
Topic - Mountains 


Reading and Writing Composition. 

We will begin this term by reading a selection of information texts to produce fact files about Mount Everest and a guide to the challenges and dangers of climbing the world’s highest mountain. Our poetry work is based on the classic poetry of Lewis Carroll and the children will read, discuss and perform his poetry. We will use the story behind the Walrus and the Carpenter to write a persuasive newspaper report. 

Our class text will be a thought-provoking story entitled ‘The Man who Bought a Mountain’ The children will be focusing on text structure; how the authors’ use of language helps us visualise mountain settings and how characters are introduced and developed. 


We will focus on understanding the difference between clauses and phrases and the respective terminology. We will then use this knowledge to write and correctly punctuate different types of higher-level sentences. We will learn about the ‘relative clause’ and the use of the ‘relative pronoun’ to expand our noun phrases and to embed clauses. 


Over this half term, we will begin learning the statutory words from the Year 5 list.  

Year 5 spelling patterns will be taught through a weekly discreet lesson and regularly applied during our morning work and our literacy and topic lessons. 


Addition and Subtraction. 

  • Continue to improve the speed and efficiency of mental maths skills.
  • Inverse operations and multi-step problems. 

Multiplication and Division 

  • Multiples, factors, common factors, and prime numbers.
  • Squared and cubed numbers. 

The children will be expected to regularly practise and apply their division and multiplication facts from their times tables.  


  • Equivalent fractions 
  • Ordering Fractions 
  • Adding and subtracting fractions 


Properties of Materials: This half term, the children will continue to learn about the Properties of Materials - this time with a focus on using their knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to decide how mixtures might be separated, including through filtering, sieving and evaporating. They will demonstrate that dissolving, mixing and changes of state can be reversible changes and explain that some changes result in the formation of new materials, and that this kind of change is not usually reversible. 


Mountains: The children will learn how to use relief maps to locate and name mountain ranges around the world and in the UK. They will begin to understand the use of contours on an OS map, locate spot heights and widen their knowledge of mountain vocabulary and terminology. They will research mountain climates and discuss the opportunities and challenges that living in a mountain environment brings.  


Physical computing: We will continue to use the crumble software and hardware. This term we will learn about conditions and how they can be used to create programmes of increasing complexity.  


Linking to RE, the children will be researching geometric patterns by looking at different Mosques. They will then develop their painting techniques and create designs inspired by patterns found in Islamic Art. 


Dance – this will be with Kanga Sports. 

Volleyball – the children will learn the skills of: the serve, the spike, the volley and the dig before playing a mini-tournament. 

They will also be attending a basketball festival at Sandylands.


What Does it Mean to be a Muslim in Britain Today? This topic is a two-term unit and therefore continues from last term. The children will refresh their knowledge of the Five Pillars of Islam. They will learn about the significance of the Holy Qur’an and the key function of the Mosque in the Muslim Community. They will describe the forms of guidance a Muslim uses and compare them to their own experiences. 


Active Citizenship: This topic will initially focus on the effects and risks from commonly available substances (alcohol, tobacco, e-cigarettes, medicines). We will then move on to understanding democracy including the different types and ideas around democracy. This will then link into learning about the justice system in the UK. 


Asking and answering questions:  The children will practise making first conversations in French. They will apply their knowledge of the different formalities of greeting and they will learn how to have simple conversations about themselves.