Colourful wall display
St Mary the Virgin Church. Exterior photo

As a distinctive Church school, we ensure that our Christian Values are the heart-beat of everything we do. Through the teaching of Jesus, we seek to live out our vision and ethos:


We work together to nurture an inclusive family of hard-working, respectful individuals who have a lifelong love of learning.

 “Life in all its fullness” (John 10:10)


Our aim is to ensure that all our children are happy, fulfilled and challenged in a rich learning environment which aims to cater for their individual needs and develops a love for learning. Our priority is to establish a secure and relaxed atmosphere where:

  • Children feel they can question, identify difficulties and overcome them without fear.
  • Realistic goals are set for children’s intellectual, physical, social and emotional development and where they are encouraged to set similar realistic goals for themselves.
  • Children’s own self image is openly and positively valued by peers and adults.
  • Children can understand and plan for the fact that their chosen actions have consequences both beneficial and prejudicial.