

In Literacy we will learn about different non-fiction text types and focus on recounts. We will write our own recount based on a class walk that we will do in Embsay. We will focus on using a range of conjunctions to structure our sentences in different ways and learn how to use paragraphs to structure our writing more accurately. During literacy, we will look at spelling patterns, punctuation and grammar. Children will practise their cursive handwriting, spelling zappers and statutory spellings throughout the week. We will also do a class guided reading every Thursday or Friday and the children will answer VIPERS style questions. 


This half term the children will continue to learn about fractions. We will look at equivalent fractions and fractions of amounts. We will also be looking at time. We will recap telling the time to the hour, half hour and quarter of an hour before moving on to tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes and then the nearest minute.  


Healthy bodies: This half term, the children will learn about the five different food groups and design a meal that is healthy and balanced. They will look at how the body works and the benefit of exercise. We will also look at other ways that we can look after ourselves.  


Local Study – Embsay: This half term, our topic will be based on a local study of Embsay. We will do lots of map work looking at the use of key symbols and grid reference. We will also use a map to plot a walk around Embsay.  


In Computing the children will learn the basics of HTML. They will learn how to add text and pictures to a web page and create their own simple web page using espresso coding. 


The children will plan, make and evaluate a Sandwich, thinking carefully about the bread, fillings and process of making their sandwich. They will also be encouraged to learn about hygiene and safety when preparing and cooking.  


Swimming: The children will go to Aireville pool to swim every Tuesday afternoon. 

Tennis: The children will learn how to use the ‘ready position’ to play a game of tennis. They will learn how to use different techniques to control the ball with a tennis racket and learn how to take part in a relay with another member of the class. 


In RE we will be learning about what it means for Muslims to follow Allah. We will learn about the 5 pillars of Islam and look at mosques in the local area and across the world. We will also learn about the Qur’an and the importance of Holy Books.   


In PSHE we will look at how to keep ourselves healthy. We will consider the good habits we can have to look after our bodies. We will also consider the different emotions we can feel and how to communicate those to others as well as recognising how others feel.