The Mayans


In Literacy we will learn about different non-fiction text types and focus on newspaper reports. We will write our own news report based on the impressive Mayan game of Pok-a-Tok. We will focus on using a range of conjunctions to structure our sentences in different ways and learn how to use paragraphs to structure our writing more accurately. Our grammar work will continue and the children will be completing a short, weekly PAG check to improve retrieval skills. Children will continue to practise their cursive handwriting and take part in our small group reading skill sessions. Spellings will now be tested on a Thursday.


This half term the children will continue to learn about adding and subtracting fractions. We will then move onto our money topic where we will learn how to convert, add and subtract pounds and pence. After this, we will begin our Time topic, making sure that we can tell the time to the minute using analogue and digital clocks.


This half term we will be thinking scientifically and finding out about the work of a chocolate scientist – yes this job does exist! We will become more familiar with the stages of the scientific process and celebrate the great work of people in this field.


This half term we will be finding out about the Mayans. We will be investigating where and when they lived, working out what made them so successful and comparing their lives to those of people alive in Britain at the time.


In Computing the children will be looking at text and images and the relationship between them. We will be ensuring that our text and layout choices create maximum impact for the reader.


The children will look at different Mayan Masks for inspiration and will create their own using oil pastels. They will work with clay to make their own coil pot and decorate with Mayan inspired designs. 


Swimming: The children will go to Aireville pool to swim every Tuesday afternoon.

Netball: Children will develop their passing and receiving skills and their use of space in which to pass the ball. They will take part in small games to apply their skills.


In RE we will be making links between The Kingdom of God on earth and the Day of Pentecost. We will be finding out what Pentecost means to Christians now.


In PSHE we will be looking at rules and discussing how they are made and can be changed.  We will be investigating the impact of our choices on local, national and global communities and empathising with others around the globe.


This half term our unit is Vive le sport! During this unit we will recap days of the week and say which activities we play/do on each day.


This half term we will be recognising and composing rhythms using rhythm notation. We will also be using three pitches – c,d,and e – to compose a piece of music.