Bewerley Park

For parents who are unable to attend the meeting this evening, or if you'd just like to find out a little more, please see the links below which will take you directly to Bewerley Park's 'About' page of their website and the 'Parents and Carers' Hub'. On the latter, you will find information about the stay including accommodation, activities, sample menus and a kit list, as well as contact information in the event you wish to discuss any specific dietary needs directly with Bewerley Park. Please do have a chat with your children and if any questions arise, encourage them to ask - I will be doing the same. It's good to ask and alleviate any worries or concerns.

I have also attached a copy of the presentation that was shown at the meeting. Unfortunately I cannot add all of the videos at this time, however I will show them to the children in class; links to those I can add are at the bottom of the post.

Return to school: We will be leaving Bewerley Park on Friday 27th October at approximately 1pm and expect to arrive in the village carpark between 1.30 -1.45pm. You will be notified of any significant delays. Children can be collected straight from the carpark. Remaining children will be taken back to school and can be collected there as normal.  

Many thanks for your support with all of the preparations - it is a very exciting time for the children and something which will provide them with many wonderful memories.

Year 6 Bewerley Team : )

PDF Attachments