Topic – Nuts and Bolts



Reading and Writing:  In Literacy we will be reading and writing a story based on ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes. The children will work on using speech punctuation accurately and we will also look closely at how to structure our writing using paragraphs. During literacy we will look at the structure of sentences with a focus on subjects and verbs. Children will practise their cursive handwriting throughout the week and will work in small groups during our guided reading sessions in order to develop their VIPERS skills

Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GPS): In grammar, the children will learn about fronted adverbials, expanded noun phrases, adjectives, nouns, verbs and determiners, and how these can be used effectively in their writing. The focus in spelling will be on prefixes and suffixes. The children will also take part in a daily spelling lesson which will revise all level 5 and 6 phonics sounds.



Multiplication and Division: learning how to multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number. The children will also learn how to divide a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number. We will then solve a variety of problems using these skills.

Fractions: To know that a fraction is split into equal parts. We will learn to recognise a half, quarter and a third. We will also begin to look at unit and non-unit fractions and some equivalent fractions.

Times Tables: Continue to consolidate multiplication and division facts x3 x4 and x8.



Our Science topic for this half term is Forces.  The children will compare how things move on different surfaces and will learn how some forces need contact between two objects but magnetic forces can act at a distance. The children will observe how magnets attract or repel each other and learn about the two poles on a magnet. The children will compare, predict and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of whether they are attracted to a magnet, and identify some magnetic materials.



The History and Development of the Railways:  In History we will be looking at how the first trains and railways developed. We will be explain the significance of some early steam locomotives and look at how they have changed over time.


The children will be exploring the Scratch programming environment. They will be building a sequence of commands and creating actions for different sprites.



The children will plan, design and make a moving mechanism picture based on their topic of ‘Trains’. They will experiment with a range of techniques to create moving mechanisms and research and design carefully before evaluating their finished product.


The children will be listening to and appraising Latin Dance music. They will be composing simple rhythms to accompany themselves.


OAA: The children will take part in a variety of team games where we will focus on team work to complete/win a game. 

Gymnastics: We will create gymnastics sequences in small groups using the apparatus. 


In RE the children will learn about Hinduism. We will start by learning about the Hindu Gods. We will explore the kinds of things Hindu families would do during the week and look at objects that might be found in a Hindu’s home. Towards the end of term, we will look at how Hindus celebrate Diwali and learn about the Hindu belief of karma. 


In French this half term, the children will learn the names of some jungle animals and use numbers to count them. The children will also begin to use adjectives to show the size of the animals.


Me and My Future: This term, children will look at how to look after and manage money. They will learn how people acquire money and why people spend their money in different ways. Children will talk about what they enjoy doing and what they would like to do in the future.