Boy and girl reading their books
Young boy reading a book

Key People Responsible - J Ardern (English Lead) K Hayes (Phonics and Early Reading)


     At Embsay C of E School we want our children to develop a love of literature during their primary school years. We believe that a high quality education in English will teach the children: 

  • the art of speaking and listening 
  • how to write and communicate ideas coherently 
  • how to read fluently and with good understanding 

     We carefully choose the literature we expose the children to, immersing them in good quality, relevant texts which help to develop the acquisition of a wide vocabulary and provide purposeful opportunities to discuss and write about issues within our modern society. 

     We have designed our Curriculum and enrichment activities so that the natural links between English and other subjects are deliberate and purposeful in promoting creativity and engaging all pupils and their creativity. 

Key Points Teaching: 

  • Each Year Group covers the Objectives which are outlined in the Embsay C of E School Scheme of Work for Literacy 
  • Teachers plan Units of Work, linked with topic work where relevant, but predominantly lead by high quality texts 
  • Grammar coverage is in line with Appendix 2 of the 2014 National Curriculum  
  • Each Year Group covers a range of fiction and non-fiction genres and different forms of poetry  
  • Writing Outcomes are highlighted within the Medium Term Plans 
  • Statutory Spellings for each Year Group are taught and practised regularly in school and are also sent home to learn on a half-termly basis 
  • Teachers ensure coverage of Appendix 1 of the 2014 National Curriculum within their Year Group (from Year 2 upwards) and planning material is used at their discretion. Schemes available to Teaching Staff are ‘No-Nonsense Spelling’ and ‘Grammarsaurus.’ Medium Term planning highlights the schemes of work used for that half-term 
  • KS1 and Reception use the ‘Twinkl Phonics’ Scheme to teach Synthetic Phonics and Spelling, which was accredited by the DfE in December 2021. The Twinkl Phonics Scheme follows the ‘Letters and Sounds’ sequence of introducing letters to children. Children receive phonetically decodable words to read at home, practising taught phonemes and also receive spellings linked to the ‘Twinkl Phonics’ Scheme to learn at home. Reception children also receive Phase 2 and Phase 3 Phoneme and Grapheme Cards to practise / learn at home 
  • Teachers plan Reading activities, dependent on the cohort and year group. These will be a mix of individual sessions, group guided reading and full class reading sessions 
  • KS1 and Reception children will access Reading Books from the Collins Big Cat Phonics and the Rising Stars reading schemes. The books are phonetically decodable and books are selected for the children to read which link to the Phases taught in school. They match each child’s phonic ability 

Key Points Assessment: 

  • Writing, Spelling and Grammar will be teacher assessed on an ongoing basis, across the Curriculum, for both progress and to inform future planning.  
  • KS1 and Reception Phonic Progress is recorded on a school-designed Spreadsheet, linked to the Letters and Sounds programme 
  • Progress is recorded on ScholarPack. 


  • Spelling Patterns and Grammar are assessed and managed at the teacher’s discretion to inform future planning and to monitor progress 
  • ‘Grammarsaurus,’ ‘Focus’ and ‘CGP’ resources are recommended schemes of work / resources available for assessment 

Statutory Spellings 

  • In September, each cohort is tested on all the Statutory Spellings for the previous year to identify gaps that need addressing, alongside the teaching of the current year’s Statutory Words  
  • Personal Spelling Lists are devised for each individual child and shared with them to learn at home and in class. These Lists are updated regularly in line with the children’s personal rate of progression 
  • Statutory Spellings for the current year are tested half-termly and assessed on individual tracking sheets 
  • Regular Spelling Dictations take place in each Year Group to assess patterns taught 


  • PIRA Reading Assessments are used to assess and track progress in reading in Years 1-6 
  • Past SAT questions are used in Year 6 (from September) and in Year 2 (from January onwards) for both SPAG and Reading 
  • SLCPT Baseline is carried out in Reception to identify those children that need early support with Communication, Speaking and Language  

Supporting Documentation 

  • National Curriculum and Appendices 1 and 2 
  • Embsay School Schemes of Work for each Year Group 
  • Year Group Medium Term Plans