The compulsory time we are open for is 32.5 hours a weeks including breaks for children.
School begins at 8.45am at 3.20pm. Lessons start promptly at 9am. Lunch for KS1 children is at 12 noon and KS2 at 12.10pm . The children have a morning break time session from 10.30am to 10.50am and there is a further short break in the afternoon from 2.10pm to 2.20pm. The school gate is opened at 8.45 am and children come into the classroom between then and 9.00am when registers are taken. It is important that you encourage your child to come into the cloakroom by themselves, as one of our aims is to help the children to become more independent. There is always someone there to assist them should they need help.
At the end of the day, children from Reception to Year 4 will be handed to their parents/carers. The older year 5 and 6 children may leave the classroom independently with permission. Children must return to their teacher or any member of staff if their responsible adult is not waiting for them in the playground. A member of staff will be on duty in the school playground to ensure that all children are collected. Older children will only be allowed to walk home alone with written permission from their parents.
Information is collected at the beginning of the Autumn term to provide school with details of regular adults who collect your child and whether they have permission to leave school unaccompanied. If a child is to be collected by anybody else, please let the office know. This includes occasions when a child is being collected by Embsay Children’s Centre or Embsay with Eastby Playgroup.
If a taxi is collecting your child, the school needs to be informed in writing and the taxi driver will need to collect the child from the main office.
In the interests of security, all external doors are closed at 9.05 am and 1.05 pm whilst the school is in session. All visitors must report to the school office to sign in. Any adults of children entering the school premises after the end of the school day will need to do so via the school office and will need to sign in so that we have a record of who is in school for fire and safeguarding purposes.