

Key Person Responsible - Georgina Hodgson


Through the teaching of Music at Embsay C of E School, we want our all of our children: 

  • to develop their musical creativity through practical and exploratory opportunities 

  • to develop as performers, composers, improvisers, singers and song makers and listeners 

  • to develop their knowledge of Music, including: 

  • an increasing understanding of the history of music 

  • learning about the different styles, genres and traditions in    


  •      the works of the great Composers and Musicians 

  • to have the opportunity to learn to play a Musical Instrument (through the Wider Opportunities Scheme in Years 5 and 6) 

  • to develop a love of Music, becoming musicians and performers who are able to share and present their skills to each other, the school community and parents / carers 

Key Points Teaching: 

  • The Music Long Term Plan is to be used as a basis for Planning. This is a balanced curriculum which is sequenced appropriately and enables the staff to build upon, and develop, the children’s knowledge and skills. We use Sing Up scheme of learning to support our Music teaching 

  • Music will be taught on a regular basis throughout school 

  • Children will have the opportunity in Years 5 and 6 to learn a Brass Instrument (through the Wider Opportunities Scheme) 

  • Children in each Year Group have the opportunity to perform in front of their peers, the wider school community and parents / carers in a Concert, (eg, Nativity, Christmas Carol and Christingle Services, Year 3 and 4 Concert, Year 5 and 6 Production) 

Key Points Assessment: 

  • Assessment to be carried out at the end of a Unit using Music Assessment Sheets against ‘Emerging’, ‘Meeting’ and ‘Exceeding’ Expectation Statements 

Supporting Documentation 

  • National Curriculum Documentation 

  • Music Long Term Plan and Individual Year Group Plans and Resources 

  • Assessment 

  • – links to free resources 

  • Sing Up 

Wider Curriculum Links 

  • ‘Young Voices’ rehearsals and concert 
  • Trip to Skipton Music Festival 
  • Pantomine visit 
  • Accordian concerts
  • Peripetetic Music lessons
  • Rocksteady Music School visit