Uniform encourages a sense of belonging to and being proud of Embsay School.
All the children should wear uniform and we hope to have the full cooperation of all parents.
Recommended school uniform is listed below.
Warm weather: Plain white T-shirt, shirt, or blouse. Plain grey trousers, shorts, pinafore dress or skirt, alternatively blue gingham-style summer dress.
Cold weather: As above plus plain royal blue pullover, cardigan or ‘Embsay’ sweatshirt, fleece. Hoodies are not allowed as indoor uniform but may be used as part of outdoor PE kit.
Our school uniform is provided through Skip to School in Skipton or supermarkets. Jumpers do not need the Embsay School logo.
Because we have a suggested uniform it is important that every item of your child's clothing is clearly named.
The children should wear black shoes for school. Trainers or similar footwear should not be worn. In winter, please make sure your child has suitable indoor footwear if they wear wellingtons or boots to school.
Nail varnish, makeup, hair accessories
Nail varnish and make up are not allowed in school. Hair accessories should be practical and unobtrusive. Jewellery Rings, earrings and other items of jewellery are not allowed at school. If however your child has pierced ears, a small pair of stud earrings may be worn but must be removed or covered for all PE activities. Watches may be worn for school but must also be removed for PE.
PE Kit
On PE days children should come to school in their PE kit. Children should have blue or black shorts and a plain white T shirt. They will also require tracksuit bottoms and a sweatshirt /hoody ( no logo) for outdoor PE lessons. Jeans, long shorts, football strip and other casual clothing should not be worn. Pumps/trainers are worn out of doors, but indoors they usually work with bare feet. Long hair should be tied back for all physical education activities. A swimming cap must be worn for swimming if a child has long hair.
School bags
As space in cloakrooms is very limited, we ask that children in Reception and KS1 only bring a book bag to school. Small rucksacks may be used by children in KS2.
Mobile phones and smartwatches
Children in years 5 and 6 who walk home unaccompanied are permitted to bring mobile phones into school. These must be switched off and handed to the class teacher on arrival, and not switched on again until the child has left school premises at the end of the day. Access during the day is not permitted. Any watch that either has internet access or can be used to take photographs must be handed in in the same way. The school does not accept responsibility for these items whilst on the premises.
Items sent into school
When sending objects into school with your children please think carefully about any potential or perceived dangers that could arise, including through breakage. In case of doubt, please contact the school office for advice.