Blossom Branch
Blossom Branch
Blossom Branch
Blossom Branch
Blossom Branch

We created some beautiful Moyeefa Blossom pictures as part of our learning about Chinese New Year.

We used different shades of pink paint to decorate a paper with the silhouette of a branch on it. We created dots of paint (using a cotton bud) to represent the blossom on the branch.

We learned that, at Chinese New Year, people often decorate their homes with branches of fruit blossoms. It is thought to be very lucky if a blossom bud opens on New Year's Day. The most popular, and special, blossom branches to have are Plum blossom branches, which represent endurance and courage, and Peach blossom branches, which represent prosperity and growth. We decorated our classroom with out Moyeefa Blossom pictures - they look so beautiful!