correct punctuation and reading our work back to check it makes sense.   In handwriting we will be looking at forming letters with lead ins and outs. 

Phonics will be taught daily and please continue to send in reading folders every day. 


In maths we will be looking at multiplication and division and fractions.  

Some objectives we will be looking at are:  

  • Make arrays   

  • Make doubles   

We will continue to use and improve our knowledge of the 2s, 5s and 10s times tables. We will use concrete objects and pictorial representations to solve one step problems.   


In science we will be learning about different animals. We will be naming common animals and classifying them into groups. We will then research herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores. We will also learn about their habitats.  


In Geography, we will learn about addresses, plans, and maps and focus on the village of Embsay and the local area.  We will follow and describe simple routes and use geographical vocabulary to describe our local area. We will describe, plan and draw our route to school from our homes.      


We will be learning how to use Paint and use this to create a picture of our favourite animals.  

Art and Design  

Art -This term the children will develop their drawing skills looking at woodland creatures to create a mixed-media picture. 

DT-They will design and make a woodland creature looking at the animals they have studied. The children will practise different joining techniques, including sewing, and evaluate their product at the end. 


In music we will learn how to make different sound effects that sound similar to animals. We will continue to practise nursery rhymes and traditional songs that include animals.  


 In PE this half term, we will have tennis lessons on Tuesday with Skipton tennis club. We will also play a variety of throwing and catching games to learn how to send and return balls using hands and different bats.  


Creation: We will explore and reflect on the Creation Story and consider the amazing world we live in and why and how we should look after it.   


Through circle time games, role play, and discussion, we will learn more about becoming an active citizen. 

Key vocabulary: Do you know? I Think I Feel I know I Challenge Agree Disagree Because Fair Belonging Yes/No Rules Fair Vote