At Embsay C of E (VC) Primary School, we value and are dedicated to the teaching of Art and Design as we believe that it is vital for all our pupils to develop creative lifelong skills to help them understand the world around them. We are committed to providing an ‘Art and Design Rich Curriculum’ to encourage creativity, inspire, solve problems and, as they progress, develop critical thinking skills.
We see Art and Design as a means of supporting learning in a range of ways and the skills developed in these subjects can be transferred across the wider curriculum.
We believe by developing this, we can contribute to the quality of our pupil’s lives, both within and beyond school by gaining the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design.
Child friendly version - Children should learn about Art and Design in a way that allows them to explore their creativity and develop practical lifelong skills of being able to experiment, invent, solve problems and create their own works of art, craft and design which will help them to understand the world around them.
Key points teaching:
-Art is taught from Reception to Year 6 by a specialist Art teacher as set out in the Art and DT Long Term Plan.
-The aims of our curriculum for Art and Design are taken from the National Curriculum and the work in EYFS lays strong foundations for this-
- produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences.
- become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques.
- evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design.
- know about great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms.
-Art Progression of skills document shows the knowledge and skills at each age phase including formal elements of line, tone, texture, shape, pattern, colour and composition.
-Art at Embsay is inclusive and provides a creative challenge and opportunity for all pupils to enjoy.
- Focus on pupils analysing and evaluating their own work, the work of their peers and that of artists, craftspeople and designers.
-Teaching and Learning in Art is shown in displays around school and photographs of pupil’s work in sketchbooks and on Sharepoint. Sketchbooks for Art start in Year 1.
- Art specific vocabulary is being taught within lessons.
-A creative curriculum ensures strong links between different subjects e.g. English, Science, RE, Geography and History.
-The importance of links with St Mary’s church and our local community such as the Environmental group and Fairtrade group are also in place to help children learn about their local area.
Key points assessment
- Evaluation and reflection by children and peers at the end of each topic written in sketchbooks or verbal.
- Assessment to be carried out half termly using photographs of pupil’s work and on Art assessment sheets (in file).
- Assessment Year on Year using photographs of pupil’s work to ensure progression of skills. Whole school art e.g. portraits also show this.
- Art sketchbooks move with the children to allow visual progression of skills for pupils and are looked back and enjoyed by children.
- Assessment results to be saved on server with children who have met/ exceed or emerging identified.
Supporting documentation
- Art Action Plan 2024-2025
- Art and DT Long Term Plan 2024 -2025
- Art Progression of Skills Document
- Art and DT Assessment File 2024 -2025
- Art Subject on a Page 2024-2025
- Art and DT Curriculum areas 2024-2025
Wider curriculum links
- Stained Glass Window Art Project (2019) with St Mary’s Church whole school and community involved.
- PTA Tea towel portraits (2019) drawn by each child in school.
- Whole school portraits (2019) of pupils, teachers and governors for school website
- Art extra-curricular club once a week with an established artist (2019).
- Knitting club (2019).
- SIAMS Stained Glass Window Project Spring at front of school (2021)
- Cookery Club and Craft Club (2022/2023)
- Christmas card competitions.
- Environmental and Creation Art Project linked with village and St Mary’s Church (2023)
- Painted Easter Bunny for Easter Trail in Skipton (2024)
- Palm Sunday Banner for St Mary’s Church (2024)
- Art and Craft Club (2024)
- Environmental Art Project theme our village(s) and the environment (2024)
- Fairtrade Art Project and Competition 3 winners (2024)