Regular school attendance is central to raising standards in education and ensuring all pupils fulfil their potential Missing out on lessons leaves children vulnerable to falling behind. Children with poor attendance tend to achieve less in both primary and secondary school.
Reporting Absences
School is required to record all occasions of absence and the reasons for them, so as to distinguish between authorised and unauthorised absences. Please let us know the reason for your child’s absence as soon as possible on the first day of absence by telephone or email. If the absence is because of illness it would be useful for us to be informed about the nature of the illness, and when this can be predicted, the date that your child is expected to return to school. Some children walk to school by themselves. If something should happen to a child on his or her way to school e.g. accident, abduction, their parents would have no way of knowing that their child had not actually arrived at school. They might only discover this when their child was due home after school. You can help us by contacting us, before 9.00 a.m. if possible, on the first morning of your child’s absence. If we do not hear from you by 9.15 a.m. and your child has not arrived at school we shall make every effort to contact you firstly on your home telephone number and secondly on your emergency contact telephone number. If this system is to work it is vitally important your emergency arrangements are in place and up to date and that we always have your current home and emergency telephone numbers. Please telephone or write in advance, if you arrange for a person, who does not have parental responsibility, to collect your child.
Absence from school during term time will only be authorised in very limited circumstances. A form, obtainable from the school office, must be completed requesting authorisation, at least 14 days before the proposed date of absence.