Claws, Paws and Jaws continued  



We will start by reading ‘The Fox and the Star’ and do some art and description writing based on the story. We will then use different books to find out about the rainforest and extend our vocabulary and write fact files about the rainforest. We will look at linking these fact files to our science using technical vocabulary.   

We will continue our focus on sentence writing, thinking carefully about our spelling choices.  Spellings will be assessed on Wednesdays. Phonics will be taught on a daily basis.   



In maths, we will finish learning about fractions and focus on place value using numbers up to 100. We will also be looking at money and recognising coins. We will then be learning about time towards the end of the term.  



Growing Plants: We will be learning about different types of plants. We will look at the similarities and differences between flowering plants and trees. We will identify and name common plants and trees and explore their different structures.    


In geography we will be learning about what rainforests are like and what kind of animals live in them.  


In computing we will be focusing on coding and e-safety.  

Art & Design   

We will learn about the artist Georgia O’Keeffe and create our own mixed media flower picture using oil pastels and paints.  


We will design and make a woodland creature looking at the animals we have studied. We will practise different joining techniques, including sewing, and evaluate our product at the end.  


In music we will continue to learn how to make different sound effects that sound similar to animals  




In PE we will be participating in the different aspects of athletics.  



In R.E. we will learn what it means to belong to a faith community.  



We will be talking about moving on and preparing for our transition into year 2.  

Linked vocabulary: safe, goals, strengths, achievements, career.