The Mediterranean and the Ancient Greeks 


Writing and Reading: Year 6 will continue to consider the techniques writers use to describe settings and create tension and atmosphere in their writing. They will use these features as part of a Sci-fi writing topic focusing on the discovery of a ‘New World’. They will begin with a recount narrative, then have the freedom to choose their own text type to conclude the topic; this could include a non-fiction piece, or further aspects of fiction-based writing. 

As part of our Ancient Greek topic, we will begin reading ‘Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief’ by Rick Riordan and ‘Who Let The Gods Out’ by Maz Evans, identifying and discussing themes and conventions using VIPERS. 

We will also learn about Ancient Greek myths, including King Midas and Theseus and the Minotaur for example. Inspired by both our reading texts and Greek Myths, the children will write a modern-day Greek Myth and a newspaper article.  

Finally, using their knowledge of mythological creatures, the children will then design their own creature and write a detailed non-chronological report about it. 

In all writing, the children will consider the audience, purpose and effect, making decisions about the grammar and punctuation appropriate to use.  

Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GPS): as well as the revision and consolidation of all grammar and punctuation understanding in preparation for SATs, Year 6 will continue to learn the statutory word list spellings and spelling errors from their own writing. We will research words with Greek origins and look at word etymology. The writing focus in grammar and punctuation will be on editing to enhance and improve to fit the genre of the writing (understanding how grammar contributes to improved writing).  


  • Decimals: adding and subtracting; multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000; and multiplying and dividing decimals by integers. 
  • Fractions, Decimals and Percentages: fractions as division; understanding percentages; FDP equivalents; percentages of amounts. 
  • Statistics: line graphs, pie charts, finding the mean. 
  • Shape: measure, classify and calculate angles; angles in triangles, quadrilaterals and polygons; circles; nets of 3-D shapes. 
  • Revision and application of all KS2 topics in preparation for SATs   


Heart and Circulatory System 

Year 6 will identify and name the main parts of the human circulatory system and describe the functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood. The children will then investigate the ways in which nutrients and water are transported within animals, including humans. Using their knowledge, the children will write a mixed-text report (combined information and explanation text). Science this term will also link closely with our work on ‘Healthy Bodies’ in PSHE: the children will learn about the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way their bodies’ function.  

History/ Geography 

We will alternate this half term between History and Geography. 

In Geography, the children will explore the position and significance of latitude and longitude, including identifying the tropics, meridian and time zones. The children will also find out about the physical geography of Greece as well as investigating the population and culture of Greece today.  

In History, we will start the new topic off by considering who the Ancient Greeks were, considering the features of an ancient civilisation, placing them on a timeline and learning about city states, with a focus on Athens and Sparta.  

Computing and Design & Technology 

Creating Media 

In Computing, we will be Creating Media through 3D Modelling. The children will develop their knowledge and understanding of using a computer to produce 3D models using an online app called ‘Tinkercad’, familiarising themselves with working in a 3D space, moving, resizing, and duplicating objects. They will then create hollow objects using placeholders and combine multiple objects to create a model of a desk tidy. Finally, they will examine the benefits of grouping, ungrouping and locking 3D objects, before planning, developing, and evaluating their own 3D model of a Greek Temple according to a given set of criteria. They will physically build the temple next half-term. 


Linking to their topic of ‘The Mediterranean’ the children will be sketching and creating a Mosaic Tile Design. 


In music this half term, the children will continue to learn either the trumpet or trombone; this is taught by a peripatetic teacher from North Yorkshire’s Wider Opportunities.  


PE lessons this half term will be taught by Kanga and will focus on Tennis and Fitness.  


The children will be exploring whether it is better to express beliefs in arts and architecture or in charity and generosity. They will describe and make connections between examples of religious creativity (buildings and art) focussing on the similarities and differences between Christian and Muslim sacred buildings. We will then discuss ideas about the importance of being generous and charitable and think about why some believers see generosity and charity as more important than buildings and art. 


Healthy Bodies 

To start off our work on Healthy Bodies, Year 6 will learn about body image (including thoughts and feelings about height, weight, shape, skin colour, and appearance and attractiveness) and how this can be affected by advertising and digital media: understanding that the media can have a positive and negative effect on mental health through body image.  They will then explore the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way their bodies’ function: they will be able to recognise opportunities to make their own choices about food,  what might influence their choices and the benefits of eating a balanced diet; understand the risks associated with an inactive lifestyle, poor diet, unhealthy eating and other behaviours on their physical and mental wellbeing. The children will also learn how to manage their time to include regular exercise and self-care techniques to help look after their mental and physical health such as relaxation and the importance of good sleep, hygiene and nutrition, and how this can impact on their physical and mental wellbeing.

The children will learn to recognise that they may experience conflicting emotions and when they need to  listen to and overcome their emotions. Through this, we will explore the vocabulary 'Counteracting conflicting emotions'  and how this is relevant to them as individuals and the wider population. 

This term's 'Talking Homework' will then focus on Conflicting Emotions

  • How do uncomfortable feelings affect our actions and thoughts?
  • What can we do to manage uncomfortable feelings?
  • When did you last feel... {emotion}?
  • What does sadness feel like? How do you feel inside when you are nervous? What kind of thoughts go through your mind when you are embarrassed? Whereabouts in your body do you feel anger?
  • Are uncomfortable emotions all 'bad' or 'negative'? Should we hide them?


We will continue with our topic, Au Café (At the café). The children will learn to order a range of snacks and drinks and learn to understand prices.