People's learning about anatomy
A girl holds up her and her question
Boy completes a worksheet

Key person responsible – K.Hayes

Curriculum Intent: 

At Embsay School,  Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education is at the core of what we do and it is our intention that our pupils become confident, healthy and responsible members of society, as well as developing the ‘whole child’ intellectually, morally, socially and spiritually.  It is an integral part of our school ethos and aim of ‘Life in all its fullness’. Through our whole school approach to PHSE, curriculum and environment it is our aim that pupils are able to explore thoughts, feelings, experiences and beliefs in a safe and secure learning environment. This is turn will develop well-rounded, confident and resilient young people reaching their full potential. 

We aim to provide:  

  • A culture of safety, success and achievement for all  
  • All children are supported to access the PSHE curriculum that is appropriate to their individual learning needs and abilities. 
  • Opportunities to express views and opinions in a positive way and develop emotional and social skills are key. 

The curriculum is taught within a safe and supportive learning environment where students can develop the confidence to ask questions, make contributions related to their own experiences. 

We aim to provide a PSHE and citizenship programme that is motivating and meaningful to children in their everyday lives 

The elements of our PSHE curriculum are carefully considered to provide children with the knowledge and skills they need to keep themselves safe, both on and off line. 

Through PSHE our children: 

  • Develop self-esteem, self-confidence, emotional well-being and resilience. 
  • Develop positive relationships based on respect for themselves and others. 
  • Recognise emotions and have the skills to manage these. 
  • Develop effective communication skills 
  • Develop  a set of  personal values and attitudes 
  • Take responsibility for their actions and the consequences of their actions 
  • Make informed choices regarding personal and social issues. 
  • Learn to keep themselves and others safe 
  • Develop positive attitudes to health 
  • Learn to respect the differences between people 
  • Develop their independence skills, preparing themselves for adult life. 
  • Become responsible and caring citizens. 
  • Are part of a school community in which everybody’s contribution is valued 

Key points -  teaching & planning: 

  • North Yorkshire’s Curriculum Entitlement Framework is used as a basis for planning, but is adapted and added to, to meet the needs of the cohort and to take into account the school context 
  • All staff have electronic access to North Yorkshire’s Entitlement Framework  
  • PSHE is taught by the class teacher. 
  • PSHE is taught through discrete timetabled sessions each week and is complimented by collective worship themes and weeks, and visiting professionals, PSHE is also taught through other curriculum areas such as RE, History, Geography, Computing, Science and PE.  
  • Within our teaching, children’s attention is specifically drawn to the legal concepts that link with aspects of PSHE 

Key points - assessment: 

Assessment sheets are completed for each unit showing class competency and children exceeding or below expectations  

Linked Policies: 

RSE Policy 

Child Protection Policy 

Behaviour Policy 

Anti-bullying policy 

SEND Policy 

Single Equality Scheme 

Online Safety Policy 

Substance Misuse Policy