Topic – The Stone Age



Reading and Writing: In Literacy, the children will be reading The Wild Way Home and Stone Age Boy. We will be writing our own stories set in the stone age and producing an information booklet about life during this period.

Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GPS): In grammar, the children will learn about adjectives, nouns, verbs and determiners, and how these can be used effectively in their writing. The focus in spelling will be on prefixes, suffixes and homophones.



  • Multiplication and Division: to develop their understanding of the 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8 times tables and complete a variety of multiplication and division problems.
  • Measures – Length and Perimeter: Measure and compare lengths and calculate perimeter. Secure their understanding of place value and addition and subtraction of number.
  • Addition and subtraction: securing understanding of place value and addition and subtraction strategies



Our Science topic for this half term is Light.  We will look at how we need light in order to see things and that dark is the absence of light. We will look at how light from the Sun can be dangerous and that there are ways to protect their eyes. We will look at how shadows are formed when the light from a light source is blocked by a solid object and find patterns in the way that the sizes of shadows change.



Stone Age: This term we will look at evidence that will teach us how people lived during the stone age. Children will use different sources to research information and gather facts to make their own information book. We will also be visiting Skipton Museum so that we can handle real artefacts.


The children will use a range of techniques to create a stop-frame animation. Next, they will apply those skills to create a story-based animation. This unit will conclude with them adding other types of media to their animation, such as music and text.


In DT following on from their work on architecture last half term, the children will look at creating stable structures. They will then evaluate their finished product.


In music, the children will identify repeated patterns in a variety of music. They will then explore rhythm and pulse to create a class version of ‘We will rock you’


This half term the children will develop their teamwork, batting and catching skills through cricket. They will also be linking together a sequence of dance moves and perform this routine to the class.


This half term the children will look at what the Trinity is through art, reading stories and discussion. 


In French this half term, the children will continue to work on greetings. They will learn how to ask and answer questions about themselves and others.



Our relationships shape our sense of belonging, our feelings of identity and purpose, our self-esteem and our overall wellbeing. In PSHE, the children will learn about the different relationships people have and how to recognise and build strong and healthy ones. They will also consider when secrets are okay and not okay, and how to turn to a trusted adult if a relationship doesn’t feel good.