Main Topic - The Beatles and Liverpool 


During this term, Year 6 will also undertake practice Reading and GPS SATs, using last previous papers. 

Writing: initially, the children will investigate the features of biographical writing linked to their work in Science. They will plan and write a biography based on the life of Charles Darwin. The children will then research and produce a promotional advert for the Galapagos Islands. 

Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GPS): verb tenses (perfect and progressive); the subjunctive form; using cohesive devices to link ideas in their writing; using higher-level punctuation effectively, with a focus on colons, semi-colons and single dash; learn to spell words from KS2 statutory and personal spelling lists. 


During this term, Year 6 will also undertake practice Maths SATs, using previous papers. 

  • Add and subtract fractions with different denominations and mixed numbers 
  • Multiply pairs of proper fractions 
  • Divide fractions by a whole number  
  • Find a fraction of a number 
  • Coordinates in four quadrants 
  • Translations and reflections 
  • Multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 
  • Multiplying and dividing decimals, up to two decimal places, by whole numbers 
  • Solving problems involving decimals, which may require rounding 
  • Find percentages of an amount 
  • Know equivalence between decimals, fractions and percentages 
  • Order mixed decimals, fractions and percentages 
  • Solve two step equations 
  • Find and use algebraic rules and formulae 


Inheritance and Evolution: the children will be looking at the traits that we, and other animals, inherit from our parents and how we also vary from our parents. They will consider how inheritance over several generations leads to natural selection of advantageous characteristics and evolution of a species, with a focus on the whale. The theories and work of scientists like Charles Darwin and Mary Anning will be considered also. 


Liverpool: using maps and Google Earth, the children will study the location and features of Liverpool (including the history) and its link to Skipton through the Leeds and Liverpool canal. The children will learn to use six figure grid references to pinpoint locations in Liverpool on OS maps. 


The Beatles: developing a timeline, the children will identify key events from the life of John Lennon. In addition to this, they will use historical sources, including video clips, to study what life was like for him growing up in Liverpool and being in The Beatles.  

Computing and DT 

This term, Year 6 will explore the concept of variables in programming through games in Scratch. They will experiment with variables in an existing project, then modify them, before they create their own project. 


The children will be studying the artwork around the animated film ‘Yellow Submarine’. They will create their own imaginary world using the medium of paint. 


In music this half term, the children will continue to learn either the trumpet or trombone; this is taught by a peripatetic teacher from North Yorkshire’s Wider Opportunities. We will also look at some of the music produced by the Beatles, with a focus on ‘Yellow Submarine’. 


PE lessons this half term will be focussed on Gymnastics and Tag Rugby. 


Creation and Science: beginning with a study of the first few chapters of Genesis, the children will look at different Christian interpretations of what the Bible says about how the world was made, and whether these complement or contradict scientific understanding of how the world and life came into existence. 


Our topic this term is ‘Le Carnival des Animaux’. We will be listening to the music 'Carnival of the Animals' by Saint-Saens and learning the names of the new animals.  We will learn about the famous Nice Carnival in the South of France, before creating a Carnival poster of our own. 


Through circle time, role play and discussion, children will learn about the importance of being smart with money. Year 6 will also build skills for the future, such as teamworking, problem solving, leadership, money management and creativity.