History Curriculum Overview
Subject Lead: T Hardman
Children should learn about history in a way that inspires their curiosity to find out more about the past. We will develop the skills that enable them to interpret events from a variety of different sources and to use historical language correctly and confidently. Links between events and time periods will be created, and historical pathways and networks will develop and evolve as they move through the key stages. Through wider curriculum links and enrichment activities, even the earliest events in history will be brought to life for them. They will appreciate the rich diversity of the world, Britain and our locality and the people within. By the end of KS2 we aim for our children to be both interested in, and to be able to interpret historical information about the past with confidence and to have a strong sense of identify and belonging within the world we live in.
Embsay’s History curriculum begins in EYFS with their understanding of the world and investigating the concepts of past and present. It is designed with components which run throughout and are built on in each year group: chronology, continuity and change, similarity and difference, cause and consequence and significance of events in history.
Topics are taught in chronological order as far as is possible in order to develop a sense of chronology and to understand how human development has progressed. Learning builds on prior knowledge to support children in making links within and across the periods that they study while developing a secure chronological understanding. Teachers revisit previous learning with children in order to make links and improve recall in order that children commit their knowledge to their long-term memory.
The impact of the Embsay History curriculum will be:
Children will be increasingly aware of how historical events and people have shaped the world that they live in today.
Children will become increasingly analytical with their thinking, making informed and balanced judgements based on their knowledge of the past.
Children will have a better understanding of History on a local level.
Children will have an increased appreciation for the diversity of the world that we live in.
Children will have a secure understanding of the key components of the History curriculum.
Children will retain prior learning and make connections between prior learning and current learning.
Wider curriculum links and enrichment activities
- Visitors
- Theme Days (e.g. Romans/Anglo Saxons)
- Parent topic celebration days.
- Half termly research projects (KS2)
- Museum loan boxes.
- Out of school visits (War Memorial, Eden Camp, Liverpool Trip, Craven Museum)