Megacities - Why do people live in megacities?



Reading and Writing: In Literacy, the children will create their own stories based on the adventures of Paddington by Michael Bond. We will also investigate persuasive language and write job adverts for a ‘bear sitter.’  In all their writing, the children will focus on developing good sentence structure: looking at punctuation, expanded noun phrases and using a wider variety of conjunctions as well as developing and applying their cursive handwriting. This half term, the children will also study different Autumn poems, and write their own using a variety of figurative language techniques such as similes, personification and metaphors. 

Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GPS): In grammar, the children will learn about adjectives, nouns, verbs and determiners, and how these can be used effectively in their writing. The focus in spelling will be on revision of Year 2 suffixes, moving onto prefixes dis-, un-, super- and homophones. The children will practise spellings regularly and investigate different spelling patterns.



  • Place Value: Read and write numbers to 1,000, finding 1, 10, 100 more or less, comparing and ordering numbers, counting in 50s
  • Addition and Subtraction: Add and subtract numbers with up to 3 digits, estimate answers to a calculation and use the inverse to check answers, solve mixed addition and subtraction word problems, including missing numbers
  • Times Tables: Consolidate multiplication and division facts for x2, x5, x10 and when ready, move onto x3.



Our Science topic for this half term is Rocks, Soils and Fossils. The children will learn about, compare and group different types of rocks as well as consider their properties and how these effect their use. They will plan, do and review an investigation to compare some of these properties. The children will also look at how soil and fossils are formed.



In Geography they will be looking at different types of settlements.  We will be contrasting the features of megacities to the beautiful villages and towns in our local area. The children will locate megacities around the world and explain the features that make people want to live in them.


The children will further develop their word processing and research skills. This will include how to save work efficiently and securely, opening two windows side by side, how to format and change text, use of the snipping tool and print screen as well as keyboard shortcuts using the Ctrl key.



The children will plan, design and draw their own name in stylised graffiti lettering.  Later in the term, they will investigate, draw and create a London skyline.



In music, the children will identify repeated patterns in a variety of music. They will then explore rhythm and pulse to create a class drumming piece of music using repeated patterns (ostinatos).


This half term the children will focus on invasion games. We will work on throwing and catching skills, how to work as a team and how to use the space that we have on a court to keep possession of a ball. They will then incorporate these skills into hockey, netball and basketball.




Children will learn about the story of creation and how it is important to Christians and Jews. Through this they will be able to retell the story of creation and be able to talk about the beliefs that come from these stories. 


In French this half term, the children will learn how to greet others. They will learn how to ask and answer questions about names and to say how they are. We will also look at where in the world French is spoken as well as France.


Our relationships shape our sense of belonging, our feelings of identity and purpose, our self-esteem and our overall wellbeing. In PSHE, the children will learn about the different relationships people have and how to recognise and build strong and healthy ones. They will also consider when secrets are okay and not okay, and how to turn to a trusted adult if a relationship doesn’t feel good.