Key person responsible - A Williams |
Intent By the time students leave Embsay Primary School, they will have experienced a broad Physical Education curriculum creating Physically Literate children. Students will have the skills, knowledge and understanding to continue and succeed in PE, sport and Physical activity at Secondary School and have the knowledge to lead healthy active lifestyles. To become physically literate students at Embsay School will experience a balanced and broad curriculum. Students from EYFS and Key stage 1 will develop competence in skills such as running, jumping, throwing and catching, swimming, dance and gymnastics through specific and thorough teaching. These skills provide the key building blocks to progress into Key Stage 2 and apply the skills into practice and within a competitive environment. Students in KS2 will experience a range of different Physical actives including Games (invasion, net/wall and bat/ball), athletics, gymnastics, dance, swimming and OAA. There will be an emphasis on fun and engagement with lessons being inclusive of all abilities. We want our children to work collaboratively as they explore new activities and enjoy being active in school and out. Children have the opportunity to be creative and build on specific teaching with their own ideas and interests. As they move through school, children are able to view their PE sessions as a time to practise and master skills, learn from their mistakes and embrace opportunities to challenge themselves further. They view this with pleasure and enjoy the freedom, both physically and mentally, that can come with using their body and mind in a different way. Children are given opportunities to understand that although they may find some aspects of PE challenging, there is a place for everyone to feel confident and find an area in which they excel. Working collaboratively alongside their peers is a key focus within PE sessions, through sharing ideas, demonstrating teamwork, being supportive of their peers and beginning to look at tactics within team games. There are regular planned opportunities each term for inter-school sport competitions and festivals, allowing children to access sport facilities at different venues outside of their immediate locality. To broaden the curriculum students will have access to a range of different extra curricular clubs run at school for both KS1 and KS2. |
Key points teaching: Children receive 2 hours of PE each week The school uses Kanga Sports to deliver about 50% of PE curriculum, with class teachers delivering the remainder. All PE in Y6 and Y4 is delivered by Kanga, all PE in Y3 is delivered by class teachers. Teachers and Kanga use the Progression of Skills document to focus their teaching. Assessment is carried out in relation to these. A wide range of sporting activities are taught including dance, gymnastics and outdoor adventurous activities Swimming is taught from Reception to Y5 in 6 weekly blocks per year (3 in Reception). Children who have not met the NC requirements by the end of Y5 are offered the opportunity to do a further block of 6 weeks in Y6. Arrangements are currently different due to COVID restrictions. |
Key points assessment:
Supporting documentation Action Plan Long term plan Progression of skills Assessment documentation |
Wider curriculum links Skipton Sports cluster – the school participates in most whole class activities arranged through this. Sports Grant is used to enhance PE provision and ensure a wide range of sports After school clubs are organised by school (paid for on a private basis). Several classes regularly complete a daily mile |