Colourful wall display
Children in the playground climbing on the monkey bars
Children playing with a parachute in the playground
Playing with a parachute in the school playground

It is widely recognised that children’s emotional health and wellbeing, influences their cognitive development and learning, as well as, their physical, social, health and mental wellbeing, into adulthood. We are committed to promoting positive mental health and wellbeing amongst our pupils, their families, our staff members, and governors. It is an intrinsic part of our school ethos which promotes 'Life in all its fullness' for everybody.

We understand that every one of us may experience challenges in life, which may make us feel vulnerable and impact on our mental health and wellbeing and where additional support to improve our mental health may be helpful.

We believe that all children, young people and adults have the right to be educated and work in an environment that supports and promotes positive mental health for everybody.

We are committed to embedding a ‘Whole School Approach’ to improving positive mental health and wellbeing, based on evidence of what works alongside our experiences and knowledge and of how best we can support our children, families, staff and community. Such an approach moves beyond learning and teaching to pervade all aspects of our school life and has been found to be effective in bringing about and sustaining health benefits.

We are planning to expand this section considerably over the next few months to include further links and resources.

If you have any concerns about your child's emotional health and well-being, please speak to your child's class teacher or contact Mr Whitehead , Miss Hodgson or Miss Sanderson via the school office.  We are here to help.