Pupils conducting a scientific experiment


Key person responsible - Kirsty Crompton 


At Embsay C of E (VC) Primary School, we recognise the importance of science in everyday life and as a core National Curriculum subject, we give the teaching and learning of Science the prominence it requires.  

We believe that every child should learn about science in a way that values and encourages their natural curiosity, enthusiasm and interest. They will be encouraged to ask and answer questions, explore and make connections in order to extend their scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Through the 5 different types of scientific enquiries, the children will develop the essential scientific enquiry skills as well as deepen their knowledge and understanding, helping them to learn more about the world around them and how it works. Active learning is used throughout the school, utilising both the indoor and outdoor environments. We also believe it is important that the children are able to see the relevance of science in their own lives, the modern world around them and imagine future science related careers. 

Our Science Principles: 

At Embsay, great Science means: 

• Valuing and encouraging children’s curiosity, enthusiasm and interest 

• Working well together – collaborating on practical tasks 

• Asking and answering questions, making connections and wanting to find out more, thus extending knowledge and understanding 

• Active learning using good quality resources and both the indoor and outdoor environments 

• Regular opportunities for enrichment including events, workshops, trips, visitors to school and homework projects 

• Teachers who provide interesting and inspiring activities, work alongside children to support their learning and use a range of assessment strategies to inform their next steps 

• Children confidently using accurate scientific vocabulary in context and applying science skills within their practical work 

• Raising awareness of the use of Science in the modern world and the possibility of Science being a part of future careers 

Key points teaching: 

  • NYCC Teaching and Assessment Scheme of Learning (NYSSoL) used as a starting point for planning and assessment; adapted and supplemented to suit needs and interest of children; EMBSAY version of planning includes Embsay Science Principles 

  • Year group topics taught are those set out in National Curriculum Programmes of study with the addition of Electricity being taught in Year 1 – see Science Long Term Plan 

  • Skills Progression for all science topics and working scientifically show coverage, prior learning and scientific vocabulary to be used for topic 

  • Working scientifically is taught through, and clearly related to, the science topic being taught 

  • The 5 types of scientific enquiry are taught in all year groups over the course of the year and are matched to complement the topic been taught 

  1. Observing changes over time  

  1. Noticing patterns   

  1. Grouping and classifying things (noticing similarities and differences)   

  1. Comparative and fair testing  

  1. Finding things out using secondary sources of information (researching) 

  • Science is taught in weekly discrete lessons equivalent to 1 hour (KS1) and 2 hours (KS2) per week 

  • KS2 use science books (Big Books being trialled in Y3and Y5 alongside science book) for their work and evidence 

  • KS1 use Big Books for their work and evidence  

Key points assessment: 

  • Individual NYCC Pupil Progress Record used to record both working scientifically and scientific knowledge and understanding – Y1 to Y6 – paper copy 

  • Assessments carried out at the end of a topic for scientific knowledge and understanding and ongoing for working scientifically 

  • This cumulative record is handed on to next teacher 

  • Statutory assessment at the end of both KS1 and KS2 

Supporting documentation (all on SharePoint): 

  • NYCC Teaching and Assessment Scheme of Learning (NYSSoL) 

  • EMBSAY versions of NYCC Teaching and Assessment Scheme of Learning 

  • Assessment: 

  1. K&U KS1 Pupil Progress Record 

  1. K&U KS2 Pupil Progress Record p1 

  1. K&U KS2 Pupil Progress Record p2 

  1. Working Scientifically Pupil Progress Record 

  • Science Learning in EYFS 

  • Skills Progression for all science topics and working scientifically 

  • Science Long Term Plan 

Wider curriculum links: 

  • Visitors and Visits 

  • Homework projects 

  • P4C discussions 

  • STEM week (to discuss with staff) 

  • Link with secondary schools: Skipton Academy, Skipton Girls’ and Ermysteds’