A boy making music on an iPad
A bot works on a laptop

This Policy has been written to reflect current legislation and other school policies:

  • Child Protection Policy 2020
  • Information Security Policy 2019
  • Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Policy 2020
  • Behaviour Policy 2020
  • Accessibility Plan 2018
  • Learning and Teaching Policy
  • Online Safety Policy  2019
  • Health and Safety Policy 2020
  • Attendance Policy 2018
  • Staff Code of Conduct 2020


1. Legal framework ………………………………….............................................

2. Roles and responsibilities…………………………………………………………………..

3. Resources…………………………………………………………………………………………

4. Online safety……………………………………………………………………………………

5. Safeguarding …………………………………………………………………………………..

6. Data protection…………………………………………………………………………………

7. Engagement, Marking and feedback ……………………………………………………

8. Health and safety ……………………………………………………………………………

9. School day ………………………………………………………………………………………

10. Communication……………………………………………………………………………….

11. Monitoring and review……………………………………………………………………..

Statement of intent 

At Embsay School we understand the need to continually deliver high quality education, including during periods of remote working – whether for an individual pupil or many. We recognise the importance of maintaining high expectations in all areas of school life and ensuring that all pupils have access to the learning resources and support they need to succeed.

This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to pupils and parents / carers about what to expect from remote education if local restrictions require entire cohorts (or bubbles) to remain at home.

This policy aims to:

  • Minimise the disruption to pupils’ education and the delivery of the curriculum.
  • Ensure provision is in place so that all pupils have access to high quality learning resources.
  • Protect pupils from the risks associated with using devices connected to the internet.
  • Ensure staff, parents / carers, and pupil data remains secure and is not lost or misused.
  • Ensure robust safeguarding measures continue to be in effect during the period of remote learning.
  • Ensure all pupils have the provision they need to complete their work to the best of their ability, and to remain happy, healthy, and supported during periods of remote learning.

1. Legal framework

1.1. This policy has due regard to all relevant legislation and statutory guidance including, but not limited to, the following: 

  • The Coronavirus Act 2020 Provision of Remote Education (England) Temporary Continuity Direction
  • Equality Act 2010: advice for schools DfE Feb 2013
  • Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014
  • Education Act 2002
  • The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
  • The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013
  • Data Protection Act 2018 
  • DfE 2020 Keeping children safe in education
  • DfE 2016 ‘Children missing education’

This policy has due regard to national guidance including, but not limited to, the following:


  • Get laptops and tablets for children who cannot attend school due to coronavirus (COVID-19)


2. Roles and responsibilities

2.1. The governing board is responsible for:

  • Ensuring that the school has robust risk management procedures in place.
  • Ensuring that the school has a business continuity plan in place, where required.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of the school’s remote learning arrangements.

2.2. The Headteacher is responsible for:

  • Ensuring that staff, parents / carers and pupils adhere to the relevant policies at all times.
  • Ensuring that there are arrangements in place for identifying, evaluating, and managing the risks associated with remote learning to ensure that pupils are accessing remote learning safely.
  • Ensuring that there are arrangements in place for monitoring incidents associated with remote learning.
  • Overseeing that the school has the resources necessary to action the procedures in this policy.
  • Reviewing the effectiveness of this policy on a regular basis and communicating any changes to staff, parents / carers, and pupils.
  • Arranging any additional training staff may require to support pupils during the period of remote learning.
  • Conducting reviews on a regular basis of the remote learning arrangements to ensure pupils’ education is of a good and consistent standard.
  • Communicating with parents / carers and pupils to ensure that they understand what is required of them whilst learning remotely.
  • Having due regard for the health and well-being of pupils, parents / carers and staff during remote learning periods.

2.3. The Head teacher is also responsible for:

  • Ensuring that the relevant health and safety risk assessments, and the monitoring of these, are carried out within the agreed timeframes, in collaboration with the governing body.
  • Putting procedures and safe systems of learning into practice, which are designed to eliminate or reduce the risks associated with remote learning.
  • Ensuring that pupils identified as being at risk are provided with necessary information and instruction, as required.
  • Managing the effectiveness of health and safety measures through a robust system of reporting, investigating, and recording incidents.
  • Being proactive in identifying potential risks caused by remote learning

2.4. The Head teacher is responsible for:

  • Overseeing that all school-owned electronic devices used for remote learning have adequate anti-virus software and malware protection.
  • Ensuring all staff, parents / carers, and pupils are aware of the data protection principles outlined in the GDPR.
  • Ensuring that all computer programs used for remote learning are compliant with the GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018.
  • Overseeing that any ICT equipment used for remote learning is resilient and can efficiently recover lost data.
  • Ensuring any data breaches are reported appropriately.

2.5. The Designated Safeguarding Lead is responsible for:

  • Attending and arranging, where necessary, any safeguarding meetings that occur during the remote learning period.
  • Liaising with Blue Box (IT support) to ensure that all technology used for remote learning is suitable for its purpose and will protect pupils online and that parents / carers are informed of steps that they can take to restrict such access when their children are accessing online remote learning on home devices.
  • Identifying vulnerable pupils who may be at risk if they are learning remotely.
  • Ensuring that child protection plans are enforced while the pupil is learning remotely, and liaising with the Headteacher and other organisations to make alternate arrangements for pupils who are at a high risk, where required.
  • Identifying the level of support or intervention required while pupils learn remotely and ensuring appropriate measures are in place and monitor that this support or intervention is carried out
  • Liaising with relevant individuals to ensure vulnerable pupils receive the support required during the period of remote working
  • Ensuring all safeguarding incidents are adequately recorded and reported in line with the school’s safeguarding policy.

2.6. The Special Education Needs Coordinator is responsible for:

  • Ensuring that the technology used for remote learning is accessible to all pupils and that reasonable adjustments are made where required.
  • Ensuring that pupils with Education Health Care Plans continue to have their needs met while learning remotely, and liaising with other organisations to make any alternate arrangements for pupils with Educational Healthcare plans and Individual Health Plans
  • Identifying the level of support or intervention that is required while pupils with SEND learn remotely.
  • Schools will ensure that the pupil is able to continue working towards the objectives within the EHCP
  • Ensuring that the provision put in place for pupils with SEND is monitored for effectiveness throughout the duration of the remote learning period & adapted accordingly

2.7. The Office Administrator is responsible for:

  • Arranging the procurement of any equipment or technology required for staff to teach remotely and for pupils to learn from home.
  • Ensuring value for money when arranging the procurement of equipment or technology.
  • Ensuring that the school has adequate insurance to cover all remote working arrangements.

2.8. Staff members are responsible for:

  • Adhering to this policy at all times during periods of remote learning.
  • Reporting any health and safety incidents to the Head teacher and asking for guidance as appropriate.
  • Reporting any safeguarding incidents to the DSL and asking for guidance as appropriate.
  • Taking part in any training conducted to meet the requirements of this policy, including training on how to use the necessary electronic equipment (provided by the school) and software.
  • Reporting any dangers or potential dangers, they identify, as well as any concerns they may have about remote learning, to the Headteacher.
  • Reporting any defects on school-owned equipment used for remote learning to the Head teacher.
  • Adhering to the Staff Code of Conduct at all times.
  • Providing high quality remote learning for the pupils for whom they are responsible.

2.9. Parents / carers are responsible for:

  • Adhering to this policy at all times during periods of remote learning.
  • Supporting their child when learning remotely, within the limitations of their family circumstances
  • Reporting any technical issues to the school as soon as possible.
  • Ensuring that their child has access to remote learning material.
  • Ensuring their child uses the equipment and technology used for remote learning as intended.
  • Engaging with school as appropriate throughout any periods of remote learning.

2.10. Pupils are responsible for:

  • Adhering to this policy at all times during periods of remote learning.
  • Endeavouring to be available to learn remotely and that their schoolwork is completed to the best of their ability within the limitations of their family circumstances.
  • Reporting any technical issues to a responsible adult.
  • Ensuring they have access to remote learning material and notifying a responsible adult if they do not have access.
  • Notifying a responsible adult if they are feeling unwell or are unable to complete the schoolwork they have been set.
  • Ensuring they use any equipment and technology for remote learning as intended.
  • Reporting any safeguarding concerns they have to a responsible adult.
  • Adhering to the Behaviour Policy at all times.

3. Resources

Learning materials

3.1. For the purpose of providing remote learning, the school may make use of:

  • live teaching (online lessons) via Zoom
  • recorded teaching (e.g. White Rose maths, Oak National Academy lessons, video/audio recordings made by teachers, BBC materials)
  • on line packs produced by teachers (e.g. workbooks, worksheets)
  • textbooks pupils have at home
  • commercially available websites supporting the teaching of specific subjects or areas, including video clips or sequences
  • long-term project work and/or internet research activities (as per the schools full opening guidance, schools full opening guidance, schools are expected to avoid an over-reliance on these approaches)

3.2. Where pupils do not have access to suitable devices parents are asked to contact the school to discuss whether a suitable device can be loaned to the child.

3.3. Reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure that all pupils have access to the resources needed for effective remote learning.

3.4. Lesson plans will be adapted to ensure that the curriculum remains fully accessible via remote learning, where practical – where this is not practical, the school will ensure pupils can catch up on these areas of the curriculum when they return to school.

3.5. Teaching staff will liaise with the SENCo and other relevant members of staff to ensure all pupils remain fully supported for the duration of the remote learning period.

3.6. Any defects or issues with remote learning resources will be reported as soon as possible to the relevant member of staff.

3.7. Pupils will be required to use their own or family-owned equipment to access remote learning resources, unless the school agrees to provide or loan equipment, e.g. laptops.

3.8. Pupils and parents / carers will be required to maintain the upkeep of any equipment they use to access remote learning resources.

3.9. Teaching staff will oversee academic progression for the duration of the remote learning period and will provide feedback on work in line with section 7 of this policy.

3.10. The arrangements for any ‘live’ sessions, e.g. Zoom sessions, will be communicated via ParentPay.

3.11. The School is not responsible for providing technical support for equipment that is not owned by the school.

Costs and expenses

3.12. The school will not contribute to any household expenses incurred while pupils learn remotely, e.g. heating, lighting, or council tax.

3.13. The school will provide guidance and support with gaining free additional data 

3.14. The school will not reimburse any costs for travel between pupils’ homes and the school premises.

3.15. The school will not reimburse any costs for childcare.

3.16. If a pupil is provided with school-owned equipment, the pupil and their parent / carer will sign and adhere to the school’s Device Loan Agreement prior to commencing remote learning.

4. Online safety

This section of the policy can be read in conjunction with the school’s Online Safety Policy & Addendum to Child Protection Policy COVID-19 school closure arrangement for Safeguarding and Child Protection

 4.1. Below are some key aspects to consider when delivering virtual lessons, especially where webcams are involved:  

  • Staff and children must wear suitable clothing, as should anyone else in the household.
  • Any computers used should be in appropriate areas.
  • The live sessions will be recorded so that if any issues were to arise, the video can be reviewed.
  • Language must be professional and appropriate, including any family members in the background.
  • Staff must only use platforms specified by senior managers and approved by our IT network manager / provider to communicate with pupils
  • Staff should record, the length, time, date and attendance of any sessions held.
  • Staff should ensure they can be seen on the camera at all times, pupils should do so unless there is an acceptable reason otherwise
  • Use appropriate language – this includes others in their household.
  • Maintain the standard of behaviour expected in school.
  • Use the necessary equipment and computer programs as intended.
  • Not record, store, or distribute video material without permission.
  • Ensure they have a stable connection to avoid disruption to lessons.
  • Always remain aware that they are visible.

4.2. The school will risk assess the technology used for remote learning prior to use and ensure that there are no privacy issues or scope for inappropriate use.

4.3. The school will ensure that all school-owned equipment and technology used for remote learning has suitable anti-virus software installed, can establish secure connections, can recover lost work, and allows for audio and visual material to be recorded or downloaded, where required.

4.4. The school will communicate to parents /carers via letter about any precautionary measures that need to be put in place if their child is learning remotely using their own/family-owned equipment and technology, e.g. ensuring that their internet connection is secure.

5. Safeguarding

5.1. This section of the policy should be read in conjunction with the school’s Child Protection Policy & Addendum to Child Protection Policy COVID-19 school closure arrangement for Safeguarding and Child Protection which has been updated to include safeguarding procedures in relation to remote working. 

5.2. The DSL/Headteacher will identify ‘vulnerable’ pupils (pupils who are deemed vulnerable or are at risk of harm) via risk assessment prior to the period of remote learning.

5.3. The DSL will keep in contact with vulnerable pupils’ social workers or other care professionals during the period of remote working, as required. Where the DSL has identified a child to be on the edge of social care support, or who would normally receive pastoral-type support in school, they should ensure that a robust communication plan is in place for that child or young person.

Details of this plan must be recorded, as should a record of contact have made.

The communication plans can include - remote contact, phone contact, door-step visits. Other individualised contact methods should be considered and recorded.

Embsay School and the DSL will work closely with all stakeholders to maximise the effectiveness of any communication plan.

5.4. All home visits must:

  • Have at least one suitably trained individual present.
  • Be undertaken by no fewer than two members of staff.
  •  Be suitably recorded on paper and the records stored so that the DSL has access to them.
  •  Actively involve the pupil. See Addendum to Child Protection Policy COVID-19 school closure arrangement for Safeguarding and Child Protection

5.5. Vulnerable pupils will be provided with a means of contacting the DSL, their deputy, or any other relevant member of staff – this arrangement will be set up by the DSL prior to the period of remote learning.

5.6. The DSL will meet (in person or remotely) with the relevant members of staff to discuss new and current safeguarding arrangements for vulnerable pupils learning remotely.

5.7. All members of staff will report any safeguarding concerns to the DSL immediately.

6. Data protection

6.1. This section of the policy will be in connection with the school’s Information Security Policy.

6.2. Staff members will be responsible for adhering to the GDPR when teaching remotely and will ensure the confidentiality and integrity of their devices at all times.

6.3. Sensitive data will only be transferred between devices if it is necessary to do so for the purpose of remote learning and teaching.

6.4. Any data that is transferred between devices will be suitably encrypted or have other data protection measures in place so that if the data is lost, stolen, or subject to unauthorised access, it remains safe until recovered.

6.5. Parents’/ carers and pupils’ up-to-date contact details will be collected prior to the period of remote learning.

6.6. All contact details will be stored in line with the Information Security Policy and retained in line with the Records Management Policy.

6.7. The school will not permit paper copies of contact details to be taken off the school premises.

6.8. Pupils are not permitted to let their family members or friends use any school owned equipment, which contains personal data.

6.9. Any breach of confidentiality will be dealt with in accordance with the school’s Information Security Policy.

6.10. Any intentional breach of confidentiality will be dealt with in accordance with the school’s Behaviour for Learning Policy or the Disciplinary Policy and Procedure.

7. Engagement, marking and feedback

    1. The school recognises that each family has its own individual circumstances which will affect their ability to provide support to their child. Parents are asked facilitate their child’s access to the home learning as much as possible and contact the school if they are finding this difficult for whatever reason.
    1. Teachers will be monitoring children’s participation in zoom sessions, contributions to Seesaw/Tapestry, My Maths, Sumdog and Spelling frame activities. Where engagement seems to be an issue, an appropriate adult from the school team will contact parents by telephone to discuss the situation and offer further support.
    1. Some feedback will be provided on an individual basis via Seesaw/Tapestry; some feedback will be provided generally during zoom sessions. Teachers will also be monitoring use of MyMaths, SumDog and Spelling Frame. Answers are provided for some work set, to be used by parent or child as appropriate

7.4. The school expects pupils and staff to maintain a good work ethic and a high quality of work during the period of remote learning.

7.5. Pupils are accountable for the completion of their own schoolwork – teaching staff will contact parents / carers via email or Seesaw if their child is not completing their schoolwork or their standard of work has noticeably decreased.

8. Health and safety

8.1. This section of the policy will be read in conjunction with the school’s Health and Safety Policy.

8.2. Teaching staff will ensure pupils are shown how to use the necessary equipment and technology safely and correctly prior to the period of remote learning.

8.3. If using electronic devices during remote learning, pupils will be encouraged to take a screen break at least every hour. 

8.4. Screen break frequency will be adjusted to five minutes every hour for younger pupils or pupils with medical conditions who require more frequent screen breaks.

9. School day 

9.1. Pupils will carry out remote learning throughout the course of the day at their discretion. 

9.2. Pupils with SEND or additional medical conditions who require more regular breaks, e.g. sensory breaks, are not expected to do schoolwork during their breaks.

9.3. Pupils who are unwell are not expected to complete remote learning until they are well enough to do so.

The Government has outlined the minimum expectation for remote learning as follows:

Key Stage 1: 3 hours a day on average across the cohort, with less for younger children

Key Stage 2: 4 hours a day 

10. Communication

10.1. The school will ensure adequate channels of communication are arranged in the event of an emergency.

10.2. The school will communicate with parents / carers via letter, ParentPay and the school website about remote learning arrangements as soon as possible.

10.3. The Headteacher will communicate with staff as soon as possible via email about any remote learning arrangements.

10.4. Members of staff involved in remote teaching will ensure they have a working mobile device that is available to take phone calls from school during their agreed working hours.

10.5. The school understands that pupils learning remotely have the right to privacy out-of-hours and should be able to separate their school and home lives. Members of staff are not expected to respond to communications outside school hours.

10.6. Members of staff will have regular contact with their line manager.

10.7. Parents / carers and pupils will inform the relevant member of staff as soon as possible if they are struggling to complete home learning.

10.8. Issues with remote learning or data protection will be communicated to the school as soon as possible so they can investigate and resolve the issue.

10.9. The pupils’ teacher will keep parents / carers and pupils informed of any changes to the remote learning arrangements or the schoolwork set.

10.10. The Headteacher will regularly review the effectiveness of communication and ensure measures are put in place to address gaps or weaknesses in communication.

11. Monitoring and review

11.1. This policy will be reviewed on a regular basis by the Headteacher and approved by the governing body

11.2. Any changes to this policy will be communicated to all members of staff and other stakeholders.

11.3. The policy was written on 27.01.2021 following the Guidance from Department of Education at that time. If the Guidance changes, the current guidance will take precedence in the event of a conflict with this policy, and if that is the only amendment following review it will not require approval from GB.

11.4. The next scheduled review date for this policy is 20.05.2021.

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