Treason! & Crime and Punishment 


Teaching will also include recapping on Year 5 objectives where appropriate. 

We will be studying Macbeth this half term, investigating the themes, characters and Shakespeare’s use of language. The children will take part in a range of drama activities to further understand the plot and style of Macbeth, to better understand how plays were performed during Shakespeare’s time. The children will create their own Macbeth inspired play script, as well as other writing: character description, instructions, letter in character, balanced argument.  

We will then turn our focus on Alfred Noyes’, ‘The Highwayman’. The children will look at the themes, use of language and structural devices in the poem and how the key ideas can be conveyed through prose descriptions and perspective-based narrative. Emphasis will be placed on comprehension of the text – reading the poem as a reader, then reading as a writer, before building toolkits of tiered vocabulary and devices to support us in the writing process.  

Grammar and punctuation: Place Value of Punctuation and Grammar unit covering nouns, verbs, subject and verbs, followed by teaching and revision of modal verbs, clauses (relative, subordinate and main), commas, parentheses, adverbs and the perfect verb form. Bullet points for lists, semi-colons/colons. 

Spelling: words using -ei, -ible/-ibly, -able/-ably, adding suffixes beginning with vowel letters to words ending in –fer, homophones, proofreading and individual KS2 Statutory Spellings 


Teaching will also include recapping on Year 5 objectives where appropriate. 

  • Numbers to 10,000,000 – including comparing, ordering and rounding. 
  • Powers of 10  
  • Negative numbers 
  • Add and subtract integers 
  • Common factors and multiples  
  • Rules of divisibility 
  • Primes to 100 
  • Square and cube numbers 
  • Multiply up to a 4-digit number by a 2-digit number 
  • Solve problems with multiplication 
  • Short division 
  • Division using factors  
  • Introduction to long division  
  • Long division with remainders 
  • Solve problems with division 
  • Solve multi-step problems  
  • Order of operations 
  • Mental calculations and estimation 

Where necessary, some areas of learning will be carried over to the next half term for further consolidation.  



This half term, year 6 will investigate light. They will learn to recognise that light travels in straight lines and through exploration of the parts of an eye, understand how we use light to enable us to see. They will use their understanding of light to explain why shadows have the same shape as the objects that cause them and be able to explain the differences between a silhouette and a shadow for instance. 



The children will start by building on their knowledge of the water cycle before investigating the features of river systems, such as the source, meanders and floodplains. Then they will move onto look how humans use rivers and issues around flooding. 


Communication and collaboration 

Online Safety 

The children will be identifying and exploring how data is transferred and information is shared online. In this unit the children will explore how data is transferred over the internet using ‘addressing’ and ‘data packets’. They will then look at how the internet facilitates online communication and collaboration; completing shared projects online and evaluating different methods of communication. Finally, they will learn how to communicate responsibly by considering what should and should not be shared on the internet.  

The children will also be learning about Online Safety and the importance of ‘Online Reputation’ using ‘Project Evolve’.  

Art & DT 

The children will be studying the aerial river paintings of the artist Wayne Thiebaud and then creating their own painting of the River Wharfe. 

Looking at Shakespeare, the children will explore facial expressions in paintings and sculpture. They will create their own mask based on their English work on Macbeth. 


This term, French lessons will see the children learning about the life in a French classroom. They will be learning vocabulary for everyday items and objects they’d expect to find in their own classroom, including stationery found with their pencil cases - ‘Ma Trousse!’ Learning will include speaking, listening and writing, as well learning key vocabulary through the use of song. 


In music this year, the children will continue to learn to play either the trumpet or trombone, following on from their learning when they were in Year 5. This is taught by a peripatetic teacher from North Yorkshire’s Wider Opportunities. 


In PE, the children will be taking part in Cross Country Running and Invasion Games, e.g. hockey. PE will be taught on both Tuesday and Friday afternoons this term – children need to come to school in their PE kit on those days.  


In RE, the children will be looking at what religions say when life gets hard. The children will consider why there is suffering and what different religions teach to help when times are tough. 


British Values & Becoming and active citizen 

This term the focus in PSHE will be on British Values and how we can become ‘active citizens’. The children will discuss what it means to them to be British. They will also learn about the different responsibilities of local and nationally elected representatives; they will discuss the arguments for and against lowering the voting age to 16; and investigate what issues matter to them locally. We will also explore Human Rights and the UN Declaration of the Rights of the Child. Through this, we will look at school policies and how they apply to the children, what impact they have upon them, and the school community.