Galapagos Mapping y6
Galapagos Mapping y6
Galapagos Mapping y6
Galapagos Mapping y6
Galapagos Mapping y6

As part of our Science and English topics, the children have been learning about Charles Darwin and The Galapagos Islands - their home research projects were great! Thank you for your continued support with home learning tasks and projects, it is hugely appreciated.

To understand the Geography of The Galapagos - and how the inherent food and habitats available on each island have affected the adaptation and dispersal of finches - the children worked as one big team to map out the islands in the school playground using giant chalk. It was a little (very) cold that day however, so we couldn't spend quite as long outside as we had wanted to. Not to be put off, we still braved the cold, nominated a map reader and most likely produced the quickest 'rough' map ever seen! 

The North Yorkshire Galapagos were born... Then the rain came and sadly washed them away again! It still served the children well; they were able to transfer their knowledge to the classroom and predict the likely dispersal of finches according to beak type and food availability. Really great learning everyone! Well done!

Next week, we will be carrying out our practical 'Bird Beak' investigation to test our theories.