Year 6 have received their new personalised spelling lists today as homework. They are due to be reviewed on 30.6.23.

As part of their Spelling Homework, I have asked the children to look-up and record definitions for all of their spellings. They should record this in their Spelling Journals.

It is very important that the children maintain expected levels of practise with their spellings, despite the late stage in the year, so that they are best prepared for secondary school. Practise should use various strategies, inclusive of those found on their Spelling Menus (stuck inside their Spelling Journals).

I have attached a pdf copy of the Spelling Menu in case a new one is needed. I have also added photographs of both Y3/4 and Y5/6 Spellings for reference, however, as usual, the children have their own personalised list of words which are intended for this homework.

We thank you for your support with this.

Year 6 Team.

PDF Attachments