Pirates and the Ocean


Our Literacy work this term will be based on texts with a pirate and ocean theme. Through these texts, we will look at the structure of stories and use ideas from these books to write our own pirate stories, The non-fiction work we will study will be based on information texts about pirates and sea creatures. We will use these texts/dvd clips and internet research to write our own non-fiction reports about sea creatures, write instructions and diary extracts. Pirate poems and sea shanties will form the basis of our poetry work. On a daily basis phonics, spelling, grammar, punctuation and handwriting work will be reinforced. Children will be heard read individually each week in class.


The children will learn to count objects to 100 and read and write numbers in numerals and words. They will understand the value of digits in 2 digit numbers and learn to place these on number lines, compare and order the numbers and use the symbols < >. They will learn to count in 2s, 5s and 10s forwards and backwards from any 1 or 2 digit number. Children will practise addition and subtraction to 20 to become increasingly fluent in deriving facts such as using 13 + 7 =20, 20 – 7 = 13 and 17 = 20 – 3 to calculate 30 + 70 = 100, 100 – 70 = 30 and 70 = 100 – 30. They will check their calculations, by adding to check subtraction and adding numbers in a different order to check addition. They will learn to add a 2 digit and 1 digit number, subtract a 1 digit from a 2 digit numbers and add and subtract 2 digit numbers not crossing tens.


This term the children will learn about habitats and micro habitats and learn to identify plants and animals in their local environment. The children will also explore and compare the differences between things that are living, dead, and things that have never been alive and learn about the seven life processes.


In History, we will find out about the famous pirates Anne Bonny and Blackbeard.


This term, through our pirate and oceans topic the children will learn to name the continents and oceans of the world. They will also learn to use maps and globes and identify the four countries and capitals of the United Kingdom. They will learn to make their own maps and plans.


Robot Algorithms This term, the children will use a coding program to learn how to code to make an object move around the screen and on a floor robot to change direction when keys are pressed.

Art & Design

The children will be drawing an under the ocean creature picture using oil pastels. They will then create an observational drawing of shells and colour using watercolour paints. Later in the term they will look at turtles and draw using pen and chalk pastels.


Hockey – Children will learn how to dribble, keep control of the ball, pass, attack and defend.

Ball skills/Ball games – This half term we will learn to throw and catch balls accurately. They will then apply these skills to different games.


Who made the world? During this topic, the children will respond to questions about where we come from and why we live on such a beautiful earth. They will be able to retell the story of creation.


Pirate Songs/ Sea Shanties- This half term we will learn a range of pirate themed songs.


Through circle time, books, role play and games, the children will explore emotions. They will learn what to do and who to turn to if they are worried or concerned. 


The children will learn to greet others, say how they are, learn how to ask and answer questions about names, and learn that French is spoken in France and elsewhere in the world.