Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School



Online Safety

Including Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreements


Adopted: March 2019

Reviewed and updated: March 2021

Next review date: March 2023


1.    Introduction. 2

2.    Responsibilities. 3

3.    Scope of policy. 3

4.    Policy and procedure. 4

Use of email 4

Visiting online sites and downloading. 4

Storage of Images. 6

Use of personal mobile devices (including phones) 6

New technological devices. 7

Reporting incidents, abuse and inappropriate material 7

5.    Curriculum.. 7

6.    Staff and Governor Training. 8

7.    Working in Partnership with Parents/Carers. 9

8.    Records, monitoring and review.. 9

9.    Appendices of the Online Safety Policy. 9

Appendix A -Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff ,Governors,student teachers. 11

Appendix B - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches and supply teachers. 14

Appendix C - Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers. 17

Appendix D - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils. 18

Appendix E - Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities. 21

Appendix F - Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents. 22

Appendix G - Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media. 23

Appendix H - Online safety incident reporting form.. 25


  1. Introduction

Embsay school recognises that internet, mobile and digital technologies provide a good opportunity for children and young people to learn, socialise and play, provided they are safe. The digital world is an amazing place, but with few rules.  It is vast and fast moving and young people’s future economic success may be partly dependent on their online skills and reputation.  We are, therefore, committed to ensuring that all pupils, staff and governors will be able to use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely.  This is part of our safeguarding responsibility.  Staff are aware that some pupils may require additional support or teaching, including reminders, prompts and further explanation to reinforce their knowledge and understanding of online safety issues.

We are also committed to ensuring that all those who work with children and young people, including their parents/carers, are informed about the ever-changing risks so that they can take an active part in the safeguarding of children.

2.   Responsibilities

The Governing body: 

Governors are responsible for the approval of the online safety policy, ensuring it is disseminated to the wider school community and for reviewing the effectiveness of the policy. Chris Atherton is the named governor for online safety.

As part of their responsibilities in this area the governing Body will:

  • ensure that the statutory requirements of Keeping Children Safe in Education 2020 are complied with.
  • regularly review the staff behaviour policy (sometimes called the code of conduct) which amongst other things, includes acceptable use of technologies, staff/pupil relationships and communications including the use of social media
  • ensure that online safety training for staff is integrated, aligned and considered as part of the overarching safeguarding approach
  • ensure that the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead is trained in online safety issues and is aware of the potential for serious child protection issues that could arise through the use of ICT
  • ensure that children are taught about safeguarding, including online safety.
  • ensure that the school has in place policies and procedures on sexual harassment and peer on peer abuse that can occur online and offline.
  • ensure the appropriateness of any filters, monitoring and security systems
  • regularly monitor online safety incident logs and respond appropriately  to the identified needs
  • ensure the company who is hosting the schools website has enough security in place so it cannot be inappropriately accessed and to have an action plan if it is ‘hacked’ e.g who regular checks the website including during school holidays, who is the key contact if the website is hacked 

The Headteacher:

  • supporting the Governors to comply with the online safety aspects of the Keeping Children Safe in Education
  • supporting the Governors comply with the online safety aspects of the statutory regulations which have make the subjects of Relationships Education (for all primary pupils) and Relationships and Sex Education (for all secondary pupils) and Health Education (for all pupils) mandatory from September 2020.
  • the online safety of all members of the school community.
  • effective and regular training about online safety is provided for the whole school community  and a log is kept of the staff who complete the training 
  • invite governors to take part in online safety training and awareness sessions, with particular importance for those who are members of any committee or working group involved in ICT, online safety education or safeguarding. 
  • effective communication with parents/ carers about safe practices when using online technology’s and support them in talking to their children about these issues
  • that effective filtering, monitoring and security systems are set up
  • ensure that there are effective procedures in place in the event of an online safety allegation which are known and understood by all members of staff 
  • establish and review the school online safety policy and documents and make them available on the school website 
  • liaise with staff, ICT Technical staff, online safety governor, SLT and partner agencies on all issues related to online safety 
  • ensure that all staff are aware of the procedures that need to be followed in the event of an online safety incident taking place 
  • provide training and advice for staff and keep a log of staff who complete training about online issues
  • keep a log of staff, pupils and families who have signed the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for the safe use of technology
  • receive and respond to reports of online safety incidents and create a log of incidents and outcomes to inform future online safety developments 
  • co-ordinate and review online safety education programme in school
  • ensure all new staff receive online safety training as part of their induction programme, ensuring that they fully understand the school online safety policy, Acceptable Usage and Child Protection Policies.

The ICT technician:

  • ensure the school’s ICT infrastructure is secure and meets requirements for filtering and monitoring
  • that the school’s password policy is adhered to
  • ensure that the school’s filtering policy is applied and updated on a regular basis and that its implementation is not the sole responsibility of any single person
  • ensure that the use of the school’s ICT infrastructure (network, remote access, e-mail, VLE etc.) is regularly monitored in order that any misuse or attempted misuse can be reported to the named SLT for action. 


Keeping children Safe in Education 2020 states that the staff behaviour policy

(sometimes called the code of conduct) which should, amongst other things, include:

acceptable use of technologies, staff/pupil relationships and communications including

the use of social media. Alongside the Staff Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), all staff are

responsible for ensuring that: 

  • they have an up to date awareness of online safety matters and of the schools current online safety policy and practices
  • they adhere to any procedures and policies that are implemented to support remote learning for both staff and pupils and communication with parents / carers
  • they attend the training provided by the school about online safety and Online Safety
  • they have read, understood and signed the school Staff Acceptable Usage Policy (AUP)
  • do not ‘be-friend’ any pupil or pupil family member on social media in a social context whilst the pupil is at the school 
  • online safety issues are embedded in all aspects of the curriculum and other school activities 
  • they ensure that pupils understand and follow the school’s online safety and acceptable usage policies 
  • they ensure that pupils have a good understanding of research skills and the need to avoid plagiarism and uphold copyright regulations 
  • they monitor ICT activity in lessons, extracurricular and extended school activities
  • in lessons where Internet use is pre-planned, pupils should be guided to sites checked as suitable for their use and that processes are in place for dealing with any unsuitable material that is found in Internet searches.
  • they are aware that emails can be part of Freedom of Information requests so all correspondence needs to be professional, courtesy and  respectful
  • if confidential information / information under the data protection act is being sent by email it must be sent through the secure email system 


  • pupils are responsible for using the school ICT systems in accordance with the Pupil Acceptable Usage Policy, which they will be required to sign before being given access to school systems. Parents/carers will be required to read through and sign alongside their child’s signature.
  • they must adhere to any procedures that are implemented to support remote learning for both pupils and  staff 
  • pupils must report abuse, misuse or access to inappropriate materials and know how to do so.
  • should understand the importance of adopting good online safety practice when using digital technologies out of school and realise that the school’s online safety policy also covers their actions out of school, if related to their membership of the school or using equipment provided by the school.


Parents/Carers play a crucial role in ensuring that their children understand the need

to use the Internet/mobile devices in an appropriate way.

Parents and carers are responsible for: 

  • endorsing (by signature) the Pupil Acceptable Usage Policy and will alongside this sign the Parents/ Carers Acceptable Usage Policy
  • access the school website and correspond with the school in accordance with the Parents Acceptable Usage Policy. 
  • ensure that they do not use social media to criticise or make inappropriate comments about the school or an individual member of staff as making defamatory comments online has exactly the same legal consequences as if they are made directly to someone else. Similarly threats of violence can lead to criminal proceedings under the Malicious Communications Act. If as a parent/ carer they have any concerns about anything which happens in schools then please contact the school directly.
  1. Scope of policy

The policy applies to:

  • pupils
  • parents/carers
  • teaching and support staff
  • school governors
  • peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers, student teachers
  • visitors
  • volunteers
  • voluntary, statutory or community organisations using  the school's facilities

The school also works with partners and other providers to ensure that pupils who receive part of their education off site or who are on a school trip or residential are safe online.

The school provides online safety information for parents/carers, through the website, in newsletters and at events.  It is important that parents/carers understand their key role in supporting their child/ren to behave appropriately and keep themselves safe online.  

This policy, supported by its acceptable use agreements, is intended to protect the interests and safety of the whole school community.  It is linked to the following other school policies and documents: Child Protection , Information, Health and safety, Home–school agreement, Behaviour, Anti-bullying, Staff Code of Conduct, Safer Working Practice.

Policy and procedure

The school seeks to ensure that internet, mobile and digital technologies are used effectively, for their intended educational purpose, in ways that will not infringe legal requirements or create unnecessary risk.

The school expects everyone to use internet, mobile and digital technologies responsibly and strictly according to the conditions set out in this policy. This policy also includes expectations on appropriate online behaviour and use of technology outside of school for pupils, parents/carers, staff and governors and all other visitors to the school.

When applying this policy, the school will take account of any guidance issued by North Yorkshire. The most recent guidance can be found at: Online Safety Guidance for Schools in North Yorkshire Updated January 2021

Use of email

Staff and governors should use a school email account  for all official communication to ensure everyone is protected through the traceability of communication.  Under no circumstances should staff contact pupils, parents or conduct any school business using a personal email address.  Pupils may only use school approved accounts on the school system and only for educational purposes. Where required parent/carer permission will be obtained for the account to exist.  For advice on sharing personal or confidential information or the need to gain parent permission refer to the Informaiton Policy. Emails created or received as part of any school role will be subject to disclosure in response to a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Staff, governors and pupils should not open emails or attachments from suspect sources and should report their receipt to Mrs Chapman.

Users must not send emails which are offensive, embarrassing or upsetting to anyone (i.e. cyberbullying).

Visiting online sites and downloading

  • Staff must preview sites, software and apps before their use in school or before recommending them to pupils.  Before using any online service that requires user accounts to be created or the sharing of any personal data, staff must consult with the head teacher  with details of the site/service.  If internet research is set for homework, specific sites will be suggested that have previously been checked by the teacher.  All users must observe copyright of materials from electronic sources.
  • Staff must only use pre-approved systems if creating blogs, wikis or other online areas in order to communicate with pupils/ families.
  • When working with pupils searching for images should be done through Google Safe Search (standard through the NY service), Google Advanced Search or a similar application that provides greater safety than a standard search engine.

Users must not:

Visit internet sites, make, post, download, upload or pass on, material, remarks, proposals or comments that contain or relate to:

  • Indecent images of children actually or apparently under the age of 18 or images of child abuse (i.e. images of children, digital or cartoons, involved in sexual activity or posed to be sexually provocative)
  • Indecent images of vulnerable people over the age of 18 (i.e. images of vulnerable people, digital or cartoons involved in sexual activity or posed to be sexually provocative)
  • Adult material that breaches the Obscene Publications Act in the UK
  • Promoting discrimination of any kind in relation to the protected characteristics: gender identity and reassignment, gender/sex, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion, sexual orientation, age and marital status
  • Promoting hatred against any individual or group from the protected characteristics above
  • Promoting illegal acts including physical or sexual abuse of children or adults, violence, bomb making, drug and alcohol abuse and software piracy
  • Any material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute e.g. promotion of violence, gambling, libel and disrespect

Users must not:

  • Reveal or publicise confidential or proprietary information
  • Intentionally interfere with the normal operation of the internet connection, including the propagation of computer viruses
  • Transmit unsolicited commercial or advertising material either to other users, or to organisations connected to other networks except where permission has been given to the school
  • Use the school's hardware and Wi-Fi facilities for running a private business
  • Intimidate, threaten or cause harm to others
  • Access or interfere in any way with other users' accounts
  • Use software or hardware that has been prohibited by the school

  Only a school device may be used to conduct school business outside of school. The only exception would be where a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school for use on a personal device.

All breaches of prohibited behaviours detailed above will be investigated, where appropriate, in liaison with the police.

The school recognises that in certain planned curricular activities, access to controversial and/or offensive online content may be beneficial for educational use. In such circumstances, there is an expectation that access is pre-planned, risk assessed and recorded, and permission given by Mrs Prest.  

Storage of Images

Photographs and videos provide valuable evidence of pupils’ achievement and progress in a variety of contexts and can be used to celebrate the work of the school.  In line with GDPR they are used only with the written consent of parents/carers which is secured in the first instance on a child’s entry to the school. Records are kept on file and consent can be changed by parents/carers at any time. (See Information Policy for greater clarification).

Photographs and images of pupils are only stored on the school’s agreed secure networks which include some cloud based services.  Rights of access to stored images are restricted to approved staff as determined by Mrs Prest.  Staff and pupils may have temporary access to photographs taken during a class session, but these will be transferred/deleted promptly.

Parents/carers should note that there may be some children who are at risk and must not have their image put online and others who do not want their image online.  For these reasons parents/carers must follow the school’s Acceptable Use Agreement and refrain from posting online photographs of any member of the school community, other than their own child/ren.

Staff and other professionals working with pupils, must only use school equipment to record images of pupils whether on or off site. See also Information Policy.  

Use of personal mobile devices (including phones)

The school does not allow staff, including temporary and peripatetic staff, and visitors to use personal mobile phones and devices in the presence of pupils. Under no circumstance does the school allow a member of staff to contact a pupil or parent/carer using their personal device.

Parents/carers may not use personal mobile phones and devices in the school building unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities. Under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises or on off-site school events and activities of anyone other than their own child, unless there is a pre-specified permission from Mrs Prest.  

Year 6 pupils are allowed to bring personal mobile devices/phones to school but must hand them to the class teacher for storage during the day.  Under no circumstance should pupils use their personal mobile devices/phones to take images of

  • any other pupil unless they and their parents have given agreement in advance
  • any member of staff

The school is not responsible for the loss, damage or theft on school premises of any personal mobile device.

Users bringing personal devices into school must ensure there is no inappropriate or illegal content on the device.

  Personal mobiles must never be used to access school emails and data. The only       exception would be where a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school for use on a personal device.

New technological devices

New personal technological devices may offer opportunities for teaching and learning. However, the school must consider educational benefit and carry out risk assessment before use in school is allowed.  Parents/carers, pupils and staff should not assume that new technological devices will be allowed in school and should check with Mrs Prest before they are brought into school.  

Reporting incidents, abuse and inappropriate material

There may be occasions in school when either a pupil or an adult receives an offensive, abusive or inappropriate message or accidentally accesses upsetting or abusive material. When such a situation occurs the pupil or adult must report the incident immediately to the first available member of staff, or the headteacher.  Where such an incident may lead to significant harm, safeguarding procedures should be followed.  The school takes the reporting of such incidents seriously and where judged necessary, the DSL will refer details to social care or the police.

  1. Curriculum

Online safety is embedded within our curriculum. The school provides a comprehensive curriculum for online safety which enables pupils to become informed, safe and responsible. This includes teaching to prevent radicalisation, for which staff provide a narrative to counter extremism.

The curriculum is flexible and can respond to any immediate online safety issues and risks as they emerge.

It is necessary for pupils to develop skills of critical awareness, digital resilience and good online citizenship to enable them to use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely and responsibly.  Pupils are taught to recognise the creative, collaborative, cultural, economic and educational opportunities provided by the internet, mobile and digital technologies. Curriculum work will also include:

  • Understanding how to use the internet, mobile and digital technologies in a balanced and appropriate way to avoid negative impact on wellbeing, e.g. regulated screen time and diverse online activity
  • Learning how to develop a positive online reputation and enhance future opportunities e.g. in relationships and employment
  • Developing critical thinking skills in relation to online content e.g. recognising fake news and extremism, understanding commercial manipulation, maintaining an authentic sense of self that is resilient to online pressure, learning how easy it is to lie online (i.e. users may not be who they say they are and may have ulterior motives)
  • Understanding the dangers of giving out personal details online (e.g. full name, address, mobile/home phone numbers, school details, IM/email address) and the importance of maintaining maximum privacy online
  • Thinking carefully before placing images online and considering their appropriateness and understanding the importance of gaining consent before posting photographs of others
  • Understanding the permanency of all online postings and conversations
  • Understanding relevant legislation, including copyright, and the importance of respecting other people’s information, reputation and images
  • What constitutes cyberbullying, how to avoid it, the impact it has and how to access help.
  1. Staff and Governor Training

Staff and governors are trained to fulfil their roles in online safety. The school audits the training needs of all school staff and provides regular training to improve their knowledge and expertise in the safe and appropriate use of internet, mobile and digital technologies.  This training is recorded as part of safeguarding records.

New staff are provided with a copy of the online safety policy and must sign the school’s Acceptable Use Agreement as part of their induction and before having contact with pupils.

Any organisation working with children based on the school premises are also provided with a copy of the online safety policy and required to sign the Acceptable Use Agreement (Appendix B).

Volunteers, peripatetic staff (unless employed by NYCC services), student teachers and regular visitors are provided with a copy of the online safety policy and are required to sign the Acceptable Use Agreement (Appendix B).

  1. Working in Partnership with Parents/Carers

The school works closely with families to help ensure that children can use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely and responsibly both at home and school.  It is important that parents/carers understand the crucial role they play in this process. The school seeks to regularly consult and discuss online safety with parents/carers and seeks to promote a wide understanding of the benefits of new technologies and associated risks.  The school provides regular updated online safety information through the school website and by other means.

Parents/carers are asked to read, discuss and co-sign with each child the Acceptable Use Agreement whenever the online safety policy is reviewed.  A summary of key parent/carer responsibilities will also be provided and is available in Appendix F. The Acceptable Use Agreement explains the school’s expectations and pupil and parent/carer responsibilities. The support of parents/carers is essential to implement the online safety policy effectively and keep all children safe.

  1. Records, monitoring and review

The school recognises the need to record online safety incidents and to monitor and review policies and procedures regularly in order to ensure they are effective and that the risks to pupils and staff are minimised.

All breaches of this policy must be reported and all reported incidents will be logged on CPOMS. All staff have the individual responsibility to ensure that incidents have been correctly recorded, acted upon and reported.  An online safety incident recording format are provided in appendix H.

The school supports pupils and staff who have been affected by a policy breach. Where there is inappropriate or illegal use of internet, mobile and digital technologies, this will be dealt with under the school’s behaviour and disciplinary policies as appropriate.  Breaches may also lead to criminal or civil proceedings.

Governors receive termly summary data on recorded online safety incidents for monitoring purposes.  In addition governors ensure they have sufficient, quality information to enable them to make a judgement about the fitness for purpose of this policy on an annual basis.

  1. Appendices of the Online Safety Policy
  1. Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff, Governors and student teachers (on placement or on staff)
  2. Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers
  3. Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers working in the school (working directly with children or otherwise)
  4. Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils
  5. Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities
  6. Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents
  7. Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media
  8. Online safety incident reporting form

Appendix A - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff, Governors and student teachers (on placement or on staff)

You must read this agreement in conjunction with the online safety policy and the Information  policy.  Once you have read these, you must sign and submit this agreement and it will be kept on record in the school. You should retain your own copy for reference. This forms part of your professional and safeguarding responsibilities.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies are part of our daily working life and this agreement is designed to ensure that all staff and governors are aware of their responsibilities in relation to their use.  All staff and governors are expected to adhere to this agreement and to the online safety policy.  Any concerns or clarification should be discussed with Mrs Prest. Breaches will be investigated, recorded and, where appropriate, disciplinary procedures will apply and police involvement will be sought.

Internet Access

I will not access or attempt to access any sites that contain any of the following: child abuse; pornography; discrimination of any kind; promotion of prejudice against any group; promotion of illegal acts; any other information which may be illegal or offensive.  Inadvertent access on school equipment must be treated as an online safety incident, reported to the online safety lead and/or DSL and an incident report completed.

Online conduct

I will ensure that my online activity, both in and outside school, will not bring the school, my professional reputation, or that of others, into disrepute.

I will not browse, download, upload or distribute any material that could be considered offensive, illegal or discriminatory.  Exceptionally, use of controversial material as part of the curriculum should be planned and approved on every occasion (see policy). 

I will report any accidental access to or receipt of inappropriate materials or filtering breach to Mrs Prest.

I understand that all my use of the internet and other related technologies can be traced and monitored and, should it be required, must be made available to my line manager, headteacher and others as required.

I will not give out my personal contact and online account information such as phone numbers, email address, and social media account details to pupils and/or parents/carers.

Social networking

I understand the need to separate my professional role from my private friendships; in my professional capacity I will not become ‘friends’ with parents/carers or pupils on social networks. Where my school role is my only connection to an individual, private online contact is unacceptable with parents/carers or pupils. See also Staff Code of Conduct.

When using social networking for personal use I will ensure my settings are not public. My private account postings will never undermine or disparage the school, its staff, governors, parents/carers or pupils. Privileged information must remain confidential.


I understand that there is no occasion when a password should be shared with a pupil or anyone who is not a staff member without permission.

Data protection

I will follow requirements for data protection as outlined in the information policy.  These include:

  • Photographs must be kept securely and used appropriately, whether in school, taken off the school premises or accessed remotely
  • Personal data can only be taken out of school or accessed remotely when authorised by the headteacher or governing body
  • Personal or sensitive data taken off site must be encrypted

Images and videos

I will only upload images or videos of staff, pupils or parents/carers onto school approved sites where specific permission has been granted.

I will not take images, sound recordings or videos of school events or activities on any personal device.

 Use of email

I will use my school email address for all school business.  All such correspondence must be kept professional and is open to Subject Access Requests under the Freedom of Information Act.  I will not use my school email addresses for personal matters or non-school business.

Use of personal devices

I understand that as a member of staff I should at no time put myself in a position where a safeguarding allegation can be made against me as a result of my use of personal devices. I understand that the use of personal devices in school is at the discretion of the headteacher.

I will not access secure school information from personal devices unless a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school.

Additional hardware/software

I will not install any hardware or software on school equipment without permission of Mrs Prest.

Promoting online safety

I understand that online safety is the responsibility of all staff and governors and I will promote positive online safety messages at all times including when setting homework or providing pastoral support.

I understand that it is my duty to support a whole school safeguarding approach and will report any inappropriate or concerning behaviour (of other staff, governors, visitors, pupils or parents/carers) to the DSL or Mrs Prest.

Classroom management of internet access

I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites used in the classroom; this will include the acceptability of other material visible, however briefly, on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.

If I am using the internet to teach about controversial issues I will secure, on every occasion, approval in advance for the material I plan to use with Mrs Prest.

User signature

I agree to follow this Acceptable Use Agreement and to support online safety throughout the school.  I understand this forms part of the terms and conditions set out in my contract of employment (staff members only) and/or my responsibilities as a governor.

Signature …….………………….………… Date ……………………

Full Name …………………………………......................................... (printed)

Job title ……………………………………………………………………

Appendix B - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers

School name Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School

Online safety lead Fiona Prest

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Fiona Prest

This agreement forms part of your professional and safeguarding responsibility in the school.  You must read and sign this agreement.  This will be kept on record and you should retain your own copy for reference.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies are part of our daily working life and this agreement is designed to ensure that all staff and governors are aware of their responsibilities in relation to their use. You are expected to adhere to this agreement.  Any concerns or clarification should be discussed with Mrs Prest. Breaches will be investigated, recorded and, where appropriate, disciplinary procedures will apply and police involvement will be sought.

The school’s online safety policy will provide further detailed information as required.

Internet Access

I will not access or attempt to access any sites that contain any of the following: child abuse; pornography; discrimination of any kind; promotion of prejudice against any group; promotion of illegal acts; any other information which may be illegal or offensive.  Inadvertent access on school equipment must be treated as an online safety incident, reported to the online safety lead and/or DSL and an incident report completed.

Online conduct

I will ensure that my online activity, both in and outside school, will not bring the school, my professional reputation, or that of others, into disrepute.

I will not browse, download, upload or distribute any material that could be considered offensive, illegal or discriminatory.  Exceptionally, use of controversial material as part of the curriculum should be planned and approved on every occasion (see policy). 

I will report any accidental access to or receipt of inappropriate materials or filtering breach to Mrs Prest.

I understand that all my use of the internet and other related technologies can be traced and monitored and, should it be required, must be made available to my line manager, headteacher and others as required.

I will not give out my personal contact and online account information such as phone numbers, email address, and social media account details to pupils and/or parents/carers.

Should I need to share my professional details, such as mobile phone number or email address, with parent/carers, this must be agreed in advance as an acceptable approach with Mrs Prest.

Social networking

I understand the need to separate my professional role from my private friendships; in my professional capacity I will not become ‘friends’ with parents/carers or pupils on social networks. Where my school role is my only connection to an individual, private online contact is unacceptable with parents/carers or pupils.

Information can be shared with pupils over 13 and parents/carers through an organisational social network site/page e.g. on Facebook or Twitter, but never through a personal account or site. In my professional role in the school, I will never engage in 1-1 exchanges with pupils or parent/carers on personal social network sites.

My private account postings will never undermine or disparage the school, its staff, governors, parents/carers or pupils.  Privileged information known as a result of my work in the school must remain confidential.  

I will not upload any material about or references to the school or its community on my personal social networks.


I must clarify what access I may have to the internet and/or school systems.  If I have access of any kind, I understand that there is no occasion when a password should be shared with a pupil or anyone who is not a staff member. 

Data protection

I will follow all requirements for data protection explained to me by the school.  These include:

  • I must consult with the school before making any recordings, photographs and videos. Once agreed, these must be made on a school device.
  • I understand that there are strict controls and requirements regarding the collection and use of personal data. I will follow all requirements regarding GDPR.

Images and videos

I will only upload images or videos of staff, pupils or parents/carers onto school approved sites where specific permission has been granted.

I will not take images, sound recordings or videos of tuition or wider school activities on any personal device. School devices can be used for this purpose or, in the case of 1:1 tuition, pupil’s or parent/carer devices can be used, with parent/carer agreement.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies provide helpful recording functions but these cannot be made on a teacher’s personal device.  Recordings can be made with the child’s and parent/carer’s agreement on a school device, an organisational device approved by the headteacher/DSL, or a young person’s or parent/carer’s own device.

Use of Email

I will use my professional or formal student email address for all school business.  All such correspondence should be kept professional and is open to Subject Access Requests under the Freedom of Information Act. I will not use my professional email addresses for personal matters.

Use of personal devices

I understand that when working in the school I should at no time put myself in a position where a safeguarding allegation can be made against me as a result of my use of personal devices. I understand that the use of personal devices in school is at the discretion of the headteacher.

I will only use approved personal devices when not with pupils. This therefore precludes use of specialist apps on personal devices.  A school device could be used to access specialist apps that support pupil learning.  

Additional hardware/software

I will not install any hardware or software on school equipment without permission of Mrs Prest.

Promoting online safety

I understand that online safety is part of my responsibility and I will promote positive online safety messages at all times, including when setting homework, rehearsal or skill practice or when providing pastoral support.

I understand that it is my duty to support a whole school safeguarding approach and will report any behaviour (of staff, governors, visitors, pupils or parents/carers) which I believe may be inappropriate or concerning in any way to the DSL or Mrs Prest.

Classroom management of internet access

I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites used in the classroom; this will include the acceptability of other material visible, however briefly, on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.

If I am using the internet to teach about controversial issues I will secure, on every occasion, approval in advance for the material I plan to use with Mrs Prest.

User Signature

I agree to follow this Acceptable Use Agreement and to support online safety in my work in the school.  I understand this forms part of my company/educational setting/organisation’s contract with the school.

Signature …….………………….…………….…      Date ……………………

Full Name ………………………………….................................................... (Please use block capitals)

Job Title/Role …………………………………..…………………..……………

Appendix C - Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers

(Working directly with children or otherwise)

School name……Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School ………………………………..…..

Online safety lead …Mrs Prest……………………………..…

DSL …Mrs Prest……………………………………………..…..

This document is designed to ensure that you are aware of your responsibilities when using any form of IT in the school and other aspects of safeguarding in connection with online safety.

Please raise any safeguarding concerns arising from your visit immediately with the headteacher and/or DSL

  • I understand I may not use my personal mobile phone(s) and other devices with camera functions in front of children.   Any exception must be pre-arranged.
  • I will not take images, sound recording or videos of school events or activities, on or off site, on any device.  Any possible exception must be pre-arranged.
  • I will not give out my personal details such as mobile phone number, email address, and social media account details to pupils and parent/carers.  Where appropriate I may share my professional contact details with parents/carers provided the DSL or headteacher is informed before I leave the school.
  • I understand my visit to the school may give me access to privileged information about pupils, staff, school systems and plans.  Such information should never be shared online, including on social media sites.
  • I understand I should not use school equipment to access the internet without prior approval from my contact in the school or the headteacher.
  • If working in the classroom, I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites I intend to use including checking the acceptability of other material visible on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.  If I am in any doubt about the appropriateness of the content I plan to use I will check with my contact in the school.

Appendix D - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils

 My online safety rules

  • I will only use school IT equipment for activities agreed by school staff.
  • I will not use my personal email address or other personal accounts in school when doing school work.
  • I will not sign up for any online service on school devices unless this is an agreed part of a school project approved by my teacher and agreed by my parent/carer.
  • I will only open email attachments if it has been approved by a member of school staff in school or a parent/carer out of school.
  • In school I will only open or delete my files when told by a member of staff.
  • I will not tell anyone other than my parents/carers my passwords. I will not use other people’s usernames or passwords to pretend to be them online.
  • I will make sure that all online contact I make is responsible, polite and sensible. I will be kind and respectful at all times.
  • If I come across anything upsetting, unpleasant or nasty, or anything that makes me feel unsafe, I will tell my teacher or my parent/carer immediately.
  • If someone says, asks or posts about me anything upsetting, unpleasant or nasty, or anything that makes me feel unsafe, I will not reply. I will tell my teacher or my parent/carer immediately. 
  • I will not give out my own or other people’s personal information, including: name, phone number, home address, interests, schools or clubs.  I will tell my teacher or parent/carer if anyone asks me online for personal information.
  • Uploading or sending my image (photographs, videos, live streaming) online puts me at risk.  I will always seek permission from my teacher or parent/carer if I wish to do this.  I will not take, share or upload any image of anyone else without their permission and also, if they are a child, without their parent’s/carer’s permission.
  • Even if I have permission, I will not upload any images, videos, sounds or words that could upset, now or in the future, any member of the school community, as this is cyberbullying.
  • I understand that some people on the internet are not who they say they are and some people are not safe to be in contact with.  I will not arrange to meet someone I only know on the internet. If someone asks to meet me, I will not reply to them and I will tell a teacher or a parent/carer immediately.
  • I understand that everything I do or receive online can be traced now and in the future. I know it is important to build a good online reputation.  
  • I understand that some personal devices are allowed in school and some are not, and I will follow the rules.  I will not assume that new devices can be brought into school without getting permission.
  • I will not lie about my age in order to access games, apps or social networks that are for older people as this will put me at risk.
  • I understand that these rules are designed to keep me safe now and in the future.  If I break the rules my teachers will look into it and may need to take action.

Name ……………………………

Signed ………………………………….

Date ………………………………………

Dear Parent/Carer,

The internet, email, mobile technologies and online resources have become an important part of learning and life.   We want all children to be safe and responsible when using any IT.  It is essential that children are aware of online risk, know how to stay safe and know where to go to report problems or to get help.

Please read through these online safety rules with your child/ren and talk with them to ensure they understand their importance and what it means for them (and for you).  When you have done this, you both need to sign this agreement to say that you agree to follow the rules.  Any concerns or explanation can be discussed with Mrs Prest. 

Please return the signed sections of this form which will be kept on record at the school.

Pupil agreement

Pupil name………………………………………

This agreement is to keep me safe. I have discussed this agreement with my parents/carers and understand the commitment I have made and my responsibilities.

Pupil signature……………………………………………………………………..

Parent(s)/Carer(s) agreement

Parent(s)/Carer(s) name(s)………………………………………………

I/we have discussed this agreement, which highlights the associated risks when accessing the internet, mobile and digital technologies, with our child/ren.  I/we agree to support them in following the terms of this agreement.

I/we also agree not to share school related information or images online or post material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute.

(Rather than posting negative material online, any parent, distressed or concerned about an aspect of school should make immediate contact with a member of staff.  Negative postings about the school would impact on the reputation of the whole school community.  Parents are encouraged to report breaches so that we can protect the reputation of the school, staff, pupils and parents).

I/we also agree only to use personal mobile phones and devices in designated areas of the school unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities.  I/we understand that under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises of anyone other than our own child/ren, unless there is a pre-specified agreement.  I/we understand that when on school premises, but not in a designated area where phones can be used, they must be switched off and out of sight.

I/we agree that if I take digital or video images at, or of – school events which include images of children, other than my own, these images will not be published / made publicly available on social networking sites.

Parent(s)/Carer(s) agreement

Parent(s)/Carer(s) name(s)……………………………………………………….

Parent/carer signature………………………………………..

Date ………………………………………………………….…

Appendix E - Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities

The school provides online safety information for parents/carers, through the website, in newsletters and at events.  It is important that parents/carers understand their key role in supporting children to behave appropriately and keep themselves safe online.

The online safety policy, supported by its acceptable use agreements, is intended to protect the interests and safety of the whole school community.

  • Parents/carers are required to support their child in understanding and signing the Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement for pupils.
  • Parents/carers may not use personal mobile phones and devices in the school unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities.  Under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises that include anyone other than their own child, unless there is a pre-specified agreement with individuals and parents/carers. If  a digital or video images is taken at, or of – school events which include images of children, other than their own, these images will not be published / made publicly available on social networking sites.
  • Parents/carers should not assume that pupils can bring technological devices to school and should always check the school policy.
  • All cyberbullying incidents affecting children in the school should be reported immediately.  (If the incident involves an indecent image of a child the report must also be made immediately to the police for your own protection.) The school will investigate and respond to all reported cyberbullying incidents, liaising with others where appropriate.  No reply should ever be sent to the sender/poster of cyberbullying content. If applicable block the sender and report abuse to the site. Evidence should be retained and shown in school and/or to the police.  Evidence should not be forwarded.
  • The school may choose to set up social media sites, blogs or have some other online presence in its own name.  Parents/carers, however, do not have the right to set up any site, page, chat group or any other online presence that uses the school name or logo in any form unless agreed by the head teacher.
  • Any parent/carer, distressed or concerned about an aspect of school should make immediate contact with a member of staff rather than posting their concerns online.  Parents/carers should not share school related information or images online or post material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute.  Negative postings about the school would impact on the reputation of the whole school community.  Parents/carers are encouraged to report breaches so that we can protect the reputation of the school, staff, pupils and parents/carers.

Please see the full online safety policy in the policies section on the school website.

Appendix F - Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents

All cyberbullying incidents should be reported and responded to.  Where the perpetrator is a member of the school community the majority of cases can be dealt with through mediation and/or disciplinary processes.  

The following procedures are recommended:

  • Never reply to the sender/poster of cyberbullying content.  If applicable, block the sender.
  • Incidents should be reported immediately.  Pupils should report to a member of staff (e.g. class teacher, headteacher) and staff members should seek support from their line manager or a senior member of staff.
  • The person reporting the cyberbullying should save the evidence and record the time and date.  This evidence must not be forwarded but must be available to show at a meeting.  Under no circumstances should indecent images of children and young people be printed or forwarded as this is a further criminal act.  Staff should not ask to see the evidence of reported indecent images of children or young people but must refer this immediately to the police.  Any member of staff being shown such evidence should immediately inform their line manager or the headteacher so that the circumstances can be recorded.
  • A senior member of staff will meet with the person who has reported the incident and the target, if different, to listen, reassure and support.  All relevant facts will be reviewed and documented.
  • A senior member of staff will conduct an investigation.
  • Anyone found to have cyberbullied will have attention drawn to the seriousness of their behaviour and if necessary the police will be involved.  If the comments are threatening, abusive, sexist, of a sexual nature, constitute a hate crime or are libellous they may well break the law. Online harassment and stalking is also a crime.
  • Once evidence has been secured then the person who has cyberbullied will be requested to remove the offending comments/material.  Any refusal will lead to an escalation of sanctions.

Appendix G - Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media

The school should make it clear which, if any, social media platforms are used to communicate with parents/carers.  If used correctly, parents can use a school’s social media site as a source of reliable information.  The online safety policy, see especially Appendix E (Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities), clarifies that no other social media platforms should be set up using the school’s name or logo.

The school should regularly reinforce with all parties that discussion of school issues on social media platforms, either positive or negative, should not take place as this could bring the school into disrepute and affect families and children.  Parents should be encouraged to be good online role models and not post statements written in anger or frustration.  Identified routes to raise concerns directly with the school should be used.

If negative comments are posted:

  • Collect the facts

As soon as you become aware of adverse comments relating to the school you need to establish what is being said.  It is essential that if you have access to the postings they are secured and retained together with any other evidence.  Do not become engaged in responding directly.

If the allegations against a member of staff or a pupil are of a serious nature, these will need to be formally investigated.  This may involve the police and the headteacher will need to follow the school’s safeguarding procedures.

If there is a risk of serious damage to the school reputation or the reputation of individual members of staff, professional legal advice should be sought. 

Adverse comments of any kind are highly demotivating and cause stress and anxiety.  It is important that the senior staff reassure and support all staff and/or other affected members of the school community.

  • Addressing negative comments and complaints

Contact the complainants and invite them to a meeting.  In the meeting, make sure you have any evidence available.

The meeting must:

  • Draw attention to the seriousness and impact of the actions/postings;
  • Ask for the offending remarks to be removed;
  • Explore the complainant’s grievance;
  • Agree next steps;
  • Clarify the correct complaints procedures.

If the meeting does not resolve the issue, the parents must be informed that the school will need to take the matter further. This may include:

  • Reporting the matter to the social network site if it breaches their rules or breaks the law;
  • Reporting the matter to the police if it breaks the law, e.g. if the comments are threatening, abusive, malicious, sexist, of a sexual nature, constitute a hate crime or are libellous they may well break the law.  Online harassment and stalking is also a crime.

If inappropriate postings continue or the original material is not removed, a second meeting is advisable to re-iterate the seriousness of the matter.

Appendix H - Online safety incident reporting form

Any member of the school community can raise a concern about an online safety incident. If you have witnessed or experienced an incident please complete the form below to help us to address the issue.  It is important that you provide as much detail as possible.  Once completed please hand this report to Mrs Prest.

Name of person reporting incident:


Date you are completing this form:

Where did the incident take place:

Inside school?

Outside school?

Date of incident(s):

Time of incident(s):

Who was involved in the incident(s)?

Full names and/or contact details

Children/young people

Staff member(s)


Other, please specify

Type of incident(s) (indicate as many as apply)

Accessing age inappropriate websites, apps and social media

Accessing someone else’s account without permission

Forwarding/spreading chain messages or threatening material

Posting images without permission of all involved

Online bullying or harassment (cyber bullying)

Posting material that will bring an  individual or the school into disrepute

Racist, sexist, homophobic, religious or other hate material

Online gambling

Sexting/Child abuse images

Deliberately bypassing security


Hacking or spreading viruses

Accessing, sharing or creating pornographic images and media

Accessing and/or sharing terrorist material

Accessing, sharing or creating violent images and media

Drug/bomb making material

Creating an account in someone else’s name to bring them into disrepute

Breaching copyright regulations

Other breach of acceptable use agreement, please specify

Full description of the incident

What, when, where, how?

Name all social media involved

Specify: Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp, Snapchat, Instagram etc

Evidence of the incident

Specify any evidence available but do not attach.

Thank you for completing and submitting this form.

Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School



Online Safety

Including Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreements


Adopted: March 2019

Reviewed and updated: March 2021

Next review date: March 2023


1.    Introduction. 2

2.    Responsibilities. 3

3.    Scope of policy. 3

4.    Policy and procedure. 4

Use of email 4

Visiting online sites and downloading. 4

Storage of Images. 6

Use of personal mobile devices (including phones) 6

New technological devices. 7

Reporting incidents, abuse and inappropriate material 7

5.    Curriculum.. 7

6.    Staff and Governor Training. 8

7.    Working in Partnership with Parents/Carers. 9

8.    Records, monitoring and review.. 9

9.    Appendices of the Online Safety Policy. 9

Appendix A -Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff ,Governors,student teachers. 11

Appendix B - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches and supply teachers. 14

Appendix C - Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers. 17

Appendix D - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils. 18

Appendix E - Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities. 21

Appendix F - Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents. 22

Appendix G - Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media. 23

Appendix H - Online safety incident reporting form.. 25


  1. Introduction

Embsay school recognises that internet, mobile and digital technologies provide a good opportunity for children and young people to learn, socialise and play, provided they are safe. The digital world is an amazing place, but with few rules.  It is vast and fast moving and young people’s future economic success may be partly dependent on their online skills and reputation.  We are, therefore, committed to ensuring that all pupils, staff and governors will be able to use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely.  This is part of our safeguarding responsibility.  Staff are aware that some pupils may require additional support or teaching, including reminders, prompts and further explanation to reinforce their knowledge and understanding of online safety issues.

We are also committed to ensuring that all those who work with children and young people, including their parents/carers, are informed about the ever-changing risks so that they can take an active part in the safeguarding of children.

2.   Responsibilities

The Governing body: 

Governors are responsible for the approval of the online safety policy, ensuring it is disseminated to the wider school community and for reviewing the effectiveness of the policy. Chris Atherton is the named governor for online safety.

As part of their responsibilities in this area the governing Body will:

  • ensure that the statutory requirements of Keeping Children Safe in Education 2020 are complied with.
  • regularly review the staff behaviour policy (sometimes called the code of conduct) which amongst other things, includes acceptable use of technologies, staff/pupil relationships and communications including the use of social media
  • ensure that online safety training for staff is integrated, aligned and considered as part of the overarching safeguarding approach
  • ensure that the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead is trained in online safety issues and is aware of the potential for serious child protection issues that could arise through the use of ICT
  • ensure that children are taught about safeguarding, including online safety.
  • ensure that the school has in place policies and procedures on sexual harassment and peer on peer abuse that can occur online and offline.
  • ensure the appropriateness of any filters, monitoring and security systems
  • regularly monitor online safety incident logs and respond appropriately  to the identified needs
  • ensure the company who is hosting the schools website has enough security in place so it cannot be inappropriately accessed and to have an action plan if it is ‘hacked’ e.g who regular checks the website including during school holidays, who is the key contact if the website is hacked 

The Headteacher:

  • supporting the Governors to comply with the online safety aspects of the Keeping Children Safe in Education
  • supporting the Governors comply with the online safety aspects of the statutory regulations which have make the subjects of Relationships Education (for all primary pupils) and Relationships and Sex Education (for all secondary pupils) and Health Education (for all pupils) mandatory from September 2020.
  • the online safety of all members of the school community.
  • effective and regular training about online safety is provided for the whole school community  and a log is kept of the staff who complete the training 
  • invite governors to take part in online safety training and awareness sessions, with particular importance for those who are members of any committee or working group involved in ICT, online safety education or safeguarding. 
  • effective communication with parents/ carers about safe practices when using online technology’s and support them in talking to their children about these issues
  • that effective filtering, monitoring and security systems are set up
  • ensure that there are effective procedures in place in the event of an online safety allegation which are known and understood by all members of staff 
  • establish and review the school online safety policy and documents and make them available on the school website 
  • liaise with staff, ICT Technical staff, online safety governor, SLT and partner agencies on all issues related to online safety 
  • ensure that all staff are aware of the procedures that need to be followed in the event of an online safety incident taking place 
  • provide training and advice for staff and keep a log of staff who complete training about online issues
  • keep a log of staff, pupils and families who have signed the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for the safe use of technology
  • receive and respond to reports of online safety incidents and create a log of incidents and outcomes to inform future online safety developments 
  • co-ordinate and review online safety education programme in school
  • ensure all new staff receive online safety training as part of their induction programme, ensuring that they fully understand the school online safety policy, Acceptable Usage and Child Protection Policies.

The ICT technician:

  • ensure the school’s ICT infrastructure is secure and meets requirements for filtering and monitoring
  • that the school’s password policy is adhered to
  • ensure that the school’s filtering policy is applied and updated on a regular basis and that its implementation is not the sole responsibility of any single person
  • ensure that the use of the school’s ICT infrastructure (network, remote access, e-mail, VLE etc.) is regularly monitored in order that any misuse or attempted misuse can be reported to the named SLT for action. 


Keeping children Safe in Education 2020 states that the staff behaviour policy

(sometimes called the code of conduct) which should, amongst other things, include:

acceptable use of technologies, staff/pupil relationships and communications including

the use of social media. Alongside the Staff Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), all staff are

responsible for ensuring that: 

  • they have an up to date awareness of online safety matters and of the schools current online safety policy and practices
  • they adhere to any procedures and policies that are implemented to support remote learning for both staff and pupils and communication with parents / carers
  • they attend the training provided by the school about online safety and Online Safety
  • they have read, understood and signed the school Staff Acceptable Usage Policy (AUP)
  • do not ‘be-friend’ any pupil or pupil family member on social media in a social context whilst the pupil is at the school 
  • online safety issues are embedded in all aspects of the curriculum and other school activities 
  • they ensure that pupils understand and follow the school’s online safety and acceptable usage policies 
  • they ensure that pupils have a good understanding of research skills and the need to avoid plagiarism and uphold copyright regulations 
  • they monitor ICT activity in lessons, extracurricular and extended school activities
  • in lessons where Internet use is pre-planned, pupils should be guided to sites checked as suitable for their use and that processes are in place for dealing with any unsuitable material that is found in Internet searches.
  • they are aware that emails can be part of Freedom of Information requests so all correspondence needs to be professional, courtesy and  respectful
  • if confidential information / information under the data protection act is being sent by email it must be sent through the secure email system 


  • pupils are responsible for using the school ICT systems in accordance with the Pupil Acceptable Usage Policy, which they will be required to sign before being given access to school systems. Parents/carers will be required to read through and sign alongside their child’s signature.
  • they must adhere to any procedures that are implemented to support remote learning for both pupils and  staff 
  • pupils must report abuse, misuse or access to inappropriate materials and know how to do so.
  • should understand the importance of adopting good online safety practice when using digital technologies out of school and realise that the school’s online safety policy also covers their actions out of school, if related to their membership of the school or using equipment provided by the school.


Parents/Carers play a crucial role in ensuring that their children understand the need

to use the Internet/mobile devices in an appropriate way.

Parents and carers are responsible for: 

  • endorsing (by signature) the Pupil Acceptable Usage Policy and will alongside this sign the Parents/ Carers Acceptable Usage Policy
  • access the school website and correspond with the school in accordance with the Parents Acceptable Usage Policy. 
  • ensure that they do not use social media to criticise or make inappropriate comments about the school or an individual member of staff as making defamatory comments online has exactly the same legal consequences as if they are made directly to someone else. Similarly threats of violence can lead to criminal proceedings under the Malicious Communications Act. If as a parent/ carer they have any concerns about anything which happens in schools then please contact the school directly.
  1. Scope of policy

The policy applies to:

  • pupils
  • parents/carers
  • teaching and support staff
  • school governors
  • peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers, student teachers
  • visitors
  • volunteers
  • voluntary, statutory or community organisations using  the school's facilities

The school also works with partners and other providers to ensure that pupils who receive part of their education off site or who are on a school trip or residential are safe online.

The school provides online safety information for parents/carers, through the website, in newsletters and at events.  It is important that parents/carers understand their key role in supporting their child/ren to behave appropriately and keep themselves safe online.  

This policy, supported by its acceptable use agreements, is intended to protect the interests and safety of the whole school community.  It is linked to the following other school policies and documents: Child Protection , Information, Health and safety, Home–school agreement, Behaviour, Anti-bullying, Staff Code of Conduct, Safer Working Practice.

Policy and procedure

The school seeks to ensure that internet, mobile and digital technologies are used effectively, for their intended educational purpose, in ways that will not infringe legal requirements or create unnecessary risk.

The school expects everyone to use internet, mobile and digital technologies responsibly and strictly according to the conditions set out in this policy. This policy also includes expectations on appropriate online behaviour and use of technology outside of school for pupils, parents/carers, staff and governors and all other visitors to the school.

When applying this policy, the school will take account of any guidance issued by North Yorkshire. The most recent guidance can be found at: Online Safety Guidance for Schools in North Yorkshire Updated January 2021

Use of email

Staff and governors should use a school email account  for all official communication to ensure everyone is protected through the traceability of communication.  Under no circumstances should staff contact pupils, parents or conduct any school business using a personal email address.  Pupils may only use school approved accounts on the school system and only for educational purposes. Where required parent/carer permission will be obtained for the account to exist.  For advice on sharing personal or confidential information or the need to gain parent permission refer to the Informaiton Policy. Emails created or received as part of any school role will be subject to disclosure in response to a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Staff, governors and pupils should not open emails or attachments from suspect sources and should report their receipt to Mrs Chapman.

Users must not send emails which are offensive, embarrassing or upsetting to anyone (i.e. cyberbullying).

Visiting online sites and downloading

  • Staff must preview sites, software and apps before their use in school or before recommending them to pupils.  Before using any online service that requires user accounts to be created or the sharing of any personal data, staff must consult with the head teacher  with details of the site/service.  If internet research is set for homework, specific sites will be suggested that have previously been checked by the teacher.  All users must observe copyright of materials from electronic sources.
  • Staff must only use pre-approved systems if creating blogs, wikis or other online areas in order to communicate with pupils/ families.
  • When working with pupils searching for images should be done through Google Safe Search (standard through the NY service), Google Advanced Search or a similar application that provides greater safety than a standard search engine.

Users must not:

Visit internet sites, make, post, download, upload or pass on, material, remarks, proposals or comments that contain or relate to:

  • Indecent images of children actually or apparently under the age of 18 or images of child abuse (i.e. images of children, digital or cartoons, involved in sexual activity or posed to be sexually provocative)
  • Indecent images of vulnerable people over the age of 18 (i.e. images of vulnerable people, digital or cartoons involved in sexual activity or posed to be sexually provocative)
  • Adult material that breaches the Obscene Publications Act in the UK
  • Promoting discrimination of any kind in relation to the protected characteristics: gender identity and reassignment, gender/sex, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion, sexual orientation, age and marital status
  • Promoting hatred against any individual or group from the protected characteristics above
  • Promoting illegal acts including physical or sexual abuse of children or adults, violence, bomb making, drug and alcohol abuse and software piracy
  • Any material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute e.g. promotion of violence, gambling, libel and disrespect

Users must not:

  • Reveal or publicise confidential or proprietary information
  • Intentionally interfere with the normal operation of the internet connection, including the propagation of computer viruses
  • Transmit unsolicited commercial or advertising material either to other users, or to organisations connected to other networks except where permission has been given to the school
  • Use the school's hardware and Wi-Fi facilities for running a private business
  • Intimidate, threaten or cause harm to others
  • Access or interfere in any way with other users' accounts
  • Use software or hardware that has been prohibited by the school

  Only a school device may be used to conduct school business outside of school. The only exception would be where a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school for use on a personal device.

All breaches of prohibited behaviours detailed above will be investigated, where appropriate, in liaison with the police.

The school recognises that in certain planned curricular activities, access to controversial and/or offensive online content may be beneficial for educational use. In such circumstances, there is an expectation that access is pre-planned, risk assessed and recorded, and permission given by Mrs Prest.  

Storage of Images

Photographs and videos provide valuable evidence of pupils’ achievement and progress in a variety of contexts and can be used to celebrate the work of the school.  In line with GDPR they are used only with the written consent of parents/carers which is secured in the first instance on a child’s entry to the school. Records are kept on file and consent can be changed by parents/carers at any time. (See Information Policy for greater clarification).

Photographs and images of pupils are only stored on the school’s agreed secure networks which include some cloud based services.  Rights of access to stored images are restricted to approved staff as determined by Mrs Prest.  Staff and pupils may have temporary access to photographs taken during a class session, but these will be transferred/deleted promptly.

Parents/carers should note that there may be some children who are at risk and must not have their image put online and others who do not want their image online.  For these reasons parents/carers must follow the school’s Acceptable Use Agreement and refrain from posting online photographs of any member of the school community, other than their own child/ren.

Staff and other professionals working with pupils, must only use school equipment to record images of pupils whether on or off site. See also Information Policy.  

Use of personal mobile devices (including phones)

The school does not allow staff, including temporary and peripatetic staff, and visitors to use personal mobile phones and devices in the presence of pupils. Under no circumstance does the school allow a member of staff to contact a pupil or parent/carer using their personal device.

Parents/carers may not use personal mobile phones and devices in the school building unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities. Under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises or on off-site school events and activities of anyone other than their own child, unless there is a pre-specified permission from Mrs Prest.  

Year 6 pupils are allowed to bring personal mobile devices/phones to school but must hand them to the class teacher for storage during the day.  Under no circumstance should pupils use their personal mobile devices/phones to take images of

  • any other pupil unless they and their parents have given agreement in advance
  • any member of staff

The school is not responsible for the loss, damage or theft on school premises of any personal mobile device.

Users bringing personal devices into school must ensure there is no inappropriate or illegal content on the device.

  Personal mobiles must never be used to access school emails and data. The only       exception would be where a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school for use on a personal device.

New technological devices

New personal technological devices may offer opportunities for teaching and learning. However, the school must consider educational benefit and carry out risk assessment before use in school is allowed.  Parents/carers, pupils and staff should not assume that new technological devices will be allowed in school and should check with Mrs Prest before they are brought into school.  

Reporting incidents, abuse and inappropriate material

There may be occasions in school when either a pupil or an adult receives an offensive, abusive or inappropriate message or accidentally accesses upsetting or abusive material. When such a situation occurs the pupil or adult must report the incident immediately to the first available member of staff, or the headteacher.  Where such an incident may lead to significant harm, safeguarding procedures should be followed.  The school takes the reporting of such incidents seriously and where judged necessary, the DSL will refer details to social care or the police.

  1. Curriculum

Online safety is embedded within our curriculum. The school provides a comprehensive curriculum for online safety which enables pupils to become informed, safe and responsible. This includes teaching to prevent radicalisation, for which staff provide a narrative to counter extremism.

The curriculum is flexible and can respond to any immediate online safety issues and risks as they emerge.

It is necessary for pupils to develop skills of critical awareness, digital resilience and good online citizenship to enable them to use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely and responsibly.  Pupils are taught to recognise the creative, collaborative, cultural, economic and educational opportunities provided by the internet, mobile and digital technologies. Curriculum work will also include:

  • Understanding how to use the internet, mobile and digital technologies in a balanced and appropriate way to avoid negative impact on wellbeing, e.g. regulated screen time and diverse online activity
  • Learning how to develop a positive online reputation and enhance future opportunities e.g. in relationships and employment
  • Developing critical thinking skills in relation to online content e.g. recognising fake news and extremism, understanding commercial manipulation, maintaining an authentic sense of self that is resilient to online pressure, learning how easy it is to lie online (i.e. users may not be who they say they are and may have ulterior motives)
  • Understanding the dangers of giving out personal details online (e.g. full name, address, mobile/home phone numbers, school details, IM/email address) and the importance of maintaining maximum privacy online
  • Thinking carefully before placing images online and considering their appropriateness and understanding the importance of gaining consent before posting photographs of others
  • Understanding the permanency of all online postings and conversations
  • Understanding relevant legislation, including copyright, and the importance of respecting other people’s information, reputation and images
  • What constitutes cyberbullying, how to avoid it, the impact it has and how to access help.
  1. Staff and Governor Training

Staff and governors are trained to fulfil their roles in online safety. The school audits the training needs of all school staff and provides regular training to improve their knowledge and expertise in the safe and appropriate use of internet, mobile and digital technologies.  This training is recorded as part of safeguarding records.

New staff are provided with a copy of the online safety policy and must sign the school’s Acceptable Use Agreement as part of their induction and before having contact with pupils.

Any organisation working with children based on the school premises are also provided with a copy of the online safety policy and required to sign the Acceptable Use Agreement (Appendix B).

Volunteers, peripatetic staff (unless employed by NYCC services), student teachers and regular visitors are provided with a copy of the online safety policy and are required to sign the Acceptable Use Agreement (Appendix B).

  1. Working in Partnership with Parents/Carers

The school works closely with families to help ensure that children can use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely and responsibly both at home and school.  It is important that parents/carers understand the crucial role they play in this process. The school seeks to regularly consult and discuss online safety with parents/carers and seeks to promote a wide understanding of the benefits of new technologies and associated risks.  The school provides regular updated online safety information through the school website and by other means.

Parents/carers are asked to read, discuss and co-sign with each child the Acceptable Use Agreement whenever the online safety policy is reviewed.  A summary of key parent/carer responsibilities will also be provided and is available in Appendix F. The Acceptable Use Agreement explains the school’s expectations and pupil and parent/carer responsibilities. The support of parents/carers is essential to implement the online safety policy effectively and keep all children safe.

  1. Records, monitoring and review

The school recognises the need to record online safety incidents and to monitor and review policies and procedures regularly in order to ensure they are effective and that the risks to pupils and staff are minimised.

All breaches of this policy must be reported and all reported incidents will be logged on CPOMS. All staff have the individual responsibility to ensure that incidents have been correctly recorded, acted upon and reported.  An online safety incident recording format are provided in appendix H.

The school supports pupils and staff who have been affected by a policy breach. Where there is inappropriate or illegal use of internet, mobile and digital technologies, this will be dealt with under the school’s behaviour and disciplinary policies as appropriate.  Breaches may also lead to criminal or civil proceedings.

Governors receive termly summary data on recorded online safety incidents for monitoring purposes.  In addition governors ensure they have sufficient, quality information to enable them to make a judgement about the fitness for purpose of this policy on an annual basis.

  1. Appendices of the Online Safety Policy
  1. Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff, Governors and student teachers (on placement or on staff)
  2. Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers
  3. Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers working in the school (working directly with children or otherwise)
  4. Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils
  5. Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities
  6. Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents
  7. Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media
  8. Online safety incident reporting form

Appendix A - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff, Governors and student teachers (on placement or on staff)

You must read this agreement in conjunction with the online safety policy and the Information  policy.  Once you have read these, you must sign and submit this agreement and it will be kept on record in the school. You should retain your own copy for reference. This forms part of your professional and safeguarding responsibilities.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies are part of our daily working life and this agreement is designed to ensure that all staff and governors are aware of their responsibilities in relation to their use.  All staff and governors are expected to adhere to this agreement and to the online safety policy.  Any concerns or clarification should be discussed with Mrs Prest. Breaches will be investigated, recorded and, where appropriate, disciplinary procedures will apply and police involvement will be sought.

Internet Access

I will not access or attempt to access any sites that contain any of the following: child abuse; pornography; discrimination of any kind; promotion of prejudice against any group; promotion of illegal acts; any other information which may be illegal or offensive.  Inadvertent access on school equipment must be treated as an online safety incident, reported to the online safety lead and/or DSL and an incident report completed.

Online conduct

I will ensure that my online activity, both in and outside school, will not bring the school, my professional reputation, or that of others, into disrepute.

I will not browse, download, upload or distribute any material that could be considered offensive, illegal or discriminatory.  Exceptionally, use of controversial material as part of the curriculum should be planned and approved on every occasion (see policy). 

I will report any accidental access to or receipt of inappropriate materials or filtering breach to Mrs Prest.

I understand that all my use of the internet and other related technologies can be traced and monitored and, should it be required, must be made available to my line manager, headteacher and others as required.

I will not give out my personal contact and online account information such as phone numbers, email address, and social media account details to pupils and/or parents/carers.

Social networking

I understand the need to separate my professional role from my private friendships; in my professional capacity I will not become ‘friends’ with parents/carers or pupils on social networks. Where my school role is my only connection to an individual, private online contact is unacceptable with parents/carers or pupils. See also Staff Code of Conduct.

When using social networking for personal use I will ensure my settings are not public. My private account postings will never undermine or disparage the school, its staff, governors, parents/carers or pupils. Privileged information must remain confidential.


I understand that there is no occasion when a password should be shared with a pupil or anyone who is not a staff member without permission.

Data protection

I will follow requirements for data protection as outlined in the information policy.  These include:

  • Photographs must be kept securely and used appropriately, whether in school, taken off the school premises or accessed remotely
  • Personal data can only be taken out of school or accessed remotely when authorised by the headteacher or governing body
  • Personal or sensitive data taken off site must be encrypted

Images and videos

I will only upload images or videos of staff, pupils or parents/carers onto school approved sites where specific permission has been granted.

I will not take images, sound recordings or videos of school events or activities on any personal device.

 Use of email

I will use my school email address for all school business.  All such correspondence must be kept professional and is open to Subject Access Requests under the Freedom of Information Act.  I will not use my school email addresses for personal matters or non-school business.

Use of personal devices

I understand that as a member of staff I should at no time put myself in a position where a safeguarding allegation can be made against me as a result of my use of personal devices. I understand that the use of personal devices in school is at the discretion of the headteacher.

I will not access secure school information from personal devices unless a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school.

Additional hardware/software

I will not install any hardware or software on school equipment without permission of Mrs Prest.

Promoting online safety

I understand that online safety is the responsibility of all staff and governors and I will promote positive online safety messages at all times including when setting homework or providing pastoral support.

I understand that it is my duty to support a whole school safeguarding approach and will report any inappropriate or concerning behaviour (of other staff, governors, visitors, pupils or parents/carers) to the DSL or Mrs Prest.

Classroom management of internet access

I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites used in the classroom; this will include the acceptability of other material visible, however briefly, on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.

If I am using the internet to teach about controversial issues I will secure, on every occasion, approval in advance for the material I plan to use with Mrs Prest.

User signature

I agree to follow this Acceptable Use Agreement and to support online safety throughout the school.  I understand this forms part of the terms and conditions set out in my contract of employment (staff members only) and/or my responsibilities as a governor.

Signature …….………………….………… Date ……………………

Full Name …………………………………......................................... (printed)

Job title ……………………………………………………………………

Appendix B - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers

School name Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School

Online safety lead Fiona Prest

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Fiona Prest

This agreement forms part of your professional and safeguarding responsibility in the school.  You must read and sign this agreement.  This will be kept on record and you should retain your own copy for reference.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies are part of our daily working life and this agreement is designed to ensure that all staff and governors are aware of their responsibilities in relation to their use. You are expected to adhere to this agreement.  Any concerns or clarification should be discussed with Mrs Prest. Breaches will be investigated, recorded and, where appropriate, disciplinary procedures will apply and police involvement will be sought.

The school’s online safety policy will provide further detailed information as required.

Internet Access

I will not access or attempt to access any sites that contain any of the following: child abuse; pornography; discrimination of any kind; promotion of prejudice against any group; promotion of illegal acts; any other information which may be illegal or offensive.  Inadvertent access on school equipment must be treated as an online safety incident, reported to the online safety lead and/or DSL and an incident report completed.

Online conduct

I will ensure that my online activity, both in and outside school, will not bring the school, my professional reputation, or that of others, into disrepute.

I will not browse, download, upload or distribute any material that could be considered offensive, illegal or discriminatory.  Exceptionally, use of controversial material as part of the curriculum should be planned and approved on every occasion (see policy). 

I will report any accidental access to or receipt of inappropriate materials or filtering breach to Mrs Prest.

I understand that all my use of the internet and other related technologies can be traced and monitored and, should it be required, must be made available to my line manager, headteacher and others as required.

I will not give out my personal contact and online account information such as phone numbers, email address, and social media account details to pupils and/or parents/carers.

Should I need to share my professional details, such as mobile phone number or email address, with parent/carers, this must be agreed in advance as an acceptable approach with Mrs Prest.

Social networking

I understand the need to separate my professional role from my private friendships; in my professional capacity I will not become ‘friends’ with parents/carers or pupils on social networks. Where my school role is my only connection to an individual, private online contact is unacceptable with parents/carers or pupils.

Information can be shared with pupils over 13 and parents/carers through an organisational social network site/page e.g. on Facebook or Twitter, but never through a personal account or site. In my professional role in the school, I will never engage in 1-1 exchanges with pupils or parent/carers on personal social network sites.

My private account postings will never undermine or disparage the school, its staff, governors, parents/carers or pupils.  Privileged information known as a result of my work in the school must remain confidential.  

I will not upload any material about or references to the school or its community on my personal social networks.


I must clarify what access I may have to the internet and/or school systems.  If I have access of any kind, I understand that there is no occasion when a password should be shared with a pupil or anyone who is not a staff member. 

Data protection

I will follow all requirements for data protection explained to me by the school.  These include:

  • I must consult with the school before making any recordings, photographs and videos. Once agreed, these must be made on a school device.
  • I understand that there are strict controls and requirements regarding the collection and use of personal data. I will follow all requirements regarding GDPR.

Images and videos

I will only upload images or videos of staff, pupils or parents/carers onto school approved sites where specific permission has been granted.

I will not take images, sound recordings or videos of tuition or wider school activities on any personal device. School devices can be used for this purpose or, in the case of 1:1 tuition, pupil’s or parent/carer devices can be used, with parent/carer agreement.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies provide helpful recording functions but these cannot be made on a teacher’s personal device.  Recordings can be made with the child’s and parent/carer’s agreement on a school device, an organisational device approved by the headteacher/DSL, or a young person’s or parent/carer’s own device.

Use of Email

I will use my professional or formal student email address for all school business.  All such correspondence should be kept professional and is open to Subject Access Requests under the Freedom of Information Act. I will not use my professional email addresses for personal matters.

Use of personal devices

I understand that when working in the school I should at no time put myself in a position where a safeguarding allegation can be made against me as a result of my use of personal devices. I understand that the use of personal devices in school is at the discretion of the headteacher.

I will only use approved personal devices when not with pupils. This therefore precludes use of specialist apps on personal devices.  A school device could be used to access specialist apps that support pupil learning.  

Additional hardware/software

I will not install any hardware or software on school equipment without permission of Mrs Prest.

Promoting online safety

I understand that online safety is part of my responsibility and I will promote positive online safety messages at all times, including when setting homework, rehearsal or skill practice or when providing pastoral support.

I understand that it is my duty to support a whole school safeguarding approach and will report any behaviour (of staff, governors, visitors, pupils or parents/carers) which I believe may be inappropriate or concerning in any way to the DSL or Mrs Prest.

Classroom management of internet access

I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites used in the classroom; this will include the acceptability of other material visible, however briefly, on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.

If I am using the internet to teach about controversial issues I will secure, on every occasion, approval in advance for the material I plan to use with Mrs Prest.

User Signature

I agree to follow this Acceptable Use Agreement and to support online safety in my work in the school.  I understand this forms part of my company/educational setting/organisation’s contract with the school.

Signature …….………………….…………….…      Date ……………………

Full Name ………………………………….................................................... (Please use block capitals)

Job Title/Role …………………………………..…………………..……………

Appendix C - Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers

(Working directly with children or otherwise)

School name……Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School ………………………………..…..

Online safety lead …Mrs Prest……………………………..…

DSL …Mrs Prest……………………………………………..…..

This document is designed to ensure that you are aware of your responsibilities when using any form of IT in the school and other aspects of safeguarding in connection with online safety.

Please raise any safeguarding concerns arising from your visit immediately with the headteacher and/or DSL

  • I understand I may not use my personal mobile phone(s) and other devices with camera functions in front of children.   Any exception must be pre-arranged.
  • I will not take images, sound recording or videos of school events or activities, on or off site, on any device.  Any possible exception must be pre-arranged.
  • I will not give out my personal details such as mobile phone number, email address, and social media account details to pupils and parent/carers.  Where appropriate I may share my professional contact details with parents/carers provided the DSL or headteacher is informed before I leave the school.
  • I understand my visit to the school may give me access to privileged information about pupils, staff, school systems and plans.  Such information should never be shared online, including on social media sites.
  • I understand I should not use school equipment to access the internet without prior approval from my contact in the school or the headteacher.
  • If working in the classroom, I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites I intend to use including checking the acceptability of other material visible on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.  If I am in any doubt about the appropriateness of the content I plan to use I will check with my contact in the school.

Appendix D - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils

 My online safety rules

  • I will only use school IT equipment for activities agreed by school staff.
  • I will not use my personal email address or other personal accounts in school when doing school work.
  • I will not sign up for any online service on school devices unless this is an agreed part of a school project approved by my teacher and agreed by my parent/carer.
  • I will only open email attachments if it has been approved by a member of school staff in school or a parent/carer out of school.
  • In school I will only open or delete my files when told by a member of staff.
  • I will not tell anyone other than my parents/carers my passwords. I will not use other people’s usernames or passwords to pretend to be them online.
  • I will make sure that all online contact I make is responsible, polite and sensible. I will be kind and respectful at all times.
  • If I come across anything upsetting, unpleasant or nasty, or anything that makes me feel unsafe, I will tell my teacher or my parent/carer immediately.
  • If someone says, asks or posts about me anything upsetting, unpleasant or nasty, or anything that makes me feel unsafe, I will not reply. I will tell my teacher or my parent/carer immediately. 
  • I will not give out my own or other people’s personal information, including: name, phone number, home address, interests, schools or clubs.  I will tell my teacher or parent/carer if anyone asks me online for personal information.
  • Uploading or sending my image (photographs, videos, live streaming) online puts me at risk.  I will always seek permission from my teacher or parent/carer if I wish to do this.  I will not take, share or upload any image of anyone else without their permission and also, if they are a child, without their parent’s/carer’s permission.
  • Even if I have permission, I will not upload any images, videos, sounds or words that could upset, now or in the future, any member of the school community, as this is cyberbullying.
  • I understand that some people on the internet are not who they say they are and some people are not safe to be in contact with.  I will not arrange to meet someone I only know on the internet. If someone asks to meet me, I will not reply to them and I will tell a teacher or a parent/carer immediately.
  • I understand that everything I do or receive online can be traced now and in the future. I know it is important to build a good online reputation.  
  • I understand that some personal devices are allowed in school and some are not, and I will follow the rules.  I will not assume that new devices can be brought into school without getting permission.
  • I will not lie about my age in order to access games, apps or social networks that are for older people as this will put me at risk.
  • I understand that these rules are designed to keep me safe now and in the future.  If I break the rules my teachers will look into it and may need to take action.

Name ……………………………

Signed ………………………………….

Date ………………………………………

Dear Parent/Carer,

The internet, email, mobile technologies and online resources have become an important part of learning and life.   We want all children to be safe and responsible when using any IT.  It is essential that children are aware of online risk, know how to stay safe and know where to go to report problems or to get help.

Please read through these online safety rules with your child/ren and talk with them to ensure they understand their importance and what it means for them (and for you).  When you have done this, you both need to sign this agreement to say that you agree to follow the rules.  Any concerns or explanation can be discussed with Mrs Prest. 

Please return the signed sections of this form which will be kept on record at the school.

Pupil agreement

Pupil name………………………………………

This agreement is to keep me safe. I have discussed this agreement with my parents/carers and understand the commitment I have made and my responsibilities.

Pupil signature……………………………………………………………………..

Parent(s)/Carer(s) agreement

Parent(s)/Carer(s) name(s)………………………………………………

I/we have discussed this agreement, which highlights the associated risks when accessing the internet, mobile and digital technologies, with our child/ren.  I/we agree to support them in following the terms of this agreement.

I/we also agree not to share school related information or images online or post material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute.

(Rather than posting negative material online, any parent, distressed or concerned about an aspect of school should make immediate contact with a member of staff.  Negative postings about the school would impact on the reputation of the whole school community.  Parents are encouraged to report breaches so that we can protect the reputation of the school, staff, pupils and parents).

I/we also agree only to use personal mobile phones and devices in designated areas of the school unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities.  I/we understand that under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises of anyone other than our own child/ren, unless there is a pre-specified agreement.  I/we understand that when on school premises, but not in a designated area where phones can be used, they must be switched off and out of sight.

I/we agree that if I take digital or video images at, or of – school events which include images of children, other than my own, these images will not be published / made publicly available on social networking sites.

Parent(s)/Carer(s) agreement

Parent(s)/Carer(s) name(s)……………………………………………………….

Parent/carer signature………………………………………..

Date ………………………………………………………….…

Appendix E - Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities

The school provides online safety information for parents/carers, through the website, in newsletters and at events.  It is important that parents/carers understand their key role in supporting children to behave appropriately and keep themselves safe online.

The online safety policy, supported by its acceptable use agreements, is intended to protect the interests and safety of the whole school community.

  • Parents/carers are required to support their child in understanding and signing the Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement for pupils.
  • Parents/carers may not use personal mobile phones and devices in the school unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities.  Under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises that include anyone other than their own child, unless there is a pre-specified agreement with individuals and parents/carers. If  a digital or video images is taken at, or of – school events which include images of children, other than their own, these images will not be published / made publicly available on social networking sites.
  • Parents/carers should not assume that pupils can bring technological devices to school and should always check the school policy.
  • All cyberbullying incidents affecting children in the school should be reported immediately.  (If the incident involves an indecent image of a child the report must also be made immediately to the police for your own protection.) The school will investigate and respond to all reported cyberbullying incidents, liaising with others where appropriate.  No reply should ever be sent to the sender/poster of cyberbullying content. If applicable block the sender and report abuse to the site. Evidence should be retained and shown in school and/or to the police.  Evidence should not be forwarded.
  • The school may choose to set up social media sites, blogs or have some other online presence in its own name.  Parents/carers, however, do not have the right to set up any site, page, chat group or any other online presence that uses the school name or logo in any form unless agreed by the head teacher.
  • Any parent/carer, distressed or concerned about an aspect of school should make immediate contact with a member of staff rather than posting their concerns online.  Parents/carers should not share school related information or images online or post material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute.  Negative postings about the school would impact on the reputation of the whole school community.  Parents/carers are encouraged to report breaches so that we can protect the reputation of the school, staff, pupils and parents/carers.

Please see the full online safety policy in the policies section on the school website.

Appendix F - Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents

All cyberbullying incidents should be reported and responded to.  Where the perpetrator is a member of the school community the majority of cases can be dealt with through mediation and/or disciplinary processes.  

The following procedures are recommended:

  • Never reply to the sender/poster of cyberbullying content.  If applicable, block the sender.
  • Incidents should be reported immediately.  Pupils should report to a member of staff (e.g. class teacher, headteacher) and staff members should seek support from their line manager or a senior member of staff.
  • The person reporting the cyberbullying should save the evidence and record the time and date.  This evidence must not be forwarded but must be available to show at a meeting.  Under no circumstances should indecent images of children and young people be printed or forwarded as this is a further criminal act.  Staff should not ask to see the evidence of reported indecent images of children or young people but must refer this immediately to the police.  Any member of staff being shown such evidence should immediately inform their line manager or the headteacher so that the circumstances can be recorded.
  • A senior member of staff will meet with the person who has reported the incident and the target, if different, to listen, reassure and support.  All relevant facts will be reviewed and documented.
  • A senior member of staff will conduct an investigation.
  • Anyone found to have cyberbullied will have attention drawn to the seriousness of their behaviour and if necessary the police will be involved.  If the comments are threatening, abusive, sexist, of a sexual nature, constitute a hate crime or are libellous they may well break the law. Online harassment and stalking is also a crime.
  • Once evidence has been secured then the person who has cyberbullied will be requested to remove the offending comments/material.  Any refusal will lead to an escalation of sanctions.

Appendix G - Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media

The school should make it clear which, if any, social media platforms are used to communicate with parents/carers.  If used correctly, parents can use a school’s social media site as a source of reliable information.  The online safety policy, see especially Appendix E (Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities), clarifies that no other social media platforms should be set up using the school’s name or logo.

The school should regularly reinforce with all parties that discussion of school issues on social media platforms, either positive or negative, should not take place as this could bring the school into disrepute and affect families and children.  Parents should be encouraged to be good online role models and not post statements written in anger or frustration.  Identified routes to raise concerns directly with the school should be used.

If negative comments are posted:

  • Collect the facts

As soon as you become aware of adverse comments relating to the school you need to establish what is being said.  It is essential that if you have access to the postings they are secured and retained together with any other evidence.  Do not become engaged in responding directly.

If the allegations against a member of staff or a pupil are of a serious nature, these will need to be formally investigated.  This may involve the police and the headteacher will need to follow the school’s safeguarding procedures.

If there is a risk of serious damage to the school reputation or the reputation of individual members of staff, professional legal advice should be sought. 

Adverse comments of any kind are highly demotivating and cause stress and anxiety.  It is important that the senior staff reassure and support all staff and/or other affected members of the school community.

  • Addressing negative comments and complaints

Contact the complainants and invite them to a meeting.  In the meeting, make sure you have any evidence available.

The meeting must:

  • Draw attention to the seriousness and impact of the actions/postings;
  • Ask for the offending remarks to be removed;
  • Explore the complainant’s grievance;
  • Agree next steps;
  • Clarify the correct complaints procedures.

If the meeting does not resolve the issue, the parents must be informed that the school will need to take the matter further. This may include:

  • Reporting the matter to the social network site if it breaches their rules or breaks the law;
  • Reporting the matter to the police if it breaks the law, e.g. if the comments are threatening, abusive, malicious, sexist, of a sexual nature, constitute a hate crime or are libellous they may well break the law.  Online harassment and stalking is also a crime.

If inappropriate postings continue or the original material is not removed, a second meeting is advisable to re-iterate the seriousness of the matter.

Appendix H - Online safety incident reporting form

Any member of the school community can raise a concern about an online safety incident. If you have witnessed or experienced an incident please complete the form below to help us to address the issue.  It is important that you provide as much detail as possible.  Once completed please hand this report to Mrs Prest.

Name of person reporting incident:


Date you are completing this form:

Where did the incident take place:

Inside school?

Outside school?

Date of incident(s):

Time of incident(s):

Who was involved in the incident(s)?

Full names and/or contact details

Children/young people

Staff member(s)


Other, please specify

Type of incident(s) (indicate as many as apply)

Accessing age inappropriate websites, apps and social media

Accessing someone else’s account without permission

Forwarding/spreading chain messages or threatening material

Posting images without permission of all involved

Online bullying or harassment (cyber bullying)

Posting material that will bring an  individual or the school into disrepute

Racist, sexist, homophobic, religious or other hate material

Online gambling

Sexting/Child abuse images

Deliberately bypassing security


Hacking or spreading viruses

Accessing, sharing or creating pornographic images and media

Accessing and/or sharing terrorist material

Accessing, sharing or creating violent images and media

Drug/bomb making material

Creating an account in someone else’s name to bring them into disrepute

Breaching copyright regulations

Other breach of acceptable use agreement, please specify

Full description of the incident

What, when, where, how?

Name all social media involved

Specify: Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp, Snapchat, Instagram etc

Evidence of the incident

Specify any evidence available but do not attach.

Thank you for completing and submitting this form.

Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School



Online Safety

Including Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreements




Adopted: March 2019

Reviewed and updated: March 2021

Next review date: March 2023


 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1.    Introduction. PAGEREF _Toc512000753 \h 2 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350033000000

2.    Responsibilities. PAGEREF _Toc512000754 \h 3 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350034000000

3.    Scope of policy. PAGEREF _Toc512000755 \h 3 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350035000000

4.    Policy and procedure. PAGEREF _Toc512000756 \h 4 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350036000000

Use of email PAGEREF _Toc512000757 \h 4 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350037000000

Visiting online sites and downloading. PAGEREF _Toc512000758 \h 4 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350038000000

Storage of Images. PAGEREF _Toc512000759 \h 6 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350039000000

Use of personal mobile devices (including phones) PAGEREF _Toc512000760 \h 6 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360030000000

New technological devices. PAGEREF _Toc512000761 \h 7 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360031000000

Reporting incidents, abuse and inappropriate material PAGEREF _Toc512000762 \h 7 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360032000000

5.    Curriculum.. PAGEREF _Toc512000763 \h 7 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360033000000

6.    Staff and Governor Training. PAGEREF _Toc512000764 \h 8 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360034000000

7.    Working in Partnership with Parents/Carers. PAGEREF _Toc512000765 \h 9 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360035000000

8.    Records, monitoring and review.. PAGEREF _Toc512000766 \h 9 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360036000000

9.    Appendices of the Online Safety Policy. PAGEREF _Toc512000767 \h 9 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360037000000

Appendix A -Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff ,Governors,student teachers. PAGEREF _Toc512000768 \h 11 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360038000000

Appendix B - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches and supply teachers. PAGEREF _Toc512000769 \h 14 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360039000000

Appendix C - Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers. PAGEREF _Toc512000770 \h 17 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700370030000000

Appendix D - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils. PAGEREF _Toc512000771 \h 18 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700370031000000

Appendix E - Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities. PAGEREF _Toc512000773 \h 21 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700370033000000

Appendix F - Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents. PAGEREF _Toc512000774 \h 22 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700370034000000

Appendix G - Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media. PAGEREF _Toc512000775 \h 23 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700370035000000

Appendix H - Online safety incident reporting form.. PAGEREF _Toc512000776 \h 25 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700370036000000




1.     Introduction


Embsay school recognises that internet, mobile and digital technologies provide a good opportunity for children and young people to learn, socialise and play, provided they are safe. The digital world is an amazing place, but with few rules.  It is vast and fast moving and young people’s future economic success may be partly dependent on their online skills and reputation.  We are, therefore, committed to ensuring that all pupils, staff and governors will be able to use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely.  This is part of our safeguarding responsibility.  Staff are aware that some pupils may require additional support or teaching, including reminders, prompts and further explanation to reinforce their knowledge and understanding of online safety issues.

We are also committed to ensuring that all those who work with children and young people, including their parents/carers, are informed about the ever-changing risks so that they can take an active part in the safeguarding of children.

2.   Responsibilities


The Governing body: 

Governors are responsible for the approval of the online safety policy, ensuring it is disseminated to the wider school community and for reviewing the effectiveness of the policy. Chris Atherton is the named governor for online safety.

As part of their responsibilities in this area the governing Body will:

·       ensure that the statutory requirements of Keeping Children Safe in Education 2020 are complied with.

·       regularly review the staff behaviour policy (sometimes called the code of conduct) which amongst other things, includes acceptable use of technologies, staff/pupil relationships and communications including the use of social media

·       ensure that online safety training for staff is integrated, aligned and considered as part of the overarching safeguarding approach

·       ensure that the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead is trained in online safety issues and is aware of the potential for serious child protection issues that could arise through the use of ICT

·       ensure that children are taught about safeguarding, including online safety.

·       ensure that the school has in place policies and procedures on sexual harassment and peer on peer abuse that can occur online and offline.

·       ensure the appropriateness of any filters, monitoring and security systems

·       regularly monitor online safety incident logs and respond appropriately  to the identified needs

·       ensure the company who is hosting the schools website has enough security in place so it cannot be inappropriately accessed and to have an action plan if it is ‘hacked’ e.g who regular checks the website including during school holidays, who is the key contact if the website is hacked 

The Headteacher:

·       supporting the Governors to comply with the online safety aspects of the Keeping Children Safe in Education

·       supporting the Governors comply with the online safety aspects of the statutory regulations which have make the subjects of Relationships Education (for all primary pupils) and Relationships and Sex Education (for all secondary pupils) and Health Education (for all pupils) mandatory from September 2020.

·       the online safety of all members of the school community.

·       effective and regular training about online safety is provided for the whole school community  and a log is kept of the staff who complete the training 

·       invite governors to take part in online safety training and awareness sessions, with particular importance for those who are members of any committee or working group involved in ICT, online safety education or safeguarding. 

·       effective communication with parents/ carers about safe practices when using online technology’s and support them in talking to their children about these issues

·       that effective filtering, monitoring and security systems are set up

·       ensure that there are effective procedures in place in the event of an online safety allegation which are known and understood by all members of staff 

·       establish and review the school online safety policy and documents and make them available on the school website 

·       liaise with staff, ICT Technical staff, online safety governor, SLT and partner agencies on all issues related to online safety 

·       ensure that all staff are aware of the procedures that need to be followed in the event of an online safety incident taking place 

·       provide training and advice for staff and keep a log of staff who complete training about online issues

·       keep a log of staff, pupils and families who have signed the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for the safe use of technology

·       receive and respond to reports of online safety incidents and create a log of incidents and outcomes to inform future online safety developments 

·       co-ordinate and review online safety education programme in school

·       ensure all new staff receive online safety training as part of their induction programme, ensuring that they fully understand the school online safety policy, Acceptable Usage and Child Protection Policies.

The ICT technician:

·       ensure the school’s ICT infrastructure is secure and meets requirements for filtering and monitoring

·       that the school’s password policy is adhered to

·       ensure that the school’s filtering policy is applied and updated on a regular basis and that its implementation is not the sole responsibility of any single person

·       ensure that the use of the school’s ICT infrastructure (network, remote access, e-mail, VLE etc.) is regularly monitored in order that any misuse or attempted misuse can be reported to the named SLT for action. 


Keeping children Safe in Education 2020 states that the staff behaviour policy

(sometimes called the code of conduct) which should, amongst other things, include:

acceptable use of technologies, staff/pupil relationships and communications including

the use of social media. Alongside the Staff Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), all staff are

responsible for ensuring that: 

·       they have an up to date awareness of online safety matters and of the schools current online safety policy and practices

·       they adhere to any procedures and policies that are implemented to support remote learning for both staff and pupils and communication with parents / carers

·       they attend the training provided by the school about online safety and Online Safety

·       they have read, understood and signed the school Staff Acceptable Usage Policy (AUP)

·       do not ‘be-friend’ any pupil or pupil family member on social media in a social context whilst the pupil is at the school 

·       online safety issues are embedded in all aspects of the curriculum and other school activities 

·       they ensure that pupils understand and follow the school’s online safety and acceptable usage policies 

·       they ensure that pupils have a good understanding of research skills and the need to avoid plagiarism and uphold copyright regulations 

·       they monitor ICT activity in lessons, extracurricular and extended school activities

·       in lessons where Internet use is pre-planned, pupils should be guided to sites checked as suitable for their use and that processes are in place for dealing with any unsuitable material that is found in Internet searches.

·       they are aware that emails can be part of Freedom of Information requests so all correspondence needs to be professional, courtesy and  respectful

·       if confidential information / information under the data protection act is being sent by email it must be sent through the secure email system 


·     pupils are responsible for using the school ICT systems in accordance with the Pupil Acceptable Usage Policy, which they will be required to sign before being given access to school systems. Parents/carers will be required to read through and sign alongside their child’s signature.

·     they must adhere to any procedures that are implemented to support remote learning for both pupils and  staff 

·     pupils must report abuse, misuse or access to inappropriate materials and know how to do so.

·     should understand the importance of adopting good online safety practice when using digital technologies out of school and realise that the school’s online safety policy also covers their actions out of school, if related to their membership of the school or using equipment provided by the school.


Parents/Carers play a crucial role in ensuring that their children understand the need

to use the Internet/mobile devices in an appropriate way.

Parents and carers are responsible for: 

·       endorsing (by signature) the Pupil Acceptable Usage Policy and will alongside this sign the Parents/ Carers Acceptable Usage Policy

·       access the school website and correspond with the school in accordance with the Parents Acceptable Usage Policy. 

·       ensure that they do not use social media to criticise or make inappropriate comments about the school or an individual member of staff as making defamatory comments online has exactly the same legal consequences as if they are made directly to someone else. Similarly threats of violence can lead to criminal proceedings under the Malicious Communications Act. If as a parent/ carer they have any concerns about anything which happens in schools then please contact the school directly.

3.       Scope of policy


The policy applies to:

•    pupils

•    parents/carers

•    teaching and support staff

•    school governors

•    peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers, student teachers

•    visitors

•    volunteers

•    voluntary, statutory or community organisations using  the school's facilities

The school also works with partners and other providers to ensure that pupils who receive part of their education off site or who are on a school trip or residential are safe online.

The school provides online safety information for parents/carers, through the website, in newsletters and at events.  It is important that parents/carers understand their key role in supporting their child/ren to behave appropriately and keep themselves safe online.  

This policy, supported by its acceptable use agreements, is intended to protect the interests and safety of the whole school community.  It is linked to the following other school policies and documents: Child Protection , Information, Health and safety, Home–school agreement, Behaviour, Anti-bullying, Staff Code of Conduct, Safer Working Practice.

Policy and procedure

The school seeks to ensure that internet, mobile and digital technologies are used effectively, for their intended educational purpose, in ways that will not infringe legal requirements or create unnecessary risk.

The school expects everyone to use internet, mobile and digital technologies responsibly and strictly according to the conditions set out in this policy. This policy also includes expectations on appropriate online behaviour and use of technology outside of school for pupils, parents/carers, staff and governors and all other visitors to the school.

When applying this policy, the school will take account of any guidance issued by North Yorkshire. The most recent guidance can be found at: Online Safety Guidance for Schools in North Yorkshire Updated January 2021

Use of email

Staff and governors should use a school email account  for all official communication to ensure everyone is protected through the traceability of communication.  Under no circumstances should staff contact pupils, parents or conduct any school business using a personal email address.  Pupils may only use school approved accounts on the school system and only for educational purposes. Where required parent/carer permission will be obtained for the account to exist.  For advice on sharing personal or confidential information or the need to gain parent permission refer to the Informaiton Policy. Emails created or received as part of any school role will be subject to disclosure in response to a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Staff, governors and pupils should not open emails or attachments from suspect sources and should report their receipt to Mrs Chapman.

Users must not send emails which are offensive, embarrassing or upsetting to anyone (i.e. cyberbullying).

Visiting online sites and downloading

·     Staff must preview sites, software and apps before their use in school or before recommending them to pupils.  Before using any online service that requires user accounts to be created or the sharing of any personal data, staff must consult with the head teacher  with details of the site/service.  If internet research is set for homework, specific sites will be suggested that have previously been checked by the teacher.  All users must observe copyright of materials from electronic sources.

·     Staff must only use pre-approved systems if creating blogs, wikis or other online areas in order to communicate with pupils/ families.

·     When working with pupils searching for images should be done through Google Safe Search (standard through the NY service), Google Advanced Search or a similar application that provides greater safety than a standard search engine.

Users must not:

Visit internet sites, make, post, download, upload or pass on, material, remarks, proposals or comments that contain or relate to:

·     Indecent images of children actually or apparently under the age of 18 or images of child abuse (i.e. images of children, digital or cartoons, involved in sexual activity or posed to be sexually provocative)

·        Indecent images of vulnerable people over the age of 18 (i.e. images of vulnerable people, digital or cartoons involved in sexual activity or posed to be sexually provocative)

·       Adult material that breaches the Obscene Publications Act in the UK

·       Promoting discrimination of any kind in relation to the protected characteristics: gender identity and reassignment, gender/sex, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion, sexual orientation, age and marital status

·       Promoting hatred against any individual or group from the protected characteristics above

·       Promoting illegal acts including physical or sexual abuse of children or adults, violence, bomb making, drug and alcohol abuse and software piracy

·       Any material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute e.g. promotion of violence, gambling, libel and disrespect

Users must not:

·       Reveal or publicise confidential or proprietary information

·       Intentionally interfere with the normal operation of the internet connection, including the propagation of computer viruses

·       Transmit unsolicited commercial or advertising material either to other users, or to organisations connected to other networks except where permission has been given to the school

·       Use the school's hardware and Wi-Fi facilities for running a private business

·       Intimidate, threaten or cause harm to others

·       Access or interfere in any way with other users' accounts

·       Use software or hardware that has been prohibited by the school

  Only a school device may be used to conduct school business outside of school. The only exception would be where a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school for use on a personal device.

All breaches of prohibited behaviours detailed above will be investigated, where appropriate, in liaison with the police.

The school recognises that in certain planned curricular activities, access to controversial and/or offensive online content may be beneficial for educational use. In such circumstances, there is an expectation that access is pre-planned, risk assessed and recorded, and permission given by Mrs Prest.  

Storage of Images

Photographs and videos provide valuable evidence of pupils’ achievement and progress in a variety of contexts and can be used to celebrate the work of the school.  In line with GDPR they are used only with the written consent of parents/carers which is secured in the first instance on a child’s entry to the school. Records are kept on file and consent can be changed by parents/carers at any time. (See Information Policy for greater clarification).

Photographs and images of pupils are only stored on the school’s agreed secure networks which include some cloud based services.  Rights of access to stored images are restricted to approved staff as determined by Mrs Prest.  Staff and pupils may have temporary access to photographs taken during a class session, but these will be transferred/deleted promptly.

Parents/carers should note that there may be some children who are at risk and must not have their image put online and others who do not want their image online.  For these reasons parents/carers must follow the school’s Acceptable Use Agreement and refrain from posting online photographs of any member of the school community, other than their own child/ren.

Staff and other professionals working with pupils, must only use school equipment to record images of pupils whether on or off site. See also Information Policy.  

Use of personal mobile devices (including phones)

The school does not allow staff, including temporary and peripatetic staff, and visitors to use personal mobile phones and devices in the presence of pupils. Under no circumstance does the school allow a member of staff to contact a pupil or parent/carer using their personal device.

Parents/carers may not use personal mobile phones and devices in the school building unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities. Under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises or on off-site school events and activities of anyone other than their own child, unless there is a pre-specified permission from Mrs Prest.  

Year 6 pupils are allowed to bring personal mobile devices/phones to school but must hand them to the class teacher for storage during the day.  Under no circumstance should pupils use their personal mobile devices/phones to take images of

·       any other pupil unless they and their parents have given agreement in advance

·       any member of staff

The school is not responsible for the loss, damage or theft on school premises of any personal mobile device.

Users bringing personal devices into school must ensure there is no inappropriate or illegal content on the device.

  Personal mobiles must never be used to access school emails and data. The only       exception would be where a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school for use on a personal device.

New technological devices

New personal technological devices may offer opportunities for teaching and learning. However, the school must consider educational benefit and carry out risk assessment before use in school is allowed.  Parents/carers, pupils and staff should not assume that new technological devices will be allowed in school and should check with Mrs Prest before they are brought into school.  

Reporting incidents, abuse and inappropriate material

There may be occasions in school when either a pupil or an adult receives an offensive, abusive or inappropriate message or accidentally accesses upsetting or abusive material. When such a situation occurs the pupil or adult must report the incident immediately to the first available member of staff, or the headteacher.  Where such an incident may lead to significant harm, safeguarding procedures should be followed.  The school takes the reporting of such incidents seriously and where judged necessary, the DSL will refer details to social care or the police.

4.     Curriculum

Online safety is embedded within our curriculum. The school provides a comprehensive curriculum for online safety which enables pupils to become informed, safe and responsible. This includes teaching to prevent radicalisation, for which staff provide a narrative to counter extremism.

The curriculum is flexible and can respond to any immediate online safety issues and risks as they emerge.

It is necessary for pupils to develop skills of critical awareness, digital resilience and good online citizenship to enable them to use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely and responsibly.  Pupils are taught to recognise the creative, collaborative, cultural, economic and educational opportunities provided by the internet, mobile and digital technologies. Curriculum work will also include:

·       Understanding how to use the internet, mobile and digital technologies in a balanced and appropriate way to avoid negative impact on wellbeing, e.g. regulated screen time and diverse online activity

·       Learning how to develop a positive online reputation and enhance future opportunities e.g. in relationships and employment

·       Developing critical thinking skills in relation to online content e.g. recognising fake news and extremism, understanding commercial manipulation, maintaining an authentic sense of self that is resilient to online pressure, learning how easy it is to lie online (i.e. users may not be who they say they are and may have ulterior motives)

·       Understanding the dangers of giving out personal details online (e.g. full name, address, mobile/home phone numbers, school details, IM/email address) and the importance of maintaining maximum privacy online

·       Thinking carefully before placing images online and considering their appropriateness and understanding the importance of gaining consent before posting photographs of others

·       Understanding the permanency of all online postings and conversations

·       Understanding relevant legislation, including copyright, and the importance of respecting other people’s information, reputation and images

·       What constitutes cyberbullying, how to avoid it, the impact it has and how to access help.

5.     Staff and Governor Training


Staff and governors are trained to fulfil their roles in online safety. The school audits the training needs of all school staff and provides regular training to improve their knowledge and expertise in the safe and appropriate use of internet, mobile and digital technologies.  This training is recorded as part of safeguarding records.

New staff are provided with a copy of the online safety policy and must sign the school’s Acceptable Use Agreement as part of their induction and before having contact with pupils.

Any organisation working with children based on the school premises are also provided with a copy of the online safety policy and required to sign the Acceptable Use Agreement (Appendix B).

Volunteers, peripatetic staff (unless employed by NYCC services), student teachers and regular visitors are provided with a copy of the online safety policy and are required to sign the Acceptable Use Agreement (Appendix B).

6.     Working in Partnership with Parents/Carers

The school works closely with families to help ensure that children can use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely and responsibly both at home and school.  It is important that parents/carers understand the crucial role they play in this process. The school seeks to regularly consult and discuss online safety with parents/carers and seeks to promote a wide understanding of the benefits of new technologies and associated risks.  The school provides regular updated online safety information through the school website and by other means.

Parents/carers are asked to read, discuss and co-sign with each child the Acceptable Use Agreement whenever the online safety policy is reviewed.  A summary of key parent/carer responsibilities will also be provided and is available in Appendix F. The Acceptable Use Agreement explains the school’s expectations and pupil and parent/carer responsibilities. The support of parents/carers is essential to implement the online safety policy effectively and keep all children safe.

7.     Records, monitoring and review


The school recognises the need to record online safety incidents and to monitor and review policies and procedures regularly in order to ensure they are effective and that the risks to pupils and staff are minimised.

All breaches of this policy must be reported and all reported incidents will be logged on CPOMS. All staff have the individual responsibility to ensure that incidents have been correctly recorded, acted upon and reported.  An online safety incident recording format are provided in appendix H.

The school supports pupils and staff who have been affected by a policy breach. Where there is inappropriate or illegal use of internet, mobile and digital technologies, this will be dealt with under the school’s behaviour and disciplinary policies as appropriate.  Breaches may also lead to criminal or civil proceedings.

Governors receive termly summary data on recorded online safety incidents for monitoring purposes.  In addition governors ensure they have sufficient, quality information to enable them to make a judgement about the fitness for purpose of this policy on an annual basis.



8.     Appendices of the Online Safety Policy

A.    Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff, Governors and student teachers (on placement or on staff)

B.    Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers

C.     Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers working in the school (working directly with children or otherwise)

D.    Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils

E.      Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities

F.      Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents

G.     Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media

H.     Online safety incident reporting form

Appendix A - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff, Governors and student teachers (on placement or on staff)


You must read this agreement in conjunction with the online safety policy and the Information  policy.  Once you have read these, you must sign and submit this agreement and it will be kept on record in the school. You should retain your own copy for reference. This forms part of your professional and safeguarding responsibilities.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies are part of our daily working life and this agreement is designed to ensure that all staff and governors are aware of their responsibilities in relation to their use.  All staff and governors are expected to adhere to this agreement and to the online safety policy.  Any concerns or clarification should be discussed with Mrs Prest. Breaches will be investigated, recorded and, where appropriate, disciplinary procedures will apply and police involvement will be sought.


Internet Access


I will not access or attempt to access any sites that contain any of the following: child abuse; pornography; discrimination of any kind; promotion of prejudice against any group; promotion of illegal acts; any other information which may be illegal or offensive.  Inadvertent access on school equipment must be treated as an online safety incident, reported to the online safety lead and/or DSL and an incident report completed.


Online conduct

I will ensure that my online activity, both in and outside school, will not bring the school, my professional reputation, or that of others, into disrepute.

I will not browse, download, upload or distribute any material that could be considered offensive, illegal or discriminatory.  Exceptionally, use of controversial material as part of the curriculum should be planned and approved on every occasion (see policy). 

I will report any accidental access to or receipt of inappropriate materials or filtering breach to Mrs Prest.

I understand that all my use of the internet and other related technologies can be traced and monitored and, should it be required, must be made available to my line manager, headteacher and others as required.

I will not give out my personal contact and online account information such as phone numbers, email address, and social media account details to pupils and/or parents/carers.

Social networking

I understand the need to separate my professional role from my private friendships; in my professional capacity I will not become ‘friends’ with parents/carers or pupils on social networks. Where my school role is my only connection to an individual, private online contact is unacceptable with parents/carers or pupils. See also Staff Code of Conduct.

When using social networking for personal use I will ensure my settings are not public. My private account postings will never undermine or disparage the school, its staff, governors, parents/carers or pupils. Privileged information must remain confidential.





I understand that there is no occasion when a password should be shared with a pupil or anyone who is not a staff member without permission.


Data protection

I will follow requirements for data protection as outlined in the information policy.  These include:

·        Photographs must be kept securely and used appropriately, whether in school, taken off the school premises or accessed remotely

·        Personal data can only be taken out of school or accessed remotely when authorised by the headteacher or governing body

·        Personal or sensitive data taken off site must be encrypted

Images and videos


I will only upload images or videos of staff, pupils or parents/carers onto school approved sites where specific permission has been granted.

I will not take images, sound recordings or videos of school events or activities on any personal device.

 Use of email


I will use my school email address for all school business.  All such correspondence must be kept professional and is open to Subject Access Requests under the Freedom of Information Act.  I will not use my school email addresses for personal matters or non-school business.

Use of personal devices


I understand that as a member of staff I should at no time put myself in a position where a safeguarding allegation can be made against me as a result of my use of personal devices. I understand that the use of personal devices in school is at the discretion of the headteacher.

I will not access secure school information from personal devices unless a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school.

Additional hardware/software


I will not install any hardware or software on school equipment without permission of Mrs Prest.


Promoting online safety


I understand that online safety is the responsibility of all staff and governors and I will promote positive online safety messages at all times including when setting homework or providing pastoral support.


I understand that it is my duty to support a whole school safeguarding approach and will report any inappropriate or concerning behaviour (of other staff, governors, visitors, pupils or parents/carers) to the DSL or Mrs Prest.


Classroom management of internet access


I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites used in the classroom; this will include the acceptability of other material visible, however briefly, on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.

If I am using the internet to teach about controversial issues I will secure, on every occasion, approval in advance for the material I plan to use with Mrs Prest.

User signature


I agree to follow this Acceptable Use Agreement and to support online safety throughout the school.  I understand this forms part of the terms and conditions set out in my contract of employment (staff members only) and/or my responsibilities as a governor.

Signature …….………………….………… Date ……………………

Full Name …………………………………......................................... (printed)

Job title ……………………………………………………………………

Appendix B - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers



School name Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School


Online safety lead Fiona Prest


Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Fiona Prest


This agreement forms part of your professional and safeguarding responsibility in the school.  You must read and sign this agreement.  This will be kept on record and you should retain your own copy for reference.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies are part of our daily working life and this agreement is designed to ensure that all staff and governors are aware of their responsibilities in relation to their use. You are expected to adhere to this agreement.  Any concerns or clarification should be discussed with Mrs Prest. Breaches will be investigated, recorded and, where appropriate, disciplinary procedures will apply and police involvement will be sought.

The school’s online safety policy will provide further detailed information as required.


Internet Access


I will not access or attempt to access any sites that contain any of the following: child abuse; pornography; discrimination of any kind; promotion of prejudice against any group; promotion of illegal acts; any other information which may be illegal or offensive.  Inadvertent access on school equipment must be treated as an online safety incident, reported to the online safety lead and/or DSL and an incident report completed.


Online conduct


I will ensure that my online activity, both in and outside school, will not bring the school, my professional reputation, or that of others, into disrepute.

I will not browse, download, upload or distribute any material that could be considered offensive, illegal or discriminatory.  Exceptionally, use of controversial material as part of the curriculum should be planned and approved on every occasion (see policy). 

I will report any accidental access to or receipt of inappropriate materials or filtering breach to Mrs Prest.

I understand that all my use of the internet and other related technologies can be traced and monitored and, should it be required, must be made available to my line manager, headteacher and others as required.

I will not give out my personal contact and online account information such as phone numbers, email address, and social media account details to pupils and/or parents/carers.

Should I need to share my professional details, such as mobile phone number or email address, with parent/carers, this must be agreed in advance as an acceptable approach with Mrs Prest.


Social networking


I understand the need to separate my professional role from my private friendships; in my professional capacity I will not become ‘friends’ with parents/carers or pupils on social networks. Where my school role is my only connection to an individual, private online contact is unacceptable with parents/carers or pupils.

Information can be shared with pupils over 13 and parents/carers through an organisational social network site/page e.g. on Facebook or Twitter, but never through a personal account or site. In my professional role in the school, I will never engage in 1-1 exchanges with pupils or parent/carers on personal social network sites.

My private account postings will never undermine or disparage the school, its staff, governors, parents/carers or pupils.  Privileged information known as a result of my work in the school must remain confidential.  

I will not upload any material about or references to the school or its community on my personal social networks.




I must clarify what access I may have to the internet and/or school systems.  If I have access of any kind, I understand that there is no occasion when a password should be shared with a pupil or anyone who is not a staff member. 

Data protection

I will follow all requirements for data protection explained to me by the school.  These include:

·        I must consult with the school before making any recordings, photographs and videos. Once agreed, these must be made on a school device.

·        I understand that there are strict controls and requirements regarding the collection and use of personal data. I will follow all requirements regarding GDPR.

Images and videos


I will only upload images or videos of staff, pupils or parents/carers onto school approved sites where specific permission has been granted.

I will not take images, sound recordings or videos of tuition or wider school activities on any personal device. School devices can be used for this purpose or, in the case of 1:1 tuition, pupil’s or parent/carer devices can be used, with parent/carer agreement.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies provide helpful recording functions but these cannot be made on a teacher’s personal device.  Recordings can be made with the child’s and parent/carer’s agreement on a school device, an organisational device approved by the headteacher/DSL, or a young person’s or parent/carer’s own device.

Use of Email


I will use my professional or formal student email address for all school business.  All such correspondence should be kept professional and is open to Subject Access Requests under the Freedom of Information Act. I will not use my professional email addresses for personal matters.


Use of personal devices


I understand that when working in the school I should at no time put myself in a position where a safeguarding allegation can be made against me as a result of my use of personal devices. I understand that the use of personal devices in school is at the discretion of the headteacher.

I will only use approved personal devices when not with pupils. This therefore precludes use of specialist apps on personal devices.  A school device could be used to access specialist apps that support pupil learning.  

Additional hardware/software


I will not install any hardware or software on school equipment without permission of Mrs Prest.



Promoting online safety


I understand that online safety is part of my responsibility and I will promote positive online safety messages at all times, including when setting homework, rehearsal or skill practice or when providing pastoral support.


I understand that it is my duty to support a whole school safeguarding approach and will report any behaviour (of staff, governors, visitors, pupils or parents/carers) which I believe may be inappropriate or concerning in any way to the DSL or Mrs Prest.

Classroom management of internet access


I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites used in the classroom; this will include the acceptability of other material visible, however briefly, on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.

If I am using the internet to teach about controversial issues I will secure, on every occasion, approval in advance for the material I plan to use with Mrs Prest.


User Signature


I agree to follow this Acceptable Use Agreement and to support online safety in my work in the school.  I understand this forms part of my company/educational setting/organisation’s contract with the school.

Signature …….………………….…………….…      Date ……………………

Full Name ………………………………….................................................... (Please use block capitals)

Job Title/Role …………………………………..…………………..……………

Appendix C - Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers

(Working directly with children or otherwise)



School name……Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School ………………………………..…..


Online safety lead …Mrs Prest……………………………..…


DSL …Mrs Prest……………………………………………..…..



This document is designed to ensure that you are aware of your responsibilities when using any form of IT in the school and other aspects of safeguarding in connection with online safety.

Please raise any safeguarding concerns arising from your visit immediately with the headteacher and/or DSL

·        I understand I may not use my personal mobile phone(s) and other devices with camera functions in front of children.   Any exception must be pre-arranged.

·        I will not take images, sound recording or videos of school events or activities, on or off site, on any device.  Any possible exception must be pre-arranged.

·        I will not give out my personal details such as mobile phone number, email address, and social media account details to pupils and parent/carers.  Where appropriate I may share my professional contact details with parents/carers provided the DSL or headteacher is informed before I leave the school.

·        I understand my visit to the school may give me access to privileged information about pupils, staff, school systems and plans.  Such information should never be shared online, including on social media sites.

·        I understand I should not use school equipment to access the internet without prior approval from my contact in the school or the headteacher.

·        If working in the classroom, I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites I intend to use including checking the acceptability of other material visible on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.  If I am in any doubt about the appropriateness of the content I plan to use I will check with my contact in the school.

Appendix D - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils


 My online safety rules


·            I will only use school IT equipment for activities agreed by school staff.

·            I will not use my personal email address or other personal accounts in school when doing school work.

·            I will not sign up for any online service on school devices unless this is an agreed part of a school project approved by my teacher and agreed by my parent/carer.

·            I will only open email attachments if it has been approved by a member of school staff in school or a parent/carer out of school.

·            In school I will only open or delete my files when told by a member of staff.

·            I will not tell anyone other than my parents/carers my passwords. I will not use other people’s usernames or passwords to pretend to be them online.

·            I will make sure that all online contact I make is responsible, polite and sensible. I will be kind and respectful at all times.

·            If I come across anything upsetting, unpleasant or nasty, or anything that makes me feel unsafe, I will tell my teacher or my parent/carer immediately.

·            If someone says, asks or posts about me anything upsetting, unpleasant or nasty, or anything that makes me feel unsafe, I will not reply. I will tell my teacher or my parent/carer immediately. 

·            I will not give out my own or other people’s personal information, including: name, phone number, home address, interests, schools or clubs.  I will tell my teacher or parent/carer if anyone asks me online for personal information.

·            Uploading or sending my image (photographs, videos, live streaming) online puts me at risk.  I will always seek permission from my teacher or parent/carer if I wish to do this.  I will not take, share or upload any image of anyone else without their permission and also, if they are a child, without their parent’s/carer’s permission.

·            Even if I have permission, I will not upload any images, videos, sounds or words that could upset, now or in the future, any member of the school community, as this is cyberbullying.

·            I understand that some people on the internet are not who they say they are and some people are not safe to be in contact with.  I will not arrange to meet someone I only know on the internet. If someone asks to meet me, I will not reply to them and I will tell a teacher or a parent/carer immediately.

·            I understand that everything I do or receive online can be traced now and in the future. I know it is important to build a good online reputation.  

·            I understand that some personal devices are allowed in school and some are not, and I will follow the rules.  I will not assume that new devices can be brought into school without getting permission.

·            I will not lie about my age in order to access games, apps or social networks that are for older people as this will put me at risk.

·            I understand that these rules are designed to keep me safe now and in the future.  If I break the rules my teachers will look into it and may need to take action.

Name ……………………………

Signed ………………………………….

Date ………………………………………

Dear Parent/Carer,

The internet, email, mobile technologies and online resources have become an important part of learning and life.   We want all children to be safe and responsible when using any IT.  It is essential that children are aware of online risk, know how to stay safe and know where to go to report problems or to get help.

Please read through these online safety rules with your child/ren and talk with them to ensure they understand their importance and what it means for them (and for you).  When you have done this, you both need to sign this agreement to say that you agree to follow the rules.  Any concerns or explanation can be discussed with Mrs Prest. 

Please return the signed sections of this form which will be kept on record at the school.

Pupil agreement

Pupil name………………………………………

This agreement is to keep me safe. I have discussed this agreement with my parents/carers and understand the commitment I have made and my responsibilities.

Pupil signature……………………………………………………………………..

Parent(s)/Carer(s) agreement

Parent(s)/Carer(s) name(s)………………………………………………

I/we have discussed this agreement, which highlights the associated risks when accessing the internet, mobile and digital technologies, with our child/ren.  I/we agree to support them in following the terms of this agreement.

I/we also agree not to share school related information or images online or post material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute.

(Rather than posting negative material online, any parent, distressed or concerned about an aspect of school should make immediate contact with a member of staff.  Negative postings about the school would impact on the reputation of the whole school community.  Parents are encouraged to report breaches so that we can protect the reputation of the school, staff, pupils and parents).

I/we also agree only to use personal mobile phones and devices in designated areas of the school unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities.  I/we understand that under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises of anyone other than our own child/ren, unless there is a pre-specified agreement.  I/we understand that when on school premises, but not in a designated area where phones can be used, they must be switched off and out of sight.

I/we agree that if I take digital or video images at, or of – school events which include images of children, other than my own, these images will not be published / made publicly available on social networking sites.

Parent(s)/Carer(s) agreement

Parent(s)/Carer(s) name(s)……………………………………………………….

Parent/carer signature………………………………………..

Date ………………………………………………………….…

Appendix E - Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities

The school provides online safety information for parents/carers, through the website, in newsletters and at events.  It is important that parents/carers understand their key role in supporting children to behave appropriately and keep themselves safe online.

The online safety policy, supported by its acceptable use agreements, is intended to protect the interests and safety of the whole school community.

·       Parents/carers are required to support their child in understanding and signing the Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement for pupils.

·        Parents/carers may not use personal mobile phones and devices in the school unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities.  Under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises that include anyone other than their own child, unless there is a pre-specified agreement with individuals and parents/carers. If  a digital or video images is taken at, or of – school events which include images of children, other than their own, these images will not be published / made publicly available on social networking sites.

·       Parents/carers should not assume that pupils can bring technological devices to school and should always check the school policy.

·       All cyberbullying incidents affecting children in the school should be reported immediately.  (If the incident involves an indecent image of a child the report must also be made immediately to the police for your own protection.) The school will investigate and respond to all reported cyberbullying incidents, liaising with others where appropriate.  No reply should ever be sent to the sender/poster of cyberbullying content. If applicable block the sender and report abuse to the site. Evidence should be retained and shown in school and/or to the police.  Evidence should not be forwarded.

·       The school may choose to set up social media sites, blogs or have some other online presence in its own name.  Parents/carers, however, do not have the right to set up any site, page, chat group or any other online presence that uses the school name or logo in any form unless agreed by the head teacher.

·       Any parent/carer, distressed or concerned about an aspect of school should make immediate contact with a member of staff rather than posting their concerns online.  Parents/carers should not share school related information or images online or post material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute.  Negative postings about the school would impact on the reputation of the whole school community.  Parents/carers are encouraged to report breaches so that we can protect the reputation of the school, staff, pupils and parents/carers.

Please see the full online safety policy in the policies section on the school website.

Appendix F - Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents

All cyberbullying incidents should be reported and responded to.  Where the perpetrator is a member of the school community the majority of cases can be dealt with through mediation and/or disciplinary processes.  

The following procedures are recommended:

·       Never reply to the sender/poster of cyberbullying content.  If applicable, block the sender.

·       Incidents should be reported immediately.  Pupils should report to a member of staff (e.g. class teacher, headteacher) and staff members should seek support from their line manager or a senior member of staff.

·       The person reporting the cyberbullying should save the evidence and record the time and date.  This evidence must not be forwarded but must be available to show at a meeting.  Under no circumstances should indecent images of children and young people be printed or forwarded as this is a further criminal act.  Staff should not ask to see the evidence of reported indecent images of children or young people but must refer this immediately to the police.  Any member of staff being shown such evidence should immediately inform their line manager or the headteacher so that the circumstances can be recorded.

·       A senior member of staff will meet with the person who has reported the incident and the target, if different, to listen, reassure and support.  All relevant facts will be reviewed and documented.

·       A senior member of staff will conduct an investigation.

·       Anyone found to have cyberbullied will have attention drawn to the seriousness of their behaviour and if necessary the police will be involved.  If the comments are threatening, abusive, sexist, of a sexual nature, constitute a hate crime or are libellous they may well break the law. Online harassment and stalking is also a crime.

·       Once evidence has been secured then the person who has cyberbullied will be requested to remove the offending comments/material.  Any refusal will lead to an escalation of sanctions.

Appendix G - Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media

The school should make it clear which, if any, social media platforms are used to communicate with parents/carers.  If used correctly, parents can use a school’s social media site as a source of reliable information.  The online safety policy, see especially Appendix E (Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities), clarifies that no other social media platforms should be set up using the school’s name or logo.

The school should regularly reinforce with all parties that discussion of school issues on social media platforms, either positive or negative, should not take place as this could bring the school into disrepute and affect families and children.  Parents should be encouraged to be good online role models and not post statements written in anger or frustration.  Identified routes to raise concerns directly with the school should be used.

If negative comments are posted:

·     Collect the facts

As soon as you become aware of adverse comments relating to the school you need to establish what is being said.  It is essential that if you have access to the postings they are secured and retained together with any other evidence.  Do not become engaged in responding directly.

If the allegations against a member of staff or a pupil are of a serious nature, these will need to be formally investigated.  This may involve the police and the headteacher will need to follow the school’s safeguarding procedures.

If there is a risk of serious damage to the school reputation or the reputation of individual members of staff, professional legal advice should be sought. 

Adverse comments of any kind are highly demotivating and cause stress and anxiety.  It is important that the senior staff reassure and support all staff and/or other affected members of the school community.

·     Addressing negative comments and complaints

Contact the complainants and invite them to a meeting.  In the meeting, make sure you have any evidence available.

The meeting must:

·       Draw attention to the seriousness and impact of the actions/postings;

·       Ask for the offending remarks to be removed;

·       Explore the complainant’s grievance;

·       Agree next steps;

·       Clarify the correct complaints procedures.

If the meeting does not resolve the issue, the parents must be informed that the school will need to take the matter further. This may include:

·     Reporting the matter to the social network site if it breaches their rules or breaks the law;

·     Reporting the matter to the police if it breaks the law, e.g. if the comments are threatening, abusive, malicious, sexist, of a sexual nature, constitute a hate crime or are libellous they may well break the law.  Online harassment and stalking is also a crime.

If inappropriate postings continue or the original material is not removed, a second meeting is advisable to re-iterate the seriousness of the matter.

Appendix H - Online safety incident reporting form

Any member of the school community can raise a concern about an online safety incident. If you have witnessed or experienced an incident please complete the form below to help us to address the issue.  It is important that you provide as much detail as possible.  Once completed please hand this report to Mrs Prest.

Name of person reporting incident:


Date you are completing this form:

Where did the incident take place:

Inside school?

Outside school?

Date of incident(s):

Time of incident(s):

Who was involved in the incident(s)?

Full names and/or contact details

Children/young people

Staff member(s)


Other, please specify

Type of incident(s) (indicate as many as apply)

Accessing age inappropriate websites, apps and social media

Accessing someone else’s account without permission

Forwarding/spreading chain messages or threatening material

Posting images without permission of all involved

Online bullying or harassment (cyber bullying)

Posting material that will bring an  individual or the school into disrepute

Racist, sexist, homophobic, religious or other hate material

Online gambling

Sexting/Child abuse images

Deliberately bypassing security


Hacking or spreading viruses

Accessing, sharing or creating pornographic images and media

Accessing and/or sharing terrorist material

Accessing, sharing or creating violent images and media

Drug/bomb making material

Creating an account in someone else’s name to bring them into disrepute

Breaching copyright regulations

Other breach of acceptable use agreement, please specify

Full description of the incident

What, when, where, how?

Name all social media involved

Specify: Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp, Snapchat, Instagram etc

Evidence of the incident

Specify any evidence available but do not attach.



Thank you for completing and submitting this form.

Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School



Online Safety

Including Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreements


Adopted: March 2019

Reviewed and updated: March 2021

Next review date: March 2023


1.    Introduction. 2

2.    Responsibilities. 3

3.    Scope of policy. 3

4.    Policy and procedure. 4

Use of email 4

Visiting online sites and downloading. 4

Storage of Images. 6

Use of personal mobile devices (including phones) 6

New technological devices. 7

Reporting incidents, abuse and inappropriate material 7

5.    Curriculum.. 7

6.    Staff and Governor Training. 8

7.    Working in Partnership with Parents/Carers. 9

8.    Records, monitoring and review.. 9

9.    Appendices of the Online Safety Policy. 9

Appendix A -Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff ,Governors,student teachers. 11

Appendix B - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches and supply teachers. 14

Appendix C - Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers. 17

Appendix D - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils. 18

Appendix E - Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities. 21

Appendix F - Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents. 22

Appendix G - Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media. 23

Appendix H - Online safety incident reporting form.. 25


  1. Introduction

Embsay school recognises that internet, mobile and digital technologies provide a good opportunity for children and young people to learn, socialise and play, provided they are safe. The digital world is an amazing place, but with few rules.  It is vast and fast moving and young people’s future economic success may be partly dependent on their online skills and reputation.  We are, therefore, committed to ensuring that all pupils, staff and governors will be able to use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely.  This is part of our safeguarding responsibility.  Staff are aware that some pupils may require additional support or teaching, including reminders, prompts and further explanation to reinforce their knowledge and understanding of online safety issues.

We are also committed to ensuring that all those who work with children and young people, including their parents/carers, are informed about the ever-changing risks so that they can take an active part in the safeguarding of children.

2.   Responsibilities

The Governing body: 

Governors are responsible for the approval of the online safety policy, ensuring it is disseminated to the wider school community and for reviewing the effectiveness of the policy. Chris Atherton is the named governor for online safety.

As part of their responsibilities in this area the governing Body will:

  • ensure that the statutory requirements of Keeping Children Safe in Education 2020 are complied with.
  • regularly review the staff behaviour policy (sometimes called the code of conduct) which amongst other things, includes acceptable use of technologies, staff/pupil relationships and communications including the use of social media
  • ensure that online safety training for staff is integrated, aligned and considered as part of the overarching safeguarding approach
  • ensure that the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead is trained in online safety issues and is aware of the potential for serious child protection issues that could arise through the use of ICT
  • ensure that children are taught about safeguarding, including online safety.
  • ensure that the school has in place policies and procedures on sexual harassment and peer on peer abuse that can occur online and offline.
  • ensure the appropriateness of any filters, monitoring and security systems
  • regularly monitor online safety incident logs and respond appropriately  to the identified needs
  • ensure the company who is hosting the schools website has enough security in place so it cannot be inappropriately accessed and to have an action plan if it is ‘hacked’ e.g who regular checks the website including during school holidays, who is the key contact if the website is hacked 

The Headteacher:

  • supporting the Governors to comply with the online safety aspects of the Keeping Children Safe in Education
  • supporting the Governors comply with the online safety aspects of the statutory regulations which have make the subjects of Relationships Education (for all primary pupils) and Relationships and Sex Education (for all secondary pupils) and Health Education (for all pupils) mandatory from September 2020.
  • the online safety of all members of the school community.
  • effective and regular training about online safety is provided for the whole school community  and a log is kept of the staff who complete the training 
  • invite governors to take part in online safety training and awareness sessions, with particular importance for those who are members of any committee or working group involved in ICT, online safety education or safeguarding. 
  • effective communication with parents/ carers about safe practices when using online technology’s and support them in talking to their children about these issues
  • that effective filtering, monitoring and security systems are set up
  • ensure that there are effective procedures in place in the event of an online safety allegation which are known and understood by all members of staff 
  • establish and review the school online safety policy and documents and make them available on the school website 
  • liaise with staff, ICT Technical staff, online safety governor, SLT and partner agencies on all issues related to online safety 
  • ensure that all staff are aware of the procedures that need to be followed in the event of an online safety incident taking place 
  • provide training and advice for staff and keep a log of staff who complete training about online issues
  • keep a log of staff, pupils and families who have signed the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for the safe use of technology
  • receive and respond to reports of online safety incidents and create a log of incidents and outcomes to inform future online safety developments 
  • co-ordinate and review online safety education programme in school
  • ensure all new staff receive online safety training as part of their induction programme, ensuring that they fully understand the school online safety policy, Acceptable Usage and Child Protection Policies.

The ICT technician:

  • ensure the school’s ICT infrastructure is secure and meets requirements for filtering and monitoring
  • that the school’s password policy is adhered to
  • ensure that the school’s filtering policy is applied and updated on a regular basis and that its implementation is not the sole responsibility of any single person
  • ensure that the use of the school’s ICT infrastructure (network, remote access, e-mail, VLE etc.) is regularly monitored in order that any misuse or attempted misuse can be reported to the named SLT for action. 


Keeping children Safe in Education 2020 states that the staff behaviour policy

(sometimes called the code of conduct) which should, amongst other things, include:

acceptable use of technologies, staff/pupil relationships and communications including

the use of social media. Alongside the Staff Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), all staff are

responsible for ensuring that: 

  • they have an up to date awareness of online safety matters and of the schools current online safety policy and practices
  • they adhere to any procedures and policies that are implemented to support remote learning for both staff and pupils and communication with parents / carers
  • they attend the training provided by the school about online safety and Online Safety
  • they have read, understood and signed the school Staff Acceptable Usage Policy (AUP)
  • do not ‘be-friend’ any pupil or pupil family member on social media in a social context whilst the pupil is at the school 
  • online safety issues are embedded in all aspects of the curriculum and other school activities 
  • they ensure that pupils understand and follow the school’s online safety and acceptable usage policies 
  • they ensure that pupils have a good understanding of research skills and the need to avoid plagiarism and uphold copyright regulations 
  • they monitor ICT activity in lessons, extracurricular and extended school activities
  • in lessons where Internet use is pre-planned, pupils should be guided to sites checked as suitable for their use and that processes are in place for dealing with any unsuitable material that is found in Internet searches.
  • they are aware that emails can be part of Freedom of Information requests so all correspondence needs to be professional, courtesy and  respectful
  • if confidential information / information under the data protection act is being sent by email it must be sent through the secure email system 


  • pupils are responsible for using the school ICT systems in accordance with the Pupil Acceptable Usage Policy, which they will be required to sign before being given access to school systems. Parents/carers will be required to read through and sign alongside their child’s signature.
  • they must adhere to any procedures that are implemented to support remote learning for both pupils and  staff 
  • pupils must report abuse, misuse or access to inappropriate materials and know how to do so.
  • should understand the importance of adopting good online safety practice when using digital technologies out of school and realise that the school’s online safety policy also covers their actions out of school, if related to their membership of the school or using equipment provided by the school.


Parents/Carers play a crucial role in ensuring that their children understand the need

to use the Internet/mobile devices in an appropriate way.

Parents and carers are responsible for: 

  • endorsing (by signature) the Pupil Acceptable Usage Policy and will alongside this sign the Parents/ Carers Acceptable Usage Policy
  • access the school website and correspond with the school in accordance with the Parents Acceptable Usage Policy. 
  • ensure that they do not use social media to criticise or make inappropriate comments about the school or an individual member of staff as making defamatory comments online has exactly the same legal consequences as if they are made directly to someone else. Similarly threats of violence can lead to criminal proceedings under the Malicious Communications Act. If as a parent/ carer they have any concerns about anything which happens in schools then please contact the school directly.
  1. Scope of policy

The policy applies to:

  • pupils
  • parents/carers
  • teaching and support staff
  • school governors
  • peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers, student teachers
  • visitors
  • volunteers
  • voluntary, statutory or community organisations using  the school's facilities

The school also works with partners and other providers to ensure that pupils who receive part of their education off site or who are on a school trip or residential are safe online.

The school provides online safety information for parents/carers, through the website, in newsletters and at events.  It is important that parents/carers understand their key role in supporting their child/ren to behave appropriately and keep themselves safe online.  

This policy, supported by its acceptable use agreements, is intended to protect the interests and safety of the whole school community.  It is linked to the following other school policies and documents: Child Protection , Information, Health and safety, Home–school agreement, Behaviour, Anti-bullying, Staff Code of Conduct, Safer Working Practice.

Policy and procedure

The school seeks to ensure that internet, mobile and digital technologies are used effectively, for their intended educational purpose, in ways that will not infringe legal requirements or create unnecessary risk.

The school expects everyone to use internet, mobile and digital technologies responsibly and strictly according to the conditions set out in this policy. This policy also includes expectations on appropriate online behaviour and use of technology outside of school for pupils, parents/carers, staff and governors and all other visitors to the school.

When applying this policy, the school will take account of any guidance issued by North Yorkshire. The most recent guidance can be found at: Online Safety Guidance for Schools in North Yorkshire Updated January 2021

Use of email

Staff and governors should use a school email account  for all official communication to ensure everyone is protected through the traceability of communication.  Under no circumstances should staff contact pupils, parents or conduct any school business using a personal email address.  Pupils may only use school approved accounts on the school system and only for educational purposes. Where required parent/carer permission will be obtained for the account to exist.  For advice on sharing personal or confidential information or the need to gain parent permission refer to the Informaiton Policy. Emails created or received as part of any school role will be subject to disclosure in response to a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Staff, governors and pupils should not open emails or attachments from suspect sources and should report their receipt to Mrs Chapman.

Users must not send emails which are offensive, embarrassing or upsetting to anyone (i.e. cyberbullying).

Visiting online sites and downloading

  • Staff must preview sites, software and apps before their use in school or before recommending them to pupils.  Before using any online service that requires user accounts to be created or the sharing of any personal data, staff must consult with the head teacher  with details of the site/service.  If internet research is set for homework, specific sites will be suggested that have previously been checked by the teacher.  All users must observe copyright of materials from electronic sources.
  • Staff must only use pre-approved systems if creating blogs, wikis or other online areas in order to communicate with pupils/ families.
  • When working with pupils searching for images should be done through Google Safe Search (standard through the NY service), Google Advanced Search or a similar application that provides greater safety than a standard search engine.

Users must not:

Visit internet sites, make, post, download, upload or pass on, material, remarks, proposals or comments that contain or relate to:

  • Indecent images of children actually or apparently under the age of 18 or images of child abuse (i.e. images of children, digital or cartoons, involved in sexual activity or posed to be sexually provocative)
  • Indecent images of vulnerable people over the age of 18 (i.e. images of vulnerable people, digital or cartoons involved in sexual activity or posed to be sexually provocative)
  • Adult material that breaches the Obscene Publications Act in the UK
  • Promoting discrimination of any kind in relation to the protected characteristics: gender identity and reassignment, gender/sex, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion, sexual orientation, age and marital status
  • Promoting hatred against any individual or group from the protected characteristics above
  • Promoting illegal acts including physical or sexual abuse of children or adults, violence, bomb making, drug and alcohol abuse and software piracy
  • Any material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute e.g. promotion of violence, gambling, libel and disrespect

Users must not:

  • Reveal or publicise confidential or proprietary information
  • Intentionally interfere with the normal operation of the internet connection, including the propagation of computer viruses
  • Transmit unsolicited commercial or advertising material either to other users, or to organisations connected to other networks except where permission has been given to the school
  • Use the school's hardware and Wi-Fi facilities for running a private business
  • Intimidate, threaten or cause harm to others
  • Access or interfere in any way with other users' accounts
  • Use software or hardware that has been prohibited by the school

  Only a school device may be used to conduct school business outside of school. The only exception would be where a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school for use on a personal device.

All breaches of prohibited behaviours detailed above will be investigated, where appropriate, in liaison with the police.

The school recognises that in certain planned curricular activities, access to controversial and/or offensive online content may be beneficial for educational use. In such circumstances, there is an expectation that access is pre-planned, risk assessed and recorded, and permission given by Mrs Prest.  

Storage of Images

Photographs and videos provide valuable evidence of pupils’ achievement and progress in a variety of contexts and can be used to celebrate the work of the school.  In line with GDPR they are used only with the written consent of parents/carers which is secured in the first instance on a child’s entry to the school. Records are kept on file and consent can be changed by parents/carers at any time. (See Information Policy for greater clarification).

Photographs and images of pupils are only stored on the school’s agreed secure networks which include some cloud based services.  Rights of access to stored images are restricted to approved staff as determined by Mrs Prest.  Staff and pupils may have temporary access to photographs taken during a class session, but these will be transferred/deleted promptly.

Parents/carers should note that there may be some children who are at risk and must not have their image put online and others who do not want their image online.  For these reasons parents/carers must follow the school’s Acceptable Use Agreement and refrain from posting online photographs of any member of the school community, other than their own child/ren.

Staff and other professionals working with pupils, must only use school equipment to record images of pupils whether on or off site. See also Information Policy.  

Use of personal mobile devices (including phones)

The school does not allow staff, including temporary and peripatetic staff, and visitors to use personal mobile phones and devices in the presence of pupils. Under no circumstance does the school allow a member of staff to contact a pupil or parent/carer using their personal device.

Parents/carers may not use personal mobile phones and devices in the school building unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities. Under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises or on off-site school events and activities of anyone other than their own child, unless there is a pre-specified permission from Mrs Prest.  

Year 6 pupils are allowed to bring personal mobile devices/phones to school but must hand them to the class teacher for storage during the day.  Under no circumstance should pupils use their personal mobile devices/phones to take images of

  • any other pupil unless they and their parents have given agreement in advance
  • any member of staff

The school is not responsible for the loss, damage or theft on school premises of any personal mobile device.

Users bringing personal devices into school must ensure there is no inappropriate or illegal content on the device.

  Personal mobiles must never be used to access school emails and data. The only       exception would be where a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school for use on a personal device.

New technological devices

New personal technological devices may offer opportunities for teaching and learning. However, the school must consider educational benefit and carry out risk assessment before use in school is allowed.  Parents/carers, pupils and staff should not assume that new technological devices will be allowed in school and should check with Mrs Prest before they are brought into school.  

Reporting incidents, abuse and inappropriate material

There may be occasions in school when either a pupil or an adult receives an offensive, abusive or inappropriate message or accidentally accesses upsetting or abusive material. When such a situation occurs the pupil or adult must report the incident immediately to the first available member of staff, or the headteacher.  Where such an incident may lead to significant harm, safeguarding procedures should be followed.  The school takes the reporting of such incidents seriously and where judged necessary, the DSL will refer details to social care or the police.

  1. Curriculum

Online safety is embedded within our curriculum. The school provides a comprehensive curriculum for online safety which enables pupils to become informed, safe and responsible. This includes teaching to prevent radicalisation, for which staff provide a narrative to counter extremism.

The curriculum is flexible and can respond to any immediate online safety issues and risks as they emerge.

It is necessary for pupils to develop skills of critical awareness, digital resilience and good online citizenship to enable them to use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely and responsibly.  Pupils are taught to recognise the creative, collaborative, cultural, economic and educational opportunities provided by the internet, mobile and digital technologies. Curriculum work will also include:

  • Understanding how to use the internet, mobile and digital technologies in a balanced and appropriate way to avoid negative impact on wellbeing, e.g. regulated screen time and diverse online activity
  • Learning how to develop a positive online reputation and enhance future opportunities e.g. in relationships and employment
  • Developing critical thinking skills in relation to online content e.g. recognising fake news and extremism, understanding commercial manipulation, maintaining an authentic sense of self that is resilient to online pressure, learning how easy it is to lie online (i.e. users may not be who they say they are and may have ulterior motives)
  • Understanding the dangers of giving out personal details online (e.g. full name, address, mobile/home phone numbers, school details, IM/email address) and the importance of maintaining maximum privacy online
  • Thinking carefully before placing images online and considering their appropriateness and understanding the importance of gaining consent before posting photographs of others
  • Understanding the permanency of all online postings and conversations
  • Understanding relevant legislation, including copyright, and the importance of respecting other people’s information, reputation and images
  • What constitutes cyberbullying, how to avoid it, the impact it has and how to access help.
  1. Staff and Governor Training

Staff and governors are trained to fulfil their roles in online safety. The school audits the training needs of all school staff and provides regular training to improve their knowledge and expertise in the safe and appropriate use of internet, mobile and digital technologies.  This training is recorded as part of safeguarding records.

New staff are provided with a copy of the online safety policy and must sign the school’s Acceptable Use Agreement as part of their induction and before having contact with pupils.

Any organisation working with children based on the school premises are also provided with a copy of the online safety policy and required to sign the Acceptable Use Agreement (Appendix B).

Volunteers, peripatetic staff (unless employed by NYCC services), student teachers and regular visitors are provided with a copy of the online safety policy and are required to sign the Acceptable Use Agreement (Appendix B).

  1. Working in Partnership with Parents/Carers

The school works closely with families to help ensure that children can use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely and responsibly both at home and school.  It is important that parents/carers understand the crucial role they play in this process. The school seeks to regularly consult and discuss online safety with parents/carers and seeks to promote a wide understanding of the benefits of new technologies and associated risks.  The school provides regular updated online safety information through the school website and by other means.

Parents/carers are asked to read, discuss and co-sign with each child the Acceptable Use Agreement whenever the online safety policy is reviewed.  A summary of key parent/carer responsibilities will also be provided and is available in Appendix F. The Acceptable Use Agreement explains the school’s expectations and pupil and parent/carer responsibilities. The support of parents/carers is essential to implement the online safety policy effectively and keep all children safe.

  1. Records, monitoring and review

The school recognises the need to record online safety incidents and to monitor and review policies and procedures regularly in order to ensure they are effective and that the risks to pupils and staff are minimised.

All breaches of this policy must be reported and all reported incidents will be logged on CPOMS. All staff have the individual responsibility to ensure that incidents have been correctly recorded, acted upon and reported.  An online safety incident recording format are provided in appendix H.

The school supports pupils and staff who have been affected by a policy breach. Where there is inappropriate or illegal use of internet, mobile and digital technologies, this will be dealt with under the school’s behaviour and disciplinary policies as appropriate.  Breaches may also lead to criminal or civil proceedings.

Governors receive termly summary data on recorded online safety incidents for monitoring purposes.  In addition governors ensure they have sufficient, quality information to enable them to make a judgement about the fitness for purpose of this policy on an annual basis.

  1. Appendices of the Online Safety Policy
  1. Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff, Governors and student teachers (on placement or on staff)
  2. Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers
  3. Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers working in the school (working directly with children or otherwise)
  4. Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils
  5. Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities
  6. Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents
  7. Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media
  8. Online safety incident reporting form

Appendix A - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff, Governors and student teachers (on placement or on staff)

You must read this agreement in conjunction with the online safety policy and the Information  policy.  Once you have read these, you must sign and submit this agreement and it will be kept on record in the school. You should retain your own copy for reference. This forms part of your professional and safeguarding responsibilities.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies are part of our daily working life and this agreement is designed to ensure that all staff and governors are aware of their responsibilities in relation to their use.  All staff and governors are expected to adhere to this agreement and to the online safety policy.  Any concerns or clarification should be discussed with Mrs Prest. Breaches will be investigated, recorded and, where appropriate, disciplinary procedures will apply and police involvement will be sought.

Internet Access

I will not access or attempt to access any sites that contain any of the following: child abuse; pornography; discrimination of any kind; promotion of prejudice against any group; promotion of illegal acts; any other information which may be illegal or offensive.  Inadvertent access on school equipment must be treated as an online safety incident, reported to the online safety lead and/or DSL and an incident report completed.

Online conduct

I will ensure that my online activity, both in and outside school, will not bring the school, my professional reputation, or that of others, into disrepute.

I will not browse, download, upload or distribute any material that could be considered offensive, illegal or discriminatory.  Exceptionally, use of controversial material as part of the curriculum should be planned and approved on every occasion (see policy). 

I will report any accidental access to or receipt of inappropriate materials or filtering breach to Mrs Prest.

I understand that all my use of the internet and other related technologies can be traced and monitored and, should it be required, must be made available to my line manager, headteacher and others as required.

I will not give out my personal contact and online account information such as phone numbers, email address, and social media account details to pupils and/or parents/carers.

Social networking

I understand the need to separate my professional role from my private friendships; in my professional capacity I will not become ‘friends’ with parents/carers or pupils on social networks. Where my school role is my only connection to an individual, private online contact is unacceptable with parents/carers or pupils. See also Staff Code of Conduct.

When using social networking for personal use I will ensure my settings are not public. My private account postings will never undermine or disparage the school, its staff, governors, parents/carers or pupils. Privileged information must remain confidential.


I understand that there is no occasion when a password should be shared with a pupil or anyone who is not a staff member without permission.

Data protection

I will follow requirements for data protection as outlined in the information policy.  These include:

  • Photographs must be kept securely and used appropriately, whether in school, taken off the school premises or accessed remotely
  • Personal data can only be taken out of school or accessed remotely when authorised by the headteacher or governing body
  • Personal or sensitive data taken off site must be encrypted

Images and videos

I will only upload images or videos of staff, pupils or parents/carers onto school approved sites where specific permission has been granted.

I will not take images, sound recordings or videos of school events or activities on any personal device.

 Use of email

I will use my school email address for all school business.  All such correspondence must be kept professional and is open to Subject Access Requests under the Freedom of Information Act.  I will not use my school email addresses for personal matters or non-school business.

Use of personal devices

I understand that as a member of staff I should at no time put myself in a position where a safeguarding allegation can be made against me as a result of my use of personal devices. I understand that the use of personal devices in school is at the discretion of the headteacher.

I will not access secure school information from personal devices unless a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school.

Additional hardware/software

I will not install any hardware or software on school equipment without permission of Mrs Prest.

Promoting online safety

I understand that online safety is the responsibility of all staff and governors and I will promote positive online safety messages at all times including when setting homework or providing pastoral support.

I understand that it is my duty to support a whole school safeguarding approach and will report any inappropriate or concerning behaviour (of other staff, governors, visitors, pupils or parents/carers) to the DSL or Mrs Prest.

Classroom management of internet access

I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites used in the classroom; this will include the acceptability of other material visible, however briefly, on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.

If I am using the internet to teach about controversial issues I will secure, on every occasion, approval in advance for the material I plan to use with Mrs Prest.

User signature

I agree to follow this Acceptable Use Agreement and to support online safety throughout the school.  I understand this forms part of the terms and conditions set out in my contract of employment (staff members only) and/or my responsibilities as a governor.

Signature …….………………….………… Date ……………………

Full Name …………………………………......................................... (printed)

Job title ……………………………………………………………………

Appendix B - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers

School name Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School

Online safety lead Fiona Prest

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Fiona Prest

This agreement forms part of your professional and safeguarding responsibility in the school.  You must read and sign this agreement.  This will be kept on record and you should retain your own copy for reference.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies are part of our daily working life and this agreement is designed to ensure that all staff and governors are aware of their responsibilities in relation to their use. You are expected to adhere to this agreement.  Any concerns or clarification should be discussed with Mrs Prest. Breaches will be investigated, recorded and, where appropriate, disciplinary procedures will apply and police involvement will be sought.

The school’s online safety policy will provide further detailed information as required.

Internet Access

I will not access or attempt to access any sites that contain any of the following: child abuse; pornography; discrimination of any kind; promotion of prejudice against any group; promotion of illegal acts; any other information which may be illegal or offensive.  Inadvertent access on school equipment must be treated as an online safety incident, reported to the online safety lead and/or DSL and an incident report completed.

Online conduct

I will ensure that my online activity, both in and outside school, will not bring the school, my professional reputation, or that of others, into disrepute.

I will not browse, download, upload or distribute any material that could be considered offensive, illegal or discriminatory.  Exceptionally, use of controversial material as part of the curriculum should be planned and approved on every occasion (see policy). 

I will report any accidental access to or receipt of inappropriate materials or filtering breach to Mrs Prest.

I understand that all my use of the internet and other related technologies can be traced and monitored and, should it be required, must be made available to my line manager, headteacher and others as required.

I will not give out my personal contact and online account information such as phone numbers, email address, and social media account details to pupils and/or parents/carers.

Should I need to share my professional details, such as mobile phone number or email address, with parent/carers, this must be agreed in advance as an acceptable approach with Mrs Prest.

Social networking

I understand the need to separate my professional role from my private friendships; in my professional capacity I will not become ‘friends’ with parents/carers or pupils on social networks. Where my school role is my only connection to an individual, private online contact is unacceptable with parents/carers or pupils.

Information can be shared with pupils over 13 and parents/carers through an organisational social network site/page e.g. on Facebook or Twitter, but never through a personal account or site. In my professional role in the school, I will never engage in 1-1 exchanges with pupils or parent/carers on personal social network sites.

My private account postings will never undermine or disparage the school, its staff, governors, parents/carers or pupils.  Privileged information known as a result of my work in the school must remain confidential.  

I will not upload any material about or references to the school or its community on my personal social networks.


I must clarify what access I may have to the internet and/or school systems.  If I have access of any kind, I understand that there is no occasion when a password should be shared with a pupil or anyone who is not a staff member. 

Data protection

I will follow all requirements for data protection explained to me by the school.  These include:

  • I must consult with the school before making any recordings, photographs and videos. Once agreed, these must be made on a school device.
  • I understand that there are strict controls and requirements regarding the collection and use of personal data. I will follow all requirements regarding GDPR.

Images and videos

I will only upload images or videos of staff, pupils or parents/carers onto school approved sites where specific permission has been granted.

I will not take images, sound recordings or videos of tuition or wider school activities on any personal device. School devices can be used for this purpose or, in the case of 1:1 tuition, pupil’s or parent/carer devices can be used, with parent/carer agreement.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies provide helpful recording functions but these cannot be made on a teacher’s personal device.  Recordings can be made with the child’s and parent/carer’s agreement on a school device, an organisational device approved by the headteacher/DSL, or a young person’s or parent/carer’s own device.

Use of Email

I will use my professional or formal student email address for all school business.  All such correspondence should be kept professional and is open to Subject Access Requests under the Freedom of Information Act. I will not use my professional email addresses for personal matters.

Use of personal devices

I understand that when working in the school I should at no time put myself in a position where a safeguarding allegation can be made against me as a result of my use of personal devices. I understand that the use of personal devices in school is at the discretion of the headteacher.

I will only use approved personal devices when not with pupils. This therefore precludes use of specialist apps on personal devices.  A school device could be used to access specialist apps that support pupil learning.  

Additional hardware/software

I will not install any hardware or software on school equipment without permission of Mrs Prest.

Promoting online safety

I understand that online safety is part of my responsibility and I will promote positive online safety messages at all times, including when setting homework, rehearsal or skill practice or when providing pastoral support.

I understand that it is my duty to support a whole school safeguarding approach and will report any behaviour (of staff, governors, visitors, pupils or parents/carers) which I believe may be inappropriate or concerning in any way to the DSL or Mrs Prest.

Classroom management of internet access

I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites used in the classroom; this will include the acceptability of other material visible, however briefly, on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.

If I am using the internet to teach about controversial issues I will secure, on every occasion, approval in advance for the material I plan to use with Mrs Prest.

User Signature

I agree to follow this Acceptable Use Agreement and to support online safety in my work in the school.  I understand this forms part of my company/educational setting/organisation’s contract with the school.

Signature …….………………….…………….…      Date ……………………

Full Name ………………………………….................................................... (Please use block capitals)

Job Title/Role …………………………………..…………………..……………

Appendix C - Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers

(Working directly with children or otherwise)

School name……Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School ………………………………..…..

Online safety lead …Mrs Prest……………………………..…

DSL …Mrs Prest……………………………………………..…..

This document is designed to ensure that you are aware of your responsibilities when using any form of IT in the school and other aspects of safeguarding in connection with online safety.

Please raise any safeguarding concerns arising from your visit immediately with the headteacher and/or DSL

  • I understand I may not use my personal mobile phone(s) and other devices with camera functions in front of children.   Any exception must be pre-arranged.
  • I will not take images, sound recording or videos of school events or activities, on or off site, on any device.  Any possible exception must be pre-arranged.
  • I will not give out my personal details such as mobile phone number, email address, and social media account details to pupils and parent/carers.  Where appropriate I may share my professional contact details with parents/carers provided the DSL or headteacher is informed before I leave the school.
  • I understand my visit to the school may give me access to privileged information about pupils, staff, school systems and plans.  Such information should never be shared online, including on social media sites.
  • I understand I should not use school equipment to access the internet without prior approval from my contact in the school or the headteacher.
  • If working in the classroom, I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites I intend to use including checking the acceptability of other material visible on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.  If I am in any doubt about the appropriateness of the content I plan to use I will check with my contact in the school.

Appendix D - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils

 My online safety rules

  • I will only use school IT equipment for activities agreed by school staff.
  • I will not use my personal email address or other personal accounts in school when doing school work.
  • I will not sign up for any online service on school devices unless this is an agreed part of a school project approved by my teacher and agreed by my parent/carer.
  • I will only open email attachments if it has been approved by a member of school staff in school or a parent/carer out of school.
  • In school I will only open or delete my files when told by a member of staff.
  • I will not tell anyone other than my parents/carers my passwords. I will not use other people’s usernames or passwords to pretend to be them online.
  • I will make sure that all online contact I make is responsible, polite and sensible. I will be kind and respectful at all times.
  • If I come across anything upsetting, unpleasant or nasty, or anything that makes me feel unsafe, I will tell my teacher or my parent/carer immediately.
  • If someone says, asks or posts about me anything upsetting, unpleasant or nasty, or anything that makes me feel unsafe, I will not reply. I will tell my teacher or my parent/carer immediately. 
  • I will not give out my own or other people’s personal information, including: name, phone number, home address, interests, schools or clubs.  I will tell my teacher or parent/carer if anyone asks me online for personal information.
  • Uploading or sending my image (photographs, videos, live streaming) online puts me at risk.  I will always seek permission from my teacher or parent/carer if I wish to do this.  I will not take, share or upload any image of anyone else without their permission and also, if they are a child, without their parent’s/carer’s permission.
  • Even if I have permission, I will not upload any images, videos, sounds or words that could upset, now or in the future, any member of the school community, as this is cyberbullying.
  • I understand that some people on the internet are not who they say they are and some people are not safe to be in contact with.  I will not arrange to meet someone I only know on the internet. If someone asks to meet me, I will not reply to them and I will tell a teacher or a parent/carer immediately.
  • I understand that everything I do or receive online can be traced now and in the future. I know it is important to build a good online reputation.  
  • I understand that some personal devices are allowed in school and some are not, and I will follow the rules.  I will not assume that new devices can be brought into school without getting permission.
  • I will not lie about my age in order to access games, apps or social networks that are for older people as this will put me at risk.
  • I understand that these rules are designed to keep me safe now and in the future.  If I break the rules my teachers will look into it and may need to take action.

Name ……………………………

Signed ………………………………….

Date ………………………………………

Dear Parent/Carer,

The internet, email, mobile technologies and online resources have become an important part of learning and life.   We want all children to be safe and responsible when using any IT.  It is essential that children are aware of online risk, know how to stay safe and know where to go to report problems or to get help.

Please read through these online safety rules with your child/ren and talk with them to ensure they understand their importance and what it means for them (and for you).  When you have done this, you both need to sign this agreement to say that you agree to follow the rules.  Any concerns or explanation can be discussed with Mrs Prest. 

Please return the signed sections of this form which will be kept on record at the school.

Pupil agreement

Pupil name………………………………………

This agreement is to keep me safe. I have discussed this agreement with my parents/carers and understand the commitment I have made and my responsibilities.

Pupil signature……………………………………………………………………..

Parent(s)/Carer(s) agreement

Parent(s)/Carer(s) name(s)………………………………………………

I/we have discussed this agreement, which highlights the associated risks when accessing the internet, mobile and digital technologies, with our child/ren.  I/we agree to support them in following the terms of this agreement.

I/we also agree not to share school related information or images online or post material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute.

(Rather than posting negative material online, any parent, distressed or concerned about an aspect of school should make immediate contact with a member of staff.  Negative postings about the school would impact on the reputation of the whole school community.  Parents are encouraged to report breaches so that we can protect the reputation of the school, staff, pupils and parents).

I/we also agree only to use personal mobile phones and devices in designated areas of the school unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities.  I/we understand that under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises of anyone other than our own child/ren, unless there is a pre-specified agreement.  I/we understand that when on school premises, but not in a designated area where phones can be used, they must be switched off and out of sight.

I/we agree that if I take digital or video images at, or of – school events which include images of children, other than my own, these images will not be published / made publicly available on social networking sites.

Parent(s)/Carer(s) agreement

Parent(s)/Carer(s) name(s)……………………………………………………….

Parent/carer signature………………………………………..

Date ………………………………………………………….…

Appendix E - Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities

The school provides online safety information for parents/carers, through the website, in newsletters and at events.  It is important that parents/carers understand their key role in supporting children to behave appropriately and keep themselves safe online.

The online safety policy, supported by its acceptable use agreements, is intended to protect the interests and safety of the whole school community.

  • Parents/carers are required to support their child in understanding and signing the Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement for pupils.
  • Parents/carers may not use personal mobile phones and devices in the school unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities.  Under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises that include anyone other than their own child, unless there is a pre-specified agreement with individuals and parents/carers. If  a digital or video images is taken at, or of – school events which include images of children, other than their own, these images will not be published / made publicly available on social networking sites.
  • Parents/carers should not assume that pupils can bring technological devices to school and should always check the school policy.
  • All cyberbullying incidents affecting children in the school should be reported immediately.  (If the incident involves an indecent image of a child the report must also be made immediately to the police for your own protection.) The school will investigate and respond to all reported cyberbullying incidents, liaising with others where appropriate.  No reply should ever be sent to the sender/poster of cyberbullying content. If applicable block the sender and report abuse to the site. Evidence should be retained and shown in school and/or to the police.  Evidence should not be forwarded.
  • The school may choose to set up social media sites, blogs or have some other online presence in its own name.  Parents/carers, however, do not have the right to set up any site, page, chat group or any other online presence that uses the school name or logo in any form unless agreed by the head teacher.
  • Any parent/carer, distressed or concerned about an aspect of school should make immediate contact with a member of staff rather than posting their concerns online.  Parents/carers should not share school related information or images online or post material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute.  Negative postings about the school would impact on the reputation of the whole school community.  Parents/carers are encouraged to report breaches so that we can protect the reputation of the school, staff, pupils and parents/carers.

Please see the full online safety policy in the policies section on the school website.

Appendix F - Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents

All cyberbullying incidents should be reported and responded to.  Where the perpetrator is a member of the school community the majority of cases can be dealt with through mediation and/or disciplinary processes.  

The following procedures are recommended:

  • Never reply to the sender/poster of cyberbullying content.  If applicable, block the sender.
  • Incidents should be reported immediately.  Pupils should report to a member of staff (e.g. class teacher, headteacher) and staff members should seek support from their line manager or a senior member of staff.
  • The person reporting the cyberbullying should save the evidence and record the time and date.  This evidence must not be forwarded but must be available to show at a meeting.  Under no circumstances should indecent images of children and young people be printed or forwarded as this is a further criminal act.  Staff should not ask to see the evidence of reported indecent images of children or young people but must refer this immediately to the police.  Any member of staff being shown such evidence should immediately inform their line manager or the headteacher so that the circumstances can be recorded.
  • A senior member of staff will meet with the person who has reported the incident and the target, if different, to listen, reassure and support.  All relevant facts will be reviewed and documented.
  • A senior member of staff will conduct an investigation.
  • Anyone found to have cyberbullied will have attention drawn to the seriousness of their behaviour and if necessary the police will be involved.  If the comments are threatening, abusive, sexist, of a sexual nature, constitute a hate crime or are libellous they may well break the law. Online harassment and stalking is also a crime.
  • Once evidence has been secured then the person who has cyberbullied will be requested to remove the offending comments/material.  Any refusal will lead to an escalation of sanctions.

Appendix G - Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media

The school should make it clear which, if any, social media platforms are used to communicate with parents/carers.  If used correctly, parents can use a school’s social media site as a source of reliable information.  The online safety policy, see especially Appendix E (Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities), clarifies that no other social media platforms should be set up using the school’s name or logo.

The school should regularly reinforce with all parties that discussion of school issues on social media platforms, either positive or negative, should not take place as this could bring the school into disrepute and affect families and children.  Parents should be encouraged to be good online role models and not post statements written in anger or frustration.  Identified routes to raise concerns directly with the school should be used.

If negative comments are posted:

  • Collect the facts

As soon as you become aware of adverse comments relating to the school you need to establish what is being said.  It is essential that if you have access to the postings they are secured and retained together with any other evidence.  Do not become engaged in responding directly.

If the allegations against a member of staff or a pupil are of a serious nature, these will need to be formally investigated.  This may involve the police and the headteacher will need to follow the school’s safeguarding procedures.

If there is a risk of serious damage to the school reputation or the reputation of individual members of staff, professional legal advice should be sought. 

Adverse comments of any kind are highly demotivating and cause stress and anxiety.  It is important that the senior staff reassure and support all staff and/or other affected members of the school community.

  • Addressing negative comments and complaints

Contact the complainants and invite them to a meeting.  In the meeting, make sure you have any evidence available.

The meeting must:

  • Draw attention to the seriousness and impact of the actions/postings;
  • Ask for the offending remarks to be removed;
  • Explore the complainant’s grievance;
  • Agree next steps;
  • Clarify the correct complaints procedures.

If the meeting does not resolve the issue, the parents must be informed that the school will need to take the matter further. This may include:

  • Reporting the matter to the social network site if it breaches their rules or breaks the law;
  • Reporting the matter to the police if it breaks the law, e.g. if the comments are threatening, abusive, malicious, sexist, of a sexual nature, constitute a hate crime or are libellous they may well break the law.  Online harassment and stalking is also a crime.

If inappropriate postings continue or the original material is not removed, a second meeting is advisable to re-iterate the seriousness of the matter.

Appendix H - Online safety incident reporting form

Any member of the school community can raise a concern about an online safety incident. If you have witnessed or experienced an incident please complete the form below to help us to address the issue.  It is important that you provide as much detail as possible.  Once completed please hand this report to Mrs Prest.

Name of person reporting incident:


Date you are completing this form:

Where did the incident take place:

Inside school?

Outside school?

Date of incident(s):

Time of incident(s):

Who was involved in the incident(s)?

Full names and/or contact details

Children/young people

Staff member(s)


Other, please specify

Type of incident(s) (indicate as many as apply)

Accessing age inappropriate websites, apps and social media

Accessing someone else’s account without permission

Forwarding/spreading chain messages or threatening material

Posting images without permission of all involved

Online bullying or harassment (cyber bullying)

Posting material that will bring an  individual or the school into disrepute

Racist, sexist, homophobic, religious or other hate material

Online gambling

Sexting/Child abuse images

Deliberately bypassing security


Hacking or spreading viruses

Accessing, sharing or creating pornographic images and media

Accessing and/or sharing terrorist material

Accessing, sharing or creating violent images and media

Drug/bomb making material

Creating an account in someone else’s name to bring them into disrepute

Breaching copyright regulations

Other breach of acceptable use agreement, please specify

Full description of the incident

What, when, where, how?

Name all social media involved

Specify: Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp, Snapchat, Instagram etc

Evidence of the incident

Specify any evidence available but do not attach.

Thank you for completing and submitting this form.

Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School



Online Safety

Including Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreements


Adopted: March 2019

Reviewed and updated: March 2021

Next review date: March 2023


1.    Introduction. 2

2.    Responsibilities. 3

3.    Scope of policy. 3

4.    Policy and procedure. 4

Use of email 4

Visiting online sites and downloading. 4

Storage of Images. 6

Use of personal mobile devices (including phones) 6

New technological devices. 7

Reporting incidents, abuse and inappropriate material 7

5.    Curriculum.. 7

6.    Staff and Governor Training. 8

7.    Working in Partnership with Parents/Carers. 9

8.    Records, monitoring and review.. 9

9.    Appendices of the Online Safety Policy. 9

Appendix A -Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff ,Governors,student teachers. 11

Appendix B - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches and supply teachers. 14

Appendix C - Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers. 17

Appendix D - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils. 18

Appendix E - Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities. 21

Appendix F - Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents. 22

Appendix G - Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media. 23

Appendix H - Online safety incident reporting form.. 25


  1. Introduction

Embsay school recognises that internet, mobile and digital technologies provide a good opportunity for children and young people to learn, socialise and play, provided they are safe. The digital world is an amazing place, but with few rules.  It is vast and fast moving and young people’s future economic success may be partly dependent on their online skills and reputation.  We are, therefore, committed to ensuring that all pupils, staff and governors will be able to use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely.  This is part of our safeguarding responsibility.  Staff are aware that some pupils may require additional support or teaching, including reminders, prompts and further explanation to reinforce their knowledge and understanding of online safety issues.

We are also committed to ensuring that all those who work with children and young people, including their parents/carers, are informed about the ever-changing risks so that they can take an active part in the safeguarding of children.

2.   Responsibilities

The Governing body: 

Governors are responsible for the approval of the online safety policy, ensuring it is disseminated to the wider school community and for reviewing the effectiveness of the policy. Chris Atherton is the named governor for online safety.

As part of their responsibilities in this area the governing Body will:

  • ensure that the statutory requirements of Keeping Children Safe in Education 2020 are complied with.
  • regularly review the staff behaviour policy (sometimes called the code of conduct) which amongst other things, includes acceptable use of technologies, staff/pupil relationships and communications including the use of social media
  • ensure that online safety training for staff is integrated, aligned and considered as part of the overarching safeguarding approach
  • ensure that the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead is trained in online safety issues and is aware of the potential for serious child protection issues that could arise through the use of ICT
  • ensure that children are taught about safeguarding, including online safety.
  • ensure that the school has in place policies and procedures on sexual harassment and peer on peer abuse that can occur online and offline.
  • ensure the appropriateness of any filters, monitoring and security systems
  • regularly monitor online safety incident logs and respond appropriately  to the identified needs
  • ensure the company who is hosting the schools website has enough security in place so it cannot be inappropriately accessed and to have an action plan if it is ‘hacked’ e.g who regular checks the website including during school holidays, who is the key contact if the website is hacked 

The Headteacher:

  • supporting the Governors to comply with the online safety aspects of the Keeping Children Safe in Education
  • supporting the Governors comply with the online safety aspects of the statutory regulations which have make the subjects of Relationships Education (for all primary pupils) and Relationships and Sex Education (for all secondary pupils) and Health Education (for all pupils) mandatory from September 2020.
  • the online safety of all members of the school community.
  • effective and regular training about online safety is provided for the whole school community  and a log is kept of the staff who complete the training 
  • invite governors to take part in online safety training and awareness sessions, with particular importance for those who are members of any committee or working group involved in ICT, online safety education or safeguarding. 
  • effective communication with parents/ carers about safe practices when using online technology’s and support them in talking to their children about these issues
  • that effective filtering, monitoring and security systems are set up
  • ensure that there are effective procedures in place in the event of an online safety allegation which are known and understood by all members of staff 
  • establish and review the school online safety policy and documents and make them available on the school website 
  • liaise with staff, ICT Technical staff, online safety governor, SLT and partner agencies on all issues related to online safety 
  • ensure that all staff are aware of the procedures that need to be followed in the event of an online safety incident taking place 
  • provide training and advice for staff and keep a log of staff who complete training about online issues
  • keep a log of staff, pupils and families who have signed the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for the safe use of technology
  • receive and respond to reports of online safety incidents and create a log of incidents and outcomes to inform future online safety developments 
  • co-ordinate and review online safety education programme in school
  • ensure all new staff receive online safety training as part of their induction programme, ensuring that they fully understand the school online safety policy, Acceptable Usage and Child Protection Policies.

The ICT technician:

  • ensure the school’s ICT infrastructure is secure and meets requirements for filtering and monitoring
  • that the school’s password policy is adhered to
  • ensure that the school’s filtering policy is applied and updated on a regular basis and that its implementation is not the sole responsibility of any single person
  • ensure that the use of the school’s ICT infrastructure (network, remote access, e-mail, VLE etc.) is regularly monitored in order that any misuse or attempted misuse can be reported to the named SLT for action. 


Keeping children Safe in Education 2020 states that the staff behaviour policy

(sometimes called the code of conduct) which should, amongst other things, include:

acceptable use of technologies, staff/pupil relationships and communications including

the use of social media. Alongside the Staff Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), all staff are

responsible for ensuring that: 

  • they have an up to date awareness of online safety matters and of the schools current online safety policy and practices
  • they adhere to any procedures and policies that are implemented to support remote learning for both staff and pupils and communication with parents / carers
  • they attend the training provided by the school about online safety and Online Safety
  • they have read, understood and signed the school Staff Acceptable Usage Policy (AUP)
  • do not ‘be-friend’ any pupil or pupil family member on social media in a social context whilst the pupil is at the school 
  • online safety issues are embedded in all aspects of the curriculum and other school activities 
  • they ensure that pupils understand and follow the school’s online safety and acceptable usage policies 
  • they ensure that pupils have a good understanding of research skills and the need to avoid plagiarism and uphold copyright regulations 
  • they monitor ICT activity in lessons, extracurricular and extended school activities
  • in lessons where Internet use is pre-planned, pupils should be guided to sites checked as suitable for their use and that processes are in place for dealing with any unsuitable material that is found in Internet searches.
  • they are aware that emails can be part of Freedom of Information requests so all correspondence needs to be professional, courtesy and  respectful
  • if confidential information / information under the data protection act is being sent by email it must be sent through the secure email system 


  • pupils are responsible for using the school ICT systems in accordance with the Pupil Acceptable Usage Policy, which they will be required to sign before being given access to school systems. Parents/carers will be required to read through and sign alongside their child’s signature.
  • they must adhere to any procedures that are implemented to support remote learning for both pupils and  staff 
  • pupils must report abuse, misuse or access to inappropriate materials and know how to do so.
  • should understand the importance of adopting good online safety practice when using digital technologies out of school and realise that the school’s online safety policy also covers their actions out of school, if related to their membership of the school or using equipment provided by the school.


Parents/Carers play a crucial role in ensuring that their children understand the need

to use the Internet/mobile devices in an appropriate way.

Parents and carers are responsible for: 

  • endorsing (by signature) the Pupil Acceptable Usage Policy and will alongside this sign the Parents/ Carers Acceptable Usage Policy
  • access the school website and correspond with the school in accordance with the Parents Acceptable Usage Policy. 
  • ensure that they do not use social media to criticise or make inappropriate comments about the school or an individual member of staff as making defamatory comments online has exactly the same legal consequences as if they are made directly to someone else. Similarly threats of violence can lead to criminal proceedings under the Malicious Communications Act. If as a parent/ carer they have any concerns about anything which happens in schools then please contact the school directly.
  1. Scope of policy

The policy applies to:

  • pupils
  • parents/carers
  • teaching and support staff
  • school governors
  • peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers, student teachers
  • visitors
  • volunteers
  • voluntary, statutory or community organisations using  the school's facilities

The school also works with partners and other providers to ensure that pupils who receive part of their education off site or who are on a school trip or residential are safe online.

The school provides online safety information for parents/carers, through the website, in newsletters and at events.  It is important that parents/carers understand their key role in supporting their child/ren to behave appropriately and keep themselves safe online.  

This policy, supported by its acceptable use agreements, is intended to protect the interests and safety of the whole school community.  It is linked to the following other school policies and documents: Child Protection , Information, Health and safety, Home–school agreement, Behaviour, Anti-bullying, Staff Code of Conduct, Safer Working Practice.

Policy and procedure

The school seeks to ensure that internet, mobile and digital technologies are used effectively, for their intended educational purpose, in ways that will not infringe legal requirements or create unnecessary risk.

The school expects everyone to use internet, mobile and digital technologies responsibly and strictly according to the conditions set out in this policy. This policy also includes expectations on appropriate online behaviour and use of technology outside of school for pupils, parents/carers, staff and governors and all other visitors to the school.

When applying this policy, the school will take account of any guidance issued by North Yorkshire. The most recent guidance can be found at: Online Safety Guidance for Schools in North Yorkshire Updated January 2021

Use of email

Staff and governors should use a school email account  for all official communication to ensure everyone is protected through the traceability of communication.  Under no circumstances should staff contact pupils, parents or conduct any school business using a personal email address.  Pupils may only use school approved accounts on the school system and only for educational purposes. Where required parent/carer permission will be obtained for the account to exist.  For advice on sharing personal or confidential information or the need to gain parent permission refer to the Informaiton Policy. Emails created or received as part of any school role will be subject to disclosure in response to a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Staff, governors and pupils should not open emails or attachments from suspect sources and should report their receipt to Mrs Chapman.

Users must not send emails which are offensive, embarrassing or upsetting to anyone (i.e. cyberbullying).

Visiting online sites and downloading

  • Staff must preview sites, software and apps before their use in school or before recommending them to pupils.  Before using any online service that requires user accounts to be created or the sharing of any personal data, staff must consult with the head teacher  with details of the site/service.  If internet research is set for homework, specific sites will be suggested that have previously been checked by the teacher.  All users must observe copyright of materials from electronic sources.
  • Staff must only use pre-approved systems if creating blogs, wikis or other online areas in order to communicate with pupils/ families.
  • When working with pupils searching for images should be done through Google Safe Search (standard through the NY service), Google Advanced Search or a similar application that provides greater safety than a standard search engine.

Users must not:

Visit internet sites, make, post, download, upload or pass on, material, remarks, proposals or comments that contain or relate to:

  • Indecent images of children actually or apparently under the age of 18 or images of child abuse (i.e. images of children, digital or cartoons, involved in sexual activity or posed to be sexually provocative)
  • Indecent images of vulnerable people over the age of 18 (i.e. images of vulnerable people, digital or cartoons involved in sexual activity or posed to be sexually provocative)
  • Adult material that breaches the Obscene Publications Act in the UK
  • Promoting discrimination of any kind in relation to the protected characteristics: gender identity and reassignment, gender/sex, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion, sexual orientation, age and marital status
  • Promoting hatred against any individual or group from the protected characteristics above
  • Promoting illegal acts including physical or sexual abuse of children or adults, violence, bomb making, drug and alcohol abuse and software piracy
  • Any material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute e.g. promotion of violence, gambling, libel and disrespect

Users must not:

  • Reveal or publicise confidential or proprietary information
  • Intentionally interfere with the normal operation of the internet connection, including the propagation of computer viruses
  • Transmit unsolicited commercial or advertising material either to other users, or to organisations connected to other networks except where permission has been given to the school
  • Use the school's hardware and Wi-Fi facilities for running a private business
  • Intimidate, threaten or cause harm to others
  • Access or interfere in any way with other users' accounts
  • Use software or hardware that has been prohibited by the school

  Only a school device may be used to conduct school business outside of school. The only exception would be where a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school for use on a personal device.

All breaches of prohibited behaviours detailed above will be investigated, where appropriate, in liaison with the police.

The school recognises that in certain planned curricular activities, access to controversial and/or offensive online content may be beneficial for educational use. In such circumstances, there is an expectation that access is pre-planned, risk assessed and recorded, and permission given by Mrs Prest.  

Storage of Images

Photographs and videos provide valuable evidence of pupils’ achievement and progress in a variety of contexts and can be used to celebrate the work of the school.  In line with GDPR they are used only with the written consent of parents/carers which is secured in the first instance on a child’s entry to the school. Records are kept on file and consent can be changed by parents/carers at any time. (See Information Policy for greater clarification).

Photographs and images of pupils are only stored on the school’s agreed secure networks which include some cloud based services.  Rights of access to stored images are restricted to approved staff as determined by Mrs Prest.  Staff and pupils may have temporary access to photographs taken during a class session, but these will be transferred/deleted promptly.

Parents/carers should note that there may be some children who are at risk and must not have their image put online and others who do not want their image online.  For these reasons parents/carers must follow the school’s Acceptable Use Agreement and refrain from posting online photographs of any member of the school community, other than their own child/ren.

Staff and other professionals working with pupils, must only use school equipment to record images of pupils whether on or off site. See also Information Policy.  

Use of personal mobile devices (including phones)

The school does not allow staff, including temporary and peripatetic staff, and visitors to use personal mobile phones and devices in the presence of pupils. Under no circumstance does the school allow a member of staff to contact a pupil or parent/carer using their personal device.

Parents/carers may not use personal mobile phones and devices in the school building unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities. Under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises or on off-site school events and activities of anyone other than their own child, unless there is a pre-specified permission from Mrs Prest.  

Year 6 pupils are allowed to bring personal mobile devices/phones to school but must hand them to the class teacher for storage during the day.  Under no circumstance should pupils use their personal mobile devices/phones to take images of

  • any other pupil unless they and their parents have given agreement in advance
  • any member of staff

The school is not responsible for the loss, damage or theft on school premises of any personal mobile device.

Users bringing personal devices into school must ensure there is no inappropriate or illegal content on the device.

  Personal mobiles must never be used to access school emails and data. The only       exception would be where a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school for use on a personal device.

New technological devices

New personal technological devices may offer opportunities for teaching and learning. However, the school must consider educational benefit and carry out risk assessment before use in school is allowed.  Parents/carers, pupils and staff should not assume that new technological devices will be allowed in school and should check with Mrs Prest before they are brought into school.  

Reporting incidents, abuse and inappropriate material

There may be occasions in school when either a pupil or an adult receives an offensive, abusive or inappropriate message or accidentally accesses upsetting or abusive material. When such a situation occurs the pupil or adult must report the incident immediately to the first available member of staff, or the headteacher.  Where such an incident may lead to significant harm, safeguarding procedures should be followed.  The school takes the reporting of such incidents seriously and where judged necessary, the DSL will refer details to social care or the police.

  1. Curriculum

Online safety is embedded within our curriculum. The school provides a comprehensive curriculum for online safety which enables pupils to become informed, safe and responsible. This includes teaching to prevent radicalisation, for which staff provide a narrative to counter extremism.

The curriculum is flexible and can respond to any immediate online safety issues and risks as they emerge.

It is necessary for pupils to develop skills of critical awareness, digital resilience and good online citizenship to enable them to use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely and responsibly.  Pupils are taught to recognise the creative, collaborative, cultural, economic and educational opportunities provided by the internet, mobile and digital technologies. Curriculum work will also include:

  • Understanding how to use the internet, mobile and digital technologies in a balanced and appropriate way to avoid negative impact on wellbeing, e.g. regulated screen time and diverse online activity
  • Learning how to develop a positive online reputation and enhance future opportunities e.g. in relationships and employment
  • Developing critical thinking skills in relation to online content e.g. recognising fake news and extremism, understanding commercial manipulation, maintaining an authentic sense of self that is resilient to online pressure, learning how easy it is to lie online (i.e. users may not be who they say they are and may have ulterior motives)
  • Understanding the dangers of giving out personal details online (e.g. full name, address, mobile/home phone numbers, school details, IM/email address) and the importance of maintaining maximum privacy online
  • Thinking carefully before placing images online and considering their appropriateness and understanding the importance of gaining consent before posting photographs of others
  • Understanding the permanency of all online postings and conversations
  • Understanding relevant legislation, including copyright, and the importance of respecting other people’s information, reputation and images
  • What constitutes cyberbullying, how to avoid it, the impact it has and how to access help.
  1. Staff and Governor Training

Staff and governors are trained to fulfil their roles in online safety. The school audits the training needs of all school staff and provides regular training to improve their knowledge and expertise in the safe and appropriate use of internet, mobile and digital technologies.  This training is recorded as part of safeguarding records.

New staff are provided with a copy of the online safety policy and must sign the school’s Acceptable Use Agreement as part of their induction and before having contact with pupils.

Any organisation working with children based on the school premises are also provided with a copy of the online safety policy and required to sign the Acceptable Use Agreement (Appendix B).

Volunteers, peripatetic staff (unless employed by NYCC services), student teachers and regular visitors are provided with a copy of the online safety policy and are required to sign the Acceptable Use Agreement (Appendix B).

  1. Working in Partnership with Parents/Carers

The school works closely with families to help ensure that children can use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely and responsibly both at home and school.  It is important that parents/carers understand the crucial role they play in this process. The school seeks to regularly consult and discuss online safety with parents/carers and seeks to promote a wide understanding of the benefits of new technologies and associated risks.  The school provides regular updated online safety information through the school website and by other means.

Parents/carers are asked to read, discuss and co-sign with each child the Acceptable Use Agreement whenever the online safety policy is reviewed.  A summary of key parent/carer responsibilities will also be provided and is available in Appendix F. The Acceptable Use Agreement explains the school’s expectations and pupil and parent/carer responsibilities. The support of parents/carers is essential to implement the online safety policy effectively and keep all children safe.

  1. Records, monitoring and review

The school recognises the need to record online safety incidents and to monitor and review policies and procedures regularly in order to ensure they are effective and that the risks to pupils and staff are minimised.

All breaches of this policy must be reported and all reported incidents will be logged on CPOMS. All staff have the individual responsibility to ensure that incidents have been correctly recorded, acted upon and reported.  An online safety incident recording format are provided in appendix H.

The school supports pupils and staff who have been affected by a policy breach. Where there is inappropriate or illegal use of internet, mobile and digital technologies, this will be dealt with under the school’s behaviour and disciplinary policies as appropriate.  Breaches may also lead to criminal or civil proceedings.

Governors receive termly summary data on recorded online safety incidents for monitoring purposes.  In addition governors ensure they have sufficient, quality information to enable them to make a judgement about the fitness for purpose of this policy on an annual basis.

  1. Appendices of the Online Safety Policy
  1. Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff, Governors and student teachers (on placement or on staff)
  2. Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers
  3. Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers working in the school (working directly with children or otherwise)
  4. Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils
  5. Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities
  6. Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents
  7. Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media
  8. Online safety incident reporting form

Appendix A - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff, Governors and student teachers (on placement or on staff)

You must read this agreement in conjunction with the online safety policy and the Information  policy.  Once you have read these, you must sign and submit this agreement and it will be kept on record in the school. You should retain your own copy for reference. This forms part of your professional and safeguarding responsibilities.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies are part of our daily working life and this agreement is designed to ensure that all staff and governors are aware of their responsibilities in relation to their use.  All staff and governors are expected to adhere to this agreement and to the online safety policy.  Any concerns or clarification should be discussed with Mrs Prest. Breaches will be investigated, recorded and, where appropriate, disciplinary procedures will apply and police involvement will be sought.

Internet Access

I will not access or attempt to access any sites that contain any of the following: child abuse; pornography; discrimination of any kind; promotion of prejudice against any group; promotion of illegal acts; any other information which may be illegal or offensive.  Inadvertent access on school equipment must be treated as an online safety incident, reported to the online safety lead and/or DSL and an incident report completed.

Online conduct

I will ensure that my online activity, both in and outside school, will not bring the school, my professional reputation, or that of others, into disrepute.

I will not browse, download, upload or distribute any material that could be considered offensive, illegal or discriminatory.  Exceptionally, use of controversial material as part of the curriculum should be planned and approved on every occasion (see policy). 

I will report any accidental access to or receipt of inappropriate materials or filtering breach to Mrs Prest.

I understand that all my use of the internet and other related technologies can be traced and monitored and, should it be required, must be made available to my line manager, headteacher and others as required.

I will not give out my personal contact and online account information such as phone numbers, email address, and social media account details to pupils and/or parents/carers.

Social networking

I understand the need to separate my professional role from my private friendships; in my professional capacity I will not become ‘friends’ with parents/carers or pupils on social networks. Where my school role is my only connection to an individual, private online contact is unacceptable with parents/carers or pupils. See also Staff Code of Conduct.

When using social networking for personal use I will ensure my settings are not public. My private account postings will never undermine or disparage the school, its staff, governors, parents/carers or pupils. Privileged information must remain confidential.


I understand that there is no occasion when a password should be shared with a pupil or anyone who is not a staff member without permission.

Data protection

I will follow requirements for data protection as outlined in the information policy.  These include:

  • Photographs must be kept securely and used appropriately, whether in school, taken off the school premises or accessed remotely
  • Personal data can only be taken out of school or accessed remotely when authorised by the headteacher or governing body
  • Personal or sensitive data taken off site must be encrypted

Images and videos

I will only upload images or videos of staff, pupils or parents/carers onto school approved sites where specific permission has been granted.

I will not take images, sound recordings or videos of school events or activities on any personal device.

 Use of email

I will use my school email address for all school business.  All such correspondence must be kept professional and is open to Subject Access Requests under the Freedom of Information Act.  I will not use my school email addresses for personal matters or non-school business.

Use of personal devices

I understand that as a member of staff I should at no time put myself in a position where a safeguarding allegation can be made against me as a result of my use of personal devices. I understand that the use of personal devices in school is at the discretion of the headteacher.

I will not access secure school information from personal devices unless a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school.

Additional hardware/software

I will not install any hardware or software on school equipment without permission of Mrs Prest.

Promoting online safety

I understand that online safety is the responsibility of all staff and governors and I will promote positive online safety messages at all times including when setting homework or providing pastoral support.

I understand that it is my duty to support a whole school safeguarding approach and will report any inappropriate or concerning behaviour (of other staff, governors, visitors, pupils or parents/carers) to the DSL or Mrs Prest.

Classroom management of internet access

I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites used in the classroom; this will include the acceptability of other material visible, however briefly, on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.

If I am using the internet to teach about controversial issues I will secure, on every occasion, approval in advance for the material I plan to use with Mrs Prest.

User signature

I agree to follow this Acceptable Use Agreement and to support online safety throughout the school.  I understand this forms part of the terms and conditions set out in my contract of employment (staff members only) and/or my responsibilities as a governor.

Signature …….………………….………… Date ……………………

Full Name …………………………………......................................... (printed)

Job title ……………………………………………………………………

Appendix B - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers

School name Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School

Online safety lead Fiona Prest

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Fiona Prest

This agreement forms part of your professional and safeguarding responsibility in the school.  You must read and sign this agreement.  This will be kept on record and you should retain your own copy for reference.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies are part of our daily working life and this agreement is designed to ensure that all staff and governors are aware of their responsibilities in relation to their use. You are expected to adhere to this agreement.  Any concerns or clarification should be discussed with Mrs Prest. Breaches will be investigated, recorded and, where appropriate, disciplinary procedures will apply and police involvement will be sought.

The school’s online safety policy will provide further detailed information as required.

Internet Access

I will not access or attempt to access any sites that contain any of the following: child abuse; pornography; discrimination of any kind; promotion of prejudice against any group; promotion of illegal acts; any other information which may be illegal or offensive.  Inadvertent access on school equipment must be treated as an online safety incident, reported to the online safety lead and/or DSL and an incident report completed.

Online conduct

I will ensure that my online activity, both in and outside school, will not bring the school, my professional reputation, or that of others, into disrepute.

I will not browse, download, upload or distribute any material that could be considered offensive, illegal or discriminatory.  Exceptionally, use of controversial material as part of the curriculum should be planned and approved on every occasion (see policy). 

I will report any accidental access to or receipt of inappropriate materials or filtering breach to Mrs Prest.

I understand that all my use of the internet and other related technologies can be traced and monitored and, should it be required, must be made available to my line manager, headteacher and others as required.

I will not give out my personal contact and online account information such as phone numbers, email address, and social media account details to pupils and/or parents/carers.

Should I need to share my professional details, such as mobile phone number or email address, with parent/carers, this must be agreed in advance as an acceptable approach with Mrs Prest.

Social networking

I understand the need to separate my professional role from my private friendships; in my professional capacity I will not become ‘friends’ with parents/carers or pupils on social networks. Where my school role is my only connection to an individual, private online contact is unacceptable with parents/carers or pupils.

Information can be shared with pupils over 13 and parents/carers through an organisational social network site/page e.g. on Facebook or Twitter, but never through a personal account or site. In my professional role in the school, I will never engage in 1-1 exchanges with pupils or parent/carers on personal social network sites.

My private account postings will never undermine or disparage the school, its staff, governors, parents/carers or pupils.  Privileged information known as a result of my work in the school must remain confidential.  

I will not upload any material about or references to the school or its community on my personal social networks.


I must clarify what access I may have to the internet and/or school systems.  If I have access of any kind, I understand that there is no occasion when a password should be shared with a pupil or anyone who is not a staff member. 

Data protection

I will follow all requirements for data protection explained to me by the school.  These include:

  • I must consult with the school before making any recordings, photographs and videos. Once agreed, these must be made on a school device.
  • I understand that there are strict controls and requirements regarding the collection and use of personal data. I will follow all requirements regarding GDPR.

Images and videos

I will only upload images or videos of staff, pupils or parents/carers onto school approved sites where specific permission has been granted.

I will not take images, sound recordings or videos of tuition or wider school activities on any personal device. School devices can be used for this purpose or, in the case of 1:1 tuition, pupil’s or parent/carer devices can be used, with parent/carer agreement.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies provide helpful recording functions but these cannot be made on a teacher’s personal device.  Recordings can be made with the child’s and parent/carer’s agreement on a school device, an organisational device approved by the headteacher/DSL, or a young person’s or parent/carer’s own device.

Use of Email

I will use my professional or formal student email address for all school business.  All such correspondence should be kept professional and is open to Subject Access Requests under the Freedom of Information Act. I will not use my professional email addresses for personal matters.

Use of personal devices

I understand that when working in the school I should at no time put myself in a position where a safeguarding allegation can be made against me as a result of my use of personal devices. I understand that the use of personal devices in school is at the discretion of the headteacher.

I will only use approved personal devices when not with pupils. This therefore precludes use of specialist apps on personal devices.  A school device could be used to access specialist apps that support pupil learning.  

Additional hardware/software

I will not install any hardware or software on school equipment without permission of Mrs Prest.

Promoting online safety

I understand that online safety is part of my responsibility and I will promote positive online safety messages at all times, including when setting homework, rehearsal or skill practice or when providing pastoral support.

I understand that it is my duty to support a whole school safeguarding approach and will report any behaviour (of staff, governors, visitors, pupils or parents/carers) which I believe may be inappropriate or concerning in any way to the DSL or Mrs Prest.

Classroom management of internet access

I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites used in the classroom; this will include the acceptability of other material visible, however briefly, on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.

If I am using the internet to teach about controversial issues I will secure, on every occasion, approval in advance for the material I plan to use with Mrs Prest.

User Signature

I agree to follow this Acceptable Use Agreement and to support online safety in my work in the school.  I understand this forms part of my company/educational setting/organisation’s contract with the school.

Signature …….………………….…………….…      Date ……………………

Full Name ………………………………….................................................... (Please use block capitals)

Job Title/Role …………………………………..…………………..……………

Appendix C - Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers

(Working directly with children or otherwise)

School name……Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School ………………………………..…..

Online safety lead …Mrs Prest……………………………..…

DSL …Mrs Prest……………………………………………..…..

This document is designed to ensure that you are aware of your responsibilities when using any form of IT in the school and other aspects of safeguarding in connection with online safety.

Please raise any safeguarding concerns arising from your visit immediately with the headteacher and/or DSL

  • I understand I may not use my personal mobile phone(s) and other devices with camera functions in front of children.   Any exception must be pre-arranged.
  • I will not take images, sound recording or videos of school events or activities, on or off site, on any device.  Any possible exception must be pre-arranged.
  • I will not give out my personal details such as mobile phone number, email address, and social media account details to pupils and parent/carers.  Where appropriate I may share my professional contact details with parents/carers provided the DSL or headteacher is informed before I leave the school.
  • I understand my visit to the school may give me access to privileged information about pupils, staff, school systems and plans.  Such information should never be shared online, including on social media sites.
  • I understand I should not use school equipment to access the internet without prior approval from my contact in the school or the headteacher.
  • If working in the classroom, I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites I intend to use including checking the acceptability of other material visible on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.  If I am in any doubt about the appropriateness of the content I plan to use I will check with my contact in the school.

Appendix D - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils

 My online safety rules

  • I will only use school IT equipment for activities agreed by school staff.
  • I will not use my personal email address or other personal accounts in school when doing school work.
  • I will not sign up for any online service on school devices unless this is an agreed part of a school project approved by my teacher and agreed by my parent/carer.
  • I will only open email attachments if it has been approved by a member of school staff in school or a parent/carer out of school.
  • In school I will only open or delete my files when told by a member of staff.
  • I will not tell anyone other than my parents/carers my passwords. I will not use other people’s usernames or passwords to pretend to be them online.
  • I will make sure that all online contact I make is responsible, polite and sensible. I will be kind and respectful at all times.
  • If I come across anything upsetting, unpleasant or nasty, or anything that makes me feel unsafe, I will tell my teacher or my parent/carer immediately.
  • If someone says, asks or posts about me anything upsetting, unpleasant or nasty, or anything that makes me feel unsafe, I will not reply. I will tell my teacher or my parent/carer immediately. 
  • I will not give out my own or other people’s personal information, including: name, phone number, home address, interests, schools or clubs.  I will tell my teacher or parent/carer if anyone asks me online for personal information.
  • Uploading or sending my image (photographs, videos, live streaming) online puts me at risk.  I will always seek permission from my teacher or parent/carer if I wish to do this.  I will not take, share or upload any image of anyone else without their permission and also, if they are a child, without their parent’s/carer’s permission.
  • Even if I have permission, I will not upload any images, videos, sounds or words that could upset, now or in the future, any member of the school community, as this is cyberbullying.
  • I understand that some people on the internet are not who they say they are and some people are not safe to be in contact with.  I will not arrange to meet someone I only know on the internet. If someone asks to meet me, I will not reply to them and I will tell a teacher or a parent/carer immediately.
  • I understand that everything I do or receive online can be traced now and in the future. I know it is important to build a good online reputation.  
  • I understand that some personal devices are allowed in school and some are not, and I will follow the rules.  I will not assume that new devices can be brought into school without getting permission.
  • I will not lie about my age in order to access games, apps or social networks that are for older people as this will put me at risk.
  • I understand that these rules are designed to keep me safe now and in the future.  If I break the rules my teachers will look into it and may need to take action.

Name ……………………………

Signed ………………………………….

Date ………………………………………

Dear Parent/Carer,

The internet, email, mobile technologies and online resources have become an important part of learning and life.   We want all children to be safe and responsible when using any IT.  It is essential that children are aware of online risk, know how to stay safe and know where to go to report problems or to get help.

Please read through these online safety rules with your child/ren and talk with them to ensure they understand their importance and what it means for them (and for you).  When you have done this, you both need to sign this agreement to say that you agree to follow the rules.  Any concerns or explanation can be discussed with Mrs Prest. 

Please return the signed sections of this form which will be kept on record at the school.

Pupil agreement

Pupil name………………………………………

This agreement is to keep me safe. I have discussed this agreement with my parents/carers and understand the commitment I have made and my responsibilities.

Pupil signature……………………………………………………………………..

Parent(s)/Carer(s) agreement

Parent(s)/Carer(s) name(s)………………………………………………

I/we have discussed this agreement, which highlights the associated risks when accessing the internet, mobile and digital technologies, with our child/ren.  I/we agree to support them in following the terms of this agreement.

I/we also agree not to share school related information or images online or post material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute.

(Rather than posting negative material online, any parent, distressed or concerned about an aspect of school should make immediate contact with a member of staff.  Negative postings about the school would impact on the reputation of the whole school community.  Parents are encouraged to report breaches so that we can protect the reputation of the school, staff, pupils and parents).

I/we also agree only to use personal mobile phones and devices in designated areas of the school unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities.  I/we understand that under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises of anyone other than our own child/ren, unless there is a pre-specified agreement.  I/we understand that when on school premises, but not in a designated area where phones can be used, they must be switched off and out of sight.

I/we agree that if I take digital or video images at, or of – school events which include images of children, other than my own, these images will not be published / made publicly available on social networking sites.

Parent(s)/Carer(s) agreement

Parent(s)/Carer(s) name(s)……………………………………………………….

Parent/carer signature………………………………………..

Date ………………………………………………………….…

Appendix E - Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities

The school provides online safety information for parents/carers, through the website, in newsletters and at events.  It is important that parents/carers understand their key role in supporting children to behave appropriately and keep themselves safe online.

The online safety policy, supported by its acceptable use agreements, is intended to protect the interests and safety of the whole school community.

  • Parents/carers are required to support their child in understanding and signing the Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement for pupils.
  • Parents/carers may not use personal mobile phones and devices in the school unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities.  Under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises that include anyone other than their own child, unless there is a pre-specified agreement with individuals and parents/carers. If  a digital or video images is taken at, or of – school events which include images of children, other than their own, these images will not be published / made publicly available on social networking sites.
  • Parents/carers should not assume that pupils can bring technological devices to school and should always check the school policy.
  • All cyberbullying incidents affecting children in the school should be reported immediately.  (If the incident involves an indecent image of a child the report must also be made immediately to the police for your own protection.) The school will investigate and respond to all reported cyberbullying incidents, liaising with others where appropriate.  No reply should ever be sent to the sender/poster of cyberbullying content. If applicable block the sender and report abuse to the site. Evidence should be retained and shown in school and/or to the police.  Evidence should not be forwarded.
  • The school may choose to set up social media sites, blogs or have some other online presence in its own name.  Parents/carers, however, do not have the right to set up any site, page, chat group or any other online presence that uses the school name or logo in any form unless agreed by the head teacher.
  • Any parent/carer, distressed or concerned about an aspect of school should make immediate contact with a member of staff rather than posting their concerns online.  Parents/carers should not share school related information or images online or post material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute.  Negative postings about the school would impact on the reputation of the whole school community.  Parents/carers are encouraged to report breaches so that we can protect the reputation of the school, staff, pupils and parents/carers.

Please see the full online safety policy in the policies section on the school website.

Appendix F - Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents

All cyberbullying incidents should be reported and responded to.  Where the perpetrator is a member of the school community the majority of cases can be dealt with through mediation and/or disciplinary processes.  

The following procedures are recommended:

  • Never reply to the sender/poster of cyberbullying content.  If applicable, block the sender.
  • Incidents should be reported immediately.  Pupils should report to a member of staff (e.g. class teacher, headteacher) and staff members should seek support from their line manager or a senior member of staff.
  • The person reporting the cyberbullying should save the evidence and record the time and date.  This evidence must not be forwarded but must be available to show at a meeting.  Under no circumstances should indecent images of children and young people be printed or forwarded as this is a further criminal act.  Staff should not ask to see the evidence of reported indecent images of children or young people but must refer this immediately to the police.  Any member of staff being shown such evidence should immediately inform their line manager or the headteacher so that the circumstances can be recorded.
  • A senior member of staff will meet with the person who has reported the incident and the target, if different, to listen, reassure and support.  All relevant facts will be reviewed and documented.
  • A senior member of staff will conduct an investigation.
  • Anyone found to have cyberbullied will have attention drawn to the seriousness of their behaviour and if necessary the police will be involved.  If the comments are threatening, abusive, sexist, of a sexual nature, constitute a hate crime or are libellous they may well break the law. Online harassment and stalking is also a crime.
  • Once evidence has been secured then the person who has cyberbullied will be requested to remove the offending comments/material.  Any refusal will lead to an escalation of sanctions.

Appendix G - Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media

The school should make it clear which, if any, social media platforms are used to communicate with parents/carers.  If used correctly, parents can use a school’s social media site as a source of reliable information.  The online safety policy, see especially Appendix E (Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities), clarifies that no other social media platforms should be set up using the school’s name or logo.

The school should regularly reinforce with all parties that discussion of school issues on social media platforms, either positive or negative, should not take place as this could bring the school into disrepute and affect families and children.  Parents should be encouraged to be good online role models and not post statements written in anger or frustration.  Identified routes to raise concerns directly with the school should be used.

If negative comments are posted:

  • Collect the facts

As soon as you become aware of adverse comments relating to the school you need to establish what is being said.  It is essential that if you have access to the postings they are secured and retained together with any other evidence.  Do not become engaged in responding directly.

If the allegations against a member of staff or a pupil are of a serious nature, these will need to be formally investigated.  This may involve the police and the headteacher will need to follow the school’s safeguarding procedures.

If there is a risk of serious damage to the school reputation or the reputation of individual members of staff, professional legal advice should be sought. 

Adverse comments of any kind are highly demotivating and cause stress and anxiety.  It is important that the senior staff reassure and support all staff and/or other affected members of the school community.

  • Addressing negative comments and complaints

Contact the complainants and invite them to a meeting.  In the meeting, make sure you have any evidence available.

The meeting must:

  • Draw attention to the seriousness and impact of the actions/postings;
  • Ask for the offending remarks to be removed;
  • Explore the complainant’s grievance;
  • Agree next steps;
  • Clarify the correct complaints procedures.

If the meeting does not resolve the issue, the parents must be informed that the school will need to take the matter further. This may include:

  • Reporting the matter to the social network site if it breaches their rules or breaks the law;
  • Reporting the matter to the police if it breaks the law, e.g. if the comments are threatening, abusive, malicious, sexist, of a sexual nature, constitute a hate crime or are libellous they may well break the law.  Online harassment and stalking is also a crime.

If inappropriate postings continue or the original material is not removed, a second meeting is advisable to re-iterate the seriousness of the matter.

Appendix H - Online safety incident reporting form

Any member of the school community can raise a concern about an online safety incident. If you have witnessed or experienced an incident please complete the form below to help us to address the issue.  It is important that you provide as much detail as possible.  Once completed please hand this report to Mrs Prest.

Name of person reporting incident:


Date you are completing this form:

Where did the incident take place:

Inside school?

Outside school?

Date of incident(s):

Time of incident(s):

Who was involved in the incident(s)?

Full names and/or contact details

Children/young people

Staff member(s)


Other, please specify

Type of incident(s) (indicate as many as apply)

Accessing age inappropriate websites, apps and social media

Accessing someone else’s account without permission

Forwarding/spreading chain messages or threatening material

Posting images without permission of all involved

Online bullying or harassment (cyber bullying)

Posting material that will bring an  individual or the school into disrepute

Racist, sexist, homophobic, religious or other hate material

Online gambling

Sexting/Child abuse images

Deliberately bypassing security


Hacking or spreading viruses

Accessing, sharing or creating pornographic images and media

Accessing and/or sharing terrorist material

Accessing, sharing or creating violent images and media

Drug/bomb making material

Creating an account in someone else’s name to bring them into disrepute

Breaching copyright regulations

Other breach of acceptable use agreement, please specify

Full description of the incident

What, when, where, how?

Name all social media involved

Specify: Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp, Snapchat, Instagram etc

Evidence of the incident

Specify any evidence available but do not attach.

Thank you for completing and submitting this form.

Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School



Online Safety

Including Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreements


Adopted: March 2019

Reviewed and updated: March 2021

Next review date: March 2023


1.    Introduction. 2

2.    Responsibilities. 3

3.    Scope of policy. 3

4.    Policy and procedure. 4

Use of email 4

Visiting online sites and downloading. 4

Storage of Images. 6

Use of personal mobile devices (including phones) 6

New technological devices. 7

Reporting incidents, abuse and inappropriate material 7

5.    Curriculum.. 7

6.    Staff and Governor Training. 8

7.    Working in Partnership with Parents/Carers. 9

8.    Records, monitoring and review.. 9

9.    Appendices of the Online Safety Policy. 9

Appendix A -Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff ,Governors,student teachers. 11

Appendix B - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches and supply teachers. 14

Appendix C - Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers. 17

Appendix D - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils. 18

Appendix E - Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities. 21

Appendix F - Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents. 22

Appendix G - Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media. 23

Appendix H - Online safety incident reporting form.. 25


  1. Introduction

Embsay school recognises that internet, mobile and digital technologies provide a good opportunity for children and young people to learn, socialise and play, provided they are safe. The digital world is an amazing place, but with few rules.  It is vast and fast moving and young people’s future economic success may be partly dependent on their online skills and reputation.  We are, therefore, committed to ensuring that all pupils, staff and governors will be able to use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely.  This is part of our safeguarding responsibility.  Staff are aware that some pupils may require additional support or teaching, including reminders, prompts and further explanation to reinforce their knowledge and understanding of online safety issues.

We are also committed to ensuring that all those who work with children and young people, including their parents/carers, are informed about the ever-changing risks so that they can take an active part in the safeguarding of children.

2.   Responsibilities

The Governing body: 

Governors are responsible for the approval of the online safety policy, ensuring it is disseminated to the wider school community and for reviewing the effectiveness of the policy. Chris Atherton is the named governor for online safety.

As part of their responsibilities in this area the governing Body will:

  • ensure that the statutory requirements of Keeping Children Safe in Education 2020 are complied with.
  • regularly review the staff behaviour policy (sometimes called the code of conduct) which amongst other things, includes acceptable use of technologies, staff/pupil relationships and communications including the use of social media
  • ensure that online safety training for staff is integrated, aligned and considered as part of the overarching safeguarding approach
  • ensure that the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead is trained in online safety issues and is aware of the potential for serious child protection issues that could arise through the use of ICT
  • ensure that children are taught about safeguarding, including online safety.
  • ensure that the school has in place policies and procedures on sexual harassment and peer on peer abuse that can occur online and offline.
  • ensure the appropriateness of any filters, monitoring and security systems
  • regularly monitor online safety incident logs and respond appropriately  to the identified needs
  • ensure the company who is hosting the schools website has enough security in place so it cannot be inappropriately accessed and to have an action plan if it is ‘hacked’ e.g who regular checks the website including during school holidays, who is the key contact if the website is hacked 

The Headteacher:

  • supporting the Governors to comply with the online safety aspects of the Keeping Children Safe in Education
  • supporting the Governors comply with the online safety aspects of the statutory regulations which have make the subjects of Relationships Education (for all primary pupils) and Relationships and Sex Education (for all secondary pupils) and Health Education (for all pupils) mandatory from September 2020.
  • the online safety of all members of the school community.
  • effective and regular training about online safety is provided for the whole school community  and a log is kept of the staff who complete the training 
  • invite governors to take part in online safety training and awareness sessions, with particular importance for those who are members of any committee or working group involved in ICT, online safety education or safeguarding. 
  • effective communication with parents/ carers about safe practices when using online technology’s and support them in talking to their children about these issues
  • that effective filtering, monitoring and security systems are set up
  • ensure that there are effective procedures in place in the event of an online safety allegation which are known and understood by all members of staff 
  • establish and review the school online safety policy and documents and make them available on the school website 
  • liaise with staff, ICT Technical staff, online safety governor, SLT and partner agencies on all issues related to online safety 
  • ensure that all staff are aware of the procedures that need to be followed in the event of an online safety incident taking place 
  • provide training and advice for staff and keep a log of staff who complete training about online issues
  • keep a log of staff, pupils and families who have signed the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for the safe use of technology
  • receive and respond to reports of online safety incidents and create a log of incidents and outcomes to inform future online safety developments 
  • co-ordinate and review online safety education programme in school
  • ensure all new staff receive online safety training as part of their induction programme, ensuring that they fully understand the school online safety policy, Acceptable Usage and Child Protection Policies.

The ICT technician:

  • ensure the school’s ICT infrastructure is secure and meets requirements for filtering and monitoring
  • that the school’s password policy is adhered to
  • ensure that the school’s filtering policy is applied and updated on a regular basis and that its implementation is not the sole responsibility of any single person
  • ensure that the use of the school’s ICT infrastructure (network, remote access, e-mail, VLE etc.) is regularly monitored in order that any misuse or attempted misuse can be reported to the named SLT for action. 


Keeping children Safe in Education 2020 states that the staff behaviour policy

(sometimes called the code of conduct) which should, amongst other things, include:

acceptable use of technologies, staff/pupil relationships and communications including

the use of social media. Alongside the Staff Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), all staff are

responsible for ensuring that: 

  • they have an up to date awareness of online safety matters and of the schools current online safety policy and practices
  • they adhere to any procedures and policies that are implemented to support remote learning for both staff and pupils and communication with parents / carers
  • they attend the training provided by the school about online safety and Online Safety
  • they have read, understood and signed the school Staff Acceptable Usage Policy (AUP)
  • do not ‘be-friend’ any pupil or pupil family member on social media in a social context whilst the pupil is at the school 
  • online safety issues are embedded in all aspects of the curriculum and other school activities 
  • they ensure that pupils understand and follow the school’s online safety and acceptable usage policies 
  • they ensure that pupils have a good understanding of research skills and the need to avoid plagiarism and uphold copyright regulations 
  • they monitor ICT activity in lessons, extracurricular and extended school activities
  • in lessons where Internet use is pre-planned, pupils should be guided to sites checked as suitable for their use and that processes are in place for dealing with any unsuitable material that is found in Internet searches.
  • they are aware that emails can be part of Freedom of Information requests so all correspondence needs to be professional, courtesy and  respectful
  • if confidential information / information under the data protection act is being sent by email it must be sent through the secure email system 


  • pupils are responsible for using the school ICT systems in accordance with the Pupil Acceptable Usage Policy, which they will be required to sign before being given access to school systems. Parents/carers will be required to read through and sign alongside their child’s signature.
  • they must adhere to any procedures that are implemented to support remote learning for both pupils and  staff 
  • pupils must report abuse, misuse or access to inappropriate materials and know how to do so.
  • should understand the importance of adopting good online safety practice when using digital technologies out of school and realise that the school’s online safety policy also covers their actions out of school, if related to their membership of the school or using equipment provided by the school.


Parents/Carers play a crucial role in ensuring that their children understand the need

to use the Internet/mobile devices in an appropriate way.

Parents and carers are responsible for: 

  • endorsing (by signature) the Pupil Acceptable Usage Policy and will alongside this sign the Parents/ Carers Acceptable Usage Policy
  • access the school website and correspond with the school in accordance with the Parents Acceptable Usage Policy. 
  • ensure that they do not use social media to criticise or make inappropriate comments about the school or an individual member of staff as making defamatory comments online has exactly the same legal consequences as if they are made directly to someone else. Similarly threats of violence can lead to criminal proceedings under the Malicious Communications Act. If as a parent/ carer they have any concerns about anything which happens in schools then please contact the school directly.
  1. Scope of policy

The policy applies to:

  • pupils
  • parents/carers
  • teaching and support staff
  • school governors
  • peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers, student teachers
  • visitors
  • volunteers
  • voluntary, statutory or community organisations using  the school's facilities

The school also works with partners and other providers to ensure that pupils who receive part of their education off site or who are on a school trip or residential are safe online.

The school provides online safety information for parents/carers, through the website, in newsletters and at events.  It is important that parents/carers understand their key role in supporting their child/ren to behave appropriately and keep themselves safe online.  

This policy, supported by its acceptable use agreements, is intended to protect the interests and safety of the whole school community.  It is linked to the following other school policies and documents: Child Protection , Information, Health and safety, Home–school agreement, Behaviour, Anti-bullying, Staff Code of Conduct, Safer Working Practice.

Policy and procedure

The school seeks to ensure that internet, mobile and digital technologies are used effectively, for their intended educational purpose, in ways that will not infringe legal requirements or create unnecessary risk.

The school expects everyone to use internet, mobile and digital technologies responsibly and strictly according to the conditions set out in this policy. This policy also includes expectations on appropriate online behaviour and use of technology outside of school for pupils, parents/carers, staff and governors and all other visitors to the school.

When applying this policy, the school will take account of any guidance issued by North Yorkshire. The most recent guidance can be found at: Online Safety Guidance for Schools in North Yorkshire Updated January 2021

Use of email

Staff and governors should use a school email account  for all official communication to ensure everyone is protected through the traceability of communication.  Under no circumstances should staff contact pupils, parents or conduct any school business using a personal email address.  Pupils may only use school approved accounts on the school system and only for educational purposes. Where required parent/carer permission will be obtained for the account to exist.  For advice on sharing personal or confidential information or the need to gain parent permission refer to the Informaiton Policy. Emails created or received as part of any school role will be subject to disclosure in response to a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Staff, governors and pupils should not open emails or attachments from suspect sources and should report their receipt to Mrs Chapman.

Users must not send emails which are offensive, embarrassing or upsetting to anyone (i.e. cyberbullying).

Visiting online sites and downloading

  • Staff must preview sites, software and apps before their use in school or before recommending them to pupils.  Before using any online service that requires user accounts to be created or the sharing of any personal data, staff must consult with the head teacher  with details of the site/service.  If internet research is set for homework, specific sites will be suggested that have previously been checked by the teacher.  All users must observe copyright of materials from electronic sources.
  • Staff must only use pre-approved systems if creating blogs, wikis or other online areas in order to communicate with pupils/ families.
  • When working with pupils searching for images should be done through Google Safe Search (standard through the NY service), Google Advanced Search or a similar application that provides greater safety than a standard search engine.

Users must not:

Visit internet sites, make, post, download, upload or pass on, material, remarks, proposals or comments that contain or relate to:

  • Indecent images of children actually or apparently under the age of 18 or images of child abuse (i.e. images of children, digital or cartoons, involved in sexual activity or posed to be sexually provocative)
  • Indecent images of vulnerable people over the age of 18 (i.e. images of vulnerable people, digital or cartoons involved in sexual activity or posed to be sexually provocative)
  • Adult material that breaches the Obscene Publications Act in the UK
  • Promoting discrimination of any kind in relation to the protected characteristics: gender identity and reassignment, gender/sex, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion, sexual orientation, age and marital status
  • Promoting hatred against any individual or group from the protected characteristics above
  • Promoting illegal acts including physical or sexual abuse of children or adults, violence, bomb making, drug and alcohol abuse and software piracy
  • Any material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute e.g. promotion of violence, gambling, libel and disrespect

Users must not:

  • Reveal or publicise confidential or proprietary information
  • Intentionally interfere with the normal operation of the internet connection, including the propagation of computer viruses
  • Transmit unsolicited commercial or advertising material either to other users, or to organisations connected to other networks except where permission has been given to the school
  • Use the school's hardware and Wi-Fi facilities for running a private business
  • Intimidate, threaten or cause harm to others
  • Access or interfere in any way with other users' accounts
  • Use software or hardware that has been prohibited by the school

  Only a school device may be used to conduct school business outside of school. The only exception would be where a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school for use on a personal device.

All breaches of prohibited behaviours detailed above will be investigated, where appropriate, in liaison with the police.

The school recognises that in certain planned curricular activities, access to controversial and/or offensive online content may be beneficial for educational use. In such circumstances, there is an expectation that access is pre-planned, risk assessed and recorded, and permission given by Mrs Prest.  

Storage of Images

Photographs and videos provide valuable evidence of pupils’ achievement and progress in a variety of contexts and can be used to celebrate the work of the school.  In line with GDPR they are used only with the written consent of parents/carers which is secured in the first instance on a child’s entry to the school. Records are kept on file and consent can be changed by parents/carers at any time. (See Information Policy for greater clarification).

Photographs and images of pupils are only stored on the school’s agreed secure networks which include some cloud based services.  Rights of access to stored images are restricted to approved staff as determined by Mrs Prest.  Staff and pupils may have temporary access to photographs taken during a class session, but these will be transferred/deleted promptly.

Parents/carers should note that there may be some children who are at risk and must not have their image put online and others who do not want their image online.  For these reasons parents/carers must follow the school’s Acceptable Use Agreement and refrain from posting online photographs of any member of the school community, other than their own child/ren.

Staff and other professionals working with pupils, must only use school equipment to record images of pupils whether on or off site. See also Information Policy.  

Use of personal mobile devices (including phones)

The school does not allow staff, including temporary and peripatetic staff, and visitors to use personal mobile phones and devices in the presence of pupils. Under no circumstance does the school allow a member of staff to contact a pupil or parent/carer using their personal device.

Parents/carers may not use personal mobile phones and devices in the school building unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities. Under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises or on off-site school events and activities of anyone other than their own child, unless there is a pre-specified permission from Mrs Prest.  

Year 6 pupils are allowed to bring personal mobile devices/phones to school but must hand them to the class teacher for storage during the day.  Under no circumstance should pupils use their personal mobile devices/phones to take images of

  • any other pupil unless they and their parents have given agreement in advance
  • any member of staff

The school is not responsible for the loss, damage or theft on school premises of any personal mobile device.

Users bringing personal devices into school must ensure there is no inappropriate or illegal content on the device.

  Personal mobiles must never be used to access school emails and data. The only       exception would be where a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school for use on a personal device.

New technological devices

New personal technological devices may offer opportunities for teaching and learning. However, the school must consider educational benefit and carry out risk assessment before use in school is allowed.  Parents/carers, pupils and staff should not assume that new technological devices will be allowed in school and should check with Mrs Prest before they are brought into school.  

Reporting incidents, abuse and inappropriate material

There may be occasions in school when either a pupil or an adult receives an offensive, abusive or inappropriate message or accidentally accesses upsetting or abusive material. When such a situation occurs the pupil or adult must report the incident immediately to the first available member of staff, or the headteacher.  Where such an incident may lead to significant harm, safeguarding procedures should be followed.  The school takes the reporting of such incidents seriously and where judged necessary, the DSL will refer details to social care or the police.

  1. Curriculum

Online safety is embedded within our curriculum. The school provides a comprehensive curriculum for online safety which enables pupils to become informed, safe and responsible. This includes teaching to prevent radicalisation, for which staff provide a narrative to counter extremism.

The curriculum is flexible and can respond to any immediate online safety issues and risks as they emerge.

It is necessary for pupils to develop skills of critical awareness, digital resilience and good online citizenship to enable them to use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely and responsibly.  Pupils are taught to recognise the creative, collaborative, cultural, economic and educational opportunities provided by the internet, mobile and digital technologies. Curriculum work will also include:

  • Understanding how to use the internet, mobile and digital technologies in a balanced and appropriate way to avoid negative impact on wellbeing, e.g. regulated screen time and diverse online activity
  • Learning how to develop a positive online reputation and enhance future opportunities e.g. in relationships and employment
  • Developing critical thinking skills in relation to online content e.g. recognising fake news and extremism, understanding commercial manipulation, maintaining an authentic sense of self that is resilient to online pressure, learning how easy it is to lie online (i.e. users may not be who they say they are and may have ulterior motives)
  • Understanding the dangers of giving out personal details online (e.g. full name, address, mobile/home phone numbers, school details, IM/email address) and the importance of maintaining maximum privacy online
  • Thinking carefully before placing images online and considering their appropriateness and understanding the importance of gaining consent before posting photographs of others
  • Understanding the permanency of all online postings and conversations
  • Understanding relevant legislation, including copyright, and the importance of respecting other people’s information, reputation and images
  • What constitutes cyberbullying, how to avoid it, the impact it has and how to access help.
  1. Staff and Governor Training

Staff and governors are trained to fulfil their roles in online safety. The school audits the training needs of all school staff and provides regular training to improve their knowledge and expertise in the safe and appropriate use of internet, mobile and digital technologies.  This training is recorded as part of safeguarding records.

New staff are provided with a copy of the online safety policy and must sign the school’s Acceptable Use Agreement as part of their induction and before having contact with pupils.

Any organisation working with children based on the school premises are also provided with a copy of the online safety policy and required to sign the Acceptable Use Agreement (Appendix B).

Volunteers, peripatetic staff (unless employed by NYCC services), student teachers and regular visitors are provided with a copy of the online safety policy and are required to sign the Acceptable Use Agreement (Appendix B).

  1. Working in Partnership with Parents/Carers

The school works closely with families to help ensure that children can use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely and responsibly both at home and school.  It is important that parents/carers understand the crucial role they play in this process. The school seeks to regularly consult and discuss online safety with parents/carers and seeks to promote a wide understanding of the benefits of new technologies and associated risks.  The school provides regular updated online safety information through the school website and by other means.

Parents/carers are asked to read, discuss and co-sign with each child the Acceptable Use Agreement whenever the online safety policy is reviewed.  A summary of key parent/carer responsibilities will also be provided and is available in Appendix F. The Acceptable Use Agreement explains the school’s expectations and pupil and parent/carer responsibilities. The support of parents/carers is essential to implement the online safety policy effectively and keep all children safe.

  1. Records, monitoring and review

The school recognises the need to record online safety incidents and to monitor and review policies and procedures regularly in order to ensure they are effective and that the risks to pupils and staff are minimised.

All breaches of this policy must be reported and all reported incidents will be logged on CPOMS. All staff have the individual responsibility to ensure that incidents have been correctly recorded, acted upon and reported.  An online safety incident recording format are provided in appendix H.

The school supports pupils and staff who have been affected by a policy breach. Where there is inappropriate or illegal use of internet, mobile and digital technologies, this will be dealt with under the school’s behaviour and disciplinary policies as appropriate.  Breaches may also lead to criminal or civil proceedings.

Governors receive termly summary data on recorded online safety incidents for monitoring purposes.  In addition governors ensure they have sufficient, quality information to enable them to make a judgement about the fitness for purpose of this policy on an annual basis.

  1. Appendices of the Online Safety Policy
  1. Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff, Governors and student teachers (on placement or on staff)
  2. Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers
  3. Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers working in the school (working directly with children or otherwise)
  4. Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils
  5. Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities
  6. Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents
  7. Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media
  8. Online safety incident reporting form

Appendix A - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff, Governors and student teachers (on placement or on staff)

You must read this agreement in conjunction with the online safety policy and the Information  policy.  Once you have read these, you must sign and submit this agreement and it will be kept on record in the school. You should retain your own copy for reference. This forms part of your professional and safeguarding responsibilities.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies are part of our daily working life and this agreement is designed to ensure that all staff and governors are aware of their responsibilities in relation to their use.  All staff and governors are expected to adhere to this agreement and to the online safety policy.  Any concerns or clarification should be discussed with Mrs Prest. Breaches will be investigated, recorded and, where appropriate, disciplinary procedures will apply and police involvement will be sought.

Internet Access

I will not access or attempt to access any sites that contain any of the following: child abuse; pornography; discrimination of any kind; promotion of prejudice against any group; promotion of illegal acts; any other information which may be illegal or offensive.  Inadvertent access on school equipment must be treated as an online safety incident, reported to the online safety lead and/or DSL and an incident report completed.

Online conduct

I will ensure that my online activity, both in and outside school, will not bring the school, my professional reputation, or that of others, into disrepute.

I will not browse, download, upload or distribute any material that could be considered offensive, illegal or discriminatory.  Exceptionally, use of controversial material as part of the curriculum should be planned and approved on every occasion (see policy). 

I will report any accidental access to or receipt of inappropriate materials or filtering breach to Mrs Prest.

I understand that all my use of the internet and other related technologies can be traced and monitored and, should it be required, must be made available to my line manager, headteacher and others as required.

I will not give out my personal contact and online account information such as phone numbers, email address, and social media account details to pupils and/or parents/carers.

Social networking

I understand the need to separate my professional role from my private friendships; in my professional capacity I will not become ‘friends’ with parents/carers or pupils on social networks. Where my school role is my only connection to an individual, private online contact is unacceptable with parents/carers or pupils. See also Staff Code of Conduct.

When using social networking for personal use I will ensure my settings are not public. My private account postings will never undermine or disparage the school, its staff, governors, parents/carers or pupils. Privileged information must remain confidential.


I understand that there is no occasion when a password should be shared with a pupil or anyone who is not a staff member without permission.

Data protection

I will follow requirements for data protection as outlined in the information policy.  These include:

  • Photographs must be kept securely and used appropriately, whether in school, taken off the school premises or accessed remotely
  • Personal data can only be taken out of school or accessed remotely when authorised by the headteacher or governing body
  • Personal or sensitive data taken off site must be encrypted

Images and videos

I will only upload images or videos of staff, pupils or parents/carers onto school approved sites where specific permission has been granted.

I will not take images, sound recordings or videos of school events or activities on any personal device.

 Use of email

I will use my school email address for all school business.  All such correspondence must be kept professional and is open to Subject Access Requests under the Freedom of Information Act.  I will not use my school email addresses for personal matters or non-school business.

Use of personal devices

I understand that as a member of staff I should at no time put myself in a position where a safeguarding allegation can be made against me as a result of my use of personal devices. I understand that the use of personal devices in school is at the discretion of the headteacher.

I will not access secure school information from personal devices unless a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school.

Additional hardware/software

I will not install any hardware or software on school equipment without permission of Mrs Prest.

Promoting online safety

I understand that online safety is the responsibility of all staff and governors and I will promote positive online safety messages at all times including when setting homework or providing pastoral support.

I understand that it is my duty to support a whole school safeguarding approach and will report any inappropriate or concerning behaviour (of other staff, governors, visitors, pupils or parents/carers) to the DSL or Mrs Prest.

Classroom management of internet access

I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites used in the classroom; this will include the acceptability of other material visible, however briefly, on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.

If I am using the internet to teach about controversial issues I will secure, on every occasion, approval in advance for the material I plan to use with Mrs Prest.

User signature

I agree to follow this Acceptable Use Agreement and to support online safety throughout the school.  I understand this forms part of the terms and conditions set out in my contract of employment (staff members only) and/or my responsibilities as a governor.

Signature …….………………….………… Date ……………………

Full Name …………………………………......................................... (printed)

Job title ……………………………………………………………………

Appendix B - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers

School name Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School

Online safety lead Fiona Prest

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Fiona Prest

This agreement forms part of your professional and safeguarding responsibility in the school.  You must read and sign this agreement.  This will be kept on record and you should retain your own copy for reference.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies are part of our daily working life and this agreement is designed to ensure that all staff and governors are aware of their responsibilities in relation to their use. You are expected to adhere to this agreement.  Any concerns or clarification should be discussed with Mrs Prest. Breaches will be investigated, recorded and, where appropriate, disciplinary procedures will apply and police involvement will be sought.

The school’s online safety policy will provide further detailed information as required.

Internet Access

I will not access or attempt to access any sites that contain any of the following: child abuse; pornography; discrimination of any kind; promotion of prejudice against any group; promotion of illegal acts; any other information which may be illegal or offensive.  Inadvertent access on school equipment must be treated as an online safety incident, reported to the online safety lead and/or DSL and an incident report completed.

Online conduct

I will ensure that my online activity, both in and outside school, will not bring the school, my professional reputation, or that of others, into disrepute.

I will not browse, download, upload or distribute any material that could be considered offensive, illegal or discriminatory.  Exceptionally, use of controversial material as part of the curriculum should be planned and approved on every occasion (see policy). 

I will report any accidental access to or receipt of inappropriate materials or filtering breach to Mrs Prest.

I understand that all my use of the internet and other related technologies can be traced and monitored and, should it be required, must be made available to my line manager, headteacher and others as required.

I will not give out my personal contact and online account information such as phone numbers, email address, and social media account details to pupils and/or parents/carers.

Should I need to share my professional details, such as mobile phone number or email address, with parent/carers, this must be agreed in advance as an acceptable approach with Mrs Prest.

Social networking

I understand the need to separate my professional role from my private friendships; in my professional capacity I will not become ‘friends’ with parents/carers or pupils on social networks. Where my school role is my only connection to an individual, private online contact is unacceptable with parents/carers or pupils.

Information can be shared with pupils over 13 and parents/carers through an organisational social network site/page e.g. on Facebook or Twitter, but never through a personal account or site. In my professional role in the school, I will never engage in 1-1 exchanges with pupils or parent/carers on personal social network sites.

My private account postings will never undermine or disparage the school, its staff, governors, parents/carers or pupils.  Privileged information known as a result of my work in the school must remain confidential.  

I will not upload any material about or references to the school or its community on my personal social networks.


I must clarify what access I may have to the internet and/or school systems.  If I have access of any kind, I understand that there is no occasion when a password should be shared with a pupil or anyone who is not a staff member. 

Data protection

I will follow all requirements for data protection explained to me by the school.  These include:

  • I must consult with the school before making any recordings, photographs and videos. Once agreed, these must be made on a school device.
  • I understand that there are strict controls and requirements regarding the collection and use of personal data. I will follow all requirements regarding GDPR.

Images and videos

I will only upload images or videos of staff, pupils or parents/carers onto school approved sites where specific permission has been granted.

I will not take images, sound recordings or videos of tuition or wider school activities on any personal device. School devices can be used for this purpose or, in the case of 1:1 tuition, pupil’s or parent/carer devices can be used, with parent/carer agreement.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies provide helpful recording functions but these cannot be made on a teacher’s personal device.  Recordings can be made with the child’s and parent/carer’s agreement on a school device, an organisational device approved by the headteacher/DSL, or a young person’s or parent/carer’s own device.

Use of Email

I will use my professional or formal student email address for all school business.  All such correspondence should be kept professional and is open to Subject Access Requests under the Freedom of Information Act. I will not use my professional email addresses for personal matters.

Use of personal devices

I understand that when working in the school I should at no time put myself in a position where a safeguarding allegation can be made against me as a result of my use of personal devices. I understand that the use of personal devices in school is at the discretion of the headteacher.

I will only use approved personal devices when not with pupils. This therefore precludes use of specialist apps on personal devices.  A school device could be used to access specialist apps that support pupil learning.  

Additional hardware/software

I will not install any hardware or software on school equipment without permission of Mrs Prest.

Promoting online safety

I understand that online safety is part of my responsibility and I will promote positive online safety messages at all times, including when setting homework, rehearsal or skill practice or when providing pastoral support.

I understand that it is my duty to support a whole school safeguarding approach and will report any behaviour (of staff, governors, visitors, pupils or parents/carers) which I believe may be inappropriate or concerning in any way to the DSL or Mrs Prest.

Classroom management of internet access

I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites used in the classroom; this will include the acceptability of other material visible, however briefly, on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.

If I am using the internet to teach about controversial issues I will secure, on every occasion, approval in advance for the material I plan to use with Mrs Prest.

User Signature

I agree to follow this Acceptable Use Agreement and to support online safety in my work in the school.  I understand this forms part of my company/educational setting/organisation’s contract with the school.

Signature …….………………….…………….…      Date ……………………

Full Name ………………………………….................................................... (Please use block capitals)

Job Title/Role …………………………………..…………………..……………

Appendix C - Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers

(Working directly with children or otherwise)

School name……Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School ………………………………..…..

Online safety lead …Mrs Prest……………………………..…

DSL …Mrs Prest……………………………………………..…..

This document is designed to ensure that you are aware of your responsibilities when using any form of IT in the school and other aspects of safeguarding in connection with online safety.

Please raise any safeguarding concerns arising from your visit immediately with the headteacher and/or DSL

  • I understand I may not use my personal mobile phone(s) and other devices with camera functions in front of children.   Any exception must be pre-arranged.
  • I will not take images, sound recording or videos of school events or activities, on or off site, on any device.  Any possible exception must be pre-arranged.
  • I will not give out my personal details such as mobile phone number, email address, and social media account details to pupils and parent/carers.  Where appropriate I may share my professional contact details with parents/carers provided the DSL or headteacher is informed before I leave the school.
  • I understand my visit to the school may give me access to privileged information about pupils, staff, school systems and plans.  Such information should never be shared online, including on social media sites.
  • I understand I should not use school equipment to access the internet without prior approval from my contact in the school or the headteacher.
  • If working in the classroom, I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites I intend to use including checking the acceptability of other material visible on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.  If I am in any doubt about the appropriateness of the content I plan to use I will check with my contact in the school.

Appendix D - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils

 My online safety rules

  • I will only use school IT equipment for activities agreed by school staff.
  • I will not use my personal email address or other personal accounts in school when doing school work.
  • I will not sign up for any online service on school devices unless this is an agreed part of a school project approved by my teacher and agreed by my parent/carer.
  • I will only open email attachments if it has been approved by a member of school staff in school or a parent/carer out of school.
  • In school I will only open or delete my files when told by a member of staff.
  • I will not tell anyone other than my parents/carers my passwords. I will not use other people’s usernames or passwords to pretend to be them online.
  • I will make sure that all online contact I make is responsible, polite and sensible. I will be kind and respectful at all times.
  • If I come across anything upsetting, unpleasant or nasty, or anything that makes me feel unsafe, I will tell my teacher or my parent/carer immediately.
  • If someone says, asks or posts about me anything upsetting, unpleasant or nasty, or anything that makes me feel unsafe, I will not reply. I will tell my teacher or my parent/carer immediately. 
  • I will not give out my own or other people’s personal information, including: name, phone number, home address, interests, schools or clubs.  I will tell my teacher or parent/carer if anyone asks me online for personal information.
  • Uploading or sending my image (photographs, videos, live streaming) online puts me at risk.  I will always seek permission from my teacher or parent/carer if I wish to do this.  I will not take, share or upload any image of anyone else without their permission and also, if they are a child, without their parent’s/carer’s permission.
  • Even if I have permission, I will not upload any images, videos, sounds or words that could upset, now or in the future, any member of the school community, as this is cyberbullying.
  • I understand that some people on the internet are not who they say they are and some people are not safe to be in contact with.  I will not arrange to meet someone I only know on the internet. If someone asks to meet me, I will not reply to them and I will tell a teacher or a parent/carer immediately.
  • I understand that everything I do or receive online can be traced now and in the future. I know it is important to build a good online reputation.  
  • I understand that some personal devices are allowed in school and some are not, and I will follow the rules.  I will not assume that new devices can be brought into school without getting permission.
  • I will not lie about my age in order to access games, apps or social networks that are for older people as this will put me at risk.
  • I understand that these rules are designed to keep me safe now and in the future.  If I break the rules my teachers will look into it and may need to take action.

Name ……………………………

Signed ………………………………….

Date ………………………………………

Dear Parent/Carer,

The internet, email, mobile technologies and online resources have become an important part of learning and life.   We want all children to be safe and responsible when using any IT.  It is essential that children are aware of online risk, know how to stay safe and know where to go to report problems or to get help.

Please read through these online safety rules with your child/ren and talk with them to ensure they understand their importance and what it means for them (and for you).  When you have done this, you both need to sign this agreement to say that you agree to follow the rules.  Any concerns or explanation can be discussed with Mrs Prest. 

Please return the signed sections of this form which will be kept on record at the school.

Pupil agreement

Pupil name………………………………………

This agreement is to keep me safe. I have discussed this agreement with my parents/carers and understand the commitment I have made and my responsibilities.

Pupil signature……………………………………………………………………..

Parent(s)/Carer(s) agreement

Parent(s)/Carer(s) name(s)………………………………………………

I/we have discussed this agreement, which highlights the associated risks when accessing the internet, mobile and digital technologies, with our child/ren.  I/we agree to support them in following the terms of this agreement.

I/we also agree not to share school related information or images online or post material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute.

(Rather than posting negative material online, any parent, distressed or concerned about an aspect of school should make immediate contact with a member of staff.  Negative postings about the school would impact on the reputation of the whole school community.  Parents are encouraged to report breaches so that we can protect the reputation of the school, staff, pupils and parents).

I/we also agree only to use personal mobile phones and devices in designated areas of the school unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities.  I/we understand that under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises of anyone other than our own child/ren, unless there is a pre-specified agreement.  I/we understand that when on school premises, but not in a designated area where phones can be used, they must be switched off and out of sight.

I/we agree that if I take digital or video images at, or of – school events which include images of children, other than my own, these images will not be published / made publicly available on social networking sites.

Parent(s)/Carer(s) agreement

Parent(s)/Carer(s) name(s)……………………………………………………….

Parent/carer signature………………………………………..

Date ………………………………………………………….…

Appendix E - Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities

The school provides online safety information for parents/carers, through the website, in newsletters and at events.  It is important that parents/carers understand their key role in supporting children to behave appropriately and keep themselves safe online.

The online safety policy, supported by its acceptable use agreements, is intended to protect the interests and safety of the whole school community.

  • Parents/carers are required to support their child in understanding and signing the Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement for pupils.
  • Parents/carers may not use personal mobile phones and devices in the school unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities.  Under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises that include anyone other than their own child, unless there is a pre-specified agreement with individuals and parents/carers. If  a digital or video images is taken at, or of – school events which include images of children, other than their own, these images will not be published / made publicly available on social networking sites.
  • Parents/carers should not assume that pupils can bring technological devices to school and should always check the school policy.
  • All cyberbullying incidents affecting children in the school should be reported immediately.  (If the incident involves an indecent image of a child the report must also be made immediately to the police for your own protection.) The school will investigate and respond to all reported cyberbullying incidents, liaising with others where appropriate.  No reply should ever be sent to the sender/poster of cyberbullying content. If applicable block the sender and report abuse to the site. Evidence should be retained and shown in school and/or to the police.  Evidence should not be forwarded.
  • The school may choose to set up social media sites, blogs or have some other online presence in its own name.  Parents/carers, however, do not have the right to set up any site, page, chat group or any other online presence that uses the school name or logo in any form unless agreed by the head teacher.
  • Any parent/carer, distressed or concerned about an aspect of school should make immediate contact with a member of staff rather than posting their concerns online.  Parents/carers should not share school related information or images online or post material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute.  Negative postings about the school would impact on the reputation of the whole school community.  Parents/carers are encouraged to report breaches so that we can protect the reputation of the school, staff, pupils and parents/carers.

Please see the full online safety policy in the policies section on the school website.

Appendix F - Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents

All cyberbullying incidents should be reported and responded to.  Where the perpetrator is a member of the school community the majority of cases can be dealt with through mediation and/or disciplinary processes.  

The following procedures are recommended:

  • Never reply to the sender/poster of cyberbullying content.  If applicable, block the sender.
  • Incidents should be reported immediately.  Pupils should report to a member of staff (e.g. class teacher, headteacher) and staff members should seek support from their line manager or a senior member of staff.
  • The person reporting the cyberbullying should save the evidence and record the time and date.  This evidence must not be forwarded but must be available to show at a meeting.  Under no circumstances should indecent images of children and young people be printed or forwarded as this is a further criminal act.  Staff should not ask to see the evidence of reported indecent images of children or young people but must refer this immediately to the police.  Any member of staff being shown such evidence should immediately inform their line manager or the headteacher so that the circumstances can be recorded.
  • A senior member of staff will meet with the person who has reported the incident and the target, if different, to listen, reassure and support.  All relevant facts will be reviewed and documented.
  • A senior member of staff will conduct an investigation.
  • Anyone found to have cyberbullied will have attention drawn to the seriousness of their behaviour and if necessary the police will be involved.  If the comments are threatening, abusive, sexist, of a sexual nature, constitute a hate crime or are libellous they may well break the law. Online harassment and stalking is also a crime.
  • Once evidence has been secured then the person who has cyberbullied will be requested to remove the offending comments/material.  Any refusal will lead to an escalation of sanctions.

Appendix G - Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media

The school should make it clear which, if any, social media platforms are used to communicate with parents/carers.  If used correctly, parents can use a school’s social media site as a source of reliable information.  The online safety policy, see especially Appendix E (Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities), clarifies that no other social media platforms should be set up using the school’s name or logo.

The school should regularly reinforce with all parties that discussion of school issues on social media platforms, either positive or negative, should not take place as this could bring the school into disrepute and affect families and children.  Parents should be encouraged to be good online role models and not post statements written in anger or frustration.  Identified routes to raise concerns directly with the school should be used.

If negative comments are posted:

  • Collect the facts

As soon as you become aware of adverse comments relating to the school you need to establish what is being said.  It is essential that if you have access to the postings they are secured and retained together with any other evidence.  Do not become engaged in responding directly.

If the allegations against a member of staff or a pupil are of a serious nature, these will need to be formally investigated.  This may involve the police and the headteacher will need to follow the school’s safeguarding procedures.

If there is a risk of serious damage to the school reputation or the reputation of individual members of staff, professional legal advice should be sought. 

Adverse comments of any kind are highly demotivating and cause stress and anxiety.  It is important that the senior staff reassure and support all staff and/or other affected members of the school community.

  • Addressing negative comments and complaints

Contact the complainants and invite them to a meeting.  In the meeting, make sure you have any evidence available.

The meeting must:

  • Draw attention to the seriousness and impact of the actions/postings;
  • Ask for the offending remarks to be removed;
  • Explore the complainant’s grievance;
  • Agree next steps;
  • Clarify the correct complaints procedures.

If the meeting does not resolve the issue, the parents must be informed that the school will need to take the matter further. This may include:

  • Reporting the matter to the social network site if it breaches their rules or breaks the law;
  • Reporting the matter to the police if it breaks the law, e.g. if the comments are threatening, abusive, malicious, sexist, of a sexual nature, constitute a hate crime or are libellous they may well break the law.  Online harassment and stalking is also a crime.

If inappropriate postings continue or the original material is not removed, a second meeting is advisable to re-iterate the seriousness of the matter.

Appendix H - Online safety incident reporting form

Any member of the school community can raise a concern about an online safety incident. If you have witnessed or experienced an incident please complete the form below to help us to address the issue.  It is important that you provide as much detail as possible.  Once completed please hand this report to Mrs Prest.

Name of person reporting incident:


Date you are completing this form:

Where did the incident take place:

Inside school?

Outside school?

Date of incident(s):

Time of incident(s):

Who was involved in the incident(s)?

Full names and/or contact details

Children/young people

Staff member(s)


Other, please specify

Type of incident(s) (indicate as many as apply)

Accessing age inappropriate websites, apps and social media

Accessing someone else’s account without permission

Forwarding/spreading chain messages or threatening material

Posting images without permission of all involved

Online bullying or harassment (cyber bullying)

Posting material that will bring an  individual or the school into disrepute

Racist, sexist, homophobic, religious or other hate material

Online gambling

Sexting/Child abuse images

Deliberately bypassing security


Hacking or spreading viruses

Accessing, sharing or creating pornographic images and media

Accessing and/or sharing terrorist material

Accessing, sharing or creating violent images and media

Drug/bomb making material

Creating an account in someone else’s name to bring them into disrepute

Breaching copyright regulations

Other breach of acceptable use agreement, please specify

Full description of the incident

What, when, where, how?

Name all social media involved

Specify: Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp, Snapchat, Instagram etc

Evidence of the incident

Specify any evidence available but do not attach.

Thank you for completing and submitting this form.

Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School



Online Safety

Including Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreements




Adopted: March 2019

Reviewed and updated: March 2021

Next review date: March 2023


 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1.    Introduction. PAGEREF _Toc512000753 \h 2 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350033000000

2.    Responsibilities. PAGEREF _Toc512000754 \h 3 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350034000000

3.    Scope of policy. PAGEREF _Toc512000755 \h 3 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350035000000

4.    Policy and procedure. PAGEREF _Toc512000756 \h 4 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350036000000

Use of email PAGEREF _Toc512000757 \h 4 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350037000000

Visiting online sites and downloading. PAGEREF _Toc512000758 \h 4 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350038000000

Storage of Images. PAGEREF _Toc512000759 \h 6 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350039000000

Use of personal mobile devices (including phones) PAGEREF _Toc512000760 \h 6 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360030000000

New technological devices. PAGEREF _Toc512000761 \h 7 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360031000000

Reporting incidents, abuse and inappropriate material PAGEREF _Toc512000762 \h 7 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360032000000

5.    Curriculum.. PAGEREF _Toc512000763 \h 7 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360033000000

6.    Staff and Governor Training. PAGEREF _Toc512000764 \h 8 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360034000000

7.    Working in Partnership with Parents/Carers. PAGEREF _Toc512000765 \h 9 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360035000000

8.    Records, monitoring and review.. PAGEREF _Toc512000766 \h 9 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360036000000

9.    Appendices of the Online Safety Policy. PAGEREF _Toc512000767 \h 9 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360037000000

Appendix A -Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff ,Governors,student teachers. PAGEREF _Toc512000768 \h 11 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360038000000

Appendix B - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches and supply teachers. PAGEREF _Toc512000769 \h 14 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360039000000

Appendix C - Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers. PAGEREF _Toc512000770 \h 17 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700370030000000

Appendix D - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils. PAGEREF _Toc512000771 \h 18 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700370031000000

Appendix E - Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities. PAGEREF _Toc512000773 \h 21 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700370033000000

Appendix F - Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents. PAGEREF _Toc512000774 \h 22 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700370034000000

Appendix G - Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media. PAGEREF _Toc512000775 \h 23 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700370035000000

Appendix H - Online safety incident reporting form.. PAGEREF _Toc512000776 \h 25 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700370036000000




1.     Introduction


Embsay school recognises that internet, mobile and digital technologies provide a good opportunity for children and young people to learn, socialise and play, provided they are safe. The digital world is an amazing place, but with few rules.  It is vast and fast moving and young people’s future economic success may be partly dependent on their online skills and reputation.  We are, therefore, committed to ensuring that all pupils, staff and governors will be able to use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely.  This is part of our safeguarding responsibility.  Staff are aware that some pupils may require additional support or teaching, including reminders, prompts and further explanation to reinforce their knowledge and understanding of online safety issues.

We are also committed to ensuring that all those who work with children and young people, including their parents/carers, are informed about the ever-changing risks so that they can take an active part in the safeguarding of children.

2.   Responsibilities


The Governing body: 

Governors are responsible for the approval of the online safety policy, ensuring it is disseminated to the wider school community and for reviewing the effectiveness of the policy. Chris Atherton is the named governor for online safety.

As part of their responsibilities in this area the governing Body will:

·       ensure that the statutory requirements of Keeping Children Safe in Education 2020 are complied with.

·       regularly review the staff behaviour policy (sometimes called the code of conduct) which amongst other things, includes acceptable use of technologies, staff/pupil relationships and communications including the use of social media

·       ensure that online safety training for staff is integrated, aligned and considered as part of the overarching safeguarding approach

·       ensure that the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead is trained in online safety issues and is aware of the potential for serious child protection issues that could arise through the use of ICT

·       ensure that children are taught about safeguarding, including online safety.

·       ensure that the school has in place policies and procedures on sexual harassment and peer on peer abuse that can occur online and offline.

·       ensure the appropriateness of any filters, monitoring and security systems

·       regularly monitor online safety incident logs and respond appropriately  to the identified needs

·       ensure the company who is hosting the schools website has enough security in place so it cannot be inappropriately accessed and to have an action plan if it is ‘hacked’ e.g who regular checks the website including during school holidays, who is the key contact if the website is hacked 

The Headteacher:

·       supporting the Governors to comply with the online safety aspects of the Keeping Children Safe in Education

·       supporting the Governors comply with the online safety aspects of the statutory regulations which have make the subjects of Relationships Education (for all primary pupils) and Relationships and Sex Education (for all secondary pupils) and Health Education (for all pupils) mandatory from September 2020.

·       the online safety of all members of the school community.

·       effective and regular training about online safety is provided for the whole school community  and a log is kept of the staff who complete the training 

·       invite governors to take part in online safety training and awareness sessions, with particular importance for those who are members of any committee or working group involved in ICT, online safety education or safeguarding. 

·       effective communication with parents/ carers about safe practices when using online technology’s and support them in talking to their children about these issues

·       that effective filtering, monitoring and security systems are set up

·       ensure that there are effective procedures in place in the event of an online safety allegation which are known and understood by all members of staff 

·       establish and review the school online safety policy and documents and make them available on the school website 

·       liaise with staff, ICT Technical staff, online safety governor, SLT and partner agencies on all issues related to online safety 

·       ensure that all staff are aware of the procedures that need to be followed in the event of an online safety incident taking place 

·       provide training and advice for staff and keep a log of staff who complete training about online issues

·       keep a log of staff, pupils and families who have signed the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for the safe use of technology

·       receive and respond to reports of online safety incidents and create a log of incidents and outcomes to inform future online safety developments 

·       co-ordinate and review online safety education programme in school

·       ensure all new staff receive online safety training as part of their induction programme, ensuring that they fully understand the school online safety policy, Acceptable Usage and Child Protection Policies.

The ICT technician:

·       ensure the school’s ICT infrastructure is secure and meets requirements for filtering and monitoring

·       that the school’s password policy is adhered to

·       ensure that the school’s filtering policy is applied and updated on a regular basis and that its implementation is not the sole responsibility of any single person

·       ensure that the use of the school’s ICT infrastructure (network, remote access, e-mail, VLE etc.) is regularly monitored in order that any misuse or attempted misuse can be reported to the named SLT for action. 


Keeping children Safe in Education 2020 states that the staff behaviour policy

(sometimes called the code of conduct) which should, amongst other things, include:

acceptable use of technologies, staff/pupil relationships and communications including

the use of social media. Alongside the Staff Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), all staff are

responsible for ensuring that: 

·       they have an up to date awareness of online safety matters and of the schools current online safety policy and practices

·       they adhere to any procedures and policies that are implemented to support remote learning for both staff and pupils and communication with parents / carers

·       they attend the training provided by the school about online safety and Online Safety

·       they have read, understood and signed the school Staff Acceptable Usage Policy (AUP)

·       do not ‘be-friend’ any pupil or pupil family member on social media in a social context whilst the pupil is at the school 

·       online safety issues are embedded in all aspects of the curriculum and other school activities 

·       they ensure that pupils understand and follow the school’s online safety and acceptable usage policies 

·       they ensure that pupils have a good understanding of research skills and the need to avoid plagiarism and uphold copyright regulations 

·       they monitor ICT activity in lessons, extracurricular and extended school activities

·       in lessons where Internet use is pre-planned, pupils should be guided to sites checked as suitable for their use and that processes are in place for dealing with any unsuitable material that is found in Internet searches.

·       they are aware that emails can be part of Freedom of Information requests so all correspondence needs to be professional, courtesy and  respectful

·       if confidential information / information under the data protection act is being sent by email it must be sent through the secure email system 


·     pupils are responsible for using the school ICT systems in accordance with the Pupil Acceptable Usage Policy, which they will be required to sign before being given access to school systems. Parents/carers will be required to read through and sign alongside their child’s signature.

·     they must adhere to any procedures that are implemented to support remote learning for both pupils and  staff 

·     pupils must report abuse, misuse or access to inappropriate materials and know how to do so.

·     should understand the importance of adopting good online safety practice when using digital technologies out of school and realise that the school’s online safety policy also covers their actions out of school, if related to their membership of the school or using equipment provided by the school.


Parents/Carers play a crucial role in ensuring that their children understand the need

to use the Internet/mobile devices in an appropriate way.

Parents and carers are responsible for: 

·       endorsing (by signature) the Pupil Acceptable Usage Policy and will alongside this sign the Parents/ Carers Acceptable Usage Policy

·       access the school website and correspond with the school in accordance with the Parents Acceptable Usage Policy. 

·       ensure that they do not use social media to criticise or make inappropriate comments about the school or an individual member of staff as making defamatory comments online has exactly the same legal consequences as if they are made directly to someone else. Similarly threats of violence can lead to criminal proceedings under the Malicious Communications Act. If as a parent/ carer they have any concerns about anything which happens in schools then please contact the school directly.

3.       Scope of policy


The policy applies to:

•    pupils

•    parents/carers

•    teaching and support staff

•    school governors

•    peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers, student teachers

•    visitors

•    volunteers

•    voluntary, statutory or community organisations using  the school's facilities

The school also works with partners and other providers to ensure that pupils who receive part of their education off site or who are on a school trip or residential are safe online.

The school provides online safety information for parents/carers, through the website, in newsletters and at events.  It is important that parents/carers understand their key role in supporting their child/ren to behave appropriately and keep themselves safe online.  

This policy, supported by its acceptable use agreements, is intended to protect the interests and safety of the whole school community.  It is linked to the following other school policies and documents: Child Protection , Information, Health and safety, Home–school agreement, Behaviour, Anti-bullying, Staff Code of Conduct, Safer Working Practice.

Policy and procedure

The school seeks to ensure that internet, mobile and digital technologies are used effectively, for their intended educational purpose, in ways that will not infringe legal requirements or create unnecessary risk.

The school expects everyone to use internet, mobile and digital technologies responsibly and strictly according to the conditions set out in this policy. This policy also includes expectations on appropriate online behaviour and use of technology outside of school for pupils, parents/carers, staff and governors and all other visitors to the school.

When applying this policy, the school will take account of any guidance issued by North Yorkshire. The most recent guidance can be found at: Online Safety Guidance for Schools in North Yorkshire Updated January 2021

Use of email

Staff and governors should use a school email account  for all official communication to ensure everyone is protected through the traceability of communication.  Under no circumstances should staff contact pupils, parents or conduct any school business using a personal email address.  Pupils may only use school approved accounts on the school system and only for educational purposes. Where required parent/carer permission will be obtained for the account to exist.  For advice on sharing personal or confidential information or the need to gain parent permission refer to the Informaiton Policy. Emails created or received as part of any school role will be subject to disclosure in response to a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Staff, governors and pupils should not open emails or attachments from suspect sources and should report their receipt to Mrs Chapman.

Users must not send emails which are offensive, embarrassing or upsetting to anyone (i.e. cyberbullying).

Visiting online sites and downloading

·     Staff must preview sites, software and apps before their use in school or before recommending them to pupils.  Before using any online service that requires user accounts to be created or the sharing of any personal data, staff must consult with the head teacher  with details of the site/service.  If internet research is set for homework, specific sites will be suggested that have previously been checked by the teacher.  All users must observe copyright of materials from electronic sources.

·     Staff must only use pre-approved systems if creating blogs, wikis or other online areas in order to communicate with pupils/ families.

·     When working with pupils searching for images should be done through Google Safe Search (standard through the NY service), Google Advanced Search or a similar application that provides greater safety than a standard search engine.

Users must not:

Visit internet sites, make, post, download, upload or pass on, material, remarks, proposals or comments that contain or relate to:

·     Indecent images of children actually or apparently under the age of 18 or images of child abuse (i.e. images of children, digital or cartoons, involved in sexual activity or posed to be sexually provocative)

·        Indecent images of vulnerable people over the age of 18 (i.e. images of vulnerable people, digital or cartoons involved in sexual activity or posed to be sexually provocative)

·       Adult material that breaches the Obscene Publications Act in the UK

·       Promoting discrimination of any kind in relation to the protected characteristics: gender identity and reassignment, gender/sex, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion, sexual orientation, age and marital status

·       Promoting hatred against any individual or group from the protected characteristics above

·       Promoting illegal acts including physical or sexual abuse of children or adults, violence, bomb making, drug and alcohol abuse and software piracy

·       Any material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute e.g. promotion of violence, gambling, libel and disrespect

Users must not:

·       Reveal or publicise confidential or proprietary information

·       Intentionally interfere with the normal operation of the internet connection, including the propagation of computer viruses

·       Transmit unsolicited commercial or advertising material either to other users, or to organisations connected to other networks except where permission has been given to the school

·       Use the school's hardware and Wi-Fi facilities for running a private business

·       Intimidate, threaten or cause harm to others

·       Access or interfere in any way with other users' accounts

·       Use software or hardware that has been prohibited by the school

  Only a school device may be used to conduct school business outside of school. The only exception would be where a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school for use on a personal device.

All breaches of prohibited behaviours detailed above will be investigated, where appropriate, in liaison with the police.

The school recognises that in certain planned curricular activities, access to controversial and/or offensive online content may be beneficial for educational use. In such circumstances, there is an expectation that access is pre-planned, risk assessed and recorded, and permission given by Mrs Prest.  

Storage of Images

Photographs and videos provide valuable evidence of pupils’ achievement and progress in a variety of contexts and can be used to celebrate the work of the school.  In line with GDPR they are used only with the written consent of parents/carers which is secured in the first instance on a child’s entry to the school. Records are kept on file and consent can be changed by parents/carers at any time. (See Information Policy for greater clarification).

Photographs and images of pupils are only stored on the school’s agreed secure networks which include some cloud based services.  Rights of access to stored images are restricted to approved staff as determined by Mrs Prest.  Staff and pupils may have temporary access to photographs taken during a class session, but these will be transferred/deleted promptly.

Parents/carers should note that there may be some children who are at risk and must not have their image put online and others who do not want their image online.  For these reasons parents/carers must follow the school’s Acceptable Use Agreement and refrain from posting online photographs of any member of the school community, other than their own child/ren.

Staff and other professionals working with pupils, must only use school equipment to record images of pupils whether on or off site. See also Information Policy.  

Use of personal mobile devices (including phones)

The school does not allow staff, including temporary and peripatetic staff, and visitors to use personal mobile phones and devices in the presence of pupils. Under no circumstance does the school allow a member of staff to contact a pupil or parent/carer using their personal device.

Parents/carers may not use personal mobile phones and devices in the school building unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities. Under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises or on off-site school events and activities of anyone other than their own child, unless there is a pre-specified permission from Mrs Prest.  

Year 6 pupils are allowed to bring personal mobile devices/phones to school but must hand them to the class teacher for storage during the day.  Under no circumstance should pupils use their personal mobile devices/phones to take images of

·       any other pupil unless they and their parents have given agreement in advance

·       any member of staff

The school is not responsible for the loss, damage or theft on school premises of any personal mobile device.

Users bringing personal devices into school must ensure there is no inappropriate or illegal content on the device.

  Personal mobiles must never be used to access school emails and data. The only       exception would be where a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school for use on a personal device.

New technological devices

New personal technological devices may offer opportunities for teaching and learning. However, the school must consider educational benefit and carry out risk assessment before use in school is allowed.  Parents/carers, pupils and staff should not assume that new technological devices will be allowed in school and should check with Mrs Prest before they are brought into school.  

Reporting incidents, abuse and inappropriate material

There may be occasions in school when either a pupil or an adult receives an offensive, abusive or inappropriate message or accidentally accesses upsetting or abusive material. When such a situation occurs the pupil or adult must report the incident immediately to the first available member of staff, or the headteacher.  Where such an incident may lead to significant harm, safeguarding procedures should be followed.  The school takes the reporting of such incidents seriously and where judged necessary, the DSL will refer details to social care or the police.

4.     Curriculum

Online safety is embedded within our curriculum. The school provides a comprehensive curriculum for online safety which enables pupils to become informed, safe and responsible. This includes teaching to prevent radicalisation, for which staff provide a narrative to counter extremism.

The curriculum is flexible and can respond to any immediate online safety issues and risks as they emerge.

It is necessary for pupils to develop skills of critical awareness, digital resilience and good online citizenship to enable them to use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely and responsibly.  Pupils are taught to recognise the creative, collaborative, cultural, economic and educational opportunities provided by the internet, mobile and digital technologies. Curriculum work will also include:

·       Understanding how to use the internet, mobile and digital technologies in a balanced and appropriate way to avoid negative impact on wellbeing, e.g. regulated screen time and diverse online activity

·       Learning how to develop a positive online reputation and enhance future opportunities e.g. in relationships and employment

·       Developing critical thinking skills in relation to online content e.g. recognising fake news and extremism, understanding commercial manipulation, maintaining an authentic sense of self that is resilient to online pressure, learning how easy it is to lie online (i.e. users may not be who they say they are and may have ulterior motives)

·       Understanding the dangers of giving out personal details online (e.g. full name, address, mobile/home phone numbers, school details, IM/email address) and the importance of maintaining maximum privacy online

·       Thinking carefully before placing images online and considering their appropriateness and understanding the importance of gaining consent before posting photographs of others

·       Understanding the permanency of all online postings and conversations

·       Understanding relevant legislation, including copyright, and the importance of respecting other people’s information, reputation and images

·       What constitutes cyberbullying, how to avoid it, the impact it has and how to access help.

5.     Staff and Governor Training


Staff and governors are trained to fulfil their roles in online safety. The school audits the training needs of all school staff and provides regular training to improve their knowledge and expertise in the safe and appropriate use of internet, mobile and digital technologies.  This training is recorded as part of safeguarding records.

New staff are provided with a copy of the online safety policy and must sign the school’s Acceptable Use Agreement as part of their induction and before having contact with pupils.

Any organisation working with children based on the school premises are also provided with a copy of the online safety policy and required to sign the Acceptable Use Agreement (Appendix B).

Volunteers, peripatetic staff (unless employed by NYCC services), student teachers and regular visitors are provided with a copy of the online safety policy and are required to sign the Acceptable Use Agreement (Appendix B).

6.     Working in Partnership with Parents/Carers

The school works closely with families to help ensure that children can use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely and responsibly both at home and school.  It is important that parents/carers understand the crucial role they play in this process. The school seeks to regularly consult and discuss online safety with parents/carers and seeks to promote a wide understanding of the benefits of new technologies and associated risks.  The school provides regular updated online safety information through the school website and by other means.

Parents/carers are asked to read, discuss and co-sign with each child the Acceptable Use Agreement whenever the online safety policy is reviewed.  A summary of key parent/carer responsibilities will also be provided and is available in Appendix F. The Acceptable Use Agreement explains the school’s expectations and pupil and parent/carer responsibilities. The support of parents/carers is essential to implement the online safety policy effectively and keep all children safe.

7.     Records, monitoring and review


The school recognises the need to record online safety incidents and to monitor and review policies and procedures regularly in order to ensure they are effective and that the risks to pupils and staff are minimised.

All breaches of this policy must be reported and all reported incidents will be logged on CPOMS. All staff have the individual responsibility to ensure that incidents have been correctly recorded, acted upon and reported.  An online safety incident recording format are provided in appendix H.

The school supports pupils and staff who have been affected by a policy breach. Where there is inappropriate or illegal use of internet, mobile and digital technologies, this will be dealt with under the school’s behaviour and disciplinary policies as appropriate.  Breaches may also lead to criminal or civil proceedings.

Governors receive termly summary data on recorded online safety incidents for monitoring purposes.  In addition governors ensure they have sufficient, quality information to enable them to make a judgement about the fitness for purpose of this policy on an annual basis.



8.     Appendices of the Online Safety Policy

A.    Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff, Governors and student teachers (on placement or on staff)

B.    Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers

C.     Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers working in the school (working directly with children or otherwise)

D.    Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils

E.      Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities

F.      Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents

G.     Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media

H.     Online safety incident reporting form

Appendix A - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff, Governors and student teachers (on placement or on staff)


You must read this agreement in conjunction with the online safety policy and the Information  policy.  Once you have read these, you must sign and submit this agreement and it will be kept on record in the school. You should retain your own copy for reference. This forms part of your professional and safeguarding responsibilities.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies are part of our daily working life and this agreement is designed to ensure that all staff and governors are aware of their responsibilities in relation to their use.  All staff and governors are expected to adhere to this agreement and to the online safety policy.  Any concerns or clarification should be discussed with Mrs Prest. Breaches will be investigated, recorded and, where appropriate, disciplinary procedures will apply and police involvement will be sought.


Internet Access


I will not access or attempt to access any sites that contain any of the following: child abuse; pornography; discrimination of any kind; promotion of prejudice against any group; promotion of illegal acts; any other information which may be illegal or offensive.  Inadvertent access on school equipment must be treated as an online safety incident, reported to the online safety lead and/or DSL and an incident report completed.


Online conduct

I will ensure that my online activity, both in and outside school, will not bring the school, my professional reputation, or that of others, into disrepute.

I will not browse, download, upload or distribute any material that could be considered offensive, illegal or discriminatory.  Exceptionally, use of controversial material as part of the curriculum should be planned and approved on every occasion (see policy). 

I will report any accidental access to or receipt of inappropriate materials or filtering breach to Mrs Prest.

I understand that all my use of the internet and other related technologies can be traced and monitored and, should it be required, must be made available to my line manager, headteacher and others as required.

I will not give out my personal contact and online account information such as phone numbers, email address, and social media account details to pupils and/or parents/carers.

Social networking

I understand the need to separate my professional role from my private friendships; in my professional capacity I will not become ‘friends’ with parents/carers or pupils on social networks. Where my school role is my only connection to an individual, private online contact is unacceptable with parents/carers or pupils. See also Staff Code of Conduct.

When using social networking for personal use I will ensure my settings are not public. My private account postings will never undermine or disparage the school, its staff, governors, parents/carers or pupils. Privileged information must remain confidential.





I understand that there is no occasion when a password should be shared with a pupil or anyone who is not a staff member without permission.


Data protection

I will follow requirements for data protection as outlined in the information policy.  These include:

·        Photographs must be kept securely and used appropriately, whether in school, taken off the school premises or accessed remotely

·        Personal data can only be taken out of school or accessed remotely when authorised by the headteacher or governing body

·        Personal or sensitive data taken off site must be encrypted

Images and videos


I will only upload images or videos of staff, pupils or parents/carers onto school approved sites where specific permission has been granted.

I will not take images, sound recordings or videos of school events or activities on any personal device.

 Use of email


I will use my school email address for all school business.  All such correspondence must be kept professional and is open to Subject Access Requests under the Freedom of Information Act.  I will not use my school email addresses for personal matters or non-school business.

Use of personal devices


I understand that as a member of staff I should at no time put myself in a position where a safeguarding allegation can be made against me as a result of my use of personal devices. I understand that the use of personal devices in school is at the discretion of the headteacher.

I will not access secure school information from personal devices unless a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school.

Additional hardware/software


I will not install any hardware or software on school equipment without permission of Mrs Prest.


Promoting online safety


I understand that online safety is the responsibility of all staff and governors and I will promote positive online safety messages at all times including when setting homework or providing pastoral support.


I understand that it is my duty to support a whole school safeguarding approach and will report any inappropriate or concerning behaviour (of other staff, governors, visitors, pupils or parents/carers) to the DSL or Mrs Prest.


Classroom management of internet access


I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites used in the classroom; this will include the acceptability of other material visible, however briefly, on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.

If I am using the internet to teach about controversial issues I will secure, on every occasion, approval in advance for the material I plan to use with Mrs Prest.

User signature


I agree to follow this Acceptable Use Agreement and to support online safety throughout the school.  I understand this forms part of the terms and conditions set out in my contract of employment (staff members only) and/or my responsibilities as a governor.

Signature …….………………….………… Date ……………………

Full Name …………………………………......................................... (printed)

Job title ……………………………………………………………………

Appendix B - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers



School name Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School


Online safety lead Fiona Prest


Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Fiona Prest


This agreement forms part of your professional and safeguarding responsibility in the school.  You must read and sign this agreement.  This will be kept on record and you should retain your own copy for reference.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies are part of our daily working life and this agreement is designed to ensure that all staff and governors are aware of their responsibilities in relation to their use. You are expected to adhere to this agreement.  Any concerns or clarification should be discussed with Mrs Prest. Breaches will be investigated, recorded and, where appropriate, disciplinary procedures will apply and police involvement will be sought.

The school’s online safety policy will provide further detailed information as required.


Internet Access


I will not access or attempt to access any sites that contain any of the following: child abuse; pornography; discrimination of any kind; promotion of prejudice against any group; promotion of illegal acts; any other information which may be illegal or offensive.  Inadvertent access on school equipment must be treated as an online safety incident, reported to the online safety lead and/or DSL and an incident report completed.


Online conduct


I will ensure that my online activity, both in and outside school, will not bring the school, my professional reputation, or that of others, into disrepute.

I will not browse, download, upload or distribute any material that could be considered offensive, illegal or discriminatory.  Exceptionally, use of controversial material as part of the curriculum should be planned and approved on every occasion (see policy). 

I will report any accidental access to or receipt of inappropriate materials or filtering breach to Mrs Prest.

I understand that all my use of the internet and other related technologies can be traced and monitored and, should it be required, must be made available to my line manager, headteacher and others as required.

I will not give out my personal contact and online account information such as phone numbers, email address, and social media account details to pupils and/or parents/carers.

Should I need to share my professional details, such as mobile phone number or email address, with parent/carers, this must be agreed in advance as an acceptable approach with Mrs Prest.


Social networking


I understand the need to separate my professional role from my private friendships; in my professional capacity I will not become ‘friends’ with parents/carers or pupils on social networks. Where my school role is my only connection to an individual, private online contact is unacceptable with parents/carers or pupils.

Information can be shared with pupils over 13 and parents/carers through an organisational social network site/page e.g. on Facebook or Twitter, but never through a personal account or site. In my professional role in the school, I will never engage in 1-1 exchanges with pupils or parent/carers on personal social network sites.

My private account postings will never undermine or disparage the school, its staff, governors, parents/carers or pupils.  Privileged information known as a result of my work in the school must remain confidential.  

I will not upload any material about or references to the school or its community on my personal social networks.




I must clarify what access I may have to the internet and/or school systems.  If I have access of any kind, I understand that there is no occasion when a password should be shared with a pupil or anyone who is not a staff member. 

Data protection

I will follow all requirements for data protection explained to me by the school.  These include:

·        I must consult with the school before making any recordings, photographs and videos. Once agreed, these must be made on a school device.

·        I understand that there are strict controls and requirements regarding the collection and use of personal data. I will follow all requirements regarding GDPR.

Images and videos


I will only upload images or videos of staff, pupils or parents/carers onto school approved sites where specific permission has been granted.

I will not take images, sound recordings or videos of tuition or wider school activities on any personal device. School devices can be used for this purpose or, in the case of 1:1 tuition, pupil’s or parent/carer devices can be used, with parent/carer agreement.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies provide helpful recording functions but these cannot be made on a teacher’s personal device.  Recordings can be made with the child’s and parent/carer’s agreement on a school device, an organisational device approved by the headteacher/DSL, or a young person’s or parent/carer’s own device.

Use of Email


I will use my professional or formal student email address for all school business.  All such correspondence should be kept professional and is open to Subject Access Requests under the Freedom of Information Act. I will not use my professional email addresses for personal matters.


Use of personal devices


I understand that when working in the school I should at no time put myself in a position where a safeguarding allegation can be made against me as a result of my use of personal devices. I understand that the use of personal devices in school is at the discretion of the headteacher.

I will only use approved personal devices when not with pupils. This therefore precludes use of specialist apps on personal devices.  A school device could be used to access specialist apps that support pupil learning.  

Additional hardware/software


I will not install any hardware or software on school equipment without permission of Mrs Prest.



Promoting online safety


I understand that online safety is part of my responsibility and I will promote positive online safety messages at all times, including when setting homework, rehearsal or skill practice or when providing pastoral support.


I understand that it is my duty to support a whole school safeguarding approach and will report any behaviour (of staff, governors, visitors, pupils or parents/carers) which I believe may be inappropriate or concerning in any way to the DSL or Mrs Prest.

Classroom management of internet access


I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites used in the classroom; this will include the acceptability of other material visible, however briefly, on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.

If I am using the internet to teach about controversial issues I will secure, on every occasion, approval in advance for the material I plan to use with Mrs Prest.


User Signature


I agree to follow this Acceptable Use Agreement and to support online safety in my work in the school.  I understand this forms part of my company/educational setting/organisation’s contract with the school.

Signature …….………………….…………….…      Date ……………………

Full Name ………………………………….................................................... (Please use block capitals)

Job Title/Role …………………………………..…………………..……………

Appendix C - Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers

(Working directly with children or otherwise)



School name……Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School ………………………………..…..


Online safety lead …Mrs Prest……………………………..…


DSL …Mrs Prest……………………………………………..…..



This document is designed to ensure that you are aware of your responsibilities when using any form of IT in the school and other aspects of safeguarding in connection with online safety.

Please raise any safeguarding concerns arising from your visit immediately with the headteacher and/or DSL

·        I understand I may not use my personal mobile phone(s) and other devices with camera functions in front of children.   Any exception must be pre-arranged.

·        I will not take images, sound recording or videos of school events or activities, on or off site, on any device.  Any possible exception must be pre-arranged.

·        I will not give out my personal details such as mobile phone number, email address, and social media account details to pupils and parent/carers.  Where appropriate I may share my professional contact details with parents/carers provided the DSL or headteacher is informed before I leave the school.

·        I understand my visit to the school may give me access to privileged information about pupils, staff, school systems and plans.  Such information should never be shared online, including on social media sites.

·        I understand I should not use school equipment to access the internet without prior approval from my contact in the school or the headteacher.

·        If working in the classroom, I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites I intend to use including checking the acceptability of other material visible on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.  If I am in any doubt about the appropriateness of the content I plan to use I will check with my contact in the school.

Appendix D - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils


 My online safety rules


·            I will only use school IT equipment for activities agreed by school staff.

·            I will not use my personal email address or other personal accounts in school when doing school work.

·            I will not sign up for any online service on school devices unless this is an agreed part of a school project approved by my teacher and agreed by my parent/carer.

·            I will only open email attachments if it has been approved by a member of school staff in school or a parent/carer out of school.

·            In school I will only open or delete my files when told by a member of staff.

·            I will not tell anyone other than my parents/carers my passwords. I will not use other people’s usernames or passwords to pretend to be them online.

·            I will make sure that all online contact I make is responsible, polite and sensible. I will be kind and respectful at all times.

·            If I come across anything upsetting, unpleasant or nasty, or anything that makes me feel unsafe, I will tell my teacher or my parent/carer immediately.

·            If someone says, asks or posts about me anything upsetting, unpleasant or nasty, or anything that makes me feel unsafe, I will not reply. I will tell my teacher or my parent/carer immediately. 

·            I will not give out my own or other people’s personal information, including: name, phone number, home address, interests, schools or clubs.  I will tell my teacher or parent/carer if anyone asks me online for personal information.

·            Uploading or sending my image (photographs, videos, live streaming) online puts me at risk.  I will always seek permission from my teacher or parent/carer if I wish to do this.  I will not take, share or upload any image of anyone else without their permission and also, if they are a child, without their parent’s/carer’s permission.

·            Even if I have permission, I will not upload any images, videos, sounds or words that could upset, now or in the future, any member of the school community, as this is cyberbullying.

·            I understand that some people on the internet are not who they say they are and some people are not safe to be in contact with.  I will not arrange to meet someone I only know on the internet. If someone asks to meet me, I will not reply to them and I will tell a teacher or a parent/carer immediately.

·            I understand that everything I do or receive online can be traced now and in the future. I know it is important to build a good online reputation.  

·            I understand that some personal devices are allowed in school and some are not, and I will follow the rules.  I will not assume that new devices can be brought into school without getting permission.

·            I will not lie about my age in order to access games, apps or social networks that are for older people as this will put me at risk.

·            I understand that these rules are designed to keep me safe now and in the future.  If I break the rules my teachers will look into it and may need to take action.

Name ……………………………

Signed ………………………………….

Date ………………………………………

Dear Parent/Carer,

The internet, email, mobile technologies and online resources have become an important part of learning and life.   We want all children to be safe and responsible when using any IT.  It is essential that children are aware of online risk, know how to stay safe and know where to go to report problems or to get help.

Please read through these online safety rules with your child/ren and talk with them to ensure they understand their importance and what it means for them (and for you).  When you have done this, you both need to sign this agreement to say that you agree to follow the rules.  Any concerns or explanation can be discussed with Mrs Prest. 

Please return the signed sections of this form which will be kept on record at the school.

Pupil agreement

Pupil name………………………………………

This agreement is to keep me safe. I have discussed this agreement with my parents/carers and understand the commitment I have made and my responsibilities.

Pupil signature……………………………………………………………………..

Parent(s)/Carer(s) agreement

Parent(s)/Carer(s) name(s)………………………………………………

I/we have discussed this agreement, which highlights the associated risks when accessing the internet, mobile and digital technologies, with our child/ren.  I/we agree to support them in following the terms of this agreement.

I/we also agree not to share school related information or images online or post material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute.

(Rather than posting negative material online, any parent, distressed or concerned about an aspect of school should make immediate contact with a member of staff.  Negative postings about the school would impact on the reputation of the whole school community.  Parents are encouraged to report breaches so that we can protect the reputation of the school, staff, pupils and parents).

I/we also agree only to use personal mobile phones and devices in designated areas of the school unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities.  I/we understand that under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises of anyone other than our own child/ren, unless there is a pre-specified agreement.  I/we understand that when on school premises, but not in a designated area where phones can be used, they must be switched off and out of sight.

I/we agree that if I take digital or video images at, or of – school events which include images of children, other than my own, these images will not be published / made publicly available on social networking sites.

Parent(s)/Carer(s) agreement

Parent(s)/Carer(s) name(s)……………………………………………………….

Parent/carer signature………………………………………..

Date ………………………………………………………….…

Appendix E - Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities

The school provides online safety information for parents/carers, through the website, in newsletters and at events.  It is important that parents/carers understand their key role in supporting children to behave appropriately and keep themselves safe online.

The online safety policy, supported by its acceptable use agreements, is intended to protect the interests and safety of the whole school community.

·       Parents/carers are required to support their child in understanding and signing the Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement for pupils.

·        Parents/carers may not use personal mobile phones and devices in the school unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities.  Under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises that include anyone other than their own child, unless there is a pre-specified agreement with individuals and parents/carers. If  a digital or video images is taken at, or of – school events which include images of children, other than their own, these images will not be published / made publicly available on social networking sites.

·       Parents/carers should not assume that pupils can bring technological devices to school and should always check the school policy.

·       All cyberbullying incidents affecting children in the school should be reported immediately.  (If the incident involves an indecent image of a child the report must also be made immediately to the police for your own protection.) The school will investigate and respond to all reported cyberbullying incidents, liaising with others where appropriate.  No reply should ever be sent to the sender/poster of cyberbullying content. If applicable block the sender and report abuse to the site. Evidence should be retained and shown in school and/or to the police.  Evidence should not be forwarded.

·       The school may choose to set up social media sites, blogs or have some other online presence in its own name.  Parents/carers, however, do not have the right to set up any site, page, chat group or any other online presence that uses the school name or logo in any form unless agreed by the head teacher.

·       Any parent/carer, distressed or concerned about an aspect of school should make immediate contact with a member of staff rather than posting their concerns online.  Parents/carers should not share school related information or images online or post material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute.  Negative postings about the school would impact on the reputation of the whole school community.  Parents/carers are encouraged to report breaches so that we can protect the reputation of the school, staff, pupils and parents/carers.

Please see the full online safety policy in the policies section on the school website.

Appendix F - Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents

All cyberbullying incidents should be reported and responded to.  Where the perpetrator is a member of the school community the majority of cases can be dealt with through mediation and/or disciplinary processes.  

The following procedures are recommended:

·       Never reply to the sender/poster of cyberbullying content.  If applicable, block the sender.

·       Incidents should be reported immediately.  Pupils should report to a member of staff (e.g. class teacher, headteacher) and staff members should seek support from their line manager or a senior member of staff.

·       The person reporting the cyberbullying should save the evidence and record the time and date.  This evidence must not be forwarded but must be available to show at a meeting.  Under no circumstances should indecent images of children and young people be printed or forwarded as this is a further criminal act.  Staff should not ask to see the evidence of reported indecent images of children or young people but must refer this immediately to the police.  Any member of staff being shown such evidence should immediately inform their line manager or the headteacher so that the circumstances can be recorded.

·       A senior member of staff will meet with the person who has reported the incident and the target, if different, to listen, reassure and support.  All relevant facts will be reviewed and documented.

·       A senior member of staff will conduct an investigation.

·       Anyone found to have cyberbullied will have attention drawn to the seriousness of their behaviour and if necessary the police will be involved.  If the comments are threatening, abusive, sexist, of a sexual nature, constitute a hate crime or are libellous they may well break the law. Online harassment and stalking is also a crime.

·       Once evidence has been secured then the person who has cyberbullied will be requested to remove the offending comments/material.  Any refusal will lead to an escalation of sanctions.

Appendix G - Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media

The school should make it clear which, if any, social media platforms are used to communicate with parents/carers.  If used correctly, parents can use a school’s social media site as a source of reliable information.  The online safety policy, see especially Appendix E (Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities), clarifies that no other social media platforms should be set up using the school’s name or logo.

The school should regularly reinforce with all parties that discussion of school issues on social media platforms, either positive or negative, should not take place as this could bring the school into disrepute and affect families and children.  Parents should be encouraged to be good online role models and not post statements written in anger or frustration.  Identified routes to raise concerns directly with the school should be used.

If negative comments are posted:

·     Collect the facts

As soon as you become aware of adverse comments relating to the school you need to establish what is being said.  It is essential that if you have access to the postings they are secured and retained together with any other evidence.  Do not become engaged in responding directly.

If the allegations against a member of staff or a pupil are of a serious nature, these will need to be formally investigated.  This may involve the police and the headteacher will need to follow the school’s safeguarding procedures.

If there is a risk of serious damage to the school reputation or the reputation of individual members of staff, professional legal advice should be sought. 

Adverse comments of any kind are highly demotivating and cause stress and anxiety.  It is important that the senior staff reassure and support all staff and/or other affected members of the school community.

·     Addressing negative comments and complaints

Contact the complainants and invite them to a meeting.  In the meeting, make sure you have any evidence available.

The meeting must:

·       Draw attention to the seriousness and impact of the actions/postings;

·       Ask for the offending remarks to be removed;

·       Explore the complainant’s grievance;

·       Agree next steps;

·       Clarify the correct complaints procedures.

If the meeting does not resolve the issue, the parents must be informed that the school will need to take the matter further. This may include:

·     Reporting the matter to the social network site if it breaches their rules or breaks the law;

·     Reporting the matter to the police if it breaks the law, e.g. if the comments are threatening, abusive, malicious, sexist, of a sexual nature, constitute a hate crime or are libellous they may well break the law.  Online harassment and stalking is also a crime.

If inappropriate postings continue or the original material is not removed, a second meeting is advisable to re-iterate the seriousness of the matter.

Appendix H - Online safety incident reporting form

Any member of the school community can raise a concern about an online safety incident. If you have witnessed or experienced an incident please complete the form below to help us to address the issue.  It is important that you provide as much detail as possible.  Once completed please hand this report to Mrs Prest.

Name of person reporting incident:


Date you are completing this form:

Where did the incident take place:

Inside school?

Outside school?

Date of incident(s):

Time of incident(s):

Who was involved in the incident(s)?

Full names and/or contact details

Children/young people

Staff member(s)


Other, please specify

Type of incident(s) (indicate as many as apply)

Accessing age inappropriate websites, apps and social media

Accessing someone else’s account without permission

Forwarding/spreading chain messages or threatening material

Posting images without permission of all involved

Online bullying or harassment (cyber bullying)

Posting material that will bring an  individual or the school into disrepute

Racist, sexist, homophobic, religious or other hate material

Online gambling

Sexting/Child abuse images

Deliberately bypassing security


Hacking or spreading viruses

Accessing, sharing or creating pornographic images and media

Accessing and/or sharing terrorist material

Accessing, sharing or creating violent images and media

Drug/bomb making material

Creating an account in someone else’s name to bring them into disrepute

Breaching copyright regulations

Other breach of acceptable use agreement, please specify

Full description of the incident

What, when, where, how?

Name all social media involved

Specify: Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp, Snapchat, Instagram etc

Evidence of the incident

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Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School



Online Safety

Including Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreements




Adopted: March 2019

Reviewed and updated: March 2021

Next review date: March 2023


 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1.    Introduction. PAGEREF _Toc512000753 \h 2 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350033000000

2.    Responsibilities. PAGEREF _Toc512000754 \h 3 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350034000000

3.    Scope of policy. PAGEREF _Toc512000755 \h 3 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350035000000

4.    Policy and procedure. PAGEREF _Toc512000756 \h 4 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350036000000

Use of email PAGEREF _Toc512000757 \h 4 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350037000000

Visiting online sites and downloading. PAGEREF _Toc512000758 \h 4 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350038000000

Storage of Images. PAGEREF _Toc512000759 \h 6 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350039000000

Use of personal mobile devices (including phones) PAGEREF _Toc512000760 \h 6 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360030000000

New technological devices. PAGEREF _Toc512000761 \h 7 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360031000000

Reporting incidents, abuse and inappropriate material PAGEREF _Toc512000762 \h 7 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360032000000

5.    Curriculum.. PAGEREF _Toc512000763 \h 7 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360033000000

6.    Staff and Governor Training. PAGEREF _Toc512000764 \h 8 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360034000000

7.    Working in Partnership with Parents/Carers. PAGEREF _Toc512000765 \h 9 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360035000000

8.    Records, monitoring and review.. PAGEREF _Toc512000766 \h 9 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360036000000

9.    Appendices of the Online Safety Policy. PAGEREF _Toc512000767 \h 9 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360037000000

Appendix A -Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff ,Governors,student teachers. PAGEREF _Toc512000768 \h 11 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360038000000

Appendix B - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches and supply teachers. PAGEREF _Toc512000769 \h 14 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360039000000

Appendix C - Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers. PAGEREF _Toc512000770 \h 17 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700370030000000

Appendix D - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils. PAGEREF _Toc512000771 \h 18 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700370031000000

Appendix E - Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities. PAGEREF _Toc512000773 \h 21 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700370033000000

Appendix F - Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents. PAGEREF _Toc512000774 \h 22 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700370034000000

Appendix G - Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media. PAGEREF _Toc512000775 \h 23 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700370035000000

Appendix H - Online safety incident reporting form.. PAGEREF _Toc512000776 \h 25 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700370036000000




1.     Introduction


Embsay school recognises that internet, mobile and digital technologies provide a good opportunity for children and young people to learn, socialise and play, provided they are safe. The digital world is an amazing place, but with few rules.  It is vast and fast moving and young people’s future economic success may be partly dependent on their online skills and reputation.  We are, therefore, committed to ensuring that all pupils, staff and governors will be able to use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely.  This is part of our safeguarding responsibility.  Staff are aware that some pupils may require additional support or teaching, including reminders, prompts and further explanation to reinforce their knowledge and understanding of online safety issues.

We are also committed to ensuring that all those who work with children and young people, including their parents/carers, are informed about the ever-changing risks so that they can take an active part in the safeguarding of children.

2.   Responsibilities


The Governing body: 

Governors are responsible for the approval of the online safety policy, ensuring it is disseminated to the wider school community and for reviewing the effectiveness of the policy. Chris Atherton is the named governor for online safety.

As part of their responsibilities in this area the governing Body will:

·       ensure that the statutory requirements of Keeping Children Safe in Education 2020 are complied with.

·       regularly review the staff behaviour policy (sometimes called the code of conduct) which amongst other things, includes acceptable use of technologies, staff/pupil relationships and communications including the use of social media

·       ensure that online safety training for staff is integrated, aligned and considered as part of the overarching safeguarding approach

·       ensure that the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead is trained in online safety issues and is aware of the potential for serious child protection issues that could arise through the use of ICT

·       ensure that children are taught about safeguarding, including online safety.

·       ensure that the school has in place policies and procedures on sexual harassment and peer on peer abuse that can occur online and offline.

·       ensure the appropriateness of any filters, monitoring and security systems

·       regularly monitor online safety incident logs and respond appropriately  to the identified needs

·       ensure the company who is hosting the schools website has enough security in place so it cannot be inappropriately accessed and to have an action plan if it is ‘hacked’ e.g who regular checks the website including during school holidays, who is the key contact if the website is hacked 

The Headteacher:

·       supporting the Governors to comply with the online safety aspects of the Keeping Children Safe in Education

·       supporting the Governors comply with the online safety aspects of the statutory regulations which have make the subjects of Relationships Education (for all primary pupils) and Relationships and Sex Education (for all secondary pupils) and Health Education (for all pupils) mandatory from September 2020.

·       the online safety of all members of the school community.

·       effective and regular training about online safety is provided for the whole school community  and a log is kept of the staff who complete the training 

·       invite governors to take part in online safety training and awareness sessions, with particular importance for those who are members of any committee or working group involved in ICT, online safety education or safeguarding. 

·       effective communication with parents/ carers about safe practices when using online technology’s and support them in talking to their children about these issues

·       that effective filtering, monitoring and security systems are set up

·       ensure that there are effective procedures in place in the event of an online safety allegation which are known and understood by all members of staff 

·       establish and review the school online safety policy and documents and make them available on the school website 

·       liaise with staff, ICT Technical staff, online safety governor, SLT and partner agencies on all issues related to online safety 

·       ensure that all staff are aware of the procedures that need to be followed in the event of an online safety incident taking place 

·       provide training and advice for staff and keep a log of staff who complete training about online issues

·       keep a log of staff, pupils and families who have signed the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for the safe use of technology

·       receive and respond to reports of online safety incidents and create a log of incidents and outcomes to inform future online safety developments 

·       co-ordinate and review online safety education programme in school

·       ensure all new staff receive online safety training as part of their induction programme, ensuring that they fully understand the school online safety policy, Acceptable Usage and Child Protection Policies.

The ICT technician:

·       ensure the school’s ICT infrastructure is secure and meets requirements for filtering and monitoring

·       that the school’s password policy is adhered to

·       ensure that the school’s filtering policy is applied and updated on a regular basis and that its implementation is not the sole responsibility of any single person

·       ensure that the use of the school’s ICT infrastructure (network, remote access, e-mail, VLE etc.) is regularly monitored in order that any misuse or attempted misuse can be reported to the named SLT for action. 


Keeping children Safe in Education 2020 states that the staff behaviour policy

(sometimes called the code of conduct) which should, amongst other things, include:

acceptable use of technologies, staff/pupil relationships and communications including

the use of social media. Alongside the Staff Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), all staff are

responsible for ensuring that: 

·       they have an up to date awareness of online safety matters and of the schools current online safety policy and practices

·       they adhere to any procedures and policies that are implemented to support remote learning for both staff and pupils and communication with parents / carers

·       they attend the training provided by the school about online safety and Online Safety

·       they have read, understood and signed the school Staff Acceptable Usage Policy (AUP)

·       do not ‘be-friend’ any pupil or pupil family member on social media in a social context whilst the pupil is at the school 

·       online safety issues are embedded in all aspects of the curriculum and other school activities 

·       they ensure that pupils understand and follow the school’s online safety and acceptable usage policies 

·       they ensure that pupils have a good understanding of research skills and the need to avoid plagiarism and uphold copyright regulations 

·       they monitor ICT activity in lessons, extracurricular and extended school activities

·       in lessons where Internet use is pre-planned, pupils should be guided to sites checked as suitable for their use and that processes are in place for dealing with any unsuitable material that is found in Internet searches.

·       they are aware that emails can be part of Freedom of Information requests so all correspondence needs to be professional, courtesy and  respectful

·       if confidential information / information under the data protection act is being sent by email it must be sent through the secure email system 


·     pupils are responsible for using the school ICT systems in accordance with the Pupil Acceptable Usage Policy, which they will be required to sign before being given access to school systems. Parents/carers will be required to read through and sign alongside their child’s signature.

·     they must adhere to any procedures that are implemented to support remote learning for both pupils and  staff 

·     pupils must report abuse, misuse or access to inappropriate materials and know how to do so.

·     should understand the importance of adopting good online safety practice when using digital technologies out of school and realise that the school’s online safety policy also covers their actions out of school, if related to their membership of the school or using equipment provided by the school.


Parents/Carers play a crucial role in ensuring that their children understand the need

to use the Internet/mobile devices in an appropriate way.

Parents and carers are responsible for: 

·       endorsing (by signature) the Pupil Acceptable Usage Policy and will alongside this sign the Parents/ Carers Acceptable Usage Policy

·       access the school website and correspond with the school in accordance with the Parents Acceptable Usage Policy. 

·       ensure that they do not use social media to criticise or make inappropriate comments about the school or an individual member of staff as making defamatory comments online has exactly the same legal consequences as if they are made directly to someone else. Similarly threats of violence can lead to criminal proceedings under the Malicious Communications Act. If as a parent/ carer they have any concerns about anything which happens in schools then please contact the school directly.

3.       Scope of policy


The policy applies to:

•    pupils

•    parents/carers

•    teaching and support staff

•    school governors

•    peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers, student teachers

•    visitors

•    volunteers

•    voluntary, statutory or community organisations using  the school's facilities

The school also works with partners and other providers to ensure that pupils who receive part of their education off site or who are on a school trip or residential are safe online.

The school provides online safety information for parents/carers, through the website, in newsletters and at events.  It is important that parents/carers understand their key role in supporting their child/ren to behave appropriately and keep themselves safe online.  

This policy, supported by its acceptable use agreements, is intended to protect the interests and safety of the whole school community.  It is linked to the following other school policies and documents: Child Protection , Information, Health and safety, Home–school agreement, Behaviour, Anti-bullying, Staff Code of Conduct, Safer Working Practice.

Policy and procedure

The school seeks to ensure that internet, mobile and digital technologies are used effectively, for their intended educational purpose, in ways that will not infringe legal requirements or create unnecessary risk.

The school expects everyone to use internet, mobile and digital technologies responsibly and strictly according to the conditions set out in this policy. This policy also includes expectations on appropriate online behaviour and use of technology outside of school for pupils, parents/carers, staff and governors and all other visitors to the school.

When applying this policy, the school will take account of any guidance issued by North Yorkshire. The most recent guidance can be found at: Online Safety Guidance for Schools in North Yorkshire Updated January 2021

Use of email

Staff and governors should use a school email account  for all official communication to ensure everyone is protected through the traceability of communication.  Under no circumstances should staff contact pupils, parents or conduct any school business using a personal email address.  Pupils may only use school approved accounts on the school system and only for educational purposes. Where required parent/carer permission will be obtained for the account to exist.  For advice on sharing personal or confidential information or the need to gain parent permission refer to the Informaiton Policy. Emails created or received as part of any school role will be subject to disclosure in response to a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Staff, governors and pupils should not open emails or attachments from suspect sources and should report their receipt to Mrs Chapman.

Users must not send emails which are offensive, embarrassing or upsetting to anyone (i.e. cyberbullying).

Visiting online sites and downloading

·     Staff must preview sites, software and apps before their use in school or before recommending them to pupils.  Before using any online service that requires user accounts to be created or the sharing of any personal data, staff must consult with the head teacher  with details of the site/service.  If internet research is set for homework, specific sites will be suggested that have previously been checked by the teacher.  All users must observe copyright of materials from electronic sources.

·     Staff must only use pre-approved systems if creating blogs, wikis or other online areas in order to communicate with pupils/ families.

·     When working with pupils searching for images should be done through Google Safe Search (standard through the NY service), Google Advanced Search or a similar application that provides greater safety than a standard search engine.

Users must not:

Visit internet sites, make, post, download, upload or pass on, material, remarks, proposals or comments that contain or relate to:

·     Indecent images of children actually or apparently under the age of 18 or images of child abuse (i.e. images of children, digital or cartoons, involved in sexual activity or posed to be sexually provocative)

·        Indecent images of vulnerable people over the age of 18 (i.e. images of vulnerable people, digital or cartoons involved in sexual activity or posed to be sexually provocative)

·       Adult material that breaches the Obscene Publications Act in the UK

·       Promoting discrimination of any kind in relation to the protected characteristics: gender identity and reassignment, gender/sex, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion, sexual orientation, age and marital status

·       Promoting hatred against any individual or group from the protected characteristics above

·       Promoting illegal acts including physical or sexual abuse of children or adults, violence, bomb making, drug and alcohol abuse and software piracy

·       Any material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute e.g. promotion of violence, gambling, libel and disrespect

Users must not:

·       Reveal or publicise confidential or proprietary information

·       Intentionally interfere with the normal operation of the internet connection, including the propagation of computer viruses

·       Transmit unsolicited commercial or advertising material either to other users, or to organisations connected to other networks except where permission has been given to the school

·       Use the school's hardware and Wi-Fi facilities for running a private business

·       Intimidate, threaten or cause harm to others

·       Access or interfere in any way with other users' accounts

·       Use software or hardware that has been prohibited by the school

  Only a school device may be used to conduct school business outside of school. The only exception would be where a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school for use on a personal device.

All breaches of prohibited behaviours detailed above will be investigated, where appropriate, in liaison with the police.

The school recognises that in certain planned curricular activities, access to controversial and/or offensive online content may be beneficial for educational use. In such circumstances, there is an expectation that access is pre-planned, risk assessed and recorded, and permission given by Mrs Prest.  

Storage of Images

Photographs and videos provide valuable evidence of pupils’ achievement and progress in a variety of contexts and can be used to celebrate the work of the school.  In line with GDPR they are used only with the written consent of parents/carers which is secured in the first instance on a child’s entry to the school. Records are kept on file and consent can be changed by parents/carers at any time. (See Information Policy for greater clarification).

Photographs and images of pupils are only stored on the school’s agreed secure networks which include some cloud based services.  Rights of access to stored images are restricted to approved staff as determined by Mrs Prest.  Staff and pupils may have temporary access to photographs taken during a class session, but these will be transferred/deleted promptly.

Parents/carers should note that there may be some children who are at risk and must not have their image put online and others who do not want their image online.  For these reasons parents/carers must follow the school’s Acceptable Use Agreement and refrain from posting online photographs of any member of the school community, other than their own child/ren.

Staff and other professionals working with pupils, must only use school equipment to record images of pupils whether on or off site. See also Information Policy.  

Use of personal mobile devices (including phones)

The school does not allow staff, including temporary and peripatetic staff, and visitors to use personal mobile phones and devices in the presence of pupils. Under no circumstance does the school allow a member of staff to contact a pupil or parent/carer using their personal device.

Parents/carers may not use personal mobile phones and devices in the school building unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities. Under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises or on off-site school events and activities of anyone other than their own child, unless there is a pre-specified permission from Mrs Prest.  

Year 6 pupils are allowed to bring personal mobile devices/phones to school but must hand them to the class teacher for storage during the day.  Under no circumstance should pupils use their personal mobile devices/phones to take images of

·       any other pupil unless they and their parents have given agreement in advance

·       any member of staff

The school is not responsible for the loss, damage or theft on school premises of any personal mobile device.

Users bringing personal devices into school must ensure there is no inappropriate or illegal content on the device.

  Personal mobiles must never be used to access school emails and data. The only       exception would be where a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school for use on a personal device.

New technological devices

New personal technological devices may offer opportunities for teaching and learning. However, the school must consider educational benefit and carry out risk assessment before use in school is allowed.  Parents/carers, pupils and staff should not assume that new technological devices will be allowed in school and should check with Mrs Prest before they are brought into school.  

Reporting incidents, abuse and inappropriate material

There may be occasions in school when either a pupil or an adult receives an offensive, abusive or inappropriate message or accidentally accesses upsetting or abusive material. When such a situation occurs the pupil or adult must report the incident immediately to the first available member of staff, or the headteacher.  Where such an incident may lead to significant harm, safeguarding procedures should be followed.  The school takes the reporting of such incidents seriously and where judged necessary, the DSL will refer details to social care or the police.

4.     Curriculum

Online safety is embedded within our curriculum. The school provides a comprehensive curriculum for online safety which enables pupils to become informed, safe and responsible. This includes teaching to prevent radicalisation, for which staff provide a narrative to counter extremism.

The curriculum is flexible and can respond to any immediate online safety issues and risks as they emerge.

It is necessary for pupils to develop skills of critical awareness, digital resilience and good online citizenship to enable them to use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely and responsibly.  Pupils are taught to recognise the creative, collaborative, cultural, economic and educational opportunities provided by the internet, mobile and digital technologies. Curriculum work will also include:

·       Understanding how to use the internet, mobile and digital technologies in a balanced and appropriate way to avoid negative impact on wellbeing, e.g. regulated screen time and diverse online activity

·       Learning how to develop a positive online reputation and enhance future opportunities e.g. in relationships and employment

·       Developing critical thinking skills in relation to online content e.g. recognising fake news and extremism, understanding commercial manipulation, maintaining an authentic sense of self that is resilient to online pressure, learning how easy it is to lie online (i.e. users may not be who they say they are and may have ulterior motives)

·       Understanding the dangers of giving out personal details online (e.g. full name, address, mobile/home phone numbers, school details, IM/email address) and the importance of maintaining maximum privacy online

·       Thinking carefully before placing images online and considering their appropriateness and understanding the importance of gaining consent before posting photographs of others

·       Understanding the permanency of all online postings and conversations

·       Understanding relevant legislation, including copyright, and the importance of respecting other people’s information, reputation and images

·       What constitutes cyberbullying, how to avoid it, the impact it has and how to access help.

5.     Staff and Governor Training


Staff and governors are trained to fulfil their roles in online safety. The school audits the training needs of all school staff and provides regular training to improve their knowledge and expertise in the safe and appropriate use of internet, mobile and digital technologies.  This training is recorded as part of safeguarding records.

New staff are provided with a copy of the online safety policy and must sign the school’s Acceptable Use Agreement as part of their induction and before having contact with pupils.

Any organisation working with children based on the school premises are also provided with a copy of the online safety policy and required to sign the Acceptable Use Agreement (Appendix B).

Volunteers, peripatetic staff (unless employed by NYCC services), student teachers and regular visitors are provided with a copy of the online safety policy and are required to sign the Acceptable Use Agreement (Appendix B).

6.     Working in Partnership with Parents/Carers

The school works closely with families to help ensure that children can use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely and responsibly both at home and school.  It is important that parents/carers understand the crucial role they play in this process. The school seeks to regularly consult and discuss online safety with parents/carers and seeks to promote a wide understanding of the benefits of new technologies and associated risks.  The school provides regular updated online safety information through the school website and by other means.

Parents/carers are asked to read, discuss and co-sign with each child the Acceptable Use Agreement whenever the online safety policy is reviewed.  A summary of key parent/carer responsibilities will also be provided and is available in Appendix F. The Acceptable Use Agreement explains the school’s expectations and pupil and parent/carer responsibilities. The support of parents/carers is essential to implement the online safety policy effectively and keep all children safe.

7.     Records, monitoring and review


The school recognises the need to record online safety incidents and to monitor and review policies and procedures regularly in order to ensure they are effective and that the risks to pupils and staff are minimised.

All breaches of this policy must be reported and all reported incidents will be logged on CPOMS. All staff have the individual responsibility to ensure that incidents have been correctly recorded, acted upon and reported.  An online safety incident recording format are provided in appendix H.

The school supports pupils and staff who have been affected by a policy breach. Where there is inappropriate or illegal use of internet, mobile and digital technologies, this will be dealt with under the school’s behaviour and disciplinary policies as appropriate.  Breaches may also lead to criminal or civil proceedings.

Governors receive termly summary data on recorded online safety incidents for monitoring purposes.  In addition governors ensure they have sufficient, quality information to enable them to make a judgement about the fitness for purpose of this policy on an annual basis.



8.     Appendices of the Online Safety Policy

A.    Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff, Governors and student teachers (on placement or on staff)

B.    Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers

C.     Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers working in the school (working directly with children or otherwise)

D.    Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils

E.      Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities

F.      Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents

G.     Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media

H.     Online safety incident reporting form

Appendix A - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff, Governors and student teachers (on placement or on staff)


You must read this agreement in conjunction with the online safety policy and the Information  policy.  Once you have read these, you must sign and submit this agreement and it will be kept on record in the school. You should retain your own copy for reference. This forms part of your professional and safeguarding responsibilities.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies are part of our daily working life and this agreement is designed to ensure that all staff and governors are aware of their responsibilities in relation to their use.  All staff and governors are expected to adhere to this agreement and to the online safety policy.  Any concerns or clarification should be discussed with Mrs Prest. Breaches will be investigated, recorded and, where appropriate, disciplinary procedures will apply and police involvement will be sought.


Internet Access


I will not access or attempt to access any sites that contain any of the following: child abuse; pornography; discrimination of any kind; promotion of prejudice against any group; promotion of illegal acts; any other information which may be illegal or offensive.  Inadvertent access on school equipment must be treated as an online safety incident, reported to the online safety lead and/or DSL and an incident report completed.


Online conduct

I will ensure that my online activity, both in and outside school, will not bring the school, my professional reputation, or that of others, into disrepute.

I will not browse, download, upload or distribute any material that could be considered offensive, illegal or discriminatory.  Exceptionally, use of controversial material as part of the curriculum should be planned and approved on every occasion (see policy). 

I will report any accidental access to or receipt of inappropriate materials or filtering breach to Mrs Prest.

I understand that all my use of the internet and other related technologies can be traced and monitored and, should it be required, must be made available to my line manager, headteacher and others as required.

I will not give out my personal contact and online account information such as phone numbers, email address, and social media account details to pupils and/or parents/carers.

Social networking

I understand the need to separate my professional role from my private friendships; in my professional capacity I will not become ‘friends’ with parents/carers or pupils on social networks. Where my school role is my only connection to an individual, private online contact is unacceptable with parents/carers or pupils. See also Staff Code of Conduct.

When using social networking for personal use I will ensure my settings are not public. My private account postings will never undermine or disparage the school, its staff, governors, parents/carers or pupils. Privileged information must remain confidential.





I understand that there is no occasion when a password should be shared with a pupil or anyone who is not a staff member without permission.


Data protection

I will follow requirements for data protection as outlined in the information policy.  These include:

·        Photographs must be kept securely and used appropriately, whether in school, taken off the school premises or accessed remotely

·        Personal data can only be taken out of school or accessed remotely when authorised by the headteacher or governing body

·        Personal or sensitive data taken off site must be encrypted

Images and videos


I will only upload images or videos of staff, pupils or parents/carers onto school approved sites where specific permission has been granted.

I will not take images, sound recordings or videos of school events or activities on any personal device.

 Use of email


I will use my school email address for all school business.  All such correspondence must be kept professional and is open to Subject Access Requests under the Freedom of Information Act.  I will not use my school email addresses for personal matters or non-school business.

Use of personal devices


I understand that as a member of staff I should at no time put myself in a position where a safeguarding allegation can be made against me as a result of my use of personal devices. I understand that the use of personal devices in school is at the discretion of the headteacher.

I will not access secure school information from personal devices unless a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school.

Additional hardware/software


I will not install any hardware or software on school equipment without permission of Mrs Prest.


Promoting online safety


I understand that online safety is the responsibility of all staff and governors and I will promote positive online safety messages at all times including when setting homework or providing pastoral support.


I understand that it is my duty to support a whole school safeguarding approach and will report any inappropriate or concerning behaviour (of other staff, governors, visitors, pupils or parents/carers) to the DSL or Mrs Prest.


Classroom management of internet access


I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites used in the classroom; this will include the acceptability of other material visible, however briefly, on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.

If I am using the internet to teach about controversial issues I will secure, on every occasion, approval in advance for the material I plan to use with Mrs Prest.

User signature


I agree to follow this Acceptable Use Agreement and to support online safety throughout the school.  I understand this forms part of the terms and conditions set out in my contract of employment (staff members only) and/or my responsibilities as a governor.

Signature …….………………….………… Date ……………………

Full Name …………………………………......................................... (printed)

Job title ……………………………………………………………………

Appendix B - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers



School name Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School


Online safety lead Fiona Prest


Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Fiona Prest


This agreement forms part of your professional and safeguarding responsibility in the school.  You must read and sign this agreement.  This will be kept on record and you should retain your own copy for reference.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies are part of our daily working life and this agreement is designed to ensure that all staff and governors are aware of their responsibilities in relation to their use. You are expected to adhere to this agreement.  Any concerns or clarification should be discussed with Mrs Prest. Breaches will be investigated, recorded and, where appropriate, disciplinary procedures will apply and police involvement will be sought.

The school’s online safety policy will provide further detailed information as required.


Internet Access


I will not access or attempt to access any sites that contain any of the following: child abuse; pornography; discrimination of any kind; promotion of prejudice against any group; promotion of illegal acts; any other information which may be illegal or offensive.  Inadvertent access on school equipment must be treated as an online safety incident, reported to the online safety lead and/or DSL and an incident report completed.


Online conduct


I will ensure that my online activity, both in and outside school, will not bring the school, my professional reputation, or that of others, into disrepute.

I will not browse, download, upload or distribute any material that could be considered offensive, illegal or discriminatory.  Exceptionally, use of controversial material as part of the curriculum should be planned and approved on every occasion (see policy). 

I will report any accidental access to or receipt of inappropriate materials or filtering breach to Mrs Prest.

I understand that all my use of the internet and other related technologies can be traced and monitored and, should it be required, must be made available to my line manager, headteacher and others as required.

I will not give out my personal contact and online account information such as phone numbers, email address, and social media account details to pupils and/or parents/carers.

Should I need to share my professional details, such as mobile phone number or email address, with parent/carers, this must be agreed in advance as an acceptable approach with Mrs Prest.


Social networking


I understand the need to separate my professional role from my private friendships; in my professional capacity I will not become ‘friends’ with parents/carers or pupils on social networks. Where my school role is my only connection to an individual, private online contact is unacceptable with parents/carers or pupils.

Information can be shared with pupils over 13 and parents/carers through an organisational social network site/page e.g. on Facebook or Twitter, but never through a personal account or site. In my professional role in the school, I will never engage in 1-1 exchanges with pupils or parent/carers on personal social network sites.

My private account postings will never undermine or disparage the school, its staff, governors, parents/carers or pupils.  Privileged information known as a result of my work in the school must remain confidential.  

I will not upload any material about or references to the school or its community on my personal social networks.




I must clarify what access I may have to the internet and/or school systems.  If I have access of any kind, I understand that there is no occasion when a password should be shared with a pupil or anyone who is not a staff member. 

Data protection

I will follow all requirements for data protection explained to me by the school.  These include:

·        I must consult with the school before making any recordings, photographs and videos. Once agreed, these must be made on a school device.

·        I understand that there are strict controls and requirements regarding the collection and use of personal data. I will follow all requirements regarding GDPR.

Images and videos


I will only upload images or videos of staff, pupils or parents/carers onto school approved sites where specific permission has been granted.

I will not take images, sound recordings or videos of tuition or wider school activities on any personal device. School devices can be used for this purpose or, in the case of 1:1 tuition, pupil’s or parent/carer devices can be used, with parent/carer agreement.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies provide helpful recording functions but these cannot be made on a teacher’s personal device.  Recordings can be made with the child’s and parent/carer’s agreement on a school device, an organisational device approved by the headteacher/DSL, or a young person’s or parent/carer’s own device.

Use of Email


I will use my professional or formal student email address for all school business.  All such correspondence should be kept professional and is open to Subject Access Requests under the Freedom of Information Act. I will not use my professional email addresses for personal matters.


Use of personal devices


I understand that when working in the school I should at no time put myself in a position where a safeguarding allegation can be made against me as a result of my use of personal devices. I understand that the use of personal devices in school is at the discretion of the headteacher.

I will only use approved personal devices when not with pupils. This therefore precludes use of specialist apps on personal devices.  A school device could be used to access specialist apps that support pupil learning.  

Additional hardware/software


I will not install any hardware or software on school equipment without permission of Mrs Prest.



Promoting online safety


I understand that online safety is part of my responsibility and I will promote positive online safety messages at all times, including when setting homework, rehearsal or skill practice or when providing pastoral support.


I understand that it is my duty to support a whole school safeguarding approach and will report any behaviour (of staff, governors, visitors, pupils or parents/carers) which I believe may be inappropriate or concerning in any way to the DSL or Mrs Prest.

Classroom management of internet access


I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites used in the classroom; this will include the acceptability of other material visible, however briefly, on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.

If I am using the internet to teach about controversial issues I will secure, on every occasion, approval in advance for the material I plan to use with Mrs Prest.


User Signature


I agree to follow this Acceptable Use Agreement and to support online safety in my work in the school.  I understand this forms part of my company/educational setting/organisation’s contract with the school.

Signature …….………………….…………….…      Date ……………………

Full Name ………………………………….................................................... (Please use block capitals)

Job Title/Role …………………………………..…………………..……………

Appendix C - Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers

(Working directly with children or otherwise)



School name……Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School ………………………………..…..


Online safety lead …Mrs Prest……………………………..…


DSL …Mrs Prest……………………………………………..…..



This document is designed to ensure that you are aware of your responsibilities when using any form of IT in the school and other aspects of safeguarding in connection with online safety.

Please raise any safeguarding concerns arising from your visit immediately with the headteacher and/or DSL

·        I understand I may not use my personal mobile phone(s) and other devices with camera functions in front of children.   Any exception must be pre-arranged.

·        I will not take images, sound recording or videos of school events or activities, on or off site, on any device.  Any possible exception must be pre-arranged.

·        I will not give out my personal details such as mobile phone number, email address, and social media account details to pupils and parent/carers.  Where appropriate I may share my professional contact details with parents/carers provided the DSL or headteacher is informed before I leave the school.

·        I understand my visit to the school may give me access to privileged information about pupils, staff, school systems and plans.  Such information should never be shared online, including on social media sites.

·        I understand I should not use school equipment to access the internet without prior approval from my contact in the school or the headteacher.

·        If working in the classroom, I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites I intend to use including checking the acceptability of other material visible on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.  If I am in any doubt about the appropriateness of the content I plan to use I will check with my contact in the school.

Appendix D - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils


 My online safety rules


·            I will only use school IT equipment for activities agreed by school staff.

·            I will not use my personal email address or other personal accounts in school when doing school work.

·            I will not sign up for any online service on school devices unless this is an agreed part of a school project approved by my teacher and agreed by my parent/carer.

·            I will only open email attachments if it has been approved by a member of school staff in school or a parent/carer out of school.

·            In school I will only open or delete my files when told by a member of staff.

·            I will not tell anyone other than my parents/carers my passwords. I will not use other people’s usernames or passwords to pretend to be them online.

·            I will make sure that all online contact I make is responsible, polite and sensible. I will be kind and respectful at all times.

·            If I come across anything upsetting, unpleasant or nasty, or anything that makes me feel unsafe, I will tell my teacher or my parent/carer immediately.

·            If someone says, asks or posts about me anything upsetting, unpleasant or nasty, or anything that makes me feel unsafe, I will not reply. I will tell my teacher or my parent/carer immediately. 

·            I will not give out my own or other people’s personal information, including: name, phone number, home address, interests, schools or clubs.  I will tell my teacher or parent/carer if anyone asks me online for personal information.

·            Uploading or sending my image (photographs, videos, live streaming) online puts me at risk.  I will always seek permission from my teacher or parent/carer if I wish to do this.  I will not take, share or upload any image of anyone else without their permission and also, if they are a child, without their parent’s/carer’s permission.

·            Even if I have permission, I will not upload any images, videos, sounds or words that could upset, now or in the future, any member of the school community, as this is cyberbullying.

·            I understand that some people on the internet are not who they say they are and some people are not safe to be in contact with.  I will not arrange to meet someone I only know on the internet. If someone asks to meet me, I will not reply to them and I will tell a teacher or a parent/carer immediately.

·            I understand that everything I do or receive online can be traced now and in the future. I know it is important to build a good online reputation.  

·            I understand that some personal devices are allowed in school and some are not, and I will follow the rules.  I will not assume that new devices can be brought into school without getting permission.

·            I will not lie about my age in order to access games, apps or social networks that are for older people as this will put me at risk.

·            I understand that these rules are designed to keep me safe now and in the future.  If I break the rules my teachers will look into it and may need to take action.

Name ……………………………

Signed ………………………………….

Date ………………………………………

Dear Parent/Carer,

The internet, email, mobile technologies and online resources have become an important part of learning and life.   We want all children to be safe and responsible when using any IT.  It is essential that children are aware of online risk, know how to stay safe and know where to go to report problems or to get help.

Please read through these online safety rules with your child/ren and talk with them to ensure they understand their importance and what it means for them (and for you).  When you have done this, you both need to sign this agreement to say that you agree to follow the rules.  Any concerns or explanation can be discussed with Mrs Prest. 

Please return the signed sections of this form which will be kept on record at the school.

Pupil agreement

Pupil name………………………………………

This agreement is to keep me safe. I have discussed this agreement with my parents/carers and understand the commitment I have made and my responsibilities.

Pupil signature……………………………………………………………………..

Parent(s)/Carer(s) agreement

Parent(s)/Carer(s) name(s)………………………………………………

I/we have discussed this agreement, which highlights the associated risks when accessing the internet, mobile and digital technologies, with our child/ren.  I/we agree to support them in following the terms of this agreement.

I/we also agree not to share school related information or images online or post material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute.

(Rather than posting negative material online, any parent, distressed or concerned about an aspect of school should make immediate contact with a member of staff.  Negative postings about the school would impact on the reputation of the whole school community.  Parents are encouraged to report breaches so that we can protect the reputation of the school, staff, pupils and parents).

I/we also agree only to use personal mobile phones and devices in designated areas of the school unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities.  I/we understand that under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises of anyone other than our own child/ren, unless there is a pre-specified agreement.  I/we understand that when on school premises, but not in a designated area where phones can be used, they must be switched off and out of sight.

I/we agree that if I take digital or video images at, or of – school events which include images of children, other than my own, these images will not be published / made publicly available on social networking sites.

Parent(s)/Carer(s) agreement

Parent(s)/Carer(s) name(s)……………………………………………………….

Parent/carer signature………………………………………..

Date ………………………………………………………….…

Appendix E - Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities

The school provides online safety information for parents/carers, through the website, in newsletters and at events.  It is important that parents/carers understand their key role in supporting children to behave appropriately and keep themselves safe online.

The online safety policy, supported by its acceptable use agreements, is intended to protect the interests and safety of the whole school community.

·       Parents/carers are required to support their child in understanding and signing the Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement for pupils.

·        Parents/carers may not use personal mobile phones and devices in the school unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities.  Under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises that include anyone other than their own child, unless there is a pre-specified agreement with individuals and parents/carers. If  a digital or video images is taken at, or of – school events which include images of children, other than their own, these images will not be published / made publicly available on social networking sites.

·       Parents/carers should not assume that pupils can bring technological devices to school and should always check the school policy.

·       All cyberbullying incidents affecting children in the school should be reported immediately.  (If the incident involves an indecent image of a child the report must also be made immediately to the police for your own protection.) The school will investigate and respond to all reported cyberbullying incidents, liaising with others where appropriate.  No reply should ever be sent to the sender/poster of cyberbullying content. If applicable block the sender and report abuse to the site. Evidence should be retained and shown in school and/or to the police.  Evidence should not be forwarded.

·       The school may choose to set up social media sites, blogs or have some other online presence in its own name.  Parents/carers, however, do not have the right to set up any site, page, chat group or any other online presence that uses the school name or logo in any form unless agreed by the head teacher.

·       Any parent/carer, distressed or concerned about an aspect of school should make immediate contact with a member of staff rather than posting their concerns online.  Parents/carers should not share school related information or images online or post material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute.  Negative postings about the school would impact on the reputation of the whole school community.  Parents/carers are encouraged to report breaches so that we can protect the reputation of the school, staff, pupils and parents/carers.

Please see the full online safety policy in the policies section on the school website.

Appendix F - Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents

All cyberbullying incidents should be reported and responded to.  Where the perpetrator is a member of the school community the majority of cases can be dealt with through mediation and/or disciplinary processes.  

The following procedures are recommended:

·       Never reply to the sender/poster of cyberbullying content.  If applicable, block the sender.

·       Incidents should be reported immediately.  Pupils should report to a member of staff (e.g. class teacher, headteacher) and staff members should seek support from their line manager or a senior member of staff.

·       The person reporting the cyberbullying should save the evidence and record the time and date.  This evidence must not be forwarded but must be available to show at a meeting.  Under no circumstances should indecent images of children and young people be printed or forwarded as this is a further criminal act.  Staff should not ask to see the evidence of reported indecent images of children or young people but must refer this immediately to the police.  Any member of staff being shown such evidence should immediately inform their line manager or the headteacher so that the circumstances can be recorded.

·       A senior member of staff will meet with the person who has reported the incident and the target, if different, to listen, reassure and support.  All relevant facts will be reviewed and documented.

·       A senior member of staff will conduct an investigation.

·       Anyone found to have cyberbullied will have attention drawn to the seriousness of their behaviour and if necessary the police will be involved.  If the comments are threatening, abusive, sexist, of a sexual nature, constitute a hate crime or are libellous they may well break the law. Online harassment and stalking is also a crime.

·       Once evidence has been secured then the person who has cyberbullied will be requested to remove the offending comments/material.  Any refusal will lead to an escalation of sanctions.

Appendix G - Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media

The school should make it clear which, if any, social media platforms are used to communicate with parents/carers.  If used correctly, parents can use a school’s social media site as a source of reliable information.  The online safety policy, see especially Appendix E (Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities), clarifies that no other social media platforms should be set up using the school’s name or logo.

The school should regularly reinforce with all parties that discussion of school issues on social media platforms, either positive or negative, should not take place as this could bring the school into disrepute and affect families and children.  Parents should be encouraged to be good online role models and not post statements written in anger or frustration.  Identified routes to raise concerns directly with the school should be used.

If negative comments are posted:

·     Collect the facts

As soon as you become aware of adverse comments relating to the school you need to establish what is being said.  It is essential that if you have access to the postings they are secured and retained together with any other evidence.  Do not become engaged in responding directly.

If the allegations against a member of staff or a pupil are of a serious nature, these will need to be formally investigated.  This may involve the police and the headteacher will need to follow the school’s safeguarding procedures.

If there is a risk of serious damage to the school reputation or the reputation of individual members of staff, professional legal advice should be sought. 

Adverse comments of any kind are highly demotivating and cause stress and anxiety.  It is important that the senior staff reassure and support all staff and/or other affected members of the school community.

·     Addressing negative comments and complaints

Contact the complainants and invite them to a meeting.  In the meeting, make sure you have any evidence available.

The meeting must:

·       Draw attention to the seriousness and impact of the actions/postings;

·       Ask for the offending remarks to be removed;

·       Explore the complainant’s grievance;

·       Agree next steps;

·       Clarify the correct complaints procedures.

If the meeting does not resolve the issue, the parents must be informed that the school will need to take the matter further. This may include:

·     Reporting the matter to the social network site if it breaches their rules or breaks the law;

·     Reporting the matter to the police if it breaks the law, e.g. if the comments are threatening, abusive, malicious, sexist, of a sexual nature, constitute a hate crime or are libellous they may well break the law.  Online harassment and stalking is also a crime.

If inappropriate postings continue or the original material is not removed, a second meeting is advisable to re-iterate the seriousness of the matter.

Appendix H - Online safety incident reporting form

Any member of the school community can raise a concern about an online safety incident. If you have witnessed or experienced an incident please complete the form below to help us to address the issue.  It is important that you provide as much detail as possible.  Once completed please hand this report to Mrs Prest.

Name of person reporting incident:


Date you are completing this form:

Where did the incident take place:

Inside school?

Outside school?

Date of incident(s):

Time of incident(s):

Who was involved in the incident(s)?

Full names and/or contact details

Children/young people

Staff member(s)


Other, please specify

Type of incident(s) (indicate as many as apply)

Accessing age inappropriate websites, apps and social media

Accessing someone else’s account without permission

Forwarding/spreading chain messages or threatening material

Posting images without permission of all involved

Online bullying or harassment (cyber bullying)

Posting material that will bring an  individual or the school into disrepute

Racist, sexist, homophobic, religious or other hate material

Online gambling

Sexting/Child abuse images

Deliberately bypassing security


Hacking or spreading viruses

Accessing, sharing or creating pornographic images and media

Accessing and/or sharing terrorist material

Accessing, sharing or creating violent images and media

Drug/bomb making material

Creating an account in someone else’s name to bring them into disrepute

Breaching copyright regulations

Other breach of acceptable use agreement, please specify

Full description of the incident

What, when, where, how?

Name all social media involved

Specify: Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp, Snapchat, Instagram etc

Evidence of the incident

Specify any evidence available but do not attach.



Thank you for completing and submitting this form.

Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School



Online Safety

Including Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreements




Adopted: March 2019

Reviewed and updated: March 2021

Next review date: March 2023


 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1.    Introduction. PAGEREF _Toc512000753 \h 2 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350033000000

2.    Responsibilities. PAGEREF _Toc512000754 \h 3 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350034000000

3.    Scope of policy. PAGEREF _Toc512000755 \h 3 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350035000000

4.    Policy and procedure. PAGEREF _Toc512000756 \h 4 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350036000000

Use of email PAGEREF _Toc512000757 \h 4 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350037000000

Visiting online sites and downloading. PAGEREF _Toc512000758 \h 4 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350038000000

Storage of Images. PAGEREF _Toc512000759 \h 6 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350039000000

Use of personal mobile devices (including phones) PAGEREF _Toc512000760 \h 6 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360030000000

New technological devices. PAGEREF _Toc512000761 \h 7 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360031000000

Reporting incidents, abuse and inappropriate material PAGEREF _Toc512000762 \h 7 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360032000000

5.    Curriculum.. PAGEREF _Toc512000763 \h 7 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360033000000

6.    Staff and Governor Training. PAGEREF _Toc512000764 \h 8 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360034000000

7.    Working in Partnership with Parents/Carers. PAGEREF _Toc512000765 \h 9 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360035000000

8.    Records, monitoring and review.. PAGEREF _Toc512000766 \h 9 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360036000000

9.    Appendices of the Online Safety Policy. PAGEREF _Toc512000767 \h 9 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360037000000

Appendix A -Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff ,Governors,student teachers. PAGEREF _Toc512000768 \h 11 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360038000000

Appendix B - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches and supply teachers. PAGEREF _Toc512000769 \h 14 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360039000000

Appendix C - Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers. PAGEREF _Toc512000770 \h 17 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700370030000000

Appendix D - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils. PAGEREF _Toc512000771 \h 18 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700370031000000

Appendix E - Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities. PAGEREF _Toc512000773 \h 21 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700370033000000

Appendix F - Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents. PAGEREF _Toc512000774 \h 22 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700370034000000

Appendix G - Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media. PAGEREF _Toc512000775 \h 23 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700370035000000

Appendix H - Online safety incident reporting form.. PAGEREF _Toc512000776 \h 25 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700370036000000




1.     Introduction


Embsay school recognises that internet, mobile and digital technologies provide a good opportunity for children and young people to learn, socialise and play, provided they are safe. The digital world is an amazing place, but with few rules.  It is vast and fast moving and young people’s future economic success may be partly dependent on their online skills and reputation.  We are, therefore, committed to ensuring that all pupils, staff and governors will be able to use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely.  This is part of our safeguarding responsibility.  Staff are aware that some pupils may require additional support or teaching, including reminders, prompts and further explanation to reinforce their knowledge and understanding of online safety issues.

We are also committed to ensuring that all those who work with children and young people, including their parents/carers, are informed about the ever-changing risks so that they can take an active part in the safeguarding of children.

2.   Responsibilities


The Governing body: 

Governors are responsible for the approval of the online safety policy, ensuring it is disseminated to the wider school community and for reviewing the effectiveness of the policy. Chris Atherton is the named governor for online safety.

As part of their responsibilities in this area the governing Body will:

·       ensure that the statutory requirements of Keeping Children Safe in Education 2020 are complied with.

·       regularly review the staff behaviour policy (sometimes called the code of conduct) which amongst other things, includes acceptable use of technologies, staff/pupil relationships and communications including the use of social media

·       ensure that online safety training for staff is integrated, aligned and considered as part of the overarching safeguarding approach

·       ensure that the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead is trained in online safety issues and is aware of the potential for serious child protection issues that could arise through the use of ICT

·       ensure that children are taught about safeguarding, including online safety.

·       ensure that the school has in place policies and procedures on sexual harassment and peer on peer abuse that can occur online and offline.

·       ensure the appropriateness of any filters, monitoring and security systems

·       regularly monitor online safety incident logs and respond appropriately  to the identified needs

·       ensure the company who is hosting the schools website has enough security in place so it cannot be inappropriately accessed and to have an action plan if it is ‘hacked’ e.g who regular checks the website including during school holidays, who is the key contact if the website is hacked 

The Headteacher:

·       supporting the Governors to comply with the online safety aspects of the Keeping Children Safe in Education

·       supporting the Governors comply with the online safety aspects of the statutory regulations which have make the subjects of Relationships Education (for all primary pupils) and Relationships and Sex Education (for all secondary pupils) and Health Education (for all pupils) mandatory from September 2020.

·       the online safety of all members of the school community.

·       effective and regular training about online safety is provided for the whole school community  and a log is kept of the staff who complete the training 

·       invite governors to take part in online safety training and awareness sessions, with particular importance for those who are members of any committee or working group involved in ICT, online safety education or safeguarding. 

·       effective communication with parents/ carers about safe practices when using online technology’s and support them in talking to their children about these issues

·       that effective filtering, monitoring and security systems are set up

·       ensure that there are effective procedures in place in the event of an online safety allegation which are known and understood by all members of staff 

·       establish and review the school online safety policy and documents and make them available on the school website 

·       liaise with staff, ICT Technical staff, online safety governor, SLT and partner agencies on all issues related to online safety 

·       ensure that all staff are aware of the procedures that need to be followed in the event of an online safety incident taking place 

·       provide training and advice for staff and keep a log of staff who complete training about online issues

·       keep a log of staff, pupils and families who have signed the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for the safe use of technology

·       receive and respond to reports of online safety incidents and create a log of incidents and outcomes to inform future online safety developments 

·       co-ordinate and review online safety education programme in school

·       ensure all new staff receive online safety training as part of their induction programme, ensuring that they fully understand the school online safety policy, Acceptable Usage and Child Protection Policies.

The ICT technician:

·       ensure the school’s ICT infrastructure is secure and meets requirements for filtering and monitoring

·       that the school’s password policy is adhered to

·       ensure that the school’s filtering policy is applied and updated on a regular basis and that its implementation is not the sole responsibility of any single person

·       ensure that the use of the school’s ICT infrastructure (network, remote access, e-mail, VLE etc.) is regularly monitored in order that any misuse or attempted misuse can be reported to the named SLT for action. 


Keeping children Safe in Education 2020 states that the staff behaviour policy

(sometimes called the code of conduct) which should, amongst other things, include:

acceptable use of technologies, staff/pupil relationships and communications including

the use of social media. Alongside the Staff Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), all staff are

responsible for ensuring that: 

·       they have an up to date awareness of online safety matters and of the schools current online safety policy and practices

·       they adhere to any procedures and policies that are implemented to support remote learning for both staff and pupils and communication with parents / carers

·       they attend the training provided by the school about online safety and Online Safety

·       they have read, understood and signed the school Staff Acceptable Usage Policy (AUP)

·       do not ‘be-friend’ any pupil or pupil family member on social media in a social context whilst the pupil is at the school 

·       online safety issues are embedded in all aspects of the curriculum and other school activities 

·       they ensure that pupils understand and follow the school’s online safety and acceptable usage policies 

·       they ensure that pupils have a good understanding of research skills and the need to avoid plagiarism and uphold copyright regulations 

·       they monitor ICT activity in lessons, extracurricular and extended school activities

·       in lessons where Internet use is pre-planned, pupils should be guided to sites checked as suitable for their use and that processes are in place for dealing with any unsuitable material that is found in Internet searches.

·       they are aware that emails can be part of Freedom of Information requests so all correspondence needs to be professional, courtesy and  respectful

·       if confidential information / information under the data protection act is being sent by email it must be sent through the secure email system 


·     pupils are responsible for using the school ICT systems in accordance with the Pupil Acceptable Usage Policy, which they will be required to sign before being given access to school systems. Parents/carers will be required to read through and sign alongside their child’s signature.

·     they must adhere to any procedures that are implemented to support remote learning for both pupils and  staff 

·     pupils must report abuse, misuse or access to inappropriate materials and know how to do so.

·     should understand the importance of adopting good online safety practice when using digital technologies out of school and realise that the school’s online safety policy also covers their actions out of school, if related to their membership of the school or using equipment provided by the school.


Parents/Carers play a crucial role in ensuring that their children understand the need

to use the Internet/mobile devices in an appropriate way.

Parents and carers are responsible for: 

·       endorsing (by signature) the Pupil Acceptable Usage Policy and will alongside this sign the Parents/ Carers Acceptable Usage Policy

·       access the school website and correspond with the school in accordance with the Parents Acceptable Usage Policy. 

·       ensure that they do not use social media to criticise or make inappropriate comments about the school or an individual member of staff as making defamatory comments online has exactly the same legal consequences as if they are made directly to someone else. Similarly threats of violence can lead to criminal proceedings under the Malicious Communications Act. If as a parent/ carer they have any concerns about anything which happens in schools then please contact the school directly.

3.       Scope of policy


The policy applies to:

•    pupils

•    parents/carers

•    teaching and support staff

•    school governors

•    peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers, student teachers

•    visitors

•    volunteers

•    voluntary, statutory or community organisations using  the school's facilities

The school also works with partners and other providers to ensure that pupils who receive part of their education off site or who are on a school trip or residential are safe online.

The school provides online safety information for parents/carers, through the website, in newsletters and at events.  It is important that parents/carers understand their key role in supporting their child/ren to behave appropriately and keep themselves safe online.  

This policy, supported by its acceptable use agreements, is intended to protect the interests and safety of the whole school community.  It is linked to the following other school policies and documents: Child Protection , Information, Health and safety, Home–school agreement, Behaviour, Anti-bullying, Staff Code of Conduct, Safer Working Practice.

Policy and procedure

The school seeks to ensure that internet, mobile and digital technologies are used effectively, for their intended educational purpose, in ways that will not infringe legal requirements or create unnecessary risk.

The school expects everyone to use internet, mobile and digital technologies responsibly and strictly according to the conditions set out in this policy. This policy also includes expectations on appropriate online behaviour and use of technology outside of school for pupils, parents/carers, staff and governors and all other visitors to the school.

When applying this policy, the school will take account of any guidance issued by North Yorkshire. The most recent guidance can be found at: Online Safety Guidance for Schools in North Yorkshire Updated January 2021

Use of email

Staff and governors should use a school email account  for all official communication to ensure everyone is protected through the traceability of communication.  Under no circumstances should staff contact pupils, parents or conduct any school business using a personal email address.  Pupils may only use school approved accounts on the school system and only for educational purposes. Where required parent/carer permission will be obtained for the account to exist.  For advice on sharing personal or confidential information or the need to gain parent permission refer to the Informaiton Policy. Emails created or received as part of any school role will be subject to disclosure in response to a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Staff, governors and pupils should not open emails or attachments from suspect sources and should report their receipt to Mrs Chapman.

Users must not send emails which are offensive, embarrassing or upsetting to anyone (i.e. cyberbullying).

Visiting online sites and downloading

·     Staff must preview sites, software and apps before their use in school or before recommending them to pupils.  Before using any online service that requires user accounts to be created or the sharing of any personal data, staff must consult with the head teacher  with details of the site/service.  If internet research is set for homework, specific sites will be suggested that have previously been checked by the teacher.  All users must observe copyright of materials from electronic sources.

·     Staff must only use pre-approved systems if creating blogs, wikis or other online areas in order to communicate with pupils/ families.

·     When working with pupils searching for images should be done through Google Safe Search (standard through the NY service), Google Advanced Search or a similar application that provides greater safety than a standard search engine.

Users must not:

Visit internet sites, make, post, download, upload or pass on, material, remarks, proposals or comments that contain or relate to:

·     Indecent images of children actually or apparently under the age of 18 or images of child abuse (i.e. images of children, digital or cartoons, involved in sexual activity or posed to be sexually provocative)

·        Indecent images of vulnerable people over the age of 18 (i.e. images of vulnerable people, digital or cartoons involved in sexual activity or posed to be sexually provocative)

·       Adult material that breaches the Obscene Publications Act in the UK

·       Promoting discrimination of any kind in relation to the protected characteristics: gender identity and reassignment, gender/sex, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion, sexual orientation, age and marital status

·       Promoting hatred against any individual or group from the protected characteristics above

·       Promoting illegal acts including physical or sexual abuse of children or adults, violence, bomb making, drug and alcohol abuse and software piracy

·       Any material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute e.g. promotion of violence, gambling, libel and disrespect

Users must not:

·       Reveal or publicise confidential or proprietary information

·       Intentionally interfere with the normal operation of the internet connection, including the propagation of computer viruses

·       Transmit unsolicited commercial or advertising material either to other users, or to organisations connected to other networks except where permission has been given to the school

·       Use the school's hardware and Wi-Fi facilities for running a private business

·       Intimidate, threaten or cause harm to others

·       Access or interfere in any way with other users' accounts

·       Use software or hardware that has been prohibited by the school

  Only a school device may be used to conduct school business outside of school. The only exception would be where a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school for use on a personal device.

All breaches of prohibited behaviours detailed above will be investigated, where appropriate, in liaison with the police.

The school recognises that in certain planned curricular activities, access to controversial and/or offensive online content may be beneficial for educational use. In such circumstances, there is an expectation that access is pre-planned, risk assessed and recorded, and permission given by Mrs Prest.  

Storage of Images

Photographs and videos provide valuable evidence of pupils’ achievement and progress in a variety of contexts and can be used to celebrate the work of the school.  In line with GDPR they are used only with the written consent of parents/carers which is secured in the first instance on a child’s entry to the school. Records are kept on file and consent can be changed by parents/carers at any time. (See Information Policy for greater clarification).

Photographs and images of pupils are only stored on the school’s agreed secure networks which include some cloud based services.  Rights of access to stored images are restricted to approved staff as determined by Mrs Prest.  Staff and pupils may have temporary access to photographs taken during a class session, but these will be transferred/deleted promptly.

Parents/carers should note that there may be some children who are at risk and must not have their image put online and others who do not want their image online.  For these reasons parents/carers must follow the school’s Acceptable Use Agreement and refrain from posting online photographs of any member of the school community, other than their own child/ren.

Staff and other professionals working with pupils, must only use school equipment to record images of pupils whether on or off site. See also Information Policy.  

Use of personal mobile devices (including phones)

The school does not allow staff, including temporary and peripatetic staff, and visitors to use personal mobile phones and devices in the presence of pupils. Under no circumstance does the school allow a member of staff to contact a pupil or parent/carer using their personal device.

Parents/carers may not use personal mobile phones and devices in the school building unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities. Under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises or on off-site school events and activities of anyone other than their own child, unless there is a pre-specified permission from Mrs Prest.  

Year 6 pupils are allowed to bring personal mobile devices/phones to school but must hand them to the class teacher for storage during the day.  Under no circumstance should pupils use their personal mobile devices/phones to take images of

·       any other pupil unless they and their parents have given agreement in advance

·       any member of staff

The school is not responsible for the loss, damage or theft on school premises of any personal mobile device.

Users bringing personal devices into school must ensure there is no inappropriate or illegal content on the device.

  Personal mobiles must never be used to access school emails and data. The only       exception would be where a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school for use on a personal device.

New technological devices

New personal technological devices may offer opportunities for teaching and learning. However, the school must consider educational benefit and carry out risk assessment before use in school is allowed.  Parents/carers, pupils and staff should not assume that new technological devices will be allowed in school and should check with Mrs Prest before they are brought into school.  

Reporting incidents, abuse and inappropriate material

There may be occasions in school when either a pupil or an adult receives an offensive, abusive or inappropriate message or accidentally accesses upsetting or abusive material. When such a situation occurs the pupil or adult must report the incident immediately to the first available member of staff, or the headteacher.  Where such an incident may lead to significant harm, safeguarding procedures should be followed.  The school takes the reporting of such incidents seriously and where judged necessary, the DSL will refer details to social care or the police.

4.     Curriculum

Online safety is embedded within our curriculum. The school provides a comprehensive curriculum for online safety which enables pupils to become informed, safe and responsible. This includes teaching to prevent radicalisation, for which staff provide a narrative to counter extremism.

The curriculum is flexible and can respond to any immediate online safety issues and risks as they emerge.

It is necessary for pupils to develop skills of critical awareness, digital resilience and good online citizenship to enable them to use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely and responsibly.  Pupils are taught to recognise the creative, collaborative, cultural, economic and educational opportunities provided by the internet, mobile and digital technologies. Curriculum work will also include:

·       Understanding how to use the internet, mobile and digital technologies in a balanced and appropriate way to avoid negative impact on wellbeing, e.g. regulated screen time and diverse online activity

·       Learning how to develop a positive online reputation and enhance future opportunities e.g. in relationships and employment

·       Developing critical thinking skills in relation to online content e.g. recognising fake news and extremism, understanding commercial manipulation, maintaining an authentic sense of self that is resilient to online pressure, learning how easy it is to lie online (i.e. users may not be who they say they are and may have ulterior motives)

·       Understanding the dangers of giving out personal details online (e.g. full name, address, mobile/home phone numbers, school details, IM/email address) and the importance of maintaining maximum privacy online

·       Thinking carefully before placing images online and considering their appropriateness and understanding the importance of gaining consent before posting photographs of others

·       Understanding the permanency of all online postings and conversations

·       Understanding relevant legislation, including copyright, and the importance of respecting other people’s information, reputation and images

·       What constitutes cyberbullying, how to avoid it, the impact it has and how to access help.

5.     Staff and Governor Training


Staff and governors are trained to fulfil their roles in online safety. The school audits the training needs of all school staff and provides regular training to improve their knowledge and expertise in the safe and appropriate use of internet, mobile and digital technologies.  This training is recorded as part of safeguarding records.

New staff are provided with a copy of the online safety policy and must sign the school’s Acceptable Use Agreement as part of their induction and before having contact with pupils.

Any organisation working with children based on the school premises are also provided with a copy of the online safety policy and required to sign the Acceptable Use Agreement (Appendix B).

Volunteers, peripatetic staff (unless employed by NYCC services), student teachers and regular visitors are provided with a copy of the online safety policy and are required to sign the Acceptable Use Agreement (Appendix B).

6.     Working in Partnership with Parents/Carers

The school works closely with families to help ensure that children can use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely and responsibly both at home and school.  It is important that parents/carers understand the crucial role they play in this process. The school seeks to regularly consult and discuss online safety with parents/carers and seeks to promote a wide understanding of the benefits of new technologies and associated risks.  The school provides regular updated online safety information through the school website and by other means.

Parents/carers are asked to read, discuss and co-sign with each child the Acceptable Use Agreement whenever the online safety policy is reviewed.  A summary of key parent/carer responsibilities will also be provided and is available in Appendix F. The Acceptable Use Agreement explains the school’s expectations and pupil and parent/carer responsibilities. The support of parents/carers is essential to implement the online safety policy effectively and keep all children safe.

7.     Records, monitoring and review


The school recognises the need to record online safety incidents and to monitor and review policies and procedures regularly in order to ensure they are effective and that the risks to pupils and staff are minimised.

All breaches of this policy must be reported and all reported incidents will be logged on CPOMS. All staff have the individual responsibility to ensure that incidents have been correctly recorded, acted upon and reported.  An online safety incident recording format are provided in appendix H.

The school supports pupils and staff who have been affected by a policy breach. Where there is inappropriate or illegal use of internet, mobile and digital technologies, this will be dealt with under the school’s behaviour and disciplinary policies as appropriate.  Breaches may also lead to criminal or civil proceedings.

Governors receive termly summary data on recorded online safety incidents for monitoring purposes.  In addition governors ensure they have sufficient, quality information to enable them to make a judgement about the fitness for purpose of this policy on an annual basis.



8.     Appendices of the Online Safety Policy

A.    Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff, Governors and student teachers (on placement or on staff)

B.    Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers

C.     Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers working in the school (working directly with children or otherwise)

D.    Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils

E.      Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities

F.      Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents

G.     Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media

H.     Online safety incident reporting form

Appendix A - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff, Governors and student teachers (on placement or on staff)


You must read this agreement in conjunction with the online safety policy and the Information  policy.  Once you have read these, you must sign and submit this agreement and it will be kept on record in the school. You should retain your own copy for reference. This forms part of your professional and safeguarding responsibilities.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies are part of our daily working life and this agreement is designed to ensure that all staff and governors are aware of their responsibilities in relation to their use.  All staff and governors are expected to adhere to this agreement and to the online safety policy.  Any concerns or clarification should be discussed with Mrs Prest. Breaches will be investigated, recorded and, where appropriate, disciplinary procedures will apply and police involvement will be sought.


Internet Access


I will not access or attempt to access any sites that contain any of the following: child abuse; pornography; discrimination of any kind; promotion of prejudice against any group; promotion of illegal acts; any other information which may be illegal or offensive.  Inadvertent access on school equipment must be treated as an online safety incident, reported to the online safety lead and/or DSL and an incident report completed.


Online conduct

I will ensure that my online activity, both in and outside school, will not bring the school, my professional reputation, or that of others, into disrepute.

I will not browse, download, upload or distribute any material that could be considered offensive, illegal or discriminatory.  Exceptionally, use of controversial material as part of the curriculum should be planned and approved on every occasion (see policy). 

I will report any accidental access to or receipt of inappropriate materials or filtering breach to Mrs Prest.

I understand that all my use of the internet and other related technologies can be traced and monitored and, should it be required, must be made available to my line manager, headteacher and others as required.

I will not give out my personal contact and online account information such as phone numbers, email address, and social media account details to pupils and/or parents/carers.

Social networking

I understand the need to separate my professional role from my private friendships; in my professional capacity I will not become ‘friends’ with parents/carers or pupils on social networks. Where my school role is my only connection to an individual, private online contact is unacceptable with parents/carers or pupils. See also Staff Code of Conduct.

When using social networking for personal use I will ensure my settings are not public. My private account postings will never undermine or disparage the school, its staff, governors, parents/carers or pupils. Privileged information must remain confidential.





I understand that there is no occasion when a password should be shared with a pupil or anyone who is not a staff member without permission.


Data protection

I will follow requirements for data protection as outlined in the information policy.  These include:

·        Photographs must be kept securely and used appropriately, whether in school, taken off the school premises or accessed remotely

·        Personal data can only be taken out of school or accessed remotely when authorised by the headteacher or governing body

·        Personal or sensitive data taken off site must be encrypted

Images and videos


I will only upload images or videos of staff, pupils or parents/carers onto school approved sites where specific permission has been granted.

I will not take images, sound recordings or videos of school events or activities on any personal device.

 Use of email


I will use my school email address for all school business.  All such correspondence must be kept professional and is open to Subject Access Requests under the Freedom of Information Act.  I will not use my school email addresses for personal matters or non-school business.

Use of personal devices


I understand that as a member of staff I should at no time put myself in a position where a safeguarding allegation can be made against me as a result of my use of personal devices. I understand that the use of personal devices in school is at the discretion of the headteacher.

I will not access secure school information from personal devices unless a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school.

Additional hardware/software


I will not install any hardware or software on school equipment without permission of Mrs Prest.


Promoting online safety


I understand that online safety is the responsibility of all staff and governors and I will promote positive online safety messages at all times including when setting homework or providing pastoral support.


I understand that it is my duty to support a whole school safeguarding approach and will report any inappropriate or concerning behaviour (of other staff, governors, visitors, pupils or parents/carers) to the DSL or Mrs Prest.


Classroom management of internet access


I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites used in the classroom; this will include the acceptability of other material visible, however briefly, on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.

If I am using the internet to teach about controversial issues I will secure, on every occasion, approval in advance for the material I plan to use with Mrs Prest.

User signature


I agree to follow this Acceptable Use Agreement and to support online safety throughout the school.  I understand this forms part of the terms and conditions set out in my contract of employment (staff members only) and/or my responsibilities as a governor.

Signature …….………………….………… Date ……………………

Full Name …………………………………......................................... (printed)

Job title ……………………………………………………………………

Appendix B - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers



School name Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School


Online safety lead Fiona Prest


Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Fiona Prest


This agreement forms part of your professional and safeguarding responsibility in the school.  You must read and sign this agreement.  This will be kept on record and you should retain your own copy for reference.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies are part of our daily working life and this agreement is designed to ensure that all staff and governors are aware of their responsibilities in relation to their use. You are expected to adhere to this agreement.  Any concerns or clarification should be discussed with Mrs Prest. Breaches will be investigated, recorded and, where appropriate, disciplinary procedures will apply and police involvement will be sought.

The school’s online safety policy will provide further detailed information as required.


Internet Access


I will not access or attempt to access any sites that contain any of the following: child abuse; pornography; discrimination of any kind; promotion of prejudice against any group; promotion of illegal acts; any other information which may be illegal or offensive.  Inadvertent access on school equipment must be treated as an online safety incident, reported to the online safety lead and/or DSL and an incident report completed.


Online conduct


I will ensure that my online activity, both in and outside school, will not bring the school, my professional reputation, or that of others, into disrepute.

I will not browse, download, upload or distribute any material that could be considered offensive, illegal or discriminatory.  Exceptionally, use of controversial material as part of the curriculum should be planned and approved on every occasion (see policy). 

I will report any accidental access to or receipt of inappropriate materials or filtering breach to Mrs Prest.

I understand that all my use of the internet and other related technologies can be traced and monitored and, should it be required, must be made available to my line manager, headteacher and others as required.

I will not give out my personal contact and online account information such as phone numbers, email address, and social media account details to pupils and/or parents/carers.

Should I need to share my professional details, such as mobile phone number or email address, with parent/carers, this must be agreed in advance as an acceptable approach with Mrs Prest.


Social networking


I understand the need to separate my professional role from my private friendships; in my professional capacity I will not become ‘friends’ with parents/carers or pupils on social networks. Where my school role is my only connection to an individual, private online contact is unacceptable with parents/carers or pupils.

Information can be shared with pupils over 13 and parents/carers through an organisational social network site/page e.g. on Facebook or Twitter, but never through a personal account or site. In my professional role in the school, I will never engage in 1-1 exchanges with pupils or parent/carers on personal social network sites.

My private account postings will never undermine or disparage the school, its staff, governors, parents/carers or pupils.  Privileged information known as a result of my work in the school must remain confidential.  

I will not upload any material about or references to the school or its community on my personal social networks.




I must clarify what access I may have to the internet and/or school systems.  If I have access of any kind, I understand that there is no occasion when a password should be shared with a pupil or anyone who is not a staff member. 

Data protection

I will follow all requirements for data protection explained to me by the school.  These include:

·        I must consult with the school before making any recordings, photographs and videos. Once agreed, these must be made on a school device.

·        I understand that there are strict controls and requirements regarding the collection and use of personal data. I will follow all requirements regarding GDPR.

Images and videos


I will only upload images or videos of staff, pupils or parents/carers onto school approved sites where specific permission has been granted.

I will not take images, sound recordings or videos of tuition or wider school activities on any personal device. School devices can be used for this purpose or, in the case of 1:1 tuition, pupil’s or parent/carer devices can be used, with parent/carer agreement.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies provide helpful recording functions but these cannot be made on a teacher’s personal device.  Recordings can be made with the child’s and parent/carer’s agreement on a school device, an organisational device approved by the headteacher/DSL, or a young person’s or parent/carer’s own device.

Use of Email


I will use my professional or formal student email address for all school business.  All such correspondence should be kept professional and is open to Subject Access Requests under the Freedom of Information Act. I will not use my professional email addresses for personal matters.


Use of personal devices


I understand that when working in the school I should at no time put myself in a position where a safeguarding allegation can be made against me as a result of my use of personal devices. I understand that the use of personal devices in school is at the discretion of the headteacher.

I will only use approved personal devices when not with pupils. This therefore precludes use of specialist apps on personal devices.  A school device could be used to access specialist apps that support pupil learning.  

Additional hardware/software


I will not install any hardware or software on school equipment without permission of Mrs Prest.



Promoting online safety


I understand that online safety is part of my responsibility and I will promote positive online safety messages at all times, including when setting homework, rehearsal or skill practice or when providing pastoral support.


I understand that it is my duty to support a whole school safeguarding approach and will report any behaviour (of staff, governors, visitors, pupils or parents/carers) which I believe may be inappropriate or concerning in any way to the DSL or Mrs Prest.

Classroom management of internet access


I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites used in the classroom; this will include the acceptability of other material visible, however briefly, on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.

If I am using the internet to teach about controversial issues I will secure, on every occasion, approval in advance for the material I plan to use with Mrs Prest.


User Signature


I agree to follow this Acceptable Use Agreement and to support online safety in my work in the school.  I understand this forms part of my company/educational setting/organisation’s contract with the school.

Signature …….………………….…………….…      Date ……………………

Full Name ………………………………….................................................... (Please use block capitals)

Job Title/Role …………………………………..…………………..……………

Appendix C - Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers

(Working directly with children or otherwise)



School name……Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School ………………………………..…..


Online safety lead …Mrs Prest……………………………..…


DSL …Mrs Prest……………………………………………..…..



This document is designed to ensure that you are aware of your responsibilities when using any form of IT in the school and other aspects of safeguarding in connection with online safety.

Please raise any safeguarding concerns arising from your visit immediately with the headteacher and/or DSL

·        I understand I may not use my personal mobile phone(s) and other devices with camera functions in front of children.   Any exception must be pre-arranged.

·        I will not take images, sound recording or videos of school events or activities, on or off site, on any device.  Any possible exception must be pre-arranged.

·        I will not give out my personal details such as mobile phone number, email address, and social media account details to pupils and parent/carers.  Where appropriate I may share my professional contact details with parents/carers provided the DSL or headteacher is informed before I leave the school.

·        I understand my visit to the school may give me access to privileged information about pupils, staff, school systems and plans.  Such information should never be shared online, including on social media sites.

·        I understand I should not use school equipment to access the internet without prior approval from my contact in the school or the headteacher.

·        If working in the classroom, I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites I intend to use including checking the acceptability of other material visible on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.  If I am in any doubt about the appropriateness of the content I plan to use I will check with my contact in the school.

Appendix D - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils


 My online safety rules


·            I will only use school IT equipment for activities agreed by school staff.

·            I will not use my personal email address or other personal accounts in school when doing school work.

·            I will not sign up for any online service on school devices unless this is an agreed part of a school project approved by my teacher and agreed by my parent/carer.

·            I will only open email attachments if it has been approved by a member of school staff in school or a parent/carer out of school.

·            In school I will only open or delete my files when told by a member of staff.

·            I will not tell anyone other than my parents/carers my passwords. I will not use other people’s usernames or passwords to pretend to be them online.

·            I will make sure that all online contact I make is responsible, polite and sensible. I will be kind and respectful at all times.

·            If I come across anything upsetting, unpleasant or nasty, or anything that makes me feel unsafe, I will tell my teacher or my parent/carer immediately.

·            If someone says, asks or posts about me anything upsetting, unpleasant or nasty, or anything that makes me feel unsafe, I will not reply. I will tell my teacher or my parent/carer immediately. 

·            I will not give out my own or other people’s personal information, including: name, phone number, home address, interests, schools or clubs.  I will tell my teacher or parent/carer if anyone asks me online for personal information.

·            Uploading or sending my image (photographs, videos, live streaming) online puts me at risk.  I will always seek permission from my teacher or parent/carer if I wish to do this.  I will not take, share or upload any image of anyone else without their permission and also, if they are a child, without their parent’s/carer’s permission.

·            Even if I have permission, I will not upload any images, videos, sounds or words that could upset, now or in the future, any member of the school community, as this is cyberbullying.

·            I understand that some people on the internet are not who they say they are and some people are not safe to be in contact with.  I will not arrange to meet someone I only know on the internet. If someone asks to meet me, I will not reply to them and I will tell a teacher or a parent/carer immediately.

·            I understand that everything I do or receive online can be traced now and in the future. I know it is important to build a good online reputation.  

·            I understand that some personal devices are allowed in school and some are not, and I will follow the rules.  I will not assume that new devices can be brought into school without getting permission.

·            I will not lie about my age in order to access games, apps or social networks that are for older people as this will put me at risk.

·            I understand that these rules are designed to keep me safe now and in the future.  If I break the rules my teachers will look into it and may need to take action.

Name ……………………………

Signed ………………………………….

Date ………………………………………

Dear Parent/Carer,

The internet, email, mobile technologies and online resources have become an important part of learning and life.   We want all children to be safe and responsible when using any IT.  It is essential that children are aware of online risk, know how to stay safe and know where to go to report problems or to get help.

Please read through these online safety rules with your child/ren and talk with them to ensure they understand their importance and what it means for them (and for you).  When you have done this, you both need to sign this agreement to say that you agree to follow the rules.  Any concerns or explanation can be discussed with Mrs Prest. 

Please return the signed sections of this form which will be kept on record at the school.

Pupil agreement

Pupil name………………………………………

This agreement is to keep me safe. I have discussed this agreement with my parents/carers and understand the commitment I have made and my responsibilities.

Pupil signature……………………………………………………………………..

Parent(s)/Carer(s) agreement

Parent(s)/Carer(s) name(s)………………………………………………

I/we have discussed this agreement, which highlights the associated risks when accessing the internet, mobile and digital technologies, with our child/ren.  I/we agree to support them in following the terms of this agreement.

I/we also agree not to share school related information or images online or post material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute.

(Rather than posting negative material online, any parent, distressed or concerned about an aspect of school should make immediate contact with a member of staff.  Negative postings about the school would impact on the reputation of the whole school community.  Parents are encouraged to report breaches so that we can protect the reputation of the school, staff, pupils and parents).

I/we also agree only to use personal mobile phones and devices in designated areas of the school unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities.  I/we understand that under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises of anyone other than our own child/ren, unless there is a pre-specified agreement.  I/we understand that when on school premises, but not in a designated area where phones can be used, they must be switched off and out of sight.

I/we agree that if I take digital or video images at, or of – school events which include images of children, other than my own, these images will not be published / made publicly available on social networking sites.

Parent(s)/Carer(s) agreement

Parent(s)/Carer(s) name(s)……………………………………………………….

Parent/carer signature………………………………………..

Date ………………………………………………………….…

Appendix E - Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities

The school provides online safety information for parents/carers, through the website, in newsletters and at events.  It is important that parents/carers understand their key role in supporting children to behave appropriately and keep themselves safe online.

The online safety policy, supported by its acceptable use agreements, is intended to protect the interests and safety of the whole school community.

·       Parents/carers are required to support their child in understanding and signing the Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement for pupils.

·        Parents/carers may not use personal mobile phones and devices in the school unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities.  Under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises that include anyone other than their own child, unless there is a pre-specified agreement with individuals and parents/carers. If  a digital or video images is taken at, or of – school events which include images of children, other than their own, these images will not be published / made publicly available on social networking sites.

·       Parents/carers should not assume that pupils can bring technological devices to school and should always check the school policy.

·       All cyberbullying incidents affecting children in the school should be reported immediately.  (If the incident involves an indecent image of a child the report must also be made immediately to the police for your own protection.) The school will investigate and respond to all reported cyberbullying incidents, liaising with others where appropriate.  No reply should ever be sent to the sender/poster of cyberbullying content. If applicable block the sender and report abuse to the site. Evidence should be retained and shown in school and/or to the police.  Evidence should not be forwarded.

·       The school may choose to set up social media sites, blogs or have some other online presence in its own name.  Parents/carers, however, do not have the right to set up any site, page, chat group or any other online presence that uses the school name or logo in any form unless agreed by the head teacher.

·       Any parent/carer, distressed or concerned about an aspect of school should make immediate contact with a member of staff rather than posting their concerns online.  Parents/carers should not share school related information or images online or post material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute.  Negative postings about the school would impact on the reputation of the whole school community.  Parents/carers are encouraged to report breaches so that we can protect the reputation of the school, staff, pupils and parents/carers.

Please see the full online safety policy in the policies section on the school website.

Appendix F - Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents

All cyberbullying incidents should be reported and responded to.  Where the perpetrator is a member of the school community the majority of cases can be dealt with through mediation and/or disciplinary processes.  

The following procedures are recommended:

·       Never reply to the sender/poster of cyberbullying content.  If applicable, block the sender.

·       Incidents should be reported immediately.  Pupils should report to a member of staff (e.g. class teacher, headteacher) and staff members should seek support from their line manager or a senior member of staff.

·       The person reporting the cyberbullying should save the evidence and record the time and date.  This evidence must not be forwarded but must be available to show at a meeting.  Under no circumstances should indecent images of children and young people be printed or forwarded as this is a further criminal act.  Staff should not ask to see the evidence of reported indecent images of children or young people but must refer this immediately to the police.  Any member of staff being shown such evidence should immediately inform their line manager or the headteacher so that the circumstances can be recorded.

·       A senior member of staff will meet with the person who has reported the incident and the target, if different, to listen, reassure and support.  All relevant facts will be reviewed and documented.

·       A senior member of staff will conduct an investigation.

·       Anyone found to have cyberbullied will have attention drawn to the seriousness of their behaviour and if necessary the police will be involved.  If the comments are threatening, abusive, sexist, of a sexual nature, constitute a hate crime or are libellous they may well break the law. Online harassment and stalking is also a crime.

·       Once evidence has been secured then the person who has cyberbullied will be requested to remove the offending comments/material.  Any refusal will lead to an escalation of sanctions.

Appendix G - Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media

The school should make it clear which, if any, social media platforms are used to communicate with parents/carers.  If used correctly, parents can use a school’s social media site as a source of reliable information.  The online safety policy, see especially Appendix E (Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities), clarifies that no other social media platforms should be set up using the school’s name or logo.

The school should regularly reinforce with all parties that discussion of school issues on social media platforms, either positive or negative, should not take place as this could bring the school into disrepute and affect families and children.  Parents should be encouraged to be good online role models and not post statements written in anger or frustration.  Identified routes to raise concerns directly with the school should be used.

If negative comments are posted:

·     Collect the facts

As soon as you become aware of adverse comments relating to the school you need to establish what is being said.  It is essential that if you have access to the postings they are secured and retained together with any other evidence.  Do not become engaged in responding directly.

If the allegations against a member of staff or a pupil are of a serious nature, these will need to be formally investigated.  This may involve the police and the headteacher will need to follow the school’s safeguarding procedures.

If there is a risk of serious damage to the school reputation or the reputation of individual members of staff, professional legal advice should be sought. 

Adverse comments of any kind are highly demotivating and cause stress and anxiety.  It is important that the senior staff reassure and support all staff and/or other affected members of the school community.

·     Addressing negative comments and complaints

Contact the complainants and invite them to a meeting.  In the meeting, make sure you have any evidence available.

The meeting must:

·       Draw attention to the seriousness and impact of the actions/postings;

·       Ask for the offending remarks to be removed;

·       Explore the complainant’s grievance;

·       Agree next steps;

·       Clarify the correct complaints procedures.

If the meeting does not resolve the issue, the parents must be informed that the school will need to take the matter further. This may include:

·     Reporting the matter to the social network site if it breaches their rules or breaks the law;

·     Reporting the matter to the police if it breaks the law, e.g. if the comments are threatening, abusive, malicious, sexist, of a sexual nature, constitute a hate crime or are libellous they may well break the law.  Online harassment and stalking is also a crime.

If inappropriate postings continue or the original material is not removed, a second meeting is advisable to re-iterate the seriousness of the matter.

Appendix H - Online safety incident reporting form

Any member of the school community can raise a concern about an online safety incident. If you have witnessed or experienced an incident please complete the form below to help us to address the issue.  It is important that you provide as much detail as possible.  Once completed please hand this report to Mrs Prest.

Name of person reporting incident:


Date you are completing this form:

Where did the incident take place:

Inside school?

Outside school?

Date of incident(s):

Time of incident(s):

Who was involved in the incident(s)?

Full names and/or contact details

Children/young people

Staff member(s)


Other, please specify

Type of incident(s) (indicate as many as apply)

Accessing age inappropriate websites, apps and social media

Accessing someone else’s account without permission

Forwarding/spreading chain messages or threatening material

Posting images without permission of all involved

Online bullying or harassment (cyber bullying)

Posting material that will bring an  individual or the school into disrepute

Racist, sexist, homophobic, religious or other hate material

Online gambling

Sexting/Child abuse images

Deliberately bypassing security


Hacking or spreading viruses

Accessing, sharing or creating pornographic images and media

Accessing and/or sharing terrorist material

Accessing, sharing or creating violent images and media

Drug/bomb making material

Creating an account in someone else’s name to bring them into disrepute

Breaching copyright regulations

Other breach of acceptable use agreement, please specify

Full description of the incident

What, when, where, how?

Name all social media involved

Specify: Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp, Snapchat, Instagram etc

Evidence of the incident

Specify any evidence available but do not attach.



Thank you for completing and submitting this form.

Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School



Online Safety

Including Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreements




Adopted: March 2019

Reviewed and updated: March 2021

Next review date: March 2023


 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1.    Introduction. PAGEREF _Toc512000753 \h 2 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350033000000

2.    Responsibilities. PAGEREF _Toc512000754 \h 3 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350034000000

3.    Scope of policy. PAGEREF _Toc512000755 \h 3 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350035000000

4.    Policy and procedure. PAGEREF _Toc512000756 \h 4 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350036000000

Use of email PAGEREF _Toc512000757 \h 4 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350037000000

Visiting online sites and downloading. PAGEREF _Toc512000758 \h 4 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350038000000

Storage of Images. PAGEREF _Toc512000759 \h 6 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350039000000

Use of personal mobile devices (including phones) PAGEREF _Toc512000760 \h 6 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360030000000

New technological devices. PAGEREF _Toc512000761 \h 7 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360031000000

Reporting incidents, abuse and inappropriate material PAGEREF _Toc512000762 \h 7 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360032000000

5.    Curriculum.. PAGEREF _Toc512000763 \h 7 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360033000000

6.    Staff and Governor Training. PAGEREF _Toc512000764 \h 8 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360034000000

7.    Working in Partnership with Parents/Carers. PAGEREF _Toc512000765 \h 9 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360035000000

8.    Records, monitoring and review.. PAGEREF _Toc512000766 \h 9 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360036000000

9.    Appendices of the Online Safety Policy. PAGEREF _Toc512000767 \h 9 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360037000000

Appendix A -Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff ,Governors,student teachers. PAGEREF _Toc512000768 \h 11 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360038000000

Appendix B - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches and supply teachers. PAGEREF _Toc512000769 \h 14 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360039000000

Appendix C - Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers. PAGEREF _Toc512000770 \h 17 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700370030000000

Appendix D - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils. PAGEREF _Toc512000771 \h 18 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700370031000000

Appendix E - Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities. PAGEREF _Toc512000773 \h 21 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700370033000000

Appendix F - Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents. PAGEREF _Toc512000774 \h 22 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700370034000000

Appendix G - Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media. PAGEREF _Toc512000775 \h 23 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700370035000000

Appendix H - Online safety incident reporting form.. PAGEREF _Toc512000776 \h 25 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700370036000000




1.     Introduction


Embsay school recognises that internet, mobile and digital technologies provide a good opportunity for children and young people to learn, socialise and play, provided they are safe. The digital world is an amazing place, but with few rules.  It is vast and fast moving and young people’s future economic success may be partly dependent on their online skills and reputation.  We are, therefore, committed to ensuring that all pupils, staff and governors will be able to use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely.  This is part of our safeguarding responsibility.  Staff are aware that some pupils may require additional support or teaching, including reminders, prompts and further explanation to reinforce their knowledge and understanding of online safety issues.

We are also committed to ensuring that all those who work with children and young people, including their parents/carers, are informed about the ever-changing risks so that they can take an active part in the safeguarding of children.

2.   Responsibilities


The Governing body: 

Governors are responsible for the approval of the online safety policy, ensuring it is disseminated to the wider school community and for reviewing the effectiveness of the policy. Chris Atherton is the named governor for online safety.

As part of their responsibilities in this area the governing Body will:

·       ensure that the statutory requirements of Keeping Children Safe in Education 2020 are complied with.

·       regularly review the staff behaviour policy (sometimes called the code of conduct) which amongst other things, includes acceptable use of technologies, staff/pupil relationships and communications including the use of social media

·       ensure that online safety training for staff is integrated, aligned and considered as part of the overarching safeguarding approach

·       ensure that the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead is trained in online safety issues and is aware of the potential for serious child protection issues that could arise through the use of ICT

·       ensure that children are taught about safeguarding, including online safety.

·       ensure that the school has in place policies and procedures on sexual harassment and peer on peer abuse that can occur online and offline.

·       ensure the appropriateness of any filters, monitoring and security systems

·       regularly monitor online safety incident logs and respond appropriately  to the identified needs

·       ensure the company who is hosting the schools website has enough security in place so it cannot be inappropriately accessed and to have an action plan if it is ‘hacked’ e.g who regular checks the website including during school holidays, who is the key contact if the website is hacked 

The Headteacher:

·       supporting the Governors to comply with the online safety aspects of the Keeping Children Safe in Education

·       supporting the Governors comply with the online safety aspects of the statutory regulations which have make the subjects of Relationships Education (for all primary pupils) and Relationships and Sex Education (for all secondary pupils) and Health Education (for all pupils) mandatory from September 2020.

·       the online safety of all members of the school community.

·       effective and regular training about online safety is provided for the whole school community  and a log is kept of the staff who complete the training 

·       invite governors to take part in online safety training and awareness sessions, with particular importance for those who are members of any committee or working group involved in ICT, online safety education or safeguarding. 

·       effective communication with parents/ carers about safe practices when using online technology’s and support them in talking to their children about these issues

·       that effective filtering, monitoring and security systems are set up

·       ensure that there are effective procedures in place in the event of an online safety allegation which are known and understood by all members of staff 

·       establish and review the school online safety policy and documents and make them available on the school website 

·       liaise with staff, ICT Technical staff, online safety governor, SLT and partner agencies on all issues related to online safety 

·       ensure that all staff are aware of the procedures that need to be followed in the event of an online safety incident taking place 

·       provide training and advice for staff and keep a log of staff who complete training about online issues

·       keep a log of staff, pupils and families who have signed the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for the safe use of technology

·       receive and respond to reports of online safety incidents and create a log of incidents and outcomes to inform future online safety developments 

·       co-ordinate and review online safety education programme in school

·       ensure all new staff receive online safety training as part of their induction programme, ensuring that they fully understand the school online safety policy, Acceptable Usage and Child Protection Policies.

The ICT technician:

·       ensure the school’s ICT infrastructure is secure and meets requirements for filtering and monitoring

·       that the school’s password policy is adhered to

·       ensure that the school’s filtering policy is applied and updated on a regular basis and that its implementation is not the sole responsibility of any single person

·       ensure that the use of the school’s ICT infrastructure (network, remote access, e-mail, VLE etc.) is regularly monitored in order that any misuse or attempted misuse can be reported to the named SLT for action. 


Keeping children Safe in Education 2020 states that the staff behaviour policy

(sometimes called the code of conduct) which should, amongst other things, include:

acceptable use of technologies, staff/pupil relationships and communications including

the use of social media. Alongside the Staff Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), all staff are

responsible for ensuring that: 

·       they have an up to date awareness of online safety matters and of the schools current online safety policy and practices

·       they adhere to any procedures and policies that are implemented to support remote learning for both staff and pupils and communication with parents / carers

·       they attend the training provided by the school about online safety and Online Safety

·       they have read, understood and signed the school Staff Acceptable Usage Policy (AUP)

·       do not ‘be-friend’ any pupil or pupil family member on social media in a social context whilst the pupil is at the school 

·       online safety issues are embedded in all aspects of the curriculum and other school activities 

·       they ensure that pupils understand and follow the school’s online safety and acceptable usage policies 

·       they ensure that pupils have a good understanding of research skills and the need to avoid plagiarism and uphold copyright regulations 

·       they monitor ICT activity in lessons, extracurricular and extended school activities

·       in lessons where Internet use is pre-planned, pupils should be guided to sites checked as suitable for their use and that processes are in place for dealing with any unsuitable material that is found in Internet searches.

·       they are aware that emails can be part of Freedom of Information requests so all correspondence needs to be professional, courtesy and  respectful

·       if confidential information / information under the data protection act is being sent by email it must be sent through the secure email system 


·     pupils are responsible for using the school ICT systems in accordance with the Pupil Acceptable Usage Policy, which they will be required to sign before being given access to school systems. Parents/carers will be required to read through and sign alongside their child’s signature.

·     they must adhere to any procedures that are implemented to support remote learning for both pupils and  staff 

·     pupils must report abuse, misuse or access to inappropriate materials and know how to do so.

·     should understand the importance of adopting good online safety practice when using digital technologies out of school and realise that the school’s online safety policy also covers their actions out of school, if related to their membership of the school or using equipment provided by the school.


Parents/Carers play a crucial role in ensuring that their children understand the need

to use the Internet/mobile devices in an appropriate way.

Parents and carers are responsible for: 

·       endorsing (by signature) the Pupil Acceptable Usage Policy and will alongside this sign the Parents/ Carers Acceptable Usage Policy

·       access the school website and correspond with the school in accordance with the Parents Acceptable Usage Policy. 

·       ensure that they do not use social media to criticise or make inappropriate comments about the school or an individual member of staff as making defamatory comments online has exactly the same legal consequences as if they are made directly to someone else. Similarly threats of violence can lead to criminal proceedings under the Malicious Communications Act. If as a parent/ carer they have any concerns about anything which happens in schools then please contact the school directly.

3.       Scope of policy


The policy applies to:

•    pupils

•    parents/carers

•    teaching and support staff

•    school governors

•    peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers, student teachers

•    visitors

•    volunteers

•    voluntary, statutory or community organisations using  the school's facilities

The school also works with partners and other providers to ensure that pupils who receive part of their education off site or who are on a school trip or residential are safe online.

The school provides online safety information for parents/carers, through the website, in newsletters and at events.  It is important that parents/carers understand their key role in supporting their child/ren to behave appropriately and keep themselves safe online.  

This policy, supported by its acceptable use agreements, is intended to protect the interests and safety of the whole school community.  It is linked to the following other school policies and documents: Child Protection , Information, Health and safety, Home–school agreement, Behaviour, Anti-bullying, Staff Code of Conduct, Safer Working Practice.

Policy and procedure

The school seeks to ensure that internet, mobile and digital technologies are used effectively, for their intended educational purpose, in ways that will not infringe legal requirements or create unnecessary risk.

The school expects everyone to use internet, mobile and digital technologies responsibly and strictly according to the conditions set out in this policy. This policy also includes expectations on appropriate online behaviour and use of technology outside of school for pupils, parents/carers, staff and governors and all other visitors to the school.

When applying this policy, the school will take account of any guidance issued by North Yorkshire. The most recent guidance can be found at: Online Safety Guidance for Schools in North Yorkshire Updated January 2021

Use of email

Staff and governors should use a school email account  for all official communication to ensure everyone is protected through the traceability of communication.  Under no circumstances should staff contact pupils, parents or conduct any school business using a personal email address.  Pupils may only use school approved accounts on the school system and only for educational purposes. Where required parent/carer permission will be obtained for the account to exist.  For advice on sharing personal or confidential information or the need to gain parent permission refer to the Informaiton Policy. Emails created or received as part of any school role will be subject to disclosure in response to a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Staff, governors and pupils should not open emails or attachments from suspect sources and should report their receipt to Mrs Chapman.

Users must not send emails which are offensive, embarrassing or upsetting to anyone (i.e. cyberbullying).

Visiting online sites and downloading

·     Staff must preview sites, software and apps before their use in school or before recommending them to pupils.  Before using any online service that requires user accounts to be created or the sharing of any personal data, staff must consult with the head teacher  with details of the site/service.  If internet research is set for homework, specific sites will be suggested that have previously been checked by the teacher.  All users must observe copyright of materials from electronic sources.

·     Staff must only use pre-approved systems if creating blogs, wikis or other online areas in order to communicate with pupils/ families.

·     When working with pupils searching for images should be done through Google Safe Search (standard through the NY service), Google Advanced Search or a similar application that provides greater safety than a standard search engine.

Users must not:

Visit internet sites, make, post, download, upload or pass on, material, remarks, proposals or comments that contain or relate to:

·     Indecent images of children actually or apparently under the age of 18 or images of child abuse (i.e. images of children, digital or cartoons, involved in sexual activity or posed to be sexually provocative)

·        Indecent images of vulnerable people over the age of 18 (i.e. images of vulnerable people, digital or cartoons involved in sexual activity or posed to be sexually provocative)

·       Adult material that breaches the Obscene Publications Act in the UK

·       Promoting discrimination of any kind in relation to the protected characteristics: gender identity and reassignment, gender/sex, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion, sexual orientation, age and marital status

·       Promoting hatred against any individual or group from the protected characteristics above

·       Promoting illegal acts including physical or sexual abuse of children or adults, violence, bomb making, drug and alcohol abuse and software piracy

·       Any material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute e.g. promotion of violence, gambling, libel and disrespect

Users must not:

·       Reveal or publicise confidential or proprietary information

·       Intentionally interfere with the normal operation of the internet connection, including the propagation of computer viruses

·       Transmit unsolicited commercial or advertising material either to other users, or to organisations connected to other networks except where permission has been given to the school

·       Use the school's hardware and Wi-Fi facilities for running a private business

·       Intimidate, threaten or cause harm to others

·       Access or interfere in any way with other users' accounts

·       Use software or hardware that has been prohibited by the school

  Only a school device may be used to conduct school business outside of school. The only exception would be where a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school for use on a personal device.

All breaches of prohibited behaviours detailed above will be investigated, where appropriate, in liaison with the police.

The school recognises that in certain planned curricular activities, access to controversial and/or offensive online content may be beneficial for educational use. In such circumstances, there is an expectation that access is pre-planned, risk assessed and recorded, and permission given by Mrs Prest.  

Storage of Images

Photographs and videos provide valuable evidence of pupils’ achievement and progress in a variety of contexts and can be used to celebrate the work of the school.  In line with GDPR they are used only with the written consent of parents/carers which is secured in the first instance on a child’s entry to the school. Records are kept on file and consent can be changed by parents/carers at any time. (See Information Policy for greater clarification).

Photographs and images of pupils are only stored on the school’s agreed secure networks which include some cloud based services.  Rights of access to stored images are restricted to approved staff as determined by Mrs Prest.  Staff and pupils may have temporary access to photographs taken during a class session, but these will be transferred/deleted promptly.

Parents/carers should note that there may be some children who are at risk and must not have their image put online and others who do not want their image online.  For these reasons parents/carers must follow the school’s Acceptable Use Agreement and refrain from posting online photographs of any member of the school community, other than their own child/ren.

Staff and other professionals working with pupils, must only use school equipment to record images of pupils whether on or off site. See also Information Policy.  

Use of personal mobile devices (including phones)

The school does not allow staff, including temporary and peripatetic staff, and visitors to use personal mobile phones and devices in the presence of pupils. Under no circumstance does the school allow a member of staff to contact a pupil or parent/carer using their personal device.

Parents/carers may not use personal mobile phones and devices in the school building unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities. Under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises or on off-site school events and activities of anyone other than their own child, unless there is a pre-specified permission from Mrs Prest.  

Year 6 pupils are allowed to bring personal mobile devices/phones to school but must hand them to the class teacher for storage during the day.  Under no circumstance should pupils use their personal mobile devices/phones to take images of

·       any other pupil unless they and their parents have given agreement in advance

·       any member of staff

The school is not responsible for the loss, damage or theft on school premises of any personal mobile device.

Users bringing personal devices into school must ensure there is no inappropriate or illegal content on the device.

  Personal mobiles must never be used to access school emails and data. The only       exception would be where a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school for use on a personal device.

New technological devices

New personal technological devices may offer opportunities for teaching and learning. However, the school must consider educational benefit and carry out risk assessment before use in school is allowed.  Parents/carers, pupils and staff should not assume that new technological devices will be allowed in school and should check with Mrs Prest before they are brought into school.  

Reporting incidents, abuse and inappropriate material

There may be occasions in school when either a pupil or an adult receives an offensive, abusive or inappropriate message or accidentally accesses upsetting or abusive material. When such a situation occurs the pupil or adult must report the incident immediately to the first available member of staff, or the headteacher.  Where such an incident may lead to significant harm, safeguarding procedures should be followed.  The school takes the reporting of such incidents seriously and where judged necessary, the DSL will refer details to social care or the police.

4.     Curriculum

Online safety is embedded within our curriculum. The school provides a comprehensive curriculum for online safety which enables pupils to become informed, safe and responsible. This includes teaching to prevent radicalisation, for which staff provide a narrative to counter extremism.

The curriculum is flexible and can respond to any immediate online safety issues and risks as they emerge.

It is necessary for pupils to develop skills of critical awareness, digital resilience and good online citizenship to enable them to use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely and responsibly.  Pupils are taught to recognise the creative, collaborative, cultural, economic and educational opportunities provided by the internet, mobile and digital technologies. Curriculum work will also include:

·       Understanding how to use the internet, mobile and digital technologies in a balanced and appropriate way to avoid negative impact on wellbeing, e.g. regulated screen time and diverse online activity

·       Learning how to develop a positive online reputation and enhance future opportunities e.g. in relationships and employment

·       Developing critical thinking skills in relation to online content e.g. recognising fake news and extremism, understanding commercial manipulation, maintaining an authentic sense of self that is resilient to online pressure, learning how easy it is to lie online (i.e. users may not be who they say they are and may have ulterior motives)

·       Understanding the dangers of giving out personal details online (e.g. full name, address, mobile/home phone numbers, school details, IM/email address) and the importance of maintaining maximum privacy online

·       Thinking carefully before placing images online and considering their appropriateness and understanding the importance of gaining consent before posting photographs of others

·       Understanding the permanency of all online postings and conversations

·       Understanding relevant legislation, including copyright, and the importance of respecting other people’s information, reputation and images

·       What constitutes cyberbullying, how to avoid it, the impact it has and how to access help.

5.     Staff and Governor Training


Staff and governors are trained to fulfil their roles in online safety. The school audits the training needs of all school staff and provides regular training to improve their knowledge and expertise in the safe and appropriate use of internet, mobile and digital technologies.  This training is recorded as part of safeguarding records.

New staff are provided with a copy of the online safety policy and must sign the school’s Acceptable Use Agreement as part of their induction and before having contact with pupils.

Any organisation working with children based on the school premises are also provided with a copy of the online safety policy and required to sign the Acceptable Use Agreement (Appendix B).

Volunteers, peripatetic staff (unless employed by NYCC services), student teachers and regular visitors are provided with a copy of the online safety policy and are required to sign the Acceptable Use Agreement (Appendix B).

6.     Working in Partnership with Parents/Carers

The school works closely with families to help ensure that children can use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely and responsibly both at home and school.  It is important that parents/carers understand the crucial role they play in this process. The school seeks to regularly consult and discuss online safety with parents/carers and seeks to promote a wide understanding of the benefits of new technologies and associated risks.  The school provides regular updated online safety information through the school website and by other means.

Parents/carers are asked to read, discuss and co-sign with each child the Acceptable Use Agreement whenever the online safety policy is reviewed.  A summary of key parent/carer responsibilities will also be provided and is available in Appendix F. The Acceptable Use Agreement explains the school’s expectations and pupil and parent/carer responsibilities. The support of parents/carers is essential to implement the online safety policy effectively and keep all children safe.

7.     Records, monitoring and review


The school recognises the need to record online safety incidents and to monitor and review policies and procedures regularly in order to ensure they are effective and that the risks to pupils and staff are minimised.

All breaches of this policy must be reported and all reported incidents will be logged on CPOMS. All staff have the individual responsibility to ensure that incidents have been correctly recorded, acted upon and reported.  An online safety incident recording format are provided in appendix H.

The school supports pupils and staff who have been affected by a policy breach. Where there is inappropriate or illegal use of internet, mobile and digital technologies, this will be dealt with under the school’s behaviour and disciplinary policies as appropriate.  Breaches may also lead to criminal or civil proceedings.

Governors receive termly summary data on recorded online safety incidents for monitoring purposes.  In addition governors ensure they have sufficient, quality information to enable them to make a judgement about the fitness for purpose of this policy on an annual basis.



8.     Appendices of the Online Safety Policy

A.    Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff, Governors and student teachers (on placement or on staff)

B.    Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers

C.     Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers working in the school (working directly with children or otherwise)

D.    Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils

E.      Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities

F.      Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents

G.     Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media

H.     Online safety incident reporting form

Appendix A - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff, Governors and student teachers (on placement or on staff)


You must read this agreement in conjunction with the online safety policy and the Information  policy.  Once you have read these, you must sign and submit this agreement and it will be kept on record in the school. You should retain your own copy for reference. This forms part of your professional and safeguarding responsibilities.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies are part of our daily working life and this agreement is designed to ensure that all staff and governors are aware of their responsibilities in relation to their use.  All staff and governors are expected to adhere to this agreement and to the online safety policy.  Any concerns or clarification should be discussed with Mrs Prest. Breaches will be investigated, recorded and, where appropriate, disciplinary procedures will apply and police involvement will be sought.


Internet Access


I will not access or attempt to access any sites that contain any of the following: child abuse; pornography; discrimination of any kind; promotion of prejudice against any group; promotion of illegal acts; any other information which may be illegal or offensive.  Inadvertent access on school equipment must be treated as an online safety incident, reported to the online safety lead and/or DSL and an incident report completed.


Online conduct

I will ensure that my online activity, both in and outside school, will not bring the school, my professional reputation, or that of others, into disrepute.

I will not browse, download, upload or distribute any material that could be considered offensive, illegal or discriminatory.  Exceptionally, use of controversial material as part of the curriculum should be planned and approved on every occasion (see policy). 

I will report any accidental access to or receipt of inappropriate materials or filtering breach to Mrs Prest.

I understand that all my use of the internet and other related technologies can be traced and monitored and, should it be required, must be made available to my line manager, headteacher and others as required.

I will not give out my personal contact and online account information such as phone numbers, email address, and social media account details to pupils and/or parents/carers.

Social networking

I understand the need to separate my professional role from my private friendships; in my professional capacity I will not become ‘friends’ with parents/carers or pupils on social networks. Where my school role is my only connection to an individual, private online contact is unacceptable with parents/carers or pupils. See also Staff Code of Conduct.

When using social networking for personal use I will ensure my settings are not public. My private account postings will never undermine or disparage the school, its staff, governors, parents/carers or pupils. Privileged information must remain confidential.





I understand that there is no occasion when a password should be shared with a pupil or anyone who is not a staff member without permission.


Data protection

I will follow requirements for data protection as outlined in the information policy.  These include:

·        Photographs must be kept securely and used appropriately, whether in school, taken off the school premises or accessed remotely

·        Personal data can only be taken out of school or accessed remotely when authorised by the headteacher or governing body

·        Personal or sensitive data taken off site must be encrypted

Images and videos


I will only upload images or videos of staff, pupils or parents/carers onto school approved sites where specific permission has been granted.

I will not take images, sound recordings or videos of school events or activities on any personal device.

 Use of email


I will use my school email address for all school business.  All such correspondence must be kept professional and is open to Subject Access Requests under the Freedom of Information Act.  I will not use my school email addresses for personal matters or non-school business.

Use of personal devices


I understand that as a member of staff I should at no time put myself in a position where a safeguarding allegation can be made against me as a result of my use of personal devices. I understand that the use of personal devices in school is at the discretion of the headteacher.

I will not access secure school information from personal devices unless a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school.

Additional hardware/software


I will not install any hardware or software on school equipment without permission of Mrs Prest.


Promoting online safety


I understand that online safety is the responsibility of all staff and governors and I will promote positive online safety messages at all times including when setting homework or providing pastoral support.


I understand that it is my duty to support a whole school safeguarding approach and will report any inappropriate or concerning behaviour (of other staff, governors, visitors, pupils or parents/carers) to the DSL or Mrs Prest.


Classroom management of internet access


I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites used in the classroom; this will include the acceptability of other material visible, however briefly, on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.

If I am using the internet to teach about controversial issues I will secure, on every occasion, approval in advance for the material I plan to use with Mrs Prest.

User signature


I agree to follow this Acceptable Use Agreement and to support online safety throughout the school.  I understand this forms part of the terms and conditions set out in my contract of employment (staff members only) and/or my responsibilities as a governor.

Signature …….………………….………… Date ……………………

Full Name …………………………………......................................... (printed)

Job title ……………………………………………………………………

Appendix B - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers



School name Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School


Online safety lead Fiona Prest


Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Fiona Prest


This agreement forms part of your professional and safeguarding responsibility in the school.  You must read and sign this agreement.  This will be kept on record and you should retain your own copy for reference.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies are part of our daily working life and this agreement is designed to ensure that all staff and governors are aware of their responsibilities in relation to their use. You are expected to adhere to this agreement.  Any concerns or clarification should be discussed with Mrs Prest. Breaches will be investigated, recorded and, where appropriate, disciplinary procedures will apply and police involvement will be sought.

The school’s online safety policy will provide further detailed information as required.


Internet Access


I will not access or attempt to access any sites that contain any of the following: child abuse; pornography; discrimination of any kind; promotion of prejudice against any group; promotion of illegal acts; any other information which may be illegal or offensive.  Inadvertent access on school equipment must be treated as an online safety incident, reported to the online safety lead and/or DSL and an incident report completed.


Online conduct


I will ensure that my online activity, both in and outside school, will not bring the school, my professional reputation, or that of others, into disrepute.

I will not browse, download, upload or distribute any material that could be considered offensive, illegal or discriminatory.  Exceptionally, use of controversial material as part of the curriculum should be planned and approved on every occasion (see policy). 

I will report any accidental access to or receipt of inappropriate materials or filtering breach to Mrs Prest.

I understand that all my use of the internet and other related technologies can be traced and monitored and, should it be required, must be made available to my line manager, headteacher and others as required.

I will not give out my personal contact and online account information such as phone numbers, email address, and social media account details to pupils and/or parents/carers.

Should I need to share my professional details, such as mobile phone number or email address, with parent/carers, this must be agreed in advance as an acceptable approach with Mrs Prest.


Social networking


I understand the need to separate my professional role from my private friendships; in my professional capacity I will not become ‘friends’ with parents/carers or pupils on social networks. Where my school role is my only connection to an individual, private online contact is unacceptable with parents/carers or pupils.

Information can be shared with pupils over 13 and parents/carers through an organisational social network site/page e.g. on Facebook or Twitter, but never through a personal account or site. In my professional role in the school, I will never engage in 1-1 exchanges with pupils or parent/carers on personal social network sites.

My private account postings will never undermine or disparage the school, its staff, governors, parents/carers or pupils.  Privileged information known as a result of my work in the school must remain confidential.  

I will not upload any material about or references to the school or its community on my personal social networks.




I must clarify what access I may have to the internet and/or school systems.  If I have access of any kind, I understand that there is no occasion when a password should be shared with a pupil or anyone who is not a staff member. 

Data protection

I will follow all requirements for data protection explained to me by the school.  These include:

·        I must consult with the school before making any recordings, photographs and videos. Once agreed, these must be made on a school device.

·        I understand that there are strict controls and requirements regarding the collection and use of personal data. I will follow all requirements regarding GDPR.

Images and videos


I will only upload images or videos of staff, pupils or parents/carers onto school approved sites where specific permission has been granted.

I will not take images, sound recordings or videos of tuition or wider school activities on any personal device. School devices can be used for this purpose or, in the case of 1:1 tuition, pupil’s or parent/carer devices can be used, with parent/carer agreement.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies provide helpful recording functions but these cannot be made on a teacher’s personal device.  Recordings can be made with the child’s and parent/carer’s agreement on a school device, an organisational device approved by the headteacher/DSL, or a young person’s or parent/carer’s own device.

Use of Email


I will use my professional or formal student email address for all school business.  All such correspondence should be kept professional and is open to Subject Access Requests under the Freedom of Information Act. I will not use my professional email addresses for personal matters.


Use of personal devices


I understand that when working in the school I should at no time put myself in a position where a safeguarding allegation can be made against me as a result of my use of personal devices. I understand that the use of personal devices in school is at the discretion of the headteacher.

I will only use approved personal devices when not with pupils. This therefore precludes use of specialist apps on personal devices.  A school device could be used to access specialist apps that support pupil learning.  

Additional hardware/software


I will not install any hardware or software on school equipment without permission of Mrs Prest.



Promoting online safety


I understand that online safety is part of my responsibility and I will promote positive online safety messages at all times, including when setting homework, rehearsal or skill practice or when providing pastoral support.


I understand that it is my duty to support a whole school safeguarding approach and will report any behaviour (of staff, governors, visitors, pupils or parents/carers) which I believe may be inappropriate or concerning in any way to the DSL or Mrs Prest.

Classroom management of internet access


I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites used in the classroom; this will include the acceptability of other material visible, however briefly, on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.

If I am using the internet to teach about controversial issues I will secure, on every occasion, approval in advance for the material I plan to use with Mrs Prest.


User Signature


I agree to follow this Acceptable Use Agreement and to support online safety in my work in the school.  I understand this forms part of my company/educational setting/organisation’s contract with the school.

Signature …….………………….…………….…      Date ……………………

Full Name ………………………………….................................................... (Please use block capitals)

Job Title/Role …………………………………..…………………..……………

Appendix C - Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers

(Working directly with children or otherwise)



School name……Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School ………………………………..…..


Online safety lead …Mrs Prest……………………………..…


DSL …Mrs Prest……………………………………………..…..



This document is designed to ensure that you are aware of your responsibilities when using any form of IT in the school and other aspects of safeguarding in connection with online safety.

Please raise any safeguarding concerns arising from your visit immediately with the headteacher and/or DSL

·        I understand I may not use my personal mobile phone(s) and other devices with camera functions in front of children.   Any exception must be pre-arranged.

·        I will not take images, sound recording or videos of school events or activities, on or off site, on any device.  Any possible exception must be pre-arranged.

·        I will not give out my personal details such as mobile phone number, email address, and social media account details to pupils and parent/carers.  Where appropriate I may share my professional contact details with parents/carers provided the DSL or headteacher is informed before I leave the school.

·        I understand my visit to the school may give me access to privileged information about pupils, staff, school systems and plans.  Such information should never be shared online, including on social media sites.

·        I understand I should not use school equipment to access the internet without prior approval from my contact in the school or the headteacher.

·        If working in the classroom, I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites I intend to use including checking the acceptability of other material visible on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.  If I am in any doubt about the appropriateness of the content I plan to use I will check with my contact in the school.

Appendix D - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils


 My online safety rules


·            I will only use school IT equipment for activities agreed by school staff.

·            I will not use my personal email address or other personal accounts in school when doing school work.

·            I will not sign up for any online service on school devices unless this is an agreed part of a school project approved by my teacher and agreed by my parent/carer.

·            I will only open email attachments if it has been approved by a member of school staff in school or a parent/carer out of school.

·            In school I will only open or delete my files when told by a member of staff.

·            I will not tell anyone other than my parents/carers my passwords. I will not use other people’s usernames or passwords to pretend to be them online.

·            I will make sure that all online contact I make is responsible, polite and sensible. I will be kind and respectful at all times.

·            If I come across anything upsetting, unpleasant or nasty, or anything that makes me feel unsafe, I will tell my teacher or my parent/carer immediately.

·            If someone says, asks or posts about me anything upsetting, unpleasant or nasty, or anything that makes me feel unsafe, I will not reply. I will tell my teacher or my parent/carer immediately. 

·            I will not give out my own or other people’s personal information, including: name, phone number, home address, interests, schools or clubs.  I will tell my teacher or parent/carer if anyone asks me online for personal information.

·            Uploading or sending my image (photographs, videos, live streaming) online puts me at risk.  I will always seek permission from my teacher or parent/carer if I wish to do this.  I will not take, share or upload any image of anyone else without their permission and also, if they are a child, without their parent’s/carer’s permission.

·            Even if I have permission, I will not upload any images, videos, sounds or words that could upset, now or in the future, any member of the school community, as this is cyberbullying.

·            I understand that some people on the internet are not who they say they are and some people are not safe to be in contact with.  I will not arrange to meet someone I only know on the internet. If someone asks to meet me, I will not reply to them and I will tell a teacher or a parent/carer immediately.

·            I understand that everything I do or receive online can be traced now and in the future. I know it is important to build a good online reputation.  

·            I understand that some personal devices are allowed in school and some are not, and I will follow the rules.  I will not assume that new devices can be brought into school without getting permission.

·            I will not lie about my age in order to access games, apps or social networks that are for older people as this will put me at risk.

·            I understand that these rules are designed to keep me safe now and in the future.  If I break the rules my teachers will look into it and may need to take action.

Name ……………………………

Signed ………………………………….

Date ………………………………………

Dear Parent/Carer,

The internet, email, mobile technologies and online resources have become an important part of learning and life.   We want all children to be safe and responsible when using any IT.  It is essential that children are aware of online risk, know how to stay safe and know where to go to report problems or to get help.

Please read through these online safety rules with your child/ren and talk with them to ensure they understand their importance and what it means for them (and for you).  When you have done this, you both need to sign this agreement to say that you agree to follow the rules.  Any concerns or explanation can be discussed with Mrs Prest. 

Please return the signed sections of this form which will be kept on record at the school.

Pupil agreement

Pupil name………………………………………

This agreement is to keep me safe. I have discussed this agreement with my parents/carers and understand the commitment I have made and my responsibilities.

Pupil signature……………………………………………………………………..

Parent(s)/Carer(s) agreement

Parent(s)/Carer(s) name(s)………………………………………………

I/we have discussed this agreement, which highlights the associated risks when accessing the internet, mobile and digital technologies, with our child/ren.  I/we agree to support them in following the terms of this agreement.

I/we also agree not to share school related information or images online or post material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute.

(Rather than posting negative material online, any parent, distressed or concerned about an aspect of school should make immediate contact with a member of staff.  Negative postings about the school would impact on the reputation of the whole school community.  Parents are encouraged to report breaches so that we can protect the reputation of the school, staff, pupils and parents).

I/we also agree only to use personal mobile phones and devices in designated areas of the school unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities.  I/we understand that under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises of anyone other than our own child/ren, unless there is a pre-specified agreement.  I/we understand that when on school premises, but not in a designated area where phones can be used, they must be switched off and out of sight.

I/we agree that if I take digital or video images at, or of – school events which include images of children, other than my own, these images will not be published / made publicly available on social networking sites.

Parent(s)/Carer(s) agreement

Parent(s)/Carer(s) name(s)……………………………………………………….

Parent/carer signature………………………………………..

Date ………………………………………………………….…

Appendix E - Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities

The school provides online safety information for parents/carers, through the website, in newsletters and at events.  It is important that parents/carers understand their key role in supporting children to behave appropriately and keep themselves safe online.

The online safety policy, supported by its acceptable use agreements, is intended to protect the interests and safety of the whole school community.

·       Parents/carers are required to support their child in understanding and signing the Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement for pupils.

·        Parents/carers may not use personal mobile phones and devices in the school unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities.  Under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises that include anyone other than their own child, unless there is a pre-specified agreement with individuals and parents/carers. If  a digital or video images is taken at, or of – school events which include images of children, other than their own, these images will not be published / made publicly available on social networking sites.

·       Parents/carers should not assume that pupils can bring technological devices to school and should always check the school policy.

·       All cyberbullying incidents affecting children in the school should be reported immediately.  (If the incident involves an indecent image of a child the report must also be made immediately to the police for your own protection.) The school will investigate and respond to all reported cyberbullying incidents, liaising with others where appropriate.  No reply should ever be sent to the sender/poster of cyberbullying content. If applicable block the sender and report abuse to the site. Evidence should be retained and shown in school and/or to the police.  Evidence should not be forwarded.

·       The school may choose to set up social media sites, blogs or have some other online presence in its own name.  Parents/carers, however, do not have the right to set up any site, page, chat group or any other online presence that uses the school name or logo in any form unless agreed by the head teacher.

·       Any parent/carer, distressed or concerned about an aspect of school should make immediate contact with a member of staff rather than posting their concerns online.  Parents/carers should not share school related information or images online or post material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute.  Negative postings about the school would impact on the reputation of the whole school community.  Parents/carers are encouraged to report breaches so that we can protect the reputation of the school, staff, pupils and parents/carers.

Please see the full online safety policy in the policies section on the school website.

Appendix F - Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents

All cyberbullying incidents should be reported and responded to.  Where the perpetrator is a member of the school community the majority of cases can be dealt with through mediation and/or disciplinary processes.  

The following procedures are recommended:

·       Never reply to the sender/poster of cyberbullying content.  If applicable, block the sender.

·       Incidents should be reported immediately.  Pupils should report to a member of staff (e.g. class teacher, headteacher) and staff members should seek support from their line manager or a senior member of staff.

·       The person reporting the cyberbullying should save the evidence and record the time and date.  This evidence must not be forwarded but must be available to show at a meeting.  Under no circumstances should indecent images of children and young people be printed or forwarded as this is a further criminal act.  Staff should not ask to see the evidence of reported indecent images of children or young people but must refer this immediately to the police.  Any member of staff being shown such evidence should immediately inform their line manager or the headteacher so that the circumstances can be recorded.

·       A senior member of staff will meet with the person who has reported the incident and the target, if different, to listen, reassure and support.  All relevant facts will be reviewed and documented.

·       A senior member of staff will conduct an investigation.

·       Anyone found to have cyberbullied will have attention drawn to the seriousness of their behaviour and if necessary the police will be involved.  If the comments are threatening, abusive, sexist, of a sexual nature, constitute a hate crime or are libellous they may well break the law. Online harassment and stalking is also a crime.

·       Once evidence has been secured then the person who has cyberbullied will be requested to remove the offending comments/material.  Any refusal will lead to an escalation of sanctions.

Appendix G - Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media

The school should make it clear which, if any, social media platforms are used to communicate with parents/carers.  If used correctly, parents can use a school’s social media site as a source of reliable information.  The online safety policy, see especially Appendix E (Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities), clarifies that no other social media platforms should be set up using the school’s name or logo.

The school should regularly reinforce with all parties that discussion of school issues on social media platforms, either positive or negative, should not take place as this could bring the school into disrepute and affect families and children.  Parents should be encouraged to be good online role models and not post statements written in anger or frustration.  Identified routes to raise concerns directly with the school should be used.

If negative comments are posted:

·     Collect the facts

As soon as you become aware of adverse comments relating to the school you need to establish what is being said.  It is essential that if you have access to the postings they are secured and retained together with any other evidence.  Do not become engaged in responding directly.

If the allegations against a member of staff or a pupil are of a serious nature, these will need to be formally investigated.  This may involve the police and the headteacher will need to follow the school’s safeguarding procedures.

If there is a risk of serious damage to the school reputation or the reputation of individual members of staff, professional legal advice should be sought. 

Adverse comments of any kind are highly demotivating and cause stress and anxiety.  It is important that the senior staff reassure and support all staff and/or other affected members of the school community.

·     Addressing negative comments and complaints

Contact the complainants and invite them to a meeting.  In the meeting, make sure you have any evidence available.

The meeting must:

·       Draw attention to the seriousness and impact of the actions/postings;

·       Ask for the offending remarks to be removed;

·       Explore the complainant’s grievance;

·       Agree next steps;

·       Clarify the correct complaints procedures.

If the meeting does not resolve the issue, the parents must be informed that the school will need to take the matter further. This may include:

·     Reporting the matter to the social network site if it breaches their rules or breaks the law;

·     Reporting the matter to the police if it breaks the law, e.g. if the comments are threatening, abusive, malicious, sexist, of a sexual nature, constitute a hate crime or are libellous they may well break the law.  Online harassment and stalking is also a crime.

If inappropriate postings continue or the original material is not removed, a second meeting is advisable to re-iterate the seriousness of the matter.

Appendix H - Online safety incident reporting form

Any member of the school community can raise a concern about an online safety incident. If you have witnessed or experienced an incident please complete the form below to help us to address the issue.  It is important that you provide as much detail as possible.  Once completed please hand this report to Mrs Prest.

Name of person reporting incident:


Date you are completing this form:

Where did the incident take place:

Inside school?

Outside school?

Date of incident(s):

Time of incident(s):

Who was involved in the incident(s)?

Full names and/or contact details

Children/young people

Staff member(s)


Other, please specify

Type of incident(s) (indicate as many as apply)

Accessing age inappropriate websites, apps and social media

Accessing someone else’s account without permission

Forwarding/spreading chain messages or threatening material

Posting images without permission of all involved

Online bullying or harassment (cyber bullying)

Posting material that will bring an  individual or the school into disrepute

Racist, sexist, homophobic, religious or other hate material

Online gambling

Sexting/Child abuse images

Deliberately bypassing security


Hacking or spreading viruses

Accessing, sharing or creating pornographic images and media

Accessing and/or sharing terrorist material

Accessing, sharing or creating violent images and media

Drug/bomb making material

Creating an account in someone else’s name to bring them into disrepute

Breaching copyright regulations

Other breach of acceptable use agreement, please specify

Full description of the incident

What, when, where, how?

Name all social media involved

Specify: Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp, Snapchat, Instagram etc

Evidence of the incident

Specify any evidence available but do not attach.



Thank you for completing and submitting this form.

Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School



Online Safety

Including Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreements


Adopted: March 2019

Reviewed and updated: March 2021

Next review date: March 2023


1.    Introduction. 2

2.    Responsibilities. 3

3.    Scope of policy. 3

4.    Policy and procedure. 4

Use of email 4

Visiting online sites and downloading. 4

Storage of Images. 6

Use of personal mobile devices (including phones) 6

New technological devices. 7

Reporting incidents, abuse and inappropriate material 7

5.    Curriculum.. 7

6.    Staff and Governor Training. 8

7.    Working in Partnership with Parents/Carers. 9

8.    Records, monitoring and review.. 9

9.    Appendices of the Online Safety Policy. 9

Appendix A -Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff ,Governors,student teachers. 11

Appendix B - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches and supply teachers. 14

Appendix C - Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers. 17

Appendix D - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils. 18

Appendix E - Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities. 21

Appendix F - Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents. 22

Appendix G - Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media. 23

Appendix H - Online safety incident reporting form.. 25


  1. Introduction

Embsay school recognises that internet, mobile and digital technologies provide a good opportunity for children and young people to learn, socialise and play, provided they are safe. The digital world is an amazing place, but with few rules.  It is vast and fast moving and young people’s future economic success may be partly dependent on their online skills and reputation.  We are, therefore, committed to ensuring that all pupils, staff and governors will be able to use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely.  This is part of our safeguarding responsibility.  Staff are aware that some pupils may require additional support or teaching, including reminders, prompts and further explanation to reinforce their knowledge and understanding of online safety issues.

We are also committed to ensuring that all those who work with children and young people, including their parents/carers, are informed about the ever-changing risks so that they can take an active part in the safeguarding of children.

2.   Responsibilities

The Governing body: 

Governors are responsible for the approval of the online safety policy, ensuring it is disseminated to the wider school community and for reviewing the effectiveness of the policy. Chris Atherton is the named governor for online safety.

As part of their responsibilities in this area the governing Body will:

  • ensure that the statutory requirements of Keeping Children Safe in Education 2020 are complied with.
  • regularly review the staff behaviour policy (sometimes called the code of conduct) which amongst other things, includes acceptable use of technologies, staff/pupil relationships and communications including the use of social media
  • ensure that online safety training for staff is integrated, aligned and considered as part of the overarching safeguarding approach
  • ensure that the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead is trained in online safety issues and is aware of the potential for serious child protection issues that could arise through the use of ICT
  • ensure that children are taught about safeguarding, including online safety.
  • ensure that the school has in place policies and procedures on sexual harassment and peer on peer abuse that can occur online and offline.
  • ensure the appropriateness of any filters, monitoring and security systems
  • regularly monitor online safety incident logs and respond appropriately  to the identified needs
  • ensure the company who is hosting the schools website has enough security in place so it cannot be inappropriately accessed and to have an action plan if it is ‘hacked’ e.g who regular checks the website including during school holidays, who is the key contact if the website is hacked 

The Headteacher:

  • supporting the Governors to comply with the online safety aspects of the Keeping Children Safe in Education
  • supporting the Governors comply with the online safety aspects of the statutory regulations which have make the subjects of Relationships Education (for all primary pupils) and Relationships and Sex Education (for all secondary pupils) and Health Education (for all pupils) mandatory from September 2020.
  • the online safety of all members of the school community.
  • effective and regular training about online safety is provided for the whole school community  and a log is kept of the staff who complete the training 
  • invite governors to take part in online safety training and awareness sessions, with particular importance for those who are members of any committee or working group involved in ICT, online safety education or safeguarding. 
  • effective communication with parents/ carers about safe practices when using online technology’s and support them in talking to their children about these issues
  • that effective filtering, monitoring and security systems are set up
  • ensure that there are effective procedures in place in the event of an online safety allegation which are known and understood by all members of staff 
  • establish and review the school online safety policy and documents and make them available on the school website 
  • liaise with staff, ICT Technical staff, online safety governor, SLT and partner agencies on all issues related to online safety 
  • ensure that all staff are aware of the procedures that need to be followed in the event of an online safety incident taking place 
  • provide training and advice for staff and keep a log of staff who complete training about online issues
  • keep a log of staff, pupils and families who have signed the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for the safe use of technology
  • receive and respond to reports of online safety incidents and create a log of incidents and outcomes to inform future online safety developments 
  • co-ordinate and review online safety education programme in school
  • ensure all new staff receive online safety training as part of their induction programme, ensuring that they fully understand the school online safety policy, Acceptable Usage and Child Protection Policies.

The ICT technician:

  • ensure the school’s ICT infrastructure is secure and meets requirements for filtering and monitoring
  • that the school’s password policy is adhered to
  • ensure that the school’s filtering policy is applied and updated on a regular basis and that its implementation is not the sole responsibility of any single person
  • ensure that the use of the school’s ICT infrastructure (network, remote access, e-mail, VLE etc.) is regularly monitored in order that any misuse or attempted misuse can be reported to the named SLT for action. 


Keeping children Safe in Education 2020 states that the staff behaviour policy

(sometimes called the code of conduct) which should, amongst other things, include:

acceptable use of technologies, staff/pupil relationships and communications including

the use of social media. Alongside the Staff Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), all staff are

responsible for ensuring that: 

  • they have an up to date awareness of online safety matters and of the schools current online safety policy and practices
  • they adhere to any procedures and policies that are implemented to support remote learning for both staff and pupils and communication with parents / carers
  • they attend the training provided by the school about online safety and Online Safety
  • they have read, understood and signed the school Staff Acceptable Usage Policy (AUP)
  • do not ‘be-friend’ any pupil or pupil family member on social media in a social context whilst the pupil is at the school 
  • online safety issues are embedded in all aspects of the curriculum and other school activities 
  • they ensure that pupils understand and follow the school’s online safety and acceptable usage policies 
  • they ensure that pupils have a good understanding of research skills and the need to avoid plagiarism and uphold copyright regulations 
  • they monitor ICT activity in lessons, extracurricular and extended school activities
  • in lessons where Internet use is pre-planned, pupils should be guided to sites checked as suitable for their use and that processes are in place for dealing with any unsuitable material that is found in Internet searches.
  • they are aware that emails can be part of Freedom of Information requests so all correspondence needs to be professional, courtesy and  respectful
  • if confidential information / information under the data protection act is being sent by email it must be sent through the secure email system 


  • pupils are responsible for using the school ICT systems in accordance with the Pupil Acceptable Usage Policy, which they will be required to sign before being given access to school systems. Parents/carers will be required to read through and sign alongside their child’s signature.
  • they must adhere to any procedures that are implemented to support remote learning for both pupils and  staff 
  • pupils must report abuse, misuse or access to inappropriate materials and know how to do so.
  • should understand the importance of adopting good online safety practice when using digital technologies out of school and realise that the school’s online safety policy also covers their actions out of school, if related to their membership of the school or using equipment provided by the school.


Parents/Carers play a crucial role in ensuring that their children understand the need

to use the Internet/mobile devices in an appropriate way.

Parents and carers are responsible for: 

  • endorsing (by signature) the Pupil Acceptable Usage Policy and will alongside this sign the Parents/ Carers Acceptable Usage Policy
  • access the school website and correspond with the school in accordance with the Parents Acceptable Usage Policy. 
  • ensure that they do not use social media to criticise or make inappropriate comments about the school or an individual member of staff as making defamatory comments online has exactly the same legal consequences as if they are made directly to someone else. Similarly threats of violence can lead to criminal proceedings under the Malicious Communications Act. If as a parent/ carer they have any concerns about anything which happens in schools then please contact the school directly.
  1. Scope of policy

The policy applies to:

  • pupils
  • parents/carers
  • teaching and support staff
  • school governors
  • peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers, student teachers
  • visitors
  • volunteers
  • voluntary, statutory or community organisations using  the school's facilities

The school also works with partners and other providers to ensure that pupils who receive part of their education off site or who are on a school trip or residential are safe online.

The school provides online safety information for parents/carers, through the website, in newsletters and at events.  It is important that parents/carers understand their key role in supporting their child/ren to behave appropriately and keep themselves safe online.  

This policy, supported by its acceptable use agreements, is intended to protect the interests and safety of the whole school community.  It is linked to the following other school policies and documents: Child Protection , Information, Health and safety, Home–school agreement, Behaviour, Anti-bullying, Staff Code of Conduct, Safer Working Practice.

Policy and procedure

The school seeks to ensure that internet, mobile and digital technologies are used effectively, for their intended educational purpose, in ways that will not infringe legal requirements or create unnecessary risk.

The school expects everyone to use internet, mobile and digital technologies responsibly and strictly according to the conditions set out in this policy. This policy also includes expectations on appropriate online behaviour and use of technology outside of school for pupils, parents/carers, staff and governors and all other visitors to the school.

When applying this policy, the school will take account of any guidance issued by North Yorkshire. The most recent guidance can be found at: Online Safety Guidance for Schools in North Yorkshire Updated January 2021

Use of email

Staff and governors should use a school email account  for all official communication to ensure everyone is protected through the traceability of communication.  Under no circumstances should staff contact pupils, parents or conduct any school business using a personal email address.  Pupils may only use school approved accounts on the school system and only for educational purposes. Where required parent/carer permission will be obtained for the account to exist.  For advice on sharing personal or confidential information or the need to gain parent permission refer to the Informaiton Policy. Emails created or received as part of any school role will be subject to disclosure in response to a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Staff, governors and pupils should not open emails or attachments from suspect sources and should report their receipt to Mrs Chapman.

Users must not send emails which are offensive, embarrassing or upsetting to anyone (i.e. cyberbullying).

Visiting online sites and downloading

  • Staff must preview sites, software and apps before their use in school or before recommending them to pupils.  Before using any online service that requires user accounts to be created or the sharing of any personal data, staff must consult with the head teacher  with details of the site/service.  If internet research is set for homework, specific sites will be suggested that have previously been checked by the teacher.  All users must observe copyright of materials from electronic sources.
  • Staff must only use pre-approved systems if creating blogs, wikis or other online areas in order to communicate with pupils/ families.
  • When working with pupils searching for images should be done through Google Safe Search (standard through the NY service), Google Advanced Search or a similar application that provides greater safety than a standard search engine.

Users must not:

Visit internet sites, make, post, download, upload or pass on, material, remarks, proposals or comments that contain or relate to:

  • Indecent images of children actually or apparently under the age of 18 or images of child abuse (i.e. images of children, digital or cartoons, involved in sexual activity or posed to be sexually provocative)
  • Indecent images of vulnerable people over the age of 18 (i.e. images of vulnerable people, digital or cartoons involved in sexual activity or posed to be sexually provocative)
  • Adult material that breaches the Obscene Publications Act in the UK
  • Promoting discrimination of any kind in relation to the protected characteristics: gender identity and reassignment, gender/sex, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion, sexual orientation, age and marital status
  • Promoting hatred against any individual or group from the protected characteristics above
  • Promoting illegal acts including physical or sexual abuse of children or adults, violence, bomb making, drug and alcohol abuse and software piracy
  • Any material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute e.g. promotion of violence, gambling, libel and disrespect

Users must not:

  • Reveal or publicise confidential or proprietary information
  • Intentionally interfere with the normal operation of the internet connection, including the propagation of computer viruses
  • Transmit unsolicited commercial or advertising material either to other users, or to organisations connected to other networks except where permission has been given to the school
  • Use the school's hardware and Wi-Fi facilities for running a private business
  • Intimidate, threaten or cause harm to others
  • Access or interfere in any way with other users' accounts
  • Use software or hardware that has been prohibited by the school

  Only a school device may be used to conduct school business outside of school. The only exception would be where a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school for use on a personal device.

All breaches of prohibited behaviours detailed above will be investigated, where appropriate, in liaison with the police.

The school recognises that in certain planned curricular activities, access to controversial and/or offensive online content may be beneficial for educational use. In such circumstances, there is an expectation that access is pre-planned, risk assessed and recorded, and permission given by Mrs Prest.  

Storage of Images

Photographs and videos provide valuable evidence of pupils’ achievement and progress in a variety of contexts and can be used to celebrate the work of the school.  In line with GDPR they are used only with the written consent of parents/carers which is secured in the first instance on a child’s entry to the school. Records are kept on file and consent can be changed by parents/carers at any time. (See Information Policy for greater clarification).

Photographs and images of pupils are only stored on the school’s agreed secure networks which include some cloud based services.  Rights of access to stored images are restricted to approved staff as determined by Mrs Prest.  Staff and pupils may have temporary access to photographs taken during a class session, but these will be transferred/deleted promptly.

Parents/carers should note that there may be some children who are at risk and must not have their image put online and others who do not want their image online.  For these reasons parents/carers must follow the school’s Acceptable Use Agreement and refrain from posting online photographs of any member of the school community, other than their own child/ren.

Staff and other professionals working with pupils, must only use school equipment to record images of pupils whether on or off site. See also Information Policy.  

Use of personal mobile devices (including phones)

The school does not allow staff, including temporary and peripatetic staff, and visitors to use personal mobile phones and devices in the presence of pupils. Under no circumstance does the school allow a member of staff to contact a pupil or parent/carer using their personal device.

Parents/carers may not use personal mobile phones and devices in the school building unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities. Under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises or on off-site school events and activities of anyone other than their own child, unless there is a pre-specified permission from Mrs Prest.  

Year 6 pupils are allowed to bring personal mobile devices/phones to school but must hand them to the class teacher for storage during the day.  Under no circumstance should pupils use their personal mobile devices/phones to take images of

  • any other pupil unless they and their parents have given agreement in advance
  • any member of staff

The school is not responsible for the loss, damage or theft on school premises of any personal mobile device.

Users bringing personal devices into school must ensure there is no inappropriate or illegal content on the device.

  Personal mobiles must never be used to access school emails and data. The only       exception would be where a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school for use on a personal device.

New technological devices

New personal technological devices may offer opportunities for teaching and learning. However, the school must consider educational benefit and carry out risk assessment before use in school is allowed.  Parents/carers, pupils and staff should not assume that new technological devices will be allowed in school and should check with Mrs Prest before they are brought into school.  

Reporting incidents, abuse and inappropriate material

There may be occasions in school when either a pupil or an adult receives an offensive, abusive or inappropriate message or accidentally accesses upsetting or abusive material. When such a situation occurs the pupil or adult must report the incident immediately to the first available member of staff, or the headteacher.  Where such an incident may lead to significant harm, safeguarding procedures should be followed.  The school takes the reporting of such incidents seriously and where judged necessary, the DSL will refer details to social care or the police.

  1. Curriculum

Online safety is embedded within our curriculum. The school provides a comprehensive curriculum for online safety which enables pupils to become informed, safe and responsible. This includes teaching to prevent radicalisation, for which staff provide a narrative to counter extremism.

The curriculum is flexible and can respond to any immediate online safety issues and risks as they emerge.

It is necessary for pupils to develop skills of critical awareness, digital resilience and good online citizenship to enable them to use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely and responsibly.  Pupils are taught to recognise the creative, collaborative, cultural, economic and educational opportunities provided by the internet, mobile and digital technologies. Curriculum work will also include:

  • Understanding how to use the internet, mobile and digital technologies in a balanced and appropriate way to avoid negative impact on wellbeing, e.g. regulated screen time and diverse online activity
  • Learning how to develop a positive online reputation and enhance future opportunities e.g. in relationships and employment
  • Developing critical thinking skills in relation to online content e.g. recognising fake news and extremism, understanding commercial manipulation, maintaining an authentic sense of self that is resilient to online pressure, learning how easy it is to lie online (i.e. users may not be who they say they are and may have ulterior motives)
  • Understanding the dangers of giving out personal details online (e.g. full name, address, mobile/home phone numbers, school details, IM/email address) and the importance of maintaining maximum privacy online
  • Thinking carefully before placing images online and considering their appropriateness and understanding the importance of gaining consent before posting photographs of others
  • Understanding the permanency of all online postings and conversations
  • Understanding relevant legislation, including copyright, and the importance of respecting other people’s information, reputation and images
  • What constitutes cyberbullying, how to avoid it, the impact it has and how to access help.
  1. Staff and Governor Training

Staff and governors are trained to fulfil their roles in online safety. The school audits the training needs of all school staff and provides regular training to improve their knowledge and expertise in the safe and appropriate use of internet, mobile and digital technologies.  This training is recorded as part of safeguarding records.

New staff are provided with a copy of the online safety policy and must sign the school’s Acceptable Use Agreement as part of their induction and before having contact with pupils.

Any organisation working with children based on the school premises are also provided with a copy of the online safety policy and required to sign the Acceptable Use Agreement (Appendix B).

Volunteers, peripatetic staff (unless employed by NYCC services), student teachers and regular visitors are provided with a copy of the online safety policy and are required to sign the Acceptable Use Agreement (Appendix B).

  1. Working in Partnership with Parents/Carers

The school works closely with families to help ensure that children can use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely and responsibly both at home and school.  It is important that parents/carers understand the crucial role they play in this process. The school seeks to regularly consult and discuss online safety with parents/carers and seeks to promote a wide understanding of the benefits of new technologies and associated risks.  The school provides regular updated online safety information through the school website and by other means.

Parents/carers are asked to read, discuss and co-sign with each child the Acceptable Use Agreement whenever the online safety policy is reviewed.  A summary of key parent/carer responsibilities will also be provided and is available in Appendix F. The Acceptable Use Agreement explains the school’s expectations and pupil and parent/carer responsibilities. The support of parents/carers is essential to implement the online safety policy effectively and keep all children safe.

  1. Records, monitoring and review

The school recognises the need to record online safety incidents and to monitor and review policies and procedures regularly in order to ensure they are effective and that the risks to pupils and staff are minimised.

All breaches of this policy must be reported and all reported incidents will be logged on CPOMS. All staff have the individual responsibility to ensure that incidents have been correctly recorded, acted upon and reported.  An online safety incident recording format are provided in appendix H.

The school supports pupils and staff who have been affected by a policy breach. Where there is inappropriate or illegal use of internet, mobile and digital technologies, this will be dealt with under the school’s behaviour and disciplinary policies as appropriate.  Breaches may also lead to criminal or civil proceedings.

Governors receive termly summary data on recorded online safety incidents for monitoring purposes.  In addition governors ensure they have sufficient, quality information to enable them to make a judgement about the fitness for purpose of this policy on an annual basis.

  1. Appendices of the Online Safety Policy
  1. Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff, Governors and student teachers (on placement or on staff)
  2. Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers
  3. Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers working in the school (working directly with children or otherwise)
  4. Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils
  5. Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities
  6. Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents
  7. Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media
  8. Online safety incident reporting form

Appendix A - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff, Governors and student teachers (on placement or on staff)

You must read this agreement in conjunction with the online safety policy and the Information  policy.  Once you have read these, you must sign and submit this agreement and it will be kept on record in the school. You should retain your own copy for reference. This forms part of your professional and safeguarding responsibilities.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies are part of our daily working life and this agreement is designed to ensure that all staff and governors are aware of their responsibilities in relation to their use.  All staff and governors are expected to adhere to this agreement and to the online safety policy.  Any concerns or clarification should be discussed with Mrs Prest. Breaches will be investigated, recorded and, where appropriate, disciplinary procedures will apply and police involvement will be sought.

Internet Access

I will not access or attempt to access any sites that contain any of the following: child abuse; pornography; discrimination of any kind; promotion of prejudice against any group; promotion of illegal acts; any other information which may be illegal or offensive.  Inadvertent access on school equipment must be treated as an online safety incident, reported to the online safety lead and/or DSL and an incident report completed.

Online conduct

I will ensure that my online activity, both in and outside school, will not bring the school, my professional reputation, or that of others, into disrepute.

I will not browse, download, upload or distribute any material that could be considered offensive, illegal or discriminatory.  Exceptionally, use of controversial material as part of the curriculum should be planned and approved on every occasion (see policy). 

I will report any accidental access to or receipt of inappropriate materials or filtering breach to Mrs Prest.

I understand that all my use of the internet and other related technologies can be traced and monitored and, should it be required, must be made available to my line manager, headteacher and others as required.

I will not give out my personal contact and online account information such as phone numbers, email address, and social media account details to pupils and/or parents/carers.

Social networking

I understand the need to separate my professional role from my private friendships; in my professional capacity I will not become ‘friends’ with parents/carers or pupils on social networks. Where my school role is my only connection to an individual, private online contact is unacceptable with parents/carers or pupils. See also Staff Code of Conduct.

When using social networking for personal use I will ensure my settings are not public. My private account postings will never undermine or disparage the school, its staff, governors, parents/carers or pupils. Privileged information must remain confidential.


I understand that there is no occasion when a password should be shared with a pupil or anyone who is not a staff member without permission.

Data protection

I will follow requirements for data protection as outlined in the information policy.  These include:

  • Photographs must be kept securely and used appropriately, whether in school, taken off the school premises or accessed remotely
  • Personal data can only be taken out of school or accessed remotely when authorised by the headteacher or governing body
  • Personal or sensitive data taken off site must be encrypted

Images and videos

I will only upload images or videos of staff, pupils or parents/carers onto school approved sites where specific permission has been granted.

I will not take images, sound recordings or videos of school events or activities on any personal device.

 Use of email

I will use my school email address for all school business.  All such correspondence must be kept professional and is open to Subject Access Requests under the Freedom of Information Act.  I will not use my school email addresses for personal matters or non-school business.

Use of personal devices

I understand that as a member of staff I should at no time put myself in a position where a safeguarding allegation can be made against me as a result of my use of personal devices. I understand that the use of personal devices in school is at the discretion of the headteacher.

I will not access secure school information from personal devices unless a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school.

Additional hardware/software

I will not install any hardware or software on school equipment without permission of Mrs Prest.

Promoting online safety

I understand that online safety is the responsibility of all staff and governors and I will promote positive online safety messages at all times including when setting homework or providing pastoral support.

I understand that it is my duty to support a whole school safeguarding approach and will report any inappropriate or concerning behaviour (of other staff, governors, visitors, pupils or parents/carers) to the DSL or Mrs Prest.

Classroom management of internet access

I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites used in the classroom; this will include the acceptability of other material visible, however briefly, on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.

If I am using the internet to teach about controversial issues I will secure, on every occasion, approval in advance for the material I plan to use with Mrs Prest.

User signature

I agree to follow this Acceptable Use Agreement and to support online safety throughout the school.  I understand this forms part of the terms and conditions set out in my contract of employment (staff members only) and/or my responsibilities as a governor.

Signature …….………………….………… Date ……………………

Full Name …………………………………......................................... (printed)

Job title ……………………………………………………………………

Appendix B - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers

School name Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School

Online safety lead Fiona Prest

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Fiona Prest

This agreement forms part of your professional and safeguarding responsibility in the school.  You must read and sign this agreement.  This will be kept on record and you should retain your own copy for reference.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies are part of our daily working life and this agreement is designed to ensure that all staff and governors are aware of their responsibilities in relation to their use. You are expected to adhere to this agreement.  Any concerns or clarification should be discussed with Mrs Prest. Breaches will be investigated, recorded and, where appropriate, disciplinary procedures will apply and police involvement will be sought.

The school’s online safety policy will provide further detailed information as required.

Internet Access

I will not access or attempt to access any sites that contain any of the following: child abuse; pornography; discrimination of any kind; promotion of prejudice against any group; promotion of illegal acts; any other information which may be illegal or offensive.  Inadvertent access on school equipment must be treated as an online safety incident, reported to the online safety lead and/or DSL and an incident report completed.

Online conduct

I will ensure that my online activity, both in and outside school, will not bring the school, my professional reputation, or that of others, into disrepute.

I will not browse, download, upload or distribute any material that could be considered offensive, illegal or discriminatory.  Exceptionally, use of controversial material as part of the curriculum should be planned and approved on every occasion (see policy). 

I will report any accidental access to or receipt of inappropriate materials or filtering breach to Mrs Prest.

I understand that all my use of the internet and other related technologies can be traced and monitored and, should it be required, must be made available to my line manager, headteacher and others as required.

I will not give out my personal contact and online account information such as phone numbers, email address, and social media account details to pupils and/or parents/carers.

Should I need to share my professional details, such as mobile phone number or email address, with parent/carers, this must be agreed in advance as an acceptable approach with Mrs Prest.

Social networking

I understand the need to separate my professional role from my private friendships; in my professional capacity I will not become ‘friends’ with parents/carers or pupils on social networks. Where my school role is my only connection to an individual, private online contact is unacceptable with parents/carers or pupils.

Information can be shared with pupils over 13 and parents/carers through an organisational social network site/page e.g. on Facebook or Twitter, but never through a personal account or site. In my professional role in the school, I will never engage in 1-1 exchanges with pupils or parent/carers on personal social network sites.

My private account postings will never undermine or disparage the school, its staff, governors, parents/carers or pupils.  Privileged information known as a result of my work in the school must remain confidential.  

I will not upload any material about or references to the school or its community on my personal social networks.


I must clarify what access I may have to the internet and/or school systems.  If I have access of any kind, I understand that there is no occasion when a password should be shared with a pupil or anyone who is not a staff member. 

Data protection

I will follow all requirements for data protection explained to me by the school.  These include:

  • I must consult with the school before making any recordings, photographs and videos. Once agreed, these must be made on a school device.
  • I understand that there are strict controls and requirements regarding the collection and use of personal data. I will follow all requirements regarding GDPR.

Images and videos

I will only upload images or videos of staff, pupils or parents/carers onto school approved sites where specific permission has been granted.

I will not take images, sound recordings or videos of tuition or wider school activities on any personal device. School devices can be used for this purpose or, in the case of 1:1 tuition, pupil’s or parent/carer devices can be used, with parent/carer agreement.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies provide helpful recording functions but these cannot be made on a teacher’s personal device.  Recordings can be made with the child’s and parent/carer’s agreement on a school device, an organisational device approved by the headteacher/DSL, or a young person’s or parent/carer’s own device.

Use of Email

I will use my professional or formal student email address for all school business.  All such correspondence should be kept professional and is open to Subject Access Requests under the Freedom of Information Act. I will not use my professional email addresses for personal matters.

Use of personal devices

I understand that when working in the school I should at no time put myself in a position where a safeguarding allegation can be made against me as a result of my use of personal devices. I understand that the use of personal devices in school is at the discretion of the headteacher.

I will only use approved personal devices when not with pupils. This therefore precludes use of specialist apps on personal devices.  A school device could be used to access specialist apps that support pupil learning.  

Additional hardware/software

I will not install any hardware or software on school equipment without permission of Mrs Prest.

Promoting online safety

I understand that online safety is part of my responsibility and I will promote positive online safety messages at all times, including when setting homework, rehearsal or skill practice or when providing pastoral support.

I understand that it is my duty to support a whole school safeguarding approach and will report any behaviour (of staff, governors, visitors, pupils or parents/carers) which I believe may be inappropriate or concerning in any way to the DSL or Mrs Prest.

Classroom management of internet access

I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites used in the classroom; this will include the acceptability of other material visible, however briefly, on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.

If I am using the internet to teach about controversial issues I will secure, on every occasion, approval in advance for the material I plan to use with Mrs Prest.

User Signature

I agree to follow this Acceptable Use Agreement and to support online safety in my work in the school.  I understand this forms part of my company/educational setting/organisation’s contract with the school.

Signature …….………………….…………….…      Date ……………………

Full Name ………………………………….................................................... (Please use block capitals)

Job Title/Role …………………………………..…………………..……………

Appendix C - Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers

(Working directly with children or otherwise)

School name……Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School ………………………………..…..

Online safety lead …Mrs Prest……………………………..…

DSL …Mrs Prest……………………………………………..…..

This document is designed to ensure that you are aware of your responsibilities when using any form of IT in the school and other aspects of safeguarding in connection with online safety.

Please raise any safeguarding concerns arising from your visit immediately with the headteacher and/or DSL

  • I understand I may not use my personal mobile phone(s) and other devices with camera functions in front of children.   Any exception must be pre-arranged.
  • I will not take images, sound recording or videos of school events or activities, on or off site, on any device.  Any possible exception must be pre-arranged.
  • I will not give out my personal details such as mobile phone number, email address, and social media account details to pupils and parent/carers.  Where appropriate I may share my professional contact details with parents/carers provided the DSL or headteacher is informed before I leave the school.
  • I understand my visit to the school may give me access to privileged information about pupils, staff, school systems and plans.  Such information should never be shared online, including on social media sites.
  • I understand I should not use school equipment to access the internet without prior approval from my contact in the school or the headteacher.
  • If working in the classroom, I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites I intend to use including checking the acceptability of other material visible on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.  If I am in any doubt about the appropriateness of the content I plan to use I will check with my contact in the school.

Appendix D - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils

 My online safety rules

  • I will only use school IT equipment for activities agreed by school staff.
  • I will not use my personal email address or other personal accounts in school when doing school work.
  • I will not sign up for any online service on school devices unless this is an agreed part of a school project approved by my teacher and agreed by my parent/carer.
  • I will only open email attachments if it has been approved by a member of school staff in school or a parent/carer out of school.
  • In school I will only open or delete my files when told by a member of staff.
  • I will not tell anyone other than my parents/carers my passwords. I will not use other people’s usernames or passwords to pretend to be them online.
  • I will make sure that all online contact I make is responsible, polite and sensible. I will be kind and respectful at all times.
  • If I come across anything upsetting, unpleasant or nasty, or anything that makes me feel unsafe, I will tell my teacher or my parent/carer immediately.
  • If someone says, asks or posts about me anything upsetting, unpleasant or nasty, or anything that makes me feel unsafe, I will not reply. I will tell my teacher or my parent/carer immediately. 
  • I will not give out my own or other people’s personal information, including: name, phone number, home address, interests, schools or clubs.  I will tell my teacher or parent/carer if anyone asks me online for personal information.
  • Uploading or sending my image (photographs, videos, live streaming) online puts me at risk.  I will always seek permission from my teacher or parent/carer if I wish to do this.  I will not take, share or upload any image of anyone else without their permission and also, if they are a child, without their parent’s/carer’s permission.
  • Even if I have permission, I will not upload any images, videos, sounds or words that could upset, now or in the future, any member of the school community, as this is cyberbullying.
  • I understand that some people on the internet are not who they say they are and some people are not safe to be in contact with.  I will not arrange to meet someone I only know on the internet. If someone asks to meet me, I will not reply to them and I will tell a teacher or a parent/carer immediately.
  • I understand that everything I do or receive online can be traced now and in the future. I know it is important to build a good online reputation.  
  • I understand that some personal devices are allowed in school and some are not, and I will follow the rules.  I will not assume that new devices can be brought into school without getting permission.
  • I will not lie about my age in order to access games, apps or social networks that are for older people as this will put me at risk.
  • I understand that these rules are designed to keep me safe now and in the future.  If I break the rules my teachers will look into it and may need to take action.

Name ……………………………

Signed ………………………………….

Date ………………………………………

Dear Parent/Carer,

The internet, email, mobile technologies and online resources have become an important part of learning and life.   We want all children to be safe and responsible when using any IT.  It is essential that children are aware of online risk, know how to stay safe and know where to go to report problems or to get help.

Please read through these online safety rules with your child/ren and talk with them to ensure they understand their importance and what it means for them (and for you).  When you have done this, you both need to sign this agreement to say that you agree to follow the rules.  Any concerns or explanation can be discussed with Mrs Prest. 

Please return the signed sections of this form which will be kept on record at the school.

Pupil agreement

Pupil name………………………………………

This agreement is to keep me safe. I have discussed this agreement with my parents/carers and understand the commitment I have made and my responsibilities.

Pupil signature……………………………………………………………………..

Parent(s)/Carer(s) agreement

Parent(s)/Carer(s) name(s)………………………………………………

I/we have discussed this agreement, which highlights the associated risks when accessing the internet, mobile and digital technologies, with our child/ren.  I/we agree to support them in following the terms of this agreement.

I/we also agree not to share school related information or images online or post material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute.

(Rather than posting negative material online, any parent, distressed or concerned about an aspect of school should make immediate contact with a member of staff.  Negative postings about the school would impact on the reputation of the whole school community.  Parents are encouraged to report breaches so that we can protect the reputation of the school, staff, pupils and parents).

I/we also agree only to use personal mobile phones and devices in designated areas of the school unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities.  I/we understand that under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises of anyone other than our own child/ren, unless there is a pre-specified agreement.  I/we understand that when on school premises, but not in a designated area where phones can be used, they must be switched off and out of sight.

I/we agree that if I take digital or video images at, or of – school events which include images of children, other than my own, these images will not be published / made publicly available on social networking sites.

Parent(s)/Carer(s) agreement

Parent(s)/Carer(s) name(s)……………………………………………………….

Parent/carer signature………………………………………..

Date ………………………………………………………….…

Appendix E - Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities

The school provides online safety information for parents/carers, through the website, in newsletters and at events.  It is important that parents/carers understand their key role in supporting children to behave appropriately and keep themselves safe online.

The online safety policy, supported by its acceptable use agreements, is intended to protect the interests and safety of the whole school community.

  • Parents/carers are required to support their child in understanding and signing the Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement for pupils.
  • Parents/carers may not use personal mobile phones and devices in the school unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities.  Under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises that include anyone other than their own child, unless there is a pre-specified agreement with individuals and parents/carers. If  a digital or video images is taken at, or of – school events which include images of children, other than their own, these images will not be published / made publicly available on social networking sites.
  • Parents/carers should not assume that pupils can bring technological devices to school and should always check the school policy.
  • All cyberbullying incidents affecting children in the school should be reported immediately.  (If the incident involves an indecent image of a child the report must also be made immediately to the police for your own protection.) The school will investigate and respond to all reported cyberbullying incidents, liaising with others where appropriate.  No reply should ever be sent to the sender/poster of cyberbullying content. If applicable block the sender and report abuse to the site. Evidence should be retained and shown in school and/or to the police.  Evidence should not be forwarded.
  • The school may choose to set up social media sites, blogs or have some other online presence in its own name.  Parents/carers, however, do not have the right to set up any site, page, chat group or any other online presence that uses the school name or logo in any form unless agreed by the head teacher.
  • Any parent/carer, distressed or concerned about an aspect of school should make immediate contact with a member of staff rather than posting their concerns online.  Parents/carers should not share school related information or images online or post material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute.  Negative postings about the school would impact on the reputation of the whole school community.  Parents/carers are encouraged to report breaches so that we can protect the reputation of the school, staff, pupils and parents/carers.

Please see the full online safety policy in the policies section on the school website.

Appendix F - Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents

All cyberbullying incidents should be reported and responded to.  Where the perpetrator is a member of the school community the majority of cases can be dealt with through mediation and/or disciplinary processes.  

The following procedures are recommended:

  • Never reply to the sender/poster of cyberbullying content.  If applicable, block the sender.
  • Incidents should be reported immediately.  Pupils should report to a member of staff (e.g. class teacher, headteacher) and staff members should seek support from their line manager or a senior member of staff.
  • The person reporting the cyberbullying should save the evidence and record the time and date.  This evidence must not be forwarded but must be available to show at a meeting.  Under no circumstances should indecent images of children and young people be printed or forwarded as this is a further criminal act.  Staff should not ask to see the evidence of reported indecent images of children or young people but must refer this immediately to the police.  Any member of staff being shown such evidence should immediately inform their line manager or the headteacher so that the circumstances can be recorded.
  • A senior member of staff will meet with the person who has reported the incident and the target, if different, to listen, reassure and support.  All relevant facts will be reviewed and documented.
  • A senior member of staff will conduct an investigation.
  • Anyone found to have cyberbullied will have attention drawn to the seriousness of their behaviour and if necessary the police will be involved.  If the comments are threatening, abusive, sexist, of a sexual nature, constitute a hate crime or are libellous they may well break the law. Online harassment and stalking is also a crime.
  • Once evidence has been secured then the person who has cyberbullied will be requested to remove the offending comments/material.  Any refusal will lead to an escalation of sanctions.

Appendix G - Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media

The school should make it clear which, if any, social media platforms are used to communicate with parents/carers.  If used correctly, parents can use a school’s social media site as a source of reliable information.  The online safety policy, see especially Appendix E (Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities), clarifies that no other social media platforms should be set up using the school’s name or logo.

The school should regularly reinforce with all parties that discussion of school issues on social media platforms, either positive or negative, should not take place as this could bring the school into disrepute and affect families and children.  Parents should be encouraged to be good online role models and not post statements written in anger or frustration.  Identified routes to raise concerns directly with the school should be used.

If negative comments are posted:

  • Collect the facts

As soon as you become aware of adverse comments relating to the school you need to establish what is being said.  It is essential that if you have access to the postings they are secured and retained together with any other evidence.  Do not become engaged in responding directly.

If the allegations against a member of staff or a pupil are of a serious nature, these will need to be formally investigated.  This may involve the police and the headteacher will need to follow the school’s safeguarding procedures.

If there is a risk of serious damage to the school reputation or the reputation of individual members of staff, professional legal advice should be sought. 

Adverse comments of any kind are highly demotivating and cause stress and anxiety.  It is important that the senior staff reassure and support all staff and/or other affected members of the school community.

  • Addressing negative comments and complaints

Contact the complainants and invite them to a meeting.  In the meeting, make sure you have any evidence available.

The meeting must:

  • Draw attention to the seriousness and impact of the actions/postings;
  • Ask for the offending remarks to be removed;
  • Explore the complainant’s grievance;
  • Agree next steps;
  • Clarify the correct complaints procedures.

If the meeting does not resolve the issue, the parents must be informed that the school will need to take the matter further. This may include:

  • Reporting the matter to the social network site if it breaches their rules or breaks the law;
  • Reporting the matter to the police if it breaks the law, e.g. if the comments are threatening, abusive, malicious, sexist, of a sexual nature, constitute a hate crime or are libellous they may well break the law.  Online harassment and stalking is also a crime.

If inappropriate postings continue or the original material is not removed, a second meeting is advisable to re-iterate the seriousness of the matter.

Appendix H - Online safety incident reporting form

Any member of the school community can raise a concern about an online safety incident. If you have witnessed or experienced an incident please complete the form below to help us to address the issue.  It is important that you provide as much detail as possible.  Once completed please hand this report to Mrs Prest.

Name of person reporting incident:


Date you are completing this form:

Where did the incident take place:

Inside school?

Outside school?

Date of incident(s):

Time of incident(s):

Who was involved in the incident(s)?

Full names and/or contact details

Children/young people

Staff member(s)


Other, please specify

Type of incident(s) (indicate as many as apply)

Accessing age inappropriate websites, apps and social media

Accessing someone else’s account without permission

Forwarding/spreading chain messages or threatening material

Posting images without permission of all involved

Online bullying or harassment (cyber bullying)

Posting material that will bring an  individual or the school into disrepute

Racist, sexist, homophobic, religious or other hate material

Online gambling

Sexting/Child abuse images

Deliberately bypassing security


Hacking or spreading viruses

Accessing, sharing or creating pornographic images and media

Accessing and/or sharing terrorist material

Accessing, sharing or creating violent images and media

Drug/bomb making material

Creating an account in someone else’s name to bring them into disrepute

Breaching copyright regulations

Other breach of acceptable use agreement, please specify

Full description of the incident

What, when, where, how?

Name all social media involved

Specify: Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp, Snapchat, Instagram etc

Evidence of the incident

Specify any evidence available but do not attach.

Thank you for completing and submitting this form.

Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School



Online Safety

Including Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreements


Adopted: March 2019

Reviewed and updated: March 2021

Next review date: March 2023


1.    Introduction. 2

2.    Responsibilities. 3

3.    Scope of policy. 3

4.    Policy and procedure. 4

Use of email 4

Visiting online sites and downloading. 4

Storage of Images. 6

Use of personal mobile devices (including phones) 6

New technological devices. 7

Reporting incidents, abuse and inappropriate material 7

5.    Curriculum.. 7

6.    Staff and Governor Training. 8

7.    Working in Partnership with Parents/Carers. 9

8.    Records, monitoring and review.. 9

9.    Appendices of the Online Safety Policy. 9

Appendix A -Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff ,Governors,student teachers. 11

Appendix B - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches and supply teachers. 14

Appendix C - Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers. 17

Appendix D - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils. 18

Appendix E - Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities. 21

Appendix F - Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents. 22

Appendix G - Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media. 23

Appendix H - Online safety incident reporting form.. 25


  1. Introduction

Embsay school recognises that internet, mobile and digital technologies provide a good opportunity for children and young people to learn, socialise and play, provided they are safe. The digital world is an amazing place, but with few rules.  It is vast and fast moving and young people’s future economic success may be partly dependent on their online skills and reputation.  We are, therefore, committed to ensuring that all pupils, staff and governors will be able to use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely.  This is part of our safeguarding responsibility.  Staff are aware that some pupils may require additional support or teaching, including reminders, prompts and further explanation to reinforce their knowledge and understanding of online safety issues.

We are also committed to ensuring that all those who work with children and young people, including their parents/carers, are informed about the ever-changing risks so that they can take an active part in the safeguarding of children.

2.   Responsibilities

The Governing body: 

Governors are responsible for the approval of the online safety policy, ensuring it is disseminated to the wider school community and for reviewing the effectiveness of the policy. Chris Atherton is the named governor for online safety.

As part of their responsibilities in this area the governing Body will:

  • ensure that the statutory requirements of Keeping Children Safe in Education 2020 are complied with.
  • regularly review the staff behaviour policy (sometimes called the code of conduct) which amongst other things, includes acceptable use of technologies, staff/pupil relationships and communications including the use of social media
  • ensure that online safety training for staff is integrated, aligned and considered as part of the overarching safeguarding approach
  • ensure that the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead is trained in online safety issues and is aware of the potential for serious child protection issues that could arise through the use of ICT
  • ensure that children are taught about safeguarding, including online safety.
  • ensure that the school has in place policies and procedures on sexual harassment and peer on peer abuse that can occur online and offline.
  • ensure the appropriateness of any filters, monitoring and security systems
  • regularly monitor online safety incident logs and respond appropriately  to the identified needs
  • ensure the company who is hosting the schools website has enough security in place so it cannot be inappropriately accessed and to have an action plan if it is ‘hacked’ e.g who regular checks the website including during school holidays, who is the key contact if the website is hacked 

The Headteacher:

  • supporting the Governors to comply with the online safety aspects of the Keeping Children Safe in Education
  • supporting the Governors comply with the online safety aspects of the statutory regulations which have make the subjects of Relationships Education (for all primary pupils) and Relationships and Sex Education (for all secondary pupils) and Health Education (for all pupils) mandatory from September 2020.
  • the online safety of all members of the school community.
  • effective and regular training about online safety is provided for the whole school community  and a log is kept of the staff who complete the training 
  • invite governors to take part in online safety training and awareness sessions, with particular importance for those who are members of any committee or working group involved in ICT, online safety education or safeguarding. 
  • effective communication with parents/ carers about safe practices when using online technology’s and support them in talking to their children about these issues
  • that effective filtering, monitoring and security systems are set up
  • ensure that there are effective procedures in place in the event of an online safety allegation which are known and understood by all members of staff 
  • establish and review the school online safety policy and documents and make them available on the school website 
  • liaise with staff, ICT Technical staff, online safety governor, SLT and partner agencies on all issues related to online safety 
  • ensure that all staff are aware of the procedures that need to be followed in the event of an online safety incident taking place 
  • provide training and advice for staff and keep a log of staff who complete training about online issues
  • keep a log of staff, pupils and families who have signed the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for the safe use of technology
  • receive and respond to reports of online safety incidents and create a log of incidents and outcomes to inform future online safety developments 
  • co-ordinate and review online safety education programme in school
  • ensure all new staff receive online safety training as part of their induction programme, ensuring that they fully understand the school online safety policy, Acceptable Usage and Child Protection Policies.

The ICT technician:

  • ensure the school’s ICT infrastructure is secure and meets requirements for filtering and monitoring
  • that the school’s password policy is adhered to
  • ensure that the school’s filtering policy is applied and updated on a regular basis and that its implementation is not the sole responsibility of any single person
  • ensure that the use of the school’s ICT infrastructure (network, remote access, e-mail, VLE etc.) is regularly monitored in order that any misuse or attempted misuse can be reported to the named SLT for action. 


Keeping children Safe in Education 2020 states that the staff behaviour policy

(sometimes called the code of conduct) which should, amongst other things, include:

acceptable use of technologies, staff/pupil relationships and communications including

the use of social media. Alongside the Staff Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), all staff are

responsible for ensuring that: 

  • they have an up to date awareness of online safety matters and of the schools current online safety policy and practices
  • they adhere to any procedures and policies that are implemented to support remote learning for both staff and pupils and communication with parents / carers
  • they attend the training provided by the school about online safety and Online Safety
  • they have read, understood and signed the school Staff Acceptable Usage Policy (AUP)
  • do not ‘be-friend’ any pupil or pupil family member on social media in a social context whilst the pupil is at the school 
  • online safety issues are embedded in all aspects of the curriculum and other school activities 
  • they ensure that pupils understand and follow the school’s online safety and acceptable usage policies 
  • they ensure that pupils have a good understanding of research skills and the need to avoid plagiarism and uphold copyright regulations 
  • they monitor ICT activity in lessons, extracurricular and extended school activities
  • in lessons where Internet use is pre-planned, pupils should be guided to sites checked as suitable for their use and that processes are in place for dealing with any unsuitable material that is found in Internet searches.
  • they are aware that emails can be part of Freedom of Information requests so all correspondence needs to be professional, courtesy and  respectful
  • if confidential information / information under the data protection act is being sent by email it must be sent through the secure email system 


  • pupils are responsible for using the school ICT systems in accordance with the Pupil Acceptable Usage Policy, which they will be required to sign before being given access to school systems. Parents/carers will be required to read through and sign alongside their child’s signature.
  • they must adhere to any procedures that are implemented to support remote learning for both pupils and  staff 
  • pupils must report abuse, misuse or access to inappropriate materials and know how to do so.
  • should understand the importance of adopting good online safety practice when using digital technologies out of school and realise that the school’s online safety policy also covers their actions out of school, if related to their membership of the school or using equipment provided by the school.


Parents/Carers play a crucial role in ensuring that their children understand the need

to use the Internet/mobile devices in an appropriate way.

Parents and carers are responsible for: 

  • endorsing (by signature) the Pupil Acceptable Usage Policy and will alongside this sign the Parents/ Carers Acceptable Usage Policy
  • access the school website and correspond with the school in accordance with the Parents Acceptable Usage Policy. 
  • ensure that they do not use social media to criticise or make inappropriate comments about the school or an individual member of staff as making defamatory comments online has exactly the same legal consequences as if they are made directly to someone else. Similarly threats of violence can lead to criminal proceedings under the Malicious Communications Act. If as a parent/ carer they have any concerns about anything which happens in schools then please contact the school directly.
  1. Scope of policy

The policy applies to:

  • pupils
  • parents/carers
  • teaching and support staff
  • school governors
  • peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers, student teachers
  • visitors
  • volunteers
  • voluntary, statutory or community organisations using  the school's facilities

The school also works with partners and other providers to ensure that pupils who receive part of their education off site or who are on a school trip or residential are safe online.

The school provides online safety information for parents/carers, through the website, in newsletters and at events.  It is important that parents/carers understand their key role in supporting their child/ren to behave appropriately and keep themselves safe online.  

This policy, supported by its acceptable use agreements, is intended to protect the interests and safety of the whole school community.  It is linked to the following other school policies and documents: Child Protection , Information, Health and safety, Home–school agreement, Behaviour, Anti-bullying, Staff Code of Conduct, Safer Working Practice.

Policy and procedure

The school seeks to ensure that internet, mobile and digital technologies are used effectively, for their intended educational purpose, in ways that will not infringe legal requirements or create unnecessary risk.

The school expects everyone to use internet, mobile and digital technologies responsibly and strictly according to the conditions set out in this policy. This policy also includes expectations on appropriate online behaviour and use of technology outside of school for pupils, parents/carers, staff and governors and all other visitors to the school.

When applying this policy, the school will take account of any guidance issued by North Yorkshire. The most recent guidance can be found at: Online Safety Guidance for Schools in North Yorkshire Updated January 2021

Use of email

Staff and governors should use a school email account  for all official communication to ensure everyone is protected through the traceability of communication.  Under no circumstances should staff contact pupils, parents or conduct any school business using a personal email address.  Pupils may only use school approved accounts on the school system and only for educational purposes. Where required parent/carer permission will be obtained for the account to exist.  For advice on sharing personal or confidential information or the need to gain parent permission refer to the Informaiton Policy. Emails created or received as part of any school role will be subject to disclosure in response to a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Staff, governors and pupils should not open emails or attachments from suspect sources and should report their receipt to Mrs Chapman.

Users must not send emails which are offensive, embarrassing or upsetting to anyone (i.e. cyberbullying).

Visiting online sites and downloading

  • Staff must preview sites, software and apps before their use in school or before recommending them to pupils.  Before using any online service that requires user accounts to be created or the sharing of any personal data, staff must consult with the head teacher  with details of the site/service.  If internet research is set for homework, specific sites will be suggested that have previously been checked by the teacher.  All users must observe copyright of materials from electronic sources.
  • Staff must only use pre-approved systems if creating blogs, wikis or other online areas in order to communicate with pupils/ families.
  • When working with pupils searching for images should be done through Google Safe Search (standard through the NY service), Google Advanced Search or a similar application that provides greater safety than a standard search engine.

Users must not:

Visit internet sites, make, post, download, upload or pass on, material, remarks, proposals or comments that contain or relate to:

  • Indecent images of children actually or apparently under the age of 18 or images of child abuse (i.e. images of children, digital or cartoons, involved in sexual activity or posed to be sexually provocative)
  • Indecent images of vulnerable people over the age of 18 (i.e. images of vulnerable people, digital or cartoons involved in sexual activity or posed to be sexually provocative)
  • Adult material that breaches the Obscene Publications Act in the UK
  • Promoting discrimination of any kind in relation to the protected characteristics: gender identity and reassignment, gender/sex, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion, sexual orientation, age and marital status
  • Promoting hatred against any individual or group from the protected characteristics above
  • Promoting illegal acts including physical or sexual abuse of children or adults, violence, bomb making, drug and alcohol abuse and software piracy
  • Any material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute e.g. promotion of violence, gambling, libel and disrespect

Users must not:

  • Reveal or publicise confidential or proprietary information
  • Intentionally interfere with the normal operation of the internet connection, including the propagation of computer viruses
  • Transmit unsolicited commercial or advertising material either to other users, or to organisations connected to other networks except where permission has been given to the school
  • Use the school's hardware and Wi-Fi facilities for running a private business
  • Intimidate, threaten or cause harm to others
  • Access or interfere in any way with other users' accounts
  • Use software or hardware that has been prohibited by the school

  Only a school device may be used to conduct school business outside of school. The only exception would be where a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school for use on a personal device.

All breaches of prohibited behaviours detailed above will be investigated, where appropriate, in liaison with the police.

The school recognises that in certain planned curricular activities, access to controversial and/or offensive online content may be beneficial for educational use. In such circumstances, there is an expectation that access is pre-planned, risk assessed and recorded, and permission given by Mrs Prest.  

Storage of Images

Photographs and videos provide valuable evidence of pupils’ achievement and progress in a variety of contexts and can be used to celebrate the work of the school.  In line with GDPR they are used only with the written consent of parents/carers which is secured in the first instance on a child’s entry to the school. Records are kept on file and consent can be changed by parents/carers at any time. (See Information Policy for greater clarification).

Photographs and images of pupils are only stored on the school’s agreed secure networks which include some cloud based services.  Rights of access to stored images are restricted to approved staff as determined by Mrs Prest.  Staff and pupils may have temporary access to photographs taken during a class session, but these will be transferred/deleted promptly.

Parents/carers should note that there may be some children who are at risk and must not have their image put online and others who do not want their image online.  For these reasons parents/carers must follow the school’s Acceptable Use Agreement and refrain from posting online photographs of any member of the school community, other than their own child/ren.

Staff and other professionals working with pupils, must only use school equipment to record images of pupils whether on or off site. See also Information Policy.  

Use of personal mobile devices (including phones)

The school does not allow staff, including temporary and peripatetic staff, and visitors to use personal mobile phones and devices in the presence of pupils. Under no circumstance does the school allow a member of staff to contact a pupil or parent/carer using their personal device.

Parents/carers may not use personal mobile phones and devices in the school building unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities. Under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises or on off-site school events and activities of anyone other than their own child, unless there is a pre-specified permission from Mrs Prest.  

Year 6 pupils are allowed to bring personal mobile devices/phones to school but must hand them to the class teacher for storage during the day.  Under no circumstance should pupils use their personal mobile devices/phones to take images of

  • any other pupil unless they and their parents have given agreement in advance
  • any member of staff

The school is not responsible for the loss, damage or theft on school premises of any personal mobile device.

Users bringing personal devices into school must ensure there is no inappropriate or illegal content on the device.

  Personal mobiles must never be used to access school emails and data. The only       exception would be where a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school for use on a personal device.

New technological devices

New personal technological devices may offer opportunities for teaching and learning. However, the school must consider educational benefit and carry out risk assessment before use in school is allowed.  Parents/carers, pupils and staff should not assume that new technological devices will be allowed in school and should check with Mrs Prest before they are brought into school.  

Reporting incidents, abuse and inappropriate material

There may be occasions in school when either a pupil or an adult receives an offensive, abusive or inappropriate message or accidentally accesses upsetting or abusive material. When such a situation occurs the pupil or adult must report the incident immediately to the first available member of staff, or the headteacher.  Where such an incident may lead to significant harm, safeguarding procedures should be followed.  The school takes the reporting of such incidents seriously and where judged necessary, the DSL will refer details to social care or the police.

  1. Curriculum

Online safety is embedded within our curriculum. The school provides a comprehensive curriculum for online safety which enables pupils to become informed, safe and responsible. This includes teaching to prevent radicalisation, for which staff provide a narrative to counter extremism.

The curriculum is flexible and can respond to any immediate online safety issues and risks as they emerge.

It is necessary for pupils to develop skills of critical awareness, digital resilience and good online citizenship to enable them to use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely and responsibly.  Pupils are taught to recognise the creative, collaborative, cultural, economic and educational opportunities provided by the internet, mobile and digital technologies. Curriculum work will also include:

  • Understanding how to use the internet, mobile and digital technologies in a balanced and appropriate way to avoid negative impact on wellbeing, e.g. regulated screen time and diverse online activity
  • Learning how to develop a positive online reputation and enhance future opportunities e.g. in relationships and employment
  • Developing critical thinking skills in relation to online content e.g. recognising fake news and extremism, understanding commercial manipulation, maintaining an authentic sense of self that is resilient to online pressure, learning how easy it is to lie online (i.e. users may not be who they say they are and may have ulterior motives)
  • Understanding the dangers of giving out personal details online (e.g. full name, address, mobile/home phone numbers, school details, IM/email address) and the importance of maintaining maximum privacy online
  • Thinking carefully before placing images online and considering their appropriateness and understanding the importance of gaining consent before posting photographs of others
  • Understanding the permanency of all online postings and conversations
  • Understanding relevant legislation, including copyright, and the importance of respecting other people’s information, reputation and images
  • What constitutes cyberbullying, how to avoid it, the impact it has and how to access help.
  1. Staff and Governor Training

Staff and governors are trained to fulfil their roles in online safety. The school audits the training needs of all school staff and provides regular training to improve their knowledge and expertise in the safe and appropriate use of internet, mobile and digital technologies.  This training is recorded as part of safeguarding records.

New staff are provided with a copy of the online safety policy and must sign the school’s Acceptable Use Agreement as part of their induction and before having contact with pupils.

Any organisation working with children based on the school premises are also provided with a copy of the online safety policy and required to sign the Acceptable Use Agreement (Appendix B).

Volunteers, peripatetic staff (unless employed by NYCC services), student teachers and regular visitors are provided with a copy of the online safety policy and are required to sign the Acceptable Use Agreement (Appendix B).

  1. Working in Partnership with Parents/Carers

The school works closely with families to help ensure that children can use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely and responsibly both at home and school.  It is important that parents/carers understand the crucial role they play in this process. The school seeks to regularly consult and discuss online safety with parents/carers and seeks to promote a wide understanding of the benefits of new technologies and associated risks.  The school provides regular updated online safety information through the school website and by other means.

Parents/carers are asked to read, discuss and co-sign with each child the Acceptable Use Agreement whenever the online safety policy is reviewed.  A summary of key parent/carer responsibilities will also be provided and is available in Appendix F. The Acceptable Use Agreement explains the school’s expectations and pupil and parent/carer responsibilities. The support of parents/carers is essential to implement the online safety policy effectively and keep all children safe.

  1. Records, monitoring and review

The school recognises the need to record online safety incidents and to monitor and review policies and procedures regularly in order to ensure they are effective and that the risks to pupils and staff are minimised.

All breaches of this policy must be reported and all reported incidents will be logged on CPOMS. All staff have the individual responsibility to ensure that incidents have been correctly recorded, acted upon and reported.  An online safety incident recording format are provided in appendix H.

The school supports pupils and staff who have been affected by a policy breach. Where there is inappropriate or illegal use of internet, mobile and digital technologies, this will be dealt with under the school’s behaviour and disciplinary policies as appropriate.  Breaches may also lead to criminal or civil proceedings.

Governors receive termly summary data on recorded online safety incidents for monitoring purposes.  In addition governors ensure they have sufficient, quality information to enable them to make a judgement about the fitness for purpose of this policy on an annual basis.

  1. Appendices of the Online Safety Policy
  1. Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff, Governors and student teachers (on placement or on staff)
  2. Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers
  3. Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers working in the school (working directly with children or otherwise)
  4. Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils
  5. Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities
  6. Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents
  7. Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media
  8. Online safety incident reporting form

Appendix A - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff, Governors and student teachers (on placement or on staff)

You must read this agreement in conjunction with the online safety policy and the Information  policy.  Once you have read these, you must sign and submit this agreement and it will be kept on record in the school. You should retain your own copy for reference. This forms part of your professional and safeguarding responsibilities.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies are part of our daily working life and this agreement is designed to ensure that all staff and governors are aware of their responsibilities in relation to their use.  All staff and governors are expected to adhere to this agreement and to the online safety policy.  Any concerns or clarification should be discussed with Mrs Prest. Breaches will be investigated, recorded and, where appropriate, disciplinary procedures will apply and police involvement will be sought.

Internet Access

I will not access or attempt to access any sites that contain any of the following: child abuse; pornography; discrimination of any kind; promotion of prejudice against any group; promotion of illegal acts; any other information which may be illegal or offensive.  Inadvertent access on school equipment must be treated as an online safety incident, reported to the online safety lead and/or DSL and an incident report completed.

Online conduct

I will ensure that my online activity, both in and outside school, will not bring the school, my professional reputation, or that of others, into disrepute.

I will not browse, download, upload or distribute any material that could be considered offensive, illegal or discriminatory.  Exceptionally, use of controversial material as part of the curriculum should be planned and approved on every occasion (see policy). 

I will report any accidental access to or receipt of inappropriate materials or filtering breach to Mrs Prest.

I understand that all my use of the internet and other related technologies can be traced and monitored and, should it be required, must be made available to my line manager, headteacher and others as required.

I will not give out my personal contact and online account information such as phone numbers, email address, and social media account details to pupils and/or parents/carers.

Social networking

I understand the need to separate my professional role from my private friendships; in my professional capacity I will not become ‘friends’ with parents/carers or pupils on social networks. Where my school role is my only connection to an individual, private online contact is unacceptable with parents/carers or pupils. See also Staff Code of Conduct.

When using social networking for personal use I will ensure my settings are not public. My private account postings will never undermine or disparage the school, its staff, governors, parents/carers or pupils. Privileged information must remain confidential.


I understand that there is no occasion when a password should be shared with a pupil or anyone who is not a staff member without permission.

Data protection

I will follow requirements for data protection as outlined in the information policy.  These include:

  • Photographs must be kept securely and used appropriately, whether in school, taken off the school premises or accessed remotely
  • Personal data can only be taken out of school or accessed remotely when authorised by the headteacher or governing body
  • Personal or sensitive data taken off site must be encrypted

Images and videos

I will only upload images or videos of staff, pupils or parents/carers onto school approved sites where specific permission has been granted.

I will not take images, sound recordings or videos of school events or activities on any personal device.

 Use of email

I will use my school email address for all school business.  All such correspondence must be kept professional and is open to Subject Access Requests under the Freedom of Information Act.  I will not use my school email addresses for personal matters or non-school business.

Use of personal devices

I understand that as a member of staff I should at no time put myself in a position where a safeguarding allegation can be made against me as a result of my use of personal devices. I understand that the use of personal devices in school is at the discretion of the headteacher.

I will not access secure school information from personal devices unless a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school.

Additional hardware/software

I will not install any hardware or software on school equipment without permission of Mrs Prest.

Promoting online safety

I understand that online safety is the responsibility of all staff and governors and I will promote positive online safety messages at all times including when setting homework or providing pastoral support.

I understand that it is my duty to support a whole school safeguarding approach and will report any inappropriate or concerning behaviour (of other staff, governors, visitors, pupils or parents/carers) to the DSL or Mrs Prest.

Classroom management of internet access

I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites used in the classroom; this will include the acceptability of other material visible, however briefly, on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.

If I am using the internet to teach about controversial issues I will secure, on every occasion, approval in advance for the material I plan to use with Mrs Prest.

User signature

I agree to follow this Acceptable Use Agreement and to support online safety throughout the school.  I understand this forms part of the terms and conditions set out in my contract of employment (staff members only) and/or my responsibilities as a governor.

Signature …….………………….………… Date ……………………

Full Name …………………………………......................................... (printed)

Job title ……………………………………………………………………

Appendix B - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers

School name Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School

Online safety lead Fiona Prest

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Fiona Prest

This agreement forms part of your professional and safeguarding responsibility in the school.  You must read and sign this agreement.  This will be kept on record and you should retain your own copy for reference.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies are part of our daily working life and this agreement is designed to ensure that all staff and governors are aware of their responsibilities in relation to their use. You are expected to adhere to this agreement.  Any concerns or clarification should be discussed with Mrs Prest. Breaches will be investigated, recorded and, where appropriate, disciplinary procedures will apply and police involvement will be sought.

The school’s online safety policy will provide further detailed information as required.

Internet Access

I will not access or attempt to access any sites that contain any of the following: child abuse; pornography; discrimination of any kind; promotion of prejudice against any group; promotion of illegal acts; any other information which may be illegal or offensive.  Inadvertent access on school equipment must be treated as an online safety incident, reported to the online safety lead and/or DSL and an incident report completed.

Online conduct

I will ensure that my online activity, both in and outside school, will not bring the school, my professional reputation, or that of others, into disrepute.

I will not browse, download, upload or distribute any material that could be considered offensive, illegal or discriminatory.  Exceptionally, use of controversial material as part of the curriculum should be planned and approved on every occasion (see policy). 

I will report any accidental access to or receipt of inappropriate materials or filtering breach to Mrs Prest.

I understand that all my use of the internet and other related technologies can be traced and monitored and, should it be required, must be made available to my line manager, headteacher and others as required.

I will not give out my personal contact and online account information such as phone numbers, email address, and social media account details to pupils and/or parents/carers.

Should I need to share my professional details, such as mobile phone number or email address, with parent/carers, this must be agreed in advance as an acceptable approach with Mrs Prest.

Social networking

I understand the need to separate my professional role from my private friendships; in my professional capacity I will not become ‘friends’ with parents/carers or pupils on social networks. Where my school role is my only connection to an individual, private online contact is unacceptable with parents/carers or pupils.

Information can be shared with pupils over 13 and parents/carers through an organisational social network site/page e.g. on Facebook or Twitter, but never through a personal account or site. In my professional role in the school, I will never engage in 1-1 exchanges with pupils or parent/carers on personal social network sites.

My private account postings will never undermine or disparage the school, its staff, governors, parents/carers or pupils.  Privileged information known as a result of my work in the school must remain confidential.  

I will not upload any material about or references to the school or its community on my personal social networks.


I must clarify what access I may have to the internet and/or school systems.  If I have access of any kind, I understand that there is no occasion when a password should be shared with a pupil or anyone who is not a staff member. 

Data protection

I will follow all requirements for data protection explained to me by the school.  These include:

  • I must consult with the school before making any recordings, photographs and videos. Once agreed, these must be made on a school device.
  • I understand that there are strict controls and requirements regarding the collection and use of personal data. I will follow all requirements regarding GDPR.

Images and videos

I will only upload images or videos of staff, pupils or parents/carers onto school approved sites where specific permission has been granted.

I will not take images, sound recordings or videos of tuition or wider school activities on any personal device. School devices can be used for this purpose or, in the case of 1:1 tuition, pupil’s or parent/carer devices can be used, with parent/carer agreement.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies provide helpful recording functions but these cannot be made on a teacher’s personal device.  Recordings can be made with the child’s and parent/carer’s agreement on a school device, an organisational device approved by the headteacher/DSL, or a young person’s or parent/carer’s own device.

Use of Email

I will use my professional or formal student email address for all school business.  All such correspondence should be kept professional and is open to Subject Access Requests under the Freedom of Information Act. I will not use my professional email addresses for personal matters.

Use of personal devices

I understand that when working in the school I should at no time put myself in a position where a safeguarding allegation can be made against me as a result of my use of personal devices. I understand that the use of personal devices in school is at the discretion of the headteacher.

I will only use approved personal devices when not with pupils. This therefore precludes use of specialist apps on personal devices.  A school device could be used to access specialist apps that support pupil learning.  

Additional hardware/software

I will not install any hardware or software on school equipment without permission of Mrs Prest.

Promoting online safety

I understand that online safety is part of my responsibility and I will promote positive online safety messages at all times, including when setting homework, rehearsal or skill practice or when providing pastoral support.

I understand that it is my duty to support a whole school safeguarding approach and will report any behaviour (of staff, governors, visitors, pupils or parents/carers) which I believe may be inappropriate or concerning in any way to the DSL or Mrs Prest.

Classroom management of internet access

I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites used in the classroom; this will include the acceptability of other material visible, however briefly, on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.

If I am using the internet to teach about controversial issues I will secure, on every occasion, approval in advance for the material I plan to use with Mrs Prest.

User Signature

I agree to follow this Acceptable Use Agreement and to support online safety in my work in the school.  I understand this forms part of my company/educational setting/organisation’s contract with the school.

Signature …….………………….…………….…      Date ……………………

Full Name ………………………………….................................................... (Please use block capitals)

Job Title/Role …………………………………..…………………..……………

Appendix C - Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers

(Working directly with children or otherwise)

School name……Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School ………………………………..…..

Online safety lead …Mrs Prest……………………………..…

DSL …Mrs Prest……………………………………………..…..

This document is designed to ensure that you are aware of your responsibilities when using any form of IT in the school and other aspects of safeguarding in connection with online safety.

Please raise any safeguarding concerns arising from your visit immediately with the headteacher and/or DSL

  • I understand I may not use my personal mobile phone(s) and other devices with camera functions in front of children.   Any exception must be pre-arranged.
  • I will not take images, sound recording or videos of school events or activities, on or off site, on any device.  Any possible exception must be pre-arranged.
  • I will not give out my personal details such as mobile phone number, email address, and social media account details to pupils and parent/carers.  Where appropriate I may share my professional contact details with parents/carers provided the DSL or headteacher is informed before I leave the school.
  • I understand my visit to the school may give me access to privileged information about pupils, staff, school systems and plans.  Such information should never be shared online, including on social media sites.
  • I understand I should not use school equipment to access the internet without prior approval from my contact in the school or the headteacher.
  • If working in the classroom, I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites I intend to use including checking the acceptability of other material visible on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.  If I am in any doubt about the appropriateness of the content I plan to use I will check with my contact in the school.

Appendix D - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils

 My online safety rules

  • I will only use school IT equipment for activities agreed by school staff.
  • I will not use my personal email address or other personal accounts in school when doing school work.
  • I will not sign up for any online service on school devices unless this is an agreed part of a school project approved by my teacher and agreed by my parent/carer.
  • I will only open email attachments if it has been approved by a member of school staff in school or a parent/carer out of school.
  • In school I will only open or delete my files when told by a member of staff.
  • I will not tell anyone other than my parents/carers my passwords. I will not use other people’s usernames or passwords to pretend to be them online.
  • I will make sure that all online contact I make is responsible, polite and sensible. I will be kind and respectful at all times.
  • If I come across anything upsetting, unpleasant or nasty, or anything that makes me feel unsafe, I will tell my teacher or my parent/carer immediately.
  • If someone says, asks or posts about me anything upsetting, unpleasant or nasty, or anything that makes me feel unsafe, I will not reply. I will tell my teacher or my parent/carer immediately. 
  • I will not give out my own or other people’s personal information, including: name, phone number, home address, interests, schools or clubs.  I will tell my teacher or parent/carer if anyone asks me online for personal information.
  • Uploading or sending my image (photographs, videos, live streaming) online puts me at risk.  I will always seek permission from my teacher or parent/carer if I wish to do this.  I will not take, share or upload any image of anyone else without their permission and also, if they are a child, without their parent’s/carer’s permission.
  • Even if I have permission, I will not upload any images, videos, sounds or words that could upset, now or in the future, any member of the school community, as this is cyberbullying.
  • I understand that some people on the internet are not who they say they are and some people are not safe to be in contact with.  I will not arrange to meet someone I only know on the internet. If someone asks to meet me, I will not reply to them and I will tell a teacher or a parent/carer immediately.
  • I understand that everything I do or receive online can be traced now and in the future. I know it is important to build a good online reputation.  
  • I understand that some personal devices are allowed in school and some are not, and I will follow the rules.  I will not assume that new devices can be brought into school without getting permission.
  • I will not lie about my age in order to access games, apps or social networks that are for older people as this will put me at risk.
  • I understand that these rules are designed to keep me safe now and in the future.  If I break the rules my teachers will look into it and may need to take action.

Name ……………………………

Signed ………………………………….

Date ………………………………………

Dear Parent/Carer,

The internet, email, mobile technologies and online resources have become an important part of learning and life.   We want all children to be safe and responsible when using any IT.  It is essential that children are aware of online risk, know how to stay safe and know where to go to report problems or to get help.

Please read through these online safety rules with your child/ren and talk with them to ensure they understand their importance and what it means for them (and for you).  When you have done this, you both need to sign this agreement to say that you agree to follow the rules.  Any concerns or explanation can be discussed with Mrs Prest. 

Please return the signed sections of this form which will be kept on record at the school.

Pupil agreement

Pupil name………………………………………

This agreement is to keep me safe. I have discussed this agreement with my parents/carers and understand the commitment I have made and my responsibilities.

Pupil signature……………………………………………………………………..

Parent(s)/Carer(s) agreement

Parent(s)/Carer(s) name(s)………………………………………………

I/we have discussed this agreement, which highlights the associated risks when accessing the internet, mobile and digital technologies, with our child/ren.  I/we agree to support them in following the terms of this agreement.

I/we also agree not to share school related information or images online or post material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute.

(Rather than posting negative material online, any parent, distressed or concerned about an aspect of school should make immediate contact with a member of staff.  Negative postings about the school would impact on the reputation of the whole school community.  Parents are encouraged to report breaches so that we can protect the reputation of the school, staff, pupils and parents).

I/we also agree only to use personal mobile phones and devices in designated areas of the school unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities.  I/we understand that under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises of anyone other than our own child/ren, unless there is a pre-specified agreement.  I/we understand that when on school premises, but not in a designated area where phones can be used, they must be switched off and out of sight.

I/we agree that if I take digital or video images at, or of – school events which include images of children, other than my own, these images will not be published / made publicly available on social networking sites.

Parent(s)/Carer(s) agreement

Parent(s)/Carer(s) name(s)……………………………………………………….

Parent/carer signature………………………………………..

Date ………………………………………………………….…

Appendix E - Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities

The school provides online safety information for parents/carers, through the website, in newsletters and at events.  It is important that parents/carers understand their key role in supporting children to behave appropriately and keep themselves safe online.

The online safety policy, supported by its acceptable use agreements, is intended to protect the interests and safety of the whole school community.

  • Parents/carers are required to support their child in understanding and signing the Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement for pupils.
  • Parents/carers may not use personal mobile phones and devices in the school unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities.  Under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises that include anyone other than their own child, unless there is a pre-specified agreement with individuals and parents/carers. If  a digital or video images is taken at, or of – school events which include images of children, other than their own, these images will not be published / made publicly available on social networking sites.
  • Parents/carers should not assume that pupils can bring technological devices to school and should always check the school policy.
  • All cyberbullying incidents affecting children in the school should be reported immediately.  (If the incident involves an indecent image of a child the report must also be made immediately to the police for your own protection.) The school will investigate and respond to all reported cyberbullying incidents, liaising with others where appropriate.  No reply should ever be sent to the sender/poster of cyberbullying content. If applicable block the sender and report abuse to the site. Evidence should be retained and shown in school and/or to the police.  Evidence should not be forwarded.
  • The school may choose to set up social media sites, blogs or have some other online presence in its own name.  Parents/carers, however, do not have the right to set up any site, page, chat group or any other online presence that uses the school name or logo in any form unless agreed by the head teacher.
  • Any parent/carer, distressed or concerned about an aspect of school should make immediate contact with a member of staff rather than posting their concerns online.  Parents/carers should not share school related information or images online or post material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute.  Negative postings about the school would impact on the reputation of the whole school community.  Parents/carers are encouraged to report breaches so that we can protect the reputation of the school, staff, pupils and parents/carers.

Please see the full online safety policy in the policies section on the school website.

Appendix F - Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents

All cyberbullying incidents should be reported and responded to.  Where the perpetrator is a member of the school community the majority of cases can be dealt with through mediation and/or disciplinary processes.  

The following procedures are recommended:

  • Never reply to the sender/poster of cyberbullying content.  If applicable, block the sender.
  • Incidents should be reported immediately.  Pupils should report to a member of staff (e.g. class teacher, headteacher) and staff members should seek support from their line manager or a senior member of staff.
  • The person reporting the cyberbullying should save the evidence and record the time and date.  This evidence must not be forwarded but must be available to show at a meeting.  Under no circumstances should indecent images of children and young people be printed or forwarded as this is a further criminal act.  Staff should not ask to see the evidence of reported indecent images of children or young people but must refer this immediately to the police.  Any member of staff being shown such evidence should immediately inform their line manager or the headteacher so that the circumstances can be recorded.
  • A senior member of staff will meet with the person who has reported the incident and the target, if different, to listen, reassure and support.  All relevant facts will be reviewed and documented.
  • A senior member of staff will conduct an investigation.
  • Anyone found to have cyberbullied will have attention drawn to the seriousness of their behaviour and if necessary the police will be involved.  If the comments are threatening, abusive, sexist, of a sexual nature, constitute a hate crime or are libellous they may well break the law. Online harassment and stalking is also a crime.
  • Once evidence has been secured then the person who has cyberbullied will be requested to remove the offending comments/material.  Any refusal will lead to an escalation of sanctions.

Appendix G - Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media

The school should make it clear which, if any, social media platforms are used to communicate with parents/carers.  If used correctly, parents can use a school’s social media site as a source of reliable information.  The online safety policy, see especially Appendix E (Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities), clarifies that no other social media platforms should be set up using the school’s name or logo.

The school should regularly reinforce with all parties that discussion of school issues on social media platforms, either positive or negative, should not take place as this could bring the school into disrepute and affect families and children.  Parents should be encouraged to be good online role models and not post statements written in anger or frustration.  Identified routes to raise concerns directly with the school should be used.

If negative comments are posted:

  • Collect the facts

As soon as you become aware of adverse comments relating to the school you need to establish what is being said.  It is essential that if you have access to the postings they are secured and retained together with any other evidence.  Do not become engaged in responding directly.

If the allegations against a member of staff or a pupil are of a serious nature, these will need to be formally investigated.  This may involve the police and the headteacher will need to follow the school’s safeguarding procedures.

If there is a risk of serious damage to the school reputation or the reputation of individual members of staff, professional legal advice should be sought. 

Adverse comments of any kind are highly demotivating and cause stress and anxiety.  It is important that the senior staff reassure and support all staff and/or other affected members of the school community.

  • Addressing negative comments and complaints

Contact the complainants and invite them to a meeting.  In the meeting, make sure you have any evidence available.

The meeting must:

  • Draw attention to the seriousness and impact of the actions/postings;
  • Ask for the offending remarks to be removed;
  • Explore the complainant’s grievance;
  • Agree next steps;
  • Clarify the correct complaints procedures.

If the meeting does not resolve the issue, the parents must be informed that the school will need to take the matter further. This may include:

  • Reporting the matter to the social network site if it breaches their rules or breaks the law;
  • Reporting the matter to the police if it breaks the law, e.g. if the comments are threatening, abusive, malicious, sexist, of a sexual nature, constitute a hate crime or are libellous they may well break the law.  Online harassment and stalking is also a crime.

If inappropriate postings continue or the original material is not removed, a second meeting is advisable to re-iterate the seriousness of the matter.

Appendix H - Online safety incident reporting form

Any member of the school community can raise a concern about an online safety incident. If you have witnessed or experienced an incident please complete the form below to help us to address the issue.  It is important that you provide as much detail as possible.  Once completed please hand this report to Mrs Prest.

Name of person reporting incident:


Date you are completing this form:

Where did the incident take place:

Inside school?

Outside school?

Date of incident(s):

Time of incident(s):

Who was involved in the incident(s)?

Full names and/or contact details

Children/young people

Staff member(s)


Other, please specify

Type of incident(s) (indicate as many as apply)

Accessing age inappropriate websites, apps and social media

Accessing someone else’s account without permission

Forwarding/spreading chain messages or threatening material

Posting images without permission of all involved

Online bullying or harassment (cyber bullying)

Posting material that will bring an  individual or the school into disrepute

Racist, sexist, homophobic, religious or other hate material

Online gambling

Sexting/Child abuse images

Deliberately bypassing security


Hacking or spreading viruses

Accessing, sharing or creating pornographic images and media

Accessing and/or sharing terrorist material

Accessing, sharing or creating violent images and media

Drug/bomb making material

Creating an account in someone else’s name to bring them into disrepute

Breaching copyright regulations

Other breach of acceptable use agreement, please specify

Full description of the incident

What, when, where, how?

Name all social media involved

Specify: Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp, Snapchat, Instagram etc

Evidence of the incident

Specify any evidence available but do not attach.

Thank you for completing and submitting this form.

Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School



Online Safety

Including Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreements


Adopted: March 2019

Reviewed and updated: March 2021

Next review date: March 2023


1.    Introduction. 2

2.    Responsibilities. 3

3.    Scope of policy. 3

4.    Policy and procedure. 4

Use of email 4

Visiting online sites and downloading. 4

Storage of Images. 6

Use of personal mobile devices (including phones) 6

New technological devices. 7

Reporting incidents, abuse and inappropriate material 7

5.    Curriculum.. 7

6.    Staff and Governor Training. 8

7.    Working in Partnership with Parents/Carers. 9

8.    Records, monitoring and review.. 9

9.    Appendices of the Online Safety Policy. 9

Appendix A -Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff ,Governors,student teachers. 11

Appendix B - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches and supply teachers. 14

Appendix C - Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers. 17

Appendix D - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils. 18

Appendix E - Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities. 21

Appendix F - Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents. 22

Appendix G - Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media. 23

Appendix H - Online safety incident reporting form.. 25


  1. Introduction

Embsay school recognises that internet, mobile and digital technologies provide a good opportunity for children and young people to learn, socialise and play, provided they are safe. The digital world is an amazing place, but with few rules.  It is vast and fast moving and young people’s future economic success may be partly dependent on their online skills and reputation.  We are, therefore, committed to ensuring that all pupils, staff and governors will be able to use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely.  This is part of our safeguarding responsibility.  Staff are aware that some pupils may require additional support or teaching, including reminders, prompts and further explanation to reinforce their knowledge and understanding of online safety issues.

We are also committed to ensuring that all those who work with children and young people, including their parents/carers, are informed about the ever-changing risks so that they can take an active part in the safeguarding of children.

2.   Responsibilities

The Governing body: 

Governors are responsible for the approval of the online safety policy, ensuring it is disseminated to the wider school community and for reviewing the effectiveness of the policy. Chris Atherton is the named governor for online safety.

As part of their responsibilities in this area the governing Body will:

  • ensure that the statutory requirements of Keeping Children Safe in Education 2020 are complied with.
  • regularly review the staff behaviour policy (sometimes called the code of conduct) which amongst other things, includes acceptable use of technologies, staff/pupil relationships and communications including the use of social media
  • ensure that online safety training for staff is integrated, aligned and considered as part of the overarching safeguarding approach
  • ensure that the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead is trained in online safety issues and is aware of the potential for serious child protection issues that could arise through the use of ICT
  • ensure that children are taught about safeguarding, including online safety.
  • ensure that the school has in place policies and procedures on sexual harassment and peer on peer abuse that can occur online and offline.
  • ensure the appropriateness of any filters, monitoring and security systems
  • regularly monitor online safety incident logs and respond appropriately  to the identified needs
  • ensure the company who is hosting the schools website has enough security in place so it cannot be inappropriately accessed and to have an action plan if it is ‘hacked’ e.g who regular checks the website including during school holidays, who is the key contact if the website is hacked 

The Headteacher:

  • supporting the Governors to comply with the online safety aspects of the Keeping Children Safe in Education
  • supporting the Governors comply with the online safety aspects of the statutory regulations which have make the subjects of Relationships Education (for all primary pupils) and Relationships and Sex Education (for all secondary pupils) and Health Education (for all pupils) mandatory from September 2020.
  • the online safety of all members of the school community.
  • effective and regular training about online safety is provided for the whole school community  and a log is kept of the staff who complete the training 
  • invite governors to take part in online safety training and awareness sessions, with particular importance for those who are members of any committee or working group involved in ICT, online safety education or safeguarding. 
  • effective communication with parents/ carers about safe practices when using online technology’s and support them in talking to their children about these issues
  • that effective filtering, monitoring and security systems are set up
  • ensure that there are effective procedures in place in the event of an online safety allegation which are known and understood by all members of staff 
  • establish and review the school online safety policy and documents and make them available on the school website 
  • liaise with staff, ICT Technical staff, online safety governor, SLT and partner agencies on all issues related to online safety 
  • ensure that all staff are aware of the procedures that need to be followed in the event of an online safety incident taking place 
  • provide training and advice for staff and keep a log of staff who complete training about online issues
  • keep a log of staff, pupils and families who have signed the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for the safe use of technology
  • receive and respond to reports of online safety incidents and create a log of incidents and outcomes to inform future online safety developments 
  • co-ordinate and review online safety education programme in school
  • ensure all new staff receive online safety training as part of their induction programme, ensuring that they fully understand the school online safety policy, Acceptable Usage and Child Protection Policies.

The ICT technician:

  • ensure the school’s ICT infrastructure is secure and meets requirements for filtering and monitoring
  • that the school’s password policy is adhered to
  • ensure that the school’s filtering policy is applied and updated on a regular basis and that its implementation is not the sole responsibility of any single person
  • ensure that the use of the school’s ICT infrastructure (network, remote access, e-mail, VLE etc.) is regularly monitored in order that any misuse or attempted misuse can be reported to the named SLT for action. 


Keeping children Safe in Education 2020 states that the staff behaviour policy

(sometimes called the code of conduct) which should, amongst other things, include:

acceptable use of technologies, staff/pupil relationships and communications including

the use of social media. Alongside the Staff Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), all staff are

responsible for ensuring that: 

  • they have an up to date awareness of online safety matters and of the schools current online safety policy and practices
  • they adhere to any procedures and policies that are implemented to support remote learning for both staff and pupils and communication with parents / carers
  • they attend the training provided by the school about online safety and Online Safety
  • they have read, understood and signed the school Staff Acceptable Usage Policy (AUP)
  • do not ‘be-friend’ any pupil or pupil family member on social media in a social context whilst the pupil is at the school 
  • online safety issues are embedded in all aspects of the curriculum and other school activities 
  • they ensure that pupils understand and follow the school’s online safety and acceptable usage policies 
  • they ensure that pupils have a good understanding of research skills and the need to avoid plagiarism and uphold copyright regulations 
  • they monitor ICT activity in lessons, extracurricular and extended school activities
  • in lessons where Internet use is pre-planned, pupils should be guided to sites checked as suitable for their use and that processes are in place for dealing with any unsuitable material that is found in Internet searches.
  • they are aware that emails can be part of Freedom of Information requests so all correspondence needs to be professional, courtesy and  respectful
  • if confidential information / information under the data protection act is being sent by email it must be sent through the secure email system 


  • pupils are responsible for using the school ICT systems in accordance with the Pupil Acceptable Usage Policy, which they will be required to sign before being given access to school systems. Parents/carers will be required to read through and sign alongside their child’s signature.
  • they must adhere to any procedures that are implemented to support remote learning for both pupils and  staff 
  • pupils must report abuse, misuse or access to inappropriate materials and know how to do so.
  • should understand the importance of adopting good online safety practice when using digital technologies out of school and realise that the school’s online safety policy also covers their actions out of school, if related to their membership of the school or using equipment provided by the school.


Parents/Carers play a crucial role in ensuring that their children understand the need

to use the Internet/mobile devices in an appropriate way.

Parents and carers are responsible for: 

  • endorsing (by signature) the Pupil Acceptable Usage Policy and will alongside this sign the Parents/ Carers Acceptable Usage Policy
  • access the school website and correspond with the school in accordance with the Parents Acceptable Usage Policy. 
  • ensure that they do not use social media to criticise or make inappropriate comments about the school or an individual member of staff as making defamatory comments online has exactly the same legal consequences as if they are made directly to someone else. Similarly threats of violence can lead to criminal proceedings under the Malicious Communications Act. If as a parent/ carer they have any concerns about anything which happens in schools then please contact the school directly.
  1. Scope of policy

The policy applies to:

  • pupils
  • parents/carers
  • teaching and support staff
  • school governors
  • peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers, student teachers
  • visitors
  • volunteers
  • voluntary, statutory or community organisations using  the school's facilities

The school also works with partners and other providers to ensure that pupils who receive part of their education off site or who are on a school trip or residential are safe online.

The school provides online safety information for parents/carers, through the website, in newsletters and at events.  It is important that parents/carers understand their key role in supporting their child/ren to behave appropriately and keep themselves safe online.  

This policy, supported by its acceptable use agreements, is intended to protect the interests and safety of the whole school community.  It is linked to the following other school policies and documents: Child Protection , Information, Health and safety, Home–school agreement, Behaviour, Anti-bullying, Staff Code of Conduct, Safer Working Practice.

Policy and procedure

The school seeks to ensure that internet, mobile and digital technologies are used effectively, for their intended educational purpose, in ways that will not infringe legal requirements or create unnecessary risk.

The school expects everyone to use internet, mobile and digital technologies responsibly and strictly according to the conditions set out in this policy. This policy also includes expectations on appropriate online behaviour and use of technology outside of school for pupils, parents/carers, staff and governors and all other visitors to the school.

When applying this policy, the school will take account of any guidance issued by North Yorkshire. The most recent guidance can be found at: Online Safety Guidance for Schools in North Yorkshire Updated January 2021

Use of email

Staff and governors should use a school email account  for all official communication to ensure everyone is protected through the traceability of communication.  Under no circumstances should staff contact pupils, parents or conduct any school business using a personal email address.  Pupils may only use school approved accounts on the school system and only for educational purposes. Where required parent/carer permission will be obtained for the account to exist.  For advice on sharing personal or confidential information or the need to gain parent permission refer to the Informaiton Policy. Emails created or received as part of any school role will be subject to disclosure in response to a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Staff, governors and pupils should not open emails or attachments from suspect sources and should report their receipt to Mrs Chapman.

Users must not send emails which are offensive, embarrassing or upsetting to anyone (i.e. cyberbullying).

Visiting online sites and downloading

  • Staff must preview sites, software and apps before their use in school or before recommending them to pupils.  Before using any online service that requires user accounts to be created or the sharing of any personal data, staff must consult with the head teacher  with details of the site/service.  If internet research is set for homework, specific sites will be suggested that have previously been checked by the teacher.  All users must observe copyright of materials from electronic sources.
  • Staff must only use pre-approved systems if creating blogs, wikis or other online areas in order to communicate with pupils/ families.
  • When working with pupils searching for images should be done through Google Safe Search (standard through the NY service), Google Advanced Search or a similar application that provides greater safety than a standard search engine.

Users must not:

Visit internet sites, make, post, download, upload or pass on, material, remarks, proposals or comments that contain or relate to:

  • Indecent images of children actually or apparently under the age of 18 or images of child abuse (i.e. images of children, digital or cartoons, involved in sexual activity or posed to be sexually provocative)
  • Indecent images of vulnerable people over the age of 18 (i.e. images of vulnerable people, digital or cartoons involved in sexual activity or posed to be sexually provocative)
  • Adult material that breaches the Obscene Publications Act in the UK
  • Promoting discrimination of any kind in relation to the protected characteristics: gender identity and reassignment, gender/sex, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion, sexual orientation, age and marital status
  • Promoting hatred against any individual or group from the protected characteristics above
  • Promoting illegal acts including physical or sexual abuse of children or adults, violence, bomb making, drug and alcohol abuse and software piracy
  • Any material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute e.g. promotion of violence, gambling, libel and disrespect

Users must not:

  • Reveal or publicise confidential or proprietary information
  • Intentionally interfere with the normal operation of the internet connection, including the propagation of computer viruses
  • Transmit unsolicited commercial or advertising material either to other users, or to organisations connected to other networks except where permission has been given to the school
  • Use the school's hardware and Wi-Fi facilities for running a private business
  • Intimidate, threaten or cause harm to others
  • Access or interfere in any way with other users' accounts
  • Use software or hardware that has been prohibited by the school

  Only a school device may be used to conduct school business outside of school. The only exception would be where a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school for use on a personal device.

All breaches of prohibited behaviours detailed above will be investigated, where appropriate, in liaison with the police.

The school recognises that in certain planned curricular activities, access to controversial and/or offensive online content may be beneficial for educational use. In such circumstances, there is an expectation that access is pre-planned, risk assessed and recorded, and permission given by Mrs Prest.  

Storage of Images

Photographs and videos provide valuable evidence of pupils’ achievement and progress in a variety of contexts and can be used to celebrate the work of the school.  In line with GDPR they are used only with the written consent of parents/carers which is secured in the first instance on a child’s entry to the school. Records are kept on file and consent can be changed by parents/carers at any time. (See Information Policy for greater clarification).

Photographs and images of pupils are only stored on the school’s agreed secure networks which include some cloud based services.  Rights of access to stored images are restricted to approved staff as determined by Mrs Prest.  Staff and pupils may have temporary access to photographs taken during a class session, but these will be transferred/deleted promptly.

Parents/carers should note that there may be some children who are at risk and must not have their image put online and others who do not want their image online.  For these reasons parents/carers must follow the school’s Acceptable Use Agreement and refrain from posting online photographs of any member of the school community, other than their own child/ren.

Staff and other professionals working with pupils, must only use school equipment to record images of pupils whether on or off site. See also Information Policy.  

Use of personal mobile devices (including phones)

The school does not allow staff, including temporary and peripatetic staff, and visitors to use personal mobile phones and devices in the presence of pupils. Under no circumstance does the school allow a member of staff to contact a pupil or parent/carer using their personal device.

Parents/carers may not use personal mobile phones and devices in the school building unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities. Under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises or on off-site school events and activities of anyone other than their own child, unless there is a pre-specified permission from Mrs Prest.  

Year 6 pupils are allowed to bring personal mobile devices/phones to school but must hand them to the class teacher for storage during the day.  Under no circumstance should pupils use their personal mobile devices/phones to take images of

  • any other pupil unless they and their parents have given agreement in advance
  • any member of staff

The school is not responsible for the loss, damage or theft on school premises of any personal mobile device.

Users bringing personal devices into school must ensure there is no inappropriate or illegal content on the device.

  Personal mobiles must never be used to access school emails and data. The only       exception would be where a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school for use on a personal device.

New technological devices

New personal technological devices may offer opportunities for teaching and learning. However, the school must consider educational benefit and carry out risk assessment before use in school is allowed.  Parents/carers, pupils and staff should not assume that new technological devices will be allowed in school and should check with Mrs Prest before they are brought into school.  

Reporting incidents, abuse and inappropriate material

There may be occasions in school when either a pupil or an adult receives an offensive, abusive or inappropriate message or accidentally accesses upsetting or abusive material. When such a situation occurs the pupil or adult must report the incident immediately to the first available member of staff, or the headteacher.  Where such an incident may lead to significant harm, safeguarding procedures should be followed.  The school takes the reporting of such incidents seriously and where judged necessary, the DSL will refer details to social care or the police.

  1. Curriculum

Online safety is embedded within our curriculum. The school provides a comprehensive curriculum for online safety which enables pupils to become informed, safe and responsible. This includes teaching to prevent radicalisation, for which staff provide a narrative to counter extremism.

The curriculum is flexible and can respond to any immediate online safety issues and risks as they emerge.

It is necessary for pupils to develop skills of critical awareness, digital resilience and good online citizenship to enable them to use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely and responsibly.  Pupils are taught to recognise the creative, collaborative, cultural, economic and educational opportunities provided by the internet, mobile and digital technologies. Curriculum work will also include:

  • Understanding how to use the internet, mobile and digital technologies in a balanced and appropriate way to avoid negative impact on wellbeing, e.g. regulated screen time and diverse online activity
  • Learning how to develop a positive online reputation and enhance future opportunities e.g. in relationships and employment
  • Developing critical thinking skills in relation to online content e.g. recognising fake news and extremism, understanding commercial manipulation, maintaining an authentic sense of self that is resilient to online pressure, learning how easy it is to lie online (i.e. users may not be who they say they are and may have ulterior motives)
  • Understanding the dangers of giving out personal details online (e.g. full name, address, mobile/home phone numbers, school details, IM/email address) and the importance of maintaining maximum privacy online
  • Thinking carefully before placing images online and considering their appropriateness and understanding the importance of gaining consent before posting photographs of others
  • Understanding the permanency of all online postings and conversations
  • Understanding relevant legislation, including copyright, and the importance of respecting other people’s information, reputation and images
  • What constitutes cyberbullying, how to avoid it, the impact it has and how to access help.
  1. Staff and Governor Training

Staff and governors are trained to fulfil their roles in online safety. The school audits the training needs of all school staff and provides regular training to improve their knowledge and expertise in the safe and appropriate use of internet, mobile and digital technologies.  This training is recorded as part of safeguarding records.

New staff are provided with a copy of the online safety policy and must sign the school’s Acceptable Use Agreement as part of their induction and before having contact with pupils.

Any organisation working with children based on the school premises are also provided with a copy of the online safety policy and required to sign the Acceptable Use Agreement (Appendix B).

Volunteers, peripatetic staff (unless employed by NYCC services), student teachers and regular visitors are provided with a copy of the online safety policy and are required to sign the Acceptable Use Agreement (Appendix B).

  1. Working in Partnership with Parents/Carers

The school works closely with families to help ensure that children can use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely and responsibly both at home and school.  It is important that parents/carers understand the crucial role they play in this process. The school seeks to regularly consult and discuss online safety with parents/carers and seeks to promote a wide understanding of the benefits of new technologies and associated risks.  The school provides regular updated online safety information through the school website and by other means.

Parents/carers are asked to read, discuss and co-sign with each child the Acceptable Use Agreement whenever the online safety policy is reviewed.  A summary of key parent/carer responsibilities will also be provided and is available in Appendix F. The Acceptable Use Agreement explains the school’s expectations and pupil and parent/carer responsibilities. The support of parents/carers is essential to implement the online safety policy effectively and keep all children safe.

  1. Records, monitoring and review

The school recognises the need to record online safety incidents and to monitor and review policies and procedures regularly in order to ensure they are effective and that the risks to pupils and staff are minimised.

All breaches of this policy must be reported and all reported incidents will be logged on CPOMS. All staff have the individual responsibility to ensure that incidents have been correctly recorded, acted upon and reported.  An online safety incident recording format are provided in appendix H.

The school supports pupils and staff who have been affected by a policy breach. Where there is inappropriate or illegal use of internet, mobile and digital technologies, this will be dealt with under the school’s behaviour and disciplinary policies as appropriate.  Breaches may also lead to criminal or civil proceedings.

Governors receive termly summary data on recorded online safety incidents for monitoring purposes.  In addition governors ensure they have sufficient, quality information to enable them to make a judgement about the fitness for purpose of this policy on an annual basis.

  1. Appendices of the Online Safety Policy
  1. Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff, Governors and student teachers (on placement or on staff)
  2. Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers
  3. Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers working in the school (working directly with children or otherwise)
  4. Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils
  5. Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities
  6. Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents
  7. Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media
  8. Online safety incident reporting form

Appendix A - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff, Governors and student teachers (on placement or on staff)

You must read this agreement in conjunction with the online safety policy and the Information  policy.  Once you have read these, you must sign and submit this agreement and it will be kept on record in the school. You should retain your own copy for reference. This forms part of your professional and safeguarding responsibilities.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies are part of our daily working life and this agreement is designed to ensure that all staff and governors are aware of their responsibilities in relation to their use.  All staff and governors are expected to adhere to this agreement and to the online safety policy.  Any concerns or clarification should be discussed with Mrs Prest. Breaches will be investigated, recorded and, where appropriate, disciplinary procedures will apply and police involvement will be sought.

Internet Access

I will not access or attempt to access any sites that contain any of the following: child abuse; pornography; discrimination of any kind; promotion of prejudice against any group; promotion of illegal acts; any other information which may be illegal or offensive.  Inadvertent access on school equipment must be treated as an online safety incident, reported to the online safety lead and/or DSL and an incident report completed.

Online conduct

I will ensure that my online activity, both in and outside school, will not bring the school, my professional reputation, or that of others, into disrepute.

I will not browse, download, upload or distribute any material that could be considered offensive, illegal or discriminatory.  Exceptionally, use of controversial material as part of the curriculum should be planned and approved on every occasion (see policy). 

I will report any accidental access to or receipt of inappropriate materials or filtering breach to Mrs Prest.

I understand that all my use of the internet and other related technologies can be traced and monitored and, should it be required, must be made available to my line manager, headteacher and others as required.

I will not give out my personal contact and online account information such as phone numbers, email address, and social media account details to pupils and/or parents/carers.

Social networking

I understand the need to separate my professional role from my private friendships; in my professional capacity I will not become ‘friends’ with parents/carers or pupils on social networks. Where my school role is my only connection to an individual, private online contact is unacceptable with parents/carers or pupils. See also Staff Code of Conduct.

When using social networking for personal use I will ensure my settings are not public. My private account postings will never undermine or disparage the school, its staff, governors, parents/carers or pupils. Privileged information must remain confidential.


I understand that there is no occasion when a password should be shared with a pupil or anyone who is not a staff member without permission.

Data protection

I will follow requirements for data protection as outlined in the information policy.  These include:

  • Photographs must be kept securely and used appropriately, whether in school, taken off the school premises or accessed remotely
  • Personal data can only be taken out of school or accessed remotely when authorised by the headteacher or governing body
  • Personal or sensitive data taken off site must be encrypted

Images and videos

I will only upload images or videos of staff, pupils or parents/carers onto school approved sites where specific permission has been granted.

I will not take images, sound recordings or videos of school events or activities on any personal device.

 Use of email

I will use my school email address for all school business.  All such correspondence must be kept professional and is open to Subject Access Requests under the Freedom of Information Act.  I will not use my school email addresses for personal matters or non-school business.

Use of personal devices

I understand that as a member of staff I should at no time put myself in a position where a safeguarding allegation can be made against me as a result of my use of personal devices. I understand that the use of personal devices in school is at the discretion of the headteacher.

I will not access secure school information from personal devices unless a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school.

Additional hardware/software

I will not install any hardware or software on school equipment without permission of Mrs Prest.

Promoting online safety

I understand that online safety is the responsibility of all staff and governors and I will promote positive online safety messages at all times including when setting homework or providing pastoral support.

I understand that it is my duty to support a whole school safeguarding approach and will report any inappropriate or concerning behaviour (of other staff, governors, visitors, pupils or parents/carers) to the DSL or Mrs Prest.

Classroom management of internet access

I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites used in the classroom; this will include the acceptability of other material visible, however briefly, on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.

If I am using the internet to teach about controversial issues I will secure, on every occasion, approval in advance for the material I plan to use with Mrs Prest.

User signature

I agree to follow this Acceptable Use Agreement and to support online safety throughout the school.  I understand this forms part of the terms and conditions set out in my contract of employment (staff members only) and/or my responsibilities as a governor.

Signature …….………………….………… Date ……………………

Full Name …………………………………......................................... (printed)

Job title ……………………………………………………………………

Appendix B - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers

School name Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School

Online safety lead Fiona Prest

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Fiona Prest

This agreement forms part of your professional and safeguarding responsibility in the school.  You must read and sign this agreement.  This will be kept on record and you should retain your own copy for reference.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies are part of our daily working life and this agreement is designed to ensure that all staff and governors are aware of their responsibilities in relation to their use. You are expected to adhere to this agreement.  Any concerns or clarification should be discussed with Mrs Prest. Breaches will be investigated, recorded and, where appropriate, disciplinary procedures will apply and police involvement will be sought.

The school’s online safety policy will provide further detailed information as required.

Internet Access

I will not access or attempt to access any sites that contain any of the following: child abuse; pornography; discrimination of any kind; promotion of prejudice against any group; promotion of illegal acts; any other information which may be illegal or offensive.  Inadvertent access on school equipment must be treated as an online safety incident, reported to the online safety lead and/or DSL and an incident report completed.

Online conduct

I will ensure that my online activity, both in and outside school, will not bring the school, my professional reputation, or that of others, into disrepute.

I will not browse, download, upload or distribute any material that could be considered offensive, illegal or discriminatory.  Exceptionally, use of controversial material as part of the curriculum should be planned and approved on every occasion (see policy). 

I will report any accidental access to or receipt of inappropriate materials or filtering breach to Mrs Prest.

I understand that all my use of the internet and other related technologies can be traced and monitored and, should it be required, must be made available to my line manager, headteacher and others as required.

I will not give out my personal contact and online account information such as phone numbers, email address, and social media account details to pupils and/or parents/carers.

Should I need to share my professional details, such as mobile phone number or email address, with parent/carers, this must be agreed in advance as an acceptable approach with Mrs Prest.

Social networking

I understand the need to separate my professional role from my private friendships; in my professional capacity I will not become ‘friends’ with parents/carers or pupils on social networks. Where my school role is my only connection to an individual, private online contact is unacceptable with parents/carers or pupils.

Information can be shared with pupils over 13 and parents/carers through an organisational social network site/page e.g. on Facebook or Twitter, but never through a personal account or site. In my professional role in the school, I will never engage in 1-1 exchanges with pupils or parent/carers on personal social network sites.

My private account postings will never undermine or disparage the school, its staff, governors, parents/carers or pupils.  Privileged information known as a result of my work in the school must remain confidential.  

I will not upload any material about or references to the school or its community on my personal social networks.


I must clarify what access I may have to the internet and/or school systems.  If I have access of any kind, I understand that there is no occasion when a password should be shared with a pupil or anyone who is not a staff member. 

Data protection

I will follow all requirements for data protection explained to me by the school.  These include:

  • I must consult with the school before making any recordings, photographs and videos. Once agreed, these must be made on a school device.
  • I understand that there are strict controls and requirements regarding the collection and use of personal data. I will follow all requirements regarding GDPR.

Images and videos

I will only upload images or videos of staff, pupils or parents/carers onto school approved sites where specific permission has been granted.

I will not take images, sound recordings or videos of tuition or wider school activities on any personal device. School devices can be used for this purpose or, in the case of 1:1 tuition, pupil’s or parent/carer devices can be used, with parent/carer agreement.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies provide helpful recording functions but these cannot be made on a teacher’s personal device.  Recordings can be made with the child’s and parent/carer’s agreement on a school device, an organisational device approved by the headteacher/DSL, or a young person’s or parent/carer’s own device.

Use of Email

I will use my professional or formal student email address for all school business.  All such correspondence should be kept professional and is open to Subject Access Requests under the Freedom of Information Act. I will not use my professional email addresses for personal matters.

Use of personal devices

I understand that when working in the school I should at no time put myself in a position where a safeguarding allegation can be made against me as a result of my use of personal devices. I understand that the use of personal devices in school is at the discretion of the headteacher.

I will only use approved personal devices when not with pupils. This therefore precludes use of specialist apps on personal devices.  A school device could be used to access specialist apps that support pupil learning.  

Additional hardware/software

I will not install any hardware or software on school equipment without permission of Mrs Prest.

Promoting online safety

I understand that online safety is part of my responsibility and I will promote positive online safety messages at all times, including when setting homework, rehearsal or skill practice or when providing pastoral support.

I understand that it is my duty to support a whole school safeguarding approach and will report any behaviour (of staff, governors, visitors, pupils or parents/carers) which I believe may be inappropriate or concerning in any way to the DSL or Mrs Prest.

Classroom management of internet access

I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites used in the classroom; this will include the acceptability of other material visible, however briefly, on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.

If I am using the internet to teach about controversial issues I will secure, on every occasion, approval in advance for the material I plan to use with Mrs Prest.

User Signature

I agree to follow this Acceptable Use Agreement and to support online safety in my work in the school.  I understand this forms part of my company/educational setting/organisation’s contract with the school.

Signature …….………………….…………….…      Date ……………………

Full Name ………………………………….................................................... (Please use block capitals)

Job Title/Role …………………………………..…………………..……………

Appendix C - Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers

(Working directly with children or otherwise)

School name……Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School ………………………………..…..

Online safety lead …Mrs Prest……………………………..…

DSL …Mrs Prest……………………………………………..…..

This document is designed to ensure that you are aware of your responsibilities when using any form of IT in the school and other aspects of safeguarding in connection with online safety.

Please raise any safeguarding concerns arising from your visit immediately with the headteacher and/or DSL

  • I understand I may not use my personal mobile phone(s) and other devices with camera functions in front of children.   Any exception must be pre-arranged.
  • I will not take images, sound recording or videos of school events or activities, on or off site, on any device.  Any possible exception must be pre-arranged.
  • I will not give out my personal details such as mobile phone number, email address, and social media account details to pupils and parent/carers.  Where appropriate I may share my professional contact details with parents/carers provided the DSL or headteacher is informed before I leave the school.
  • I understand my visit to the school may give me access to privileged information about pupils, staff, school systems and plans.  Such information should never be shared online, including on social media sites.
  • I understand I should not use school equipment to access the internet without prior approval from my contact in the school or the headteacher.
  • If working in the classroom, I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites I intend to use including checking the acceptability of other material visible on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.  If I am in any doubt about the appropriateness of the content I plan to use I will check with my contact in the school.

Appendix D - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils

 My online safety rules

  • I will only use school IT equipment for activities agreed by school staff.
  • I will not use my personal email address or other personal accounts in school when doing school work.
  • I will not sign up for any online service on school devices unless this is an agreed part of a school project approved by my teacher and agreed by my parent/carer.
  • I will only open email attachments if it has been approved by a member of school staff in school or a parent/carer out of school.
  • In school I will only open or delete my files when told by a member of staff.
  • I will not tell anyone other than my parents/carers my passwords. I will not use other people’s usernames or passwords to pretend to be them online.
  • I will make sure that all online contact I make is responsible, polite and sensible. I will be kind and respectful at all times.
  • If I come across anything upsetting, unpleasant or nasty, or anything that makes me feel unsafe, I will tell my teacher or my parent/carer immediately.
  • If someone says, asks or posts about me anything upsetting, unpleasant or nasty, or anything that makes me feel unsafe, I will not reply. I will tell my teacher or my parent/carer immediately. 
  • I will not give out my own or other people’s personal information, including: name, phone number, home address, interests, schools or clubs.  I will tell my teacher or parent/carer if anyone asks me online for personal information.
  • Uploading or sending my image (photographs, videos, live streaming) online puts me at risk.  I will always seek permission from my teacher or parent/carer if I wish to do this.  I will not take, share or upload any image of anyone else without their permission and also, if they are a child, without their parent’s/carer’s permission.
  • Even if I have permission, I will not upload any images, videos, sounds or words that could upset, now or in the future, any member of the school community, as this is cyberbullying.
  • I understand that some people on the internet are not who they say they are and some people are not safe to be in contact with.  I will not arrange to meet someone I only know on the internet. If someone asks to meet me, I will not reply to them and I will tell a teacher or a parent/carer immediately.
  • I understand that everything I do or receive online can be traced now and in the future. I know it is important to build a good online reputation.  
  • I understand that some personal devices are allowed in school and some are not, and I will follow the rules.  I will not assume that new devices can be brought into school without getting permission.
  • I will not lie about my age in order to access games, apps or social networks that are for older people as this will put me at risk.
  • I understand that these rules are designed to keep me safe now and in the future.  If I break the rules my teachers will look into it and may need to take action.

Name ……………………………

Signed ………………………………….

Date ………………………………………

Dear Parent/Carer,

The internet, email, mobile technologies and online resources have become an important part of learning and life.   We want all children to be safe and responsible when using any IT.  It is essential that children are aware of online risk, know how to stay safe and know where to go to report problems or to get help.

Please read through these online safety rules with your child/ren and talk with them to ensure they understand their importance and what it means for them (and for you).  When you have done this, you both need to sign this agreement to say that you agree to follow the rules.  Any concerns or explanation can be discussed with Mrs Prest. 

Please return the signed sections of this form which will be kept on record at the school.

Pupil agreement

Pupil name………………………………………

This agreement is to keep me safe. I have discussed this agreement with my parents/carers and understand the commitment I have made and my responsibilities.

Pupil signature……………………………………………………………………..

Parent(s)/Carer(s) agreement

Parent(s)/Carer(s) name(s)………………………………………………

I/we have discussed this agreement, which highlights the associated risks when accessing the internet, mobile and digital technologies, with our child/ren.  I/we agree to support them in following the terms of this agreement.

I/we also agree not to share school related information or images online or post material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute.

(Rather than posting negative material online, any parent, distressed or concerned about an aspect of school should make immediate contact with a member of staff.  Negative postings about the school would impact on the reputation of the whole school community.  Parents are encouraged to report breaches so that we can protect the reputation of the school, staff, pupils and parents).

I/we also agree only to use personal mobile phones and devices in designated areas of the school unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities.  I/we understand that under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises of anyone other than our own child/ren, unless there is a pre-specified agreement.  I/we understand that when on school premises, but not in a designated area where phones can be used, they must be switched off and out of sight.

I/we agree that if I take digital or video images at, or of – school events which include images of children, other than my own, these images will not be published / made publicly available on social networking sites.

Parent(s)/Carer(s) agreement

Parent(s)/Carer(s) name(s)……………………………………………………….

Parent/carer signature………………………………………..

Date ………………………………………………………….…

Appendix E - Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities

The school provides online safety information for parents/carers, through the website, in newsletters and at events.  It is important that parents/carers understand their key role in supporting children to behave appropriately and keep themselves safe online.

The online safety policy, supported by its acceptable use agreements, is intended to protect the interests and safety of the whole school community.

  • Parents/carers are required to support their child in understanding and signing the Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement for pupils.
  • Parents/carers may not use personal mobile phones and devices in the school unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities.  Under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises that include anyone other than their own child, unless there is a pre-specified agreement with individuals and parents/carers. If  a digital or video images is taken at, or of – school events which include images of children, other than their own, these images will not be published / made publicly available on social networking sites.
  • Parents/carers should not assume that pupils can bring technological devices to school and should always check the school policy.
  • All cyberbullying incidents affecting children in the school should be reported immediately.  (If the incident involves an indecent image of a child the report must also be made immediately to the police for your own protection.) The school will investigate and respond to all reported cyberbullying incidents, liaising with others where appropriate.  No reply should ever be sent to the sender/poster of cyberbullying content. If applicable block the sender and report abuse to the site. Evidence should be retained and shown in school and/or to the police.  Evidence should not be forwarded.
  • The school may choose to set up social media sites, blogs or have some other online presence in its own name.  Parents/carers, however, do not have the right to set up any site, page, chat group or any other online presence that uses the school name or logo in any form unless agreed by the head teacher.
  • Any parent/carer, distressed or concerned about an aspect of school should make immediate contact with a member of staff rather than posting their concerns online.  Parents/carers should not share school related information or images online or post material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute.  Negative postings about the school would impact on the reputation of the whole school community.  Parents/carers are encouraged to report breaches so that we can protect the reputation of the school, staff, pupils and parents/carers.

Please see the full online safety policy in the policies section on the school website.

Appendix F - Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents

All cyberbullying incidents should be reported and responded to.  Where the perpetrator is a member of the school community the majority of cases can be dealt with through mediation and/or disciplinary processes.  

The following procedures are recommended:

  • Never reply to the sender/poster of cyberbullying content.  If applicable, block the sender.
  • Incidents should be reported immediately.  Pupils should report to a member of staff (e.g. class teacher, headteacher) and staff members should seek support from their line manager or a senior member of staff.
  • The person reporting the cyberbullying should save the evidence and record the time and date.  This evidence must not be forwarded but must be available to show at a meeting.  Under no circumstances should indecent images of children and young people be printed or forwarded as this is a further criminal act.  Staff should not ask to see the evidence of reported indecent images of children or young people but must refer this immediately to the police.  Any member of staff being shown such evidence should immediately inform their line manager or the headteacher so that the circumstances can be recorded.
  • A senior member of staff will meet with the person who has reported the incident and the target, if different, to listen, reassure and support.  All relevant facts will be reviewed and documented.
  • A senior member of staff will conduct an investigation.
  • Anyone found to have cyberbullied will have attention drawn to the seriousness of their behaviour and if necessary the police will be involved.  If the comments are threatening, abusive, sexist, of a sexual nature, constitute a hate crime or are libellous they may well break the law. Online harassment and stalking is also a crime.
  • Once evidence has been secured then the person who has cyberbullied will be requested to remove the offending comments/material.  Any refusal will lead to an escalation of sanctions.

Appendix G - Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media

The school should make it clear which, if any, social media platforms are used to communicate with parents/carers.  If used correctly, parents can use a school’s social media site as a source of reliable information.  The online safety policy, see especially Appendix E (Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities), clarifies that no other social media platforms should be set up using the school’s name or logo.

The school should regularly reinforce with all parties that discussion of school issues on social media platforms, either positive or negative, should not take place as this could bring the school into disrepute and affect families and children.  Parents should be encouraged to be good online role models and not post statements written in anger or frustration.  Identified routes to raise concerns directly with the school should be used.

If negative comments are posted:

  • Collect the facts

As soon as you become aware of adverse comments relating to the school you need to establish what is being said.  It is essential that if you have access to the postings they are secured and retained together with any other evidence.  Do not become engaged in responding directly.

If the allegations against a member of staff or a pupil are of a serious nature, these will need to be formally investigated.  This may involve the police and the headteacher will need to follow the school’s safeguarding procedures.

If there is a risk of serious damage to the school reputation or the reputation of individual members of staff, professional legal advice should be sought. 

Adverse comments of any kind are highly demotivating and cause stress and anxiety.  It is important that the senior staff reassure and support all staff and/or other affected members of the school community.

  • Addressing negative comments and complaints

Contact the complainants and invite them to a meeting.  In the meeting, make sure you have any evidence available.

The meeting must:

  • Draw attention to the seriousness and impact of the actions/postings;
  • Ask for the offending remarks to be removed;
  • Explore the complainant’s grievance;
  • Agree next steps;
  • Clarify the correct complaints procedures.

If the meeting does not resolve the issue, the parents must be informed that the school will need to take the matter further. This may include:

  • Reporting the matter to the social network site if it breaches their rules or breaks the law;
  • Reporting the matter to the police if it breaks the law, e.g. if the comments are threatening, abusive, malicious, sexist, of a sexual nature, constitute a hate crime or are libellous they may well break the law.  Online harassment and stalking is also a crime.

If inappropriate postings continue or the original material is not removed, a second meeting is advisable to re-iterate the seriousness of the matter.

Appendix H - Online safety incident reporting form

Any member of the school community can raise a concern about an online safety incident. If you have witnessed or experienced an incident please complete the form below to help us to address the issue.  It is important that you provide as much detail as possible.  Once completed please hand this report to Mrs Prest.

Name of person reporting incident:


Date you are completing this form:

Where did the incident take place:

Inside school?

Outside school?

Date of incident(s):

Time of incident(s):

Who was involved in the incident(s)?

Full names and/or contact details

Children/young people

Staff member(s)


Other, please specify

Type of incident(s) (indicate as many as apply)

Accessing age inappropriate websites, apps and social media

Accessing someone else’s account without permission

Forwarding/spreading chain messages or threatening material

Posting images without permission of all involved

Online bullying or harassment (cyber bullying)

Posting material that will bring an  individual or the school into disrepute

Racist, sexist, homophobic, religious or other hate material

Online gambling

Sexting/Child abuse images

Deliberately bypassing security


Hacking or spreading viruses

Accessing, sharing or creating pornographic images and media

Accessing and/or sharing terrorist material

Accessing, sharing or creating violent images and media

Drug/bomb making material

Creating an account in someone else’s name to bring them into disrepute

Breaching copyright regulations

Other breach of acceptable use agreement, please specify

Full description of the incident

What, when, where, how?

Name all social media involved

Specify: Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp, Snapchat, Instagram etc

Evidence of the incident

Specify any evidence available but do not attach.

Thank you for completing and submitting this form.

Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School



Online Safety

Including Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreements


Adopted: March 2019

Reviewed and updated: March 2021

Next review date: March 2023


1.    Introduction. 2

2.    Responsibilities. 3

3.    Scope of policy. 3

4.    Policy and procedure. 4

Use of email 4

Visiting online sites and downloading. 4

Storage of Images. 6

Use of personal mobile devices (including phones) 6

New technological devices. 7

Reporting incidents, abuse and inappropriate material 7

5.    Curriculum.. 7

6.    Staff and Governor Training. 8

7.    Working in Partnership with Parents/Carers. 9

8.    Records, monitoring and review.. 9

9.    Appendices of the Online Safety Policy. 9

Appendix A -Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff ,Governors,student teachers. 11

Appendix B - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches and supply teachers. 14

Appendix C - Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers. 17

Appendix D - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils. 18

Appendix E - Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities. 21

Appendix F - Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents. 22

Appendix G - Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media. 23

Appendix H - Online safety incident reporting form.. 25


  1. Introduction

Embsay school recognises that internet, mobile and digital technologies provide a good opportunity for children and young people to learn, socialise and play, provided they are safe. The digital world is an amazing place, but with few rules.  It is vast and fast moving and young people’s future economic success may be partly dependent on their online skills and reputation.  We are, therefore, committed to ensuring that all pupils, staff and governors will be able to use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely.  This is part of our safeguarding responsibility.  Staff are aware that some pupils may require additional support or teaching, including reminders, prompts and further explanation to reinforce their knowledge and understanding of online safety issues.

We are also committed to ensuring that all those who work with children and young people, including their parents/carers, are informed about the ever-changing risks so that they can take an active part in the safeguarding of children.

2.   Responsibilities

The Governing body: 

Governors are responsible for the approval of the online safety policy, ensuring it is disseminated to the wider school community and for reviewing the effectiveness of the policy. Chris Atherton is the named governor for online safety.

As part of their responsibilities in this area the governing Body will:

  • ensure that the statutory requirements of Keeping Children Safe in Education 2020 are complied with.
  • regularly review the staff behaviour policy (sometimes called the code of conduct) which amongst other things, includes acceptable use of technologies, staff/pupil relationships and communications including the use of social media
  • ensure that online safety training for staff is integrated, aligned and considered as part of the overarching safeguarding approach
  • ensure that the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead is trained in online safety issues and is aware of the potential for serious child protection issues that could arise through the use of ICT
  • ensure that children are taught about safeguarding, including online safety.
  • ensure that the school has in place policies and procedures on sexual harassment and peer on peer abuse that can occur online and offline.
  • ensure the appropriateness of any filters, monitoring and security systems
  • regularly monitor online safety incident logs and respond appropriately  to the identified needs
  • ensure the company who is hosting the schools website has enough security in place so it cannot be inappropriately accessed and to have an action plan if it is ‘hacked’ e.g who regular checks the website including during school holidays, who is the key contact if the website is hacked 

The Headteacher:

  • supporting the Governors to comply with the online safety aspects of the Keeping Children Safe in Education
  • supporting the Governors comply with the online safety aspects of the statutory regulations which have make the subjects of Relationships Education (for all primary pupils) and Relationships and Sex Education (for all secondary pupils) and Health Education (for all pupils) mandatory from September 2020.
  • the online safety of all members of the school community.
  • effective and regular training about online safety is provided for the whole school community  and a log is kept of the staff who complete the training 
  • invite governors to take part in online safety training and awareness sessions, with particular importance for those who are members of any committee or working group involved in ICT, online safety education or safeguarding. 
  • effective communication with parents/ carers about safe practices when using online technology’s and support them in talking to their children about these issues
  • that effective filtering, monitoring and security systems are set up
  • ensure that there are effective procedures in place in the event of an online safety allegation which are known and understood by all members of staff 
  • establish and review the school online safety policy and documents and make them available on the school website 
  • liaise with staff, ICT Technical staff, online safety governor, SLT and partner agencies on all issues related to online safety 
  • ensure that all staff are aware of the procedures that need to be followed in the event of an online safety incident taking place 
  • provide training and advice for staff and keep a log of staff who complete training about online issues
  • keep a log of staff, pupils and families who have signed the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for the safe use of technology
  • receive and respond to reports of online safety incidents and create a log of incidents and outcomes to inform future online safety developments 
  • co-ordinate and review online safety education programme in school
  • ensure all new staff receive online safety training as part of their induction programme, ensuring that they fully understand the school online safety policy, Acceptable Usage and Child Protection Policies.

The ICT technician:

  • ensure the school’s ICT infrastructure is secure and meets requirements for filtering and monitoring
  • that the school’s password policy is adhered to
  • ensure that the school’s filtering policy is applied and updated on a regular basis and that its implementation is not the sole responsibility of any single person
  • ensure that the use of the school’s ICT infrastructure (network, remote access, e-mail, VLE etc.) is regularly monitored in order that any misuse or attempted misuse can be reported to the named SLT for action. 


Keeping children Safe in Education 2020 states that the staff behaviour policy

(sometimes called the code of conduct) which should, amongst other things, include:

acceptable use of technologies, staff/pupil relationships and communications including

the use of social media. Alongside the Staff Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), all staff are

responsible for ensuring that: 

  • they have an up to date awareness of online safety matters and of the schools current online safety policy and practices
  • they adhere to any procedures and policies that are implemented to support remote learning for both staff and pupils and communication with parents / carers
  • they attend the training provided by the school about online safety and Online Safety
  • they have read, understood and signed the school Staff Acceptable Usage Policy (AUP)
  • do not ‘be-friend’ any pupil or pupil family member on social media in a social context whilst the pupil is at the school 
  • online safety issues are embedded in all aspects of the curriculum and other school activities 
  • they ensure that pupils understand and follow the school’s online safety and acceptable usage policies 
  • they ensure that pupils have a good understanding of research skills and the need to avoid plagiarism and uphold copyright regulations 
  • they monitor ICT activity in lessons, extracurricular and extended school activities
  • in lessons where Internet use is pre-planned, pupils should be guided to sites checked as suitable for their use and that processes are in place for dealing with any unsuitable material that is found in Internet searches.
  • they are aware that emails can be part of Freedom of Information requests so all correspondence needs to be professional, courtesy and  respectful
  • if confidential information / information under the data protection act is being sent by email it must be sent through the secure email system 


  • pupils are responsible for using the school ICT systems in accordance with the Pupil Acceptable Usage Policy, which they will be required to sign before being given access to school systems. Parents/carers will be required to read through and sign alongside their child’s signature.
  • they must adhere to any procedures that are implemented to support remote learning for both pupils and  staff 
  • pupils must report abuse, misuse or access to inappropriate materials and know how to do so.
  • should understand the importance of adopting good online safety practice when using digital technologies out of school and realise that the school’s online safety policy also covers their actions out of school, if related to their membership of the school or using equipment provided by the school.


Parents/Carers play a crucial role in ensuring that their children understand the need

to use the Internet/mobile devices in an appropriate way.

Parents and carers are responsible for: 

  • endorsing (by signature) the Pupil Acceptable Usage Policy and will alongside this sign the Parents/ Carers Acceptable Usage Policy
  • access the school website and correspond with the school in accordance with the Parents Acceptable Usage Policy. 
  • ensure that they do not use social media to criticise or make inappropriate comments about the school or an individual member of staff as making defamatory comments online has exactly the same legal consequences as if they are made directly to someone else. Similarly threats of violence can lead to criminal proceedings under the Malicious Communications Act. If as a parent/ carer they have any concerns about anything which happens in schools then please contact the school directly.
  1. Scope of policy

The policy applies to:

  • pupils
  • parents/carers
  • teaching and support staff
  • school governors
  • peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers, student teachers
  • visitors
  • volunteers
  • voluntary, statutory or community organisations using  the school's facilities

The school also works with partners and other providers to ensure that pupils who receive part of their education off site or who are on a school trip or residential are safe online.

The school provides online safety information for parents/carers, through the website, in newsletters and at events.  It is important that parents/carers understand their key role in supporting their child/ren to behave appropriately and keep themselves safe online.  

This policy, supported by its acceptable use agreements, is intended to protect the interests and safety of the whole school community.  It is linked to the following other school policies and documents: Child Protection , Information, Health and safety, Home–school agreement, Behaviour, Anti-bullying, Staff Code of Conduct, Safer Working Practice.

Policy and procedure

The school seeks to ensure that internet, mobile and digital technologies are used effectively, for their intended educational purpose, in ways that will not infringe legal requirements or create unnecessary risk.

The school expects everyone to use internet, mobile and digital technologies responsibly and strictly according to the conditions set out in this policy. This policy also includes expectations on appropriate online behaviour and use of technology outside of school for pupils, parents/carers, staff and governors and all other visitors to the school.

When applying this policy, the school will take account of any guidance issued by North Yorkshire. The most recent guidance can be found at: Online Safety Guidance for Schools in North Yorkshire Updated January 2021

Use of email

Staff and governors should use a school email account  for all official communication to ensure everyone is protected through the traceability of communication.  Under no circumstances should staff contact pupils, parents or conduct any school business using a personal email address.  Pupils may only use school approved accounts on the school system and only for educational purposes. Where required parent/carer permission will be obtained for the account to exist.  For advice on sharing personal or confidential information or the need to gain parent permission refer to the Informaiton Policy. Emails created or received as part of any school role will be subject to disclosure in response to a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Staff, governors and pupils should not open emails or attachments from suspect sources and should report their receipt to Mrs Chapman.

Users must not send emails which are offensive, embarrassing or upsetting to anyone (i.e. cyberbullying).

Visiting online sites and downloading

  • Staff must preview sites, software and apps before their use in school or before recommending them to pupils.  Before using any online service that requires user accounts to be created or the sharing of any personal data, staff must consult with the head teacher  with details of the site/service.  If internet research is set for homework, specific sites will be suggested that have previously been checked by the teacher.  All users must observe copyright of materials from electronic sources.
  • Staff must only use pre-approved systems if creating blogs, wikis or other online areas in order to communicate with pupils/ families.
  • When working with pupils searching for images should be done through Google Safe Search (standard through the NY service), Google Advanced Search or a similar application that provides greater safety than a standard search engine.

Users must not:

Visit internet sites, make, post, download, upload or pass on, material, remarks, proposals or comments that contain or relate to:

  • Indecent images of children actually or apparently under the age of 18 or images of child abuse (i.e. images of children, digital or cartoons, involved in sexual activity or posed to be sexually provocative)
  • Indecent images of vulnerable people over the age of 18 (i.e. images of vulnerable people, digital or cartoons involved in sexual activity or posed to be sexually provocative)
  • Adult material that breaches the Obscene Publications Act in the UK
  • Promoting discrimination of any kind in relation to the protected characteristics: gender identity and reassignment, gender/sex, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion, sexual orientation, age and marital status
  • Promoting hatred against any individual or group from the protected characteristics above
  • Promoting illegal acts including physical or sexual abuse of children or adults, violence, bomb making, drug and alcohol abuse and software piracy
  • Any material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute e.g. promotion of violence, gambling, libel and disrespect

Users must not:

  • Reveal or publicise confidential or proprietary information
  • Intentionally interfere with the normal operation of the internet connection, including the propagation of computer viruses
  • Transmit unsolicited commercial or advertising material either to other users, or to organisations connected to other networks except where permission has been given to the school
  • Use the school's hardware and Wi-Fi facilities for running a private business
  • Intimidate, threaten or cause harm to others
  • Access or interfere in any way with other users' accounts
  • Use software or hardware that has been prohibited by the school

  Only a school device may be used to conduct school business outside of school. The only exception would be where a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school for use on a personal device.

All breaches of prohibited behaviours detailed above will be investigated, where appropriate, in liaison with the police.

The school recognises that in certain planned curricular activities, access to controversial and/or offensive online content may be beneficial for educational use. In such circumstances, there is an expectation that access is pre-planned, risk assessed and recorded, and permission given by Mrs Prest.  

Storage of Images

Photographs and videos provide valuable evidence of pupils’ achievement and progress in a variety of contexts and can be used to celebrate the work of the school.  In line with GDPR they are used only with the written consent of parents/carers which is secured in the first instance on a child’s entry to the school. Records are kept on file and consent can be changed by parents/carers at any time. (See Information Policy for greater clarification).

Photographs and images of pupils are only stored on the school’s agreed secure networks which include some cloud based services.  Rights of access to stored images are restricted to approved staff as determined by Mrs Prest.  Staff and pupils may have temporary access to photographs taken during a class session, but these will be transferred/deleted promptly.

Parents/carers should note that there may be some children who are at risk and must not have their image put online and others who do not want their image online.  For these reasons parents/carers must follow the school’s Acceptable Use Agreement and refrain from posting online photographs of any member of the school community, other than their own child/ren.

Staff and other professionals working with pupils, must only use school equipment to record images of pupils whether on or off site. See also Information Policy.  

Use of personal mobile devices (including phones)

The school does not allow staff, including temporary and peripatetic staff, and visitors to use personal mobile phones and devices in the presence of pupils. Under no circumstance does the school allow a member of staff to contact a pupil or parent/carer using their personal device.

Parents/carers may not use personal mobile phones and devices in the school building unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities. Under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises or on off-site school events and activities of anyone other than their own child, unless there is a pre-specified permission from Mrs Prest.  

Year 6 pupils are allowed to bring personal mobile devices/phones to school but must hand them to the class teacher for storage during the day.  Under no circumstance should pupils use their personal mobile devices/phones to take images of

  • any other pupil unless they and their parents have given agreement in advance
  • any member of staff

The school is not responsible for the loss, damage or theft on school premises of any personal mobile device.

Users bringing personal devices into school must ensure there is no inappropriate or illegal content on the device.

  Personal mobiles must never be used to access school emails and data. The only       exception would be where a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school for use on a personal device.

New technological devices

New personal technological devices may offer opportunities for teaching and learning. However, the school must consider educational benefit and carry out risk assessment before use in school is allowed.  Parents/carers, pupils and staff should not assume that new technological devices will be allowed in school and should check with Mrs Prest before they are brought into school.  

Reporting incidents, abuse and inappropriate material

There may be occasions in school when either a pupil or an adult receives an offensive, abusive or inappropriate message or accidentally accesses upsetting or abusive material. When such a situation occurs the pupil or adult must report the incident immediately to the first available member of staff, or the headteacher.  Where such an incident may lead to significant harm, safeguarding procedures should be followed.  The school takes the reporting of such incidents seriously and where judged necessary, the DSL will refer details to social care or the police.

  1. Curriculum

Online safety is embedded within our curriculum. The school provides a comprehensive curriculum for online safety which enables pupils to become informed, safe and responsible. This includes teaching to prevent radicalisation, for which staff provide a narrative to counter extremism.

The curriculum is flexible and can respond to any immediate online safety issues and risks as they emerge.

It is necessary for pupils to develop skills of critical awareness, digital resilience and good online citizenship to enable them to use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely and responsibly.  Pupils are taught to recognise the creative, collaborative, cultural, economic and educational opportunities provided by the internet, mobile and digital technologies. Curriculum work will also include:

  • Understanding how to use the internet, mobile and digital technologies in a balanced and appropriate way to avoid negative impact on wellbeing, e.g. regulated screen time and diverse online activity
  • Learning how to develop a positive online reputation and enhance future opportunities e.g. in relationships and employment
  • Developing critical thinking skills in relation to online content e.g. recognising fake news and extremism, understanding commercial manipulation, maintaining an authentic sense of self that is resilient to online pressure, learning how easy it is to lie online (i.e. users may not be who they say they are and may have ulterior motives)
  • Understanding the dangers of giving out personal details online (e.g. full name, address, mobile/home phone numbers, school details, IM/email address) and the importance of maintaining maximum privacy online
  • Thinking carefully before placing images online and considering their appropriateness and understanding the importance of gaining consent before posting photographs of others
  • Understanding the permanency of all online postings and conversations
  • Understanding relevant legislation, including copyright, and the importance of respecting other people’s information, reputation and images
  • What constitutes cyberbullying, how to avoid it, the impact it has and how to access help.
  1. Staff and Governor Training

Staff and governors are trained to fulfil their roles in online safety. The school audits the training needs of all school staff and provides regular training to improve their knowledge and expertise in the safe and appropriate use of internet, mobile and digital technologies.  This training is recorded as part of safeguarding records.

New staff are provided with a copy of the online safety policy and must sign the school’s Acceptable Use Agreement as part of their induction and before having contact with pupils.

Any organisation working with children based on the school premises are also provided with a copy of the online safety policy and required to sign the Acceptable Use Agreement (Appendix B).

Volunteers, peripatetic staff (unless employed by NYCC services), student teachers and regular visitors are provided with a copy of the online safety policy and are required to sign the Acceptable Use Agreement (Appendix B).

  1. Working in Partnership with Parents/Carers

The school works closely with families to help ensure that children can use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely and responsibly both at home and school.  It is important that parents/carers understand the crucial role they play in this process. The school seeks to regularly consult and discuss online safety with parents/carers and seeks to promote a wide understanding of the benefits of new technologies and associated risks.  The school provides regular updated online safety information through the school website and by other means.

Parents/carers are asked to read, discuss and co-sign with each child the Acceptable Use Agreement whenever the online safety policy is reviewed.  A summary of key parent/carer responsibilities will also be provided and is available in Appendix F. The Acceptable Use Agreement explains the school’s expectations and pupil and parent/carer responsibilities. The support of parents/carers is essential to implement the online safety policy effectively and keep all children safe.

  1. Records, monitoring and review

The school recognises the need to record online safety incidents and to monitor and review policies and procedures regularly in order to ensure they are effective and that the risks to pupils and staff are minimised.

All breaches of this policy must be reported and all reported incidents will be logged on CPOMS. All staff have the individual responsibility to ensure that incidents have been correctly recorded, acted upon and reported.  An online safety incident recording format are provided in appendix H.

The school supports pupils and staff who have been affected by a policy breach. Where there is inappropriate or illegal use of internet, mobile and digital technologies, this will be dealt with under the school’s behaviour and disciplinary policies as appropriate.  Breaches may also lead to criminal or civil proceedings.

Governors receive termly summary data on recorded online safety incidents for monitoring purposes.  In addition governors ensure they have sufficient, quality information to enable them to make a judgement about the fitness for purpose of this policy on an annual basis.

  1. Appendices of the Online Safety Policy
  1. Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff, Governors and student teachers (on placement or on staff)
  2. Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers
  3. Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers working in the school (working directly with children or otherwise)
  4. Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils
  5. Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities
  6. Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents
  7. Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media
  8. Online safety incident reporting form

Appendix A - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff, Governors and student teachers (on placement or on staff)

You must read this agreement in conjunction with the online safety policy and the Information  policy.  Once you have read these, you must sign and submit this agreement and it will be kept on record in the school. You should retain your own copy for reference. This forms part of your professional and safeguarding responsibilities.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies are part of our daily working life and this agreement is designed to ensure that all staff and governors are aware of their responsibilities in relation to their use.  All staff and governors are expected to adhere to this agreement and to the online safety policy.  Any concerns or clarification should be discussed with Mrs Prest. Breaches will be investigated, recorded and, where appropriate, disciplinary procedures will apply and police involvement will be sought.

Internet Access

I will not access or attempt to access any sites that contain any of the following: child abuse; pornography; discrimination of any kind; promotion of prejudice against any group; promotion of illegal acts; any other information which may be illegal or offensive.  Inadvertent access on school equipment must be treated as an online safety incident, reported to the online safety lead and/or DSL and an incident report completed.

Online conduct

I will ensure that my online activity, both in and outside school, will not bring the school, my professional reputation, or that of others, into disrepute.

I will not browse, download, upload or distribute any material that could be considered offensive, illegal or discriminatory.  Exceptionally, use of controversial material as part of the curriculum should be planned and approved on every occasion (see policy). 

I will report any accidental access to or receipt of inappropriate materials or filtering breach to Mrs Prest.

I understand that all my use of the internet and other related technologies can be traced and monitored and, should it be required, must be made available to my line manager, headteacher and others as required.

I will not give out my personal contact and online account information such as phone numbers, email address, and social media account details to pupils and/or parents/carers.

Social networking

I understand the need to separate my professional role from my private friendships; in my professional capacity I will not become ‘friends’ with parents/carers or pupils on social networks. Where my school role is my only connection to an individual, private online contact is unacceptable with parents/carers or pupils. See also Staff Code of Conduct.

When using social networking for personal use I will ensure my settings are not public. My private account postings will never undermine or disparage the school, its staff, governors, parents/carers or pupils. Privileged information must remain confidential.


I understand that there is no occasion when a password should be shared with a pupil or anyone who is not a staff member without permission.

Data protection

I will follow requirements for data protection as outlined in the information policy.  These include:

  • Photographs must be kept securely and used appropriately, whether in school, taken off the school premises or accessed remotely
  • Personal data can only be taken out of school or accessed remotely when authorised by the headteacher or governing body
  • Personal or sensitive data taken off site must be encrypted

Images and videos

I will only upload images or videos of staff, pupils or parents/carers onto school approved sites where specific permission has been granted.

I will not take images, sound recordings or videos of school events or activities on any personal device.

 Use of email

I will use my school email address for all school business.  All such correspondence must be kept professional and is open to Subject Access Requests under the Freedom of Information Act.  I will not use my school email addresses for personal matters or non-school business.

Use of personal devices

I understand that as a member of staff I should at no time put myself in a position where a safeguarding allegation can be made against me as a result of my use of personal devices. I understand that the use of personal devices in school is at the discretion of the headteacher.

I will not access secure school information from personal devices unless a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school.

Additional hardware/software

I will not install any hardware or software on school equipment without permission of Mrs Prest.

Promoting online safety

I understand that online safety is the responsibility of all staff and governors and I will promote positive online safety messages at all times including when setting homework or providing pastoral support.

I understand that it is my duty to support a whole school safeguarding approach and will report any inappropriate or concerning behaviour (of other staff, governors, visitors, pupils or parents/carers) to the DSL or Mrs Prest.

Classroom management of internet access

I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites used in the classroom; this will include the acceptability of other material visible, however briefly, on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.

If I am using the internet to teach about controversial issues I will secure, on every occasion, approval in advance for the material I plan to use with Mrs Prest.

User signature

I agree to follow this Acceptable Use Agreement and to support online safety throughout the school.  I understand this forms part of the terms and conditions set out in my contract of employment (staff members only) and/or my responsibilities as a governor.

Signature …….………………….………… Date ……………………

Full Name …………………………………......................................... (printed)

Job title ……………………………………………………………………

Appendix B - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers

School name Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School

Online safety lead Fiona Prest

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Fiona Prest

This agreement forms part of your professional and safeguarding responsibility in the school.  You must read and sign this agreement.  This will be kept on record and you should retain your own copy for reference.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies are part of our daily working life and this agreement is designed to ensure that all staff and governors are aware of their responsibilities in relation to their use. You are expected to adhere to this agreement.  Any concerns or clarification should be discussed with Mrs Prest. Breaches will be investigated, recorded and, where appropriate, disciplinary procedures will apply and police involvement will be sought.

The school’s online safety policy will provide further detailed information as required.

Internet Access

I will not access or attempt to access any sites that contain any of the following: child abuse; pornography; discrimination of any kind; promotion of prejudice against any group; promotion of illegal acts; any other information which may be illegal or offensive.  Inadvertent access on school equipment must be treated as an online safety incident, reported to the online safety lead and/or DSL and an incident report completed.

Online conduct

I will ensure that my online activity, both in and outside school, will not bring the school, my professional reputation, or that of others, into disrepute.

I will not browse, download, upload or distribute any material that could be considered offensive, illegal or discriminatory.  Exceptionally, use of controversial material as part of the curriculum should be planned and approved on every occasion (see policy). 

I will report any accidental access to or receipt of inappropriate materials or filtering breach to Mrs Prest.

I understand that all my use of the internet and other related technologies can be traced and monitored and, should it be required, must be made available to my line manager, headteacher and others as required.

I will not give out my personal contact and online account information such as phone numbers, email address, and social media account details to pupils and/or parents/carers.

Should I need to share my professional details, such as mobile phone number or email address, with parent/carers, this must be agreed in advance as an acceptable approach with Mrs Prest.

Social networking

I understand the need to separate my professional role from my private friendships; in my professional capacity I will not become ‘friends’ with parents/carers or pupils on social networks. Where my school role is my only connection to an individual, private online contact is unacceptable with parents/carers or pupils.

Information can be shared with pupils over 13 and parents/carers through an organisational social network site/page e.g. on Facebook or Twitter, but never through a personal account or site. In my professional role in the school, I will never engage in 1-1 exchanges with pupils or parent/carers on personal social network sites.

My private account postings will never undermine or disparage the school, its staff, governors, parents/carers or pupils.  Privileged information known as a result of my work in the school must remain confidential.  

I will not upload any material about or references to the school or its community on my personal social networks.


I must clarify what access I may have to the internet and/or school systems.  If I have access of any kind, I understand that there is no occasion when a password should be shared with a pupil or anyone who is not a staff member. 

Data protection

I will follow all requirements for data protection explained to me by the school.  These include:

  • I must consult with the school before making any recordings, photographs and videos. Once agreed, these must be made on a school device.
  • I understand that there are strict controls and requirements regarding the collection and use of personal data. I will follow all requirements regarding GDPR.

Images and videos

I will only upload images or videos of staff, pupils or parents/carers onto school approved sites where specific permission has been granted.

I will not take images, sound recordings or videos of tuition or wider school activities on any personal device. School devices can be used for this purpose or, in the case of 1:1 tuition, pupil’s or parent/carer devices can be used, with parent/carer agreement.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies provide helpful recording functions but these cannot be made on a teacher’s personal device.  Recordings can be made with the child’s and parent/carer’s agreement on a school device, an organisational device approved by the headteacher/DSL, or a young person’s or parent/carer’s own device.

Use of Email

I will use my professional or formal student email address for all school business.  All such correspondence should be kept professional and is open to Subject Access Requests under the Freedom of Information Act. I will not use my professional email addresses for personal matters.

Use of personal devices

I understand that when working in the school I should at no time put myself in a position where a safeguarding allegation can be made against me as a result of my use of personal devices. I understand that the use of personal devices in school is at the discretion of the headteacher.

I will only use approved personal devices when not with pupils. This therefore precludes use of specialist apps on personal devices.  A school device could be used to access specialist apps that support pupil learning.  

Additional hardware/software

I will not install any hardware or software on school equipment without permission of Mrs Prest.

Promoting online safety

I understand that online safety is part of my responsibility and I will promote positive online safety messages at all times, including when setting homework, rehearsal or skill practice or when providing pastoral support.

I understand that it is my duty to support a whole school safeguarding approach and will report any behaviour (of staff, governors, visitors, pupils or parents/carers) which I believe may be inappropriate or concerning in any way to the DSL or Mrs Prest.

Classroom management of internet access

I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites used in the classroom; this will include the acceptability of other material visible, however briefly, on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.

If I am using the internet to teach about controversial issues I will secure, on every occasion, approval in advance for the material I plan to use with Mrs Prest.

User Signature

I agree to follow this Acceptable Use Agreement and to support online safety in my work in the school.  I understand this forms part of my company/educational setting/organisation’s contract with the school.

Signature …….………………….…………….…      Date ……………………

Full Name ………………………………….................................................... (Please use block capitals)

Job Title/Role …………………………………..…………………..……………

Appendix C - Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers

(Working directly with children or otherwise)

School name……Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School ………………………………..…..

Online safety lead …Mrs Prest……………………………..…

DSL …Mrs Prest……………………………………………..…..

This document is designed to ensure that you are aware of your responsibilities when using any form of IT in the school and other aspects of safeguarding in connection with online safety.

Please raise any safeguarding concerns arising from your visit immediately with the headteacher and/or DSL

  • I understand I may not use my personal mobile phone(s) and other devices with camera functions in front of children.   Any exception must be pre-arranged.
  • I will not take images, sound recording or videos of school events or activities, on or off site, on any device.  Any possible exception must be pre-arranged.
  • I will not give out my personal details such as mobile phone number, email address, and social media account details to pupils and parent/carers.  Where appropriate I may share my professional contact details with parents/carers provided the DSL or headteacher is informed before I leave the school.
  • I understand my visit to the school may give me access to privileged information about pupils, staff, school systems and plans.  Such information should never be shared online, including on social media sites.
  • I understand I should not use school equipment to access the internet without prior approval from my contact in the school or the headteacher.
  • If working in the classroom, I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites I intend to use including checking the acceptability of other material visible on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.  If I am in any doubt about the appropriateness of the content I plan to use I will check with my contact in the school.

Appendix D - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils

 My online safety rules

  • I will only use school IT equipment for activities agreed by school staff.
  • I will not use my personal email address or other personal accounts in school when doing school work.
  • I will not sign up for any online service on school devices unless this is an agreed part of a school project approved by my teacher and agreed by my parent/carer.
  • I will only open email attachments if it has been approved by a member of school staff in school or a parent/carer out of school.
  • In school I will only open or delete my files when told by a member of staff.
  • I will not tell anyone other than my parents/carers my passwords. I will not use other people’s usernames or passwords to pretend to be them online.
  • I will make sure that all online contact I make is responsible, polite and sensible. I will be kind and respectful at all times.
  • If I come across anything upsetting, unpleasant or nasty, or anything that makes me feel unsafe, I will tell my teacher or my parent/carer immediately.
  • If someone says, asks or posts about me anything upsetting, unpleasant or nasty, or anything that makes me feel unsafe, I will not reply. I will tell my teacher or my parent/carer immediately. 
  • I will not give out my own or other people’s personal information, including: name, phone number, home address, interests, schools or clubs.  I will tell my teacher or parent/carer if anyone asks me online for personal information.
  • Uploading or sending my image (photographs, videos, live streaming) online puts me at risk.  I will always seek permission from my teacher or parent/carer if I wish to do this.  I will not take, share or upload any image of anyone else without their permission and also, if they are a child, without their parent’s/carer’s permission.
  • Even if I have permission, I will not upload any images, videos, sounds or words that could upset, now or in the future, any member of the school community, as this is cyberbullying.
  • I understand that some people on the internet are not who they say they are and some people are not safe to be in contact with.  I will not arrange to meet someone I only know on the internet. If someone asks to meet me, I will not reply to them and I will tell a teacher or a parent/carer immediately.
  • I understand that everything I do or receive online can be traced now and in the future. I know it is important to build a good online reputation.  
  • I understand that some personal devices are allowed in school and some are not, and I will follow the rules.  I will not assume that new devices can be brought into school without getting permission.
  • I will not lie about my age in order to access games, apps or social networks that are for older people as this will put me at risk.
  • I understand that these rules are designed to keep me safe now and in the future.  If I break the rules my teachers will look into it and may need to take action.

Name ……………………………

Signed ………………………………….

Date ………………………………………

Dear Parent/Carer,

The internet, email, mobile technologies and online resources have become an important part of learning and life.   We want all children to be safe and responsible when using any IT.  It is essential that children are aware of online risk, know how to stay safe and know where to go to report problems or to get help.

Please read through these online safety rules with your child/ren and talk with them to ensure they understand their importance and what it means for them (and for you).  When you have done this, you both need to sign this agreement to say that you agree to follow the rules.  Any concerns or explanation can be discussed with Mrs Prest. 

Please return the signed sections of this form which will be kept on record at the school.

Pupil agreement

Pupil name………………………………………

This agreement is to keep me safe. I have discussed this agreement with my parents/carers and understand the commitment I have made and my responsibilities.

Pupil signature……………………………………………………………………..

Parent(s)/Carer(s) agreement

Parent(s)/Carer(s) name(s)………………………………………………

I/we have discussed this agreement, which highlights the associated risks when accessing the internet, mobile and digital technologies, with our child/ren.  I/we agree to support them in following the terms of this agreement.

I/we also agree not to share school related information or images online or post material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute.

(Rather than posting negative material online, any parent, distressed or concerned about an aspect of school should make immediate contact with a member of staff.  Negative postings about the school would impact on the reputation of the whole school community.  Parents are encouraged to report breaches so that we can protect the reputation of the school, staff, pupils and parents).

I/we also agree only to use personal mobile phones and devices in designated areas of the school unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities.  I/we understand that under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises of anyone other than our own child/ren, unless there is a pre-specified agreement.  I/we understand that when on school premises, but not in a designated area where phones can be used, they must be switched off and out of sight.

I/we agree that if I take digital or video images at, or of – school events which include images of children, other than my own, these images will not be published / made publicly available on social networking sites.

Parent(s)/Carer(s) agreement

Parent(s)/Carer(s) name(s)……………………………………………………….

Parent/carer signature………………………………………..

Date ………………………………………………………….…

Appendix E - Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities

The school provides online safety information for parents/carers, through the website, in newsletters and at events.  It is important that parents/carers understand their key role in supporting children to behave appropriately and keep themselves safe online.

The online safety policy, supported by its acceptable use agreements, is intended to protect the interests and safety of the whole school community.

  • Parents/carers are required to support their child in understanding and signing the Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement for pupils.
  • Parents/carers may not use personal mobile phones and devices in the school unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities.  Under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises that include anyone other than their own child, unless there is a pre-specified agreement with individuals and parents/carers. If  a digital or video images is taken at, or of – school events which include images of children, other than their own, these images will not be published / made publicly available on social networking sites.
  • Parents/carers should not assume that pupils can bring technological devices to school and should always check the school policy.
  • All cyberbullying incidents affecting children in the school should be reported immediately.  (If the incident involves an indecent image of a child the report must also be made immediately to the police for your own protection.) The school will investigate and respond to all reported cyberbullying incidents, liaising with others where appropriate.  No reply should ever be sent to the sender/poster of cyberbullying content. If applicable block the sender and report abuse to the site. Evidence should be retained and shown in school and/or to the police.  Evidence should not be forwarded.
  • The school may choose to set up social media sites, blogs or have some other online presence in its own name.  Parents/carers, however, do not have the right to set up any site, page, chat group or any other online presence that uses the school name or logo in any form unless agreed by the head teacher.
  • Any parent/carer, distressed or concerned about an aspect of school should make immediate contact with a member of staff rather than posting their concerns online.  Parents/carers should not share school related information or images online or post material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute.  Negative postings about the school would impact on the reputation of the whole school community.  Parents/carers are encouraged to report breaches so that we can protect the reputation of the school, staff, pupils and parents/carers.

Please see the full online safety policy in the policies section on the school website.

Appendix F - Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents

All cyberbullying incidents should be reported and responded to.  Where the perpetrator is a member of the school community the majority of cases can be dealt with through mediation and/or disciplinary processes.  

The following procedures are recommended:

  • Never reply to the sender/poster of cyberbullying content.  If applicable, block the sender.
  • Incidents should be reported immediately.  Pupils should report to a member of staff (e.g. class teacher, headteacher) and staff members should seek support from their line manager or a senior member of staff.
  • The person reporting the cyberbullying should save the evidence and record the time and date.  This evidence must not be forwarded but must be available to show at a meeting.  Under no circumstances should indecent images of children and young people be printed or forwarded as this is a further criminal act.  Staff should not ask to see the evidence of reported indecent images of children or young people but must refer this immediately to the police.  Any member of staff being shown such evidence should immediately inform their line manager or the headteacher so that the circumstances can be recorded.
  • A senior member of staff will meet with the person who has reported the incident and the target, if different, to listen, reassure and support.  All relevant facts will be reviewed and documented.
  • A senior member of staff will conduct an investigation.
  • Anyone found to have cyberbullied will have attention drawn to the seriousness of their behaviour and if necessary the police will be involved.  If the comments are threatening, abusive, sexist, of a sexual nature, constitute a hate crime or are libellous they may well break the law. Online harassment and stalking is also a crime.
  • Once evidence has been secured then the person who has cyberbullied will be requested to remove the offending comments/material.  Any refusal will lead to an escalation of sanctions.

Appendix G - Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media

The school should make it clear which, if any, social media platforms are used to communicate with parents/carers.  If used correctly, parents can use a school’s social media site as a source of reliable information.  The online safety policy, see especially Appendix E (Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities), clarifies that no other social media platforms should be set up using the school’s name or logo.

The school should regularly reinforce with all parties that discussion of school issues on social media platforms, either positive or negative, should not take place as this could bring the school into disrepute and affect families and children.  Parents should be encouraged to be good online role models and not post statements written in anger or frustration.  Identified routes to raise concerns directly with the school should be used.

If negative comments are posted:

  • Collect the facts

As soon as you become aware of adverse comments relating to the school you need to establish what is being said.  It is essential that if you have access to the postings they are secured and retained together with any other evidence.  Do not become engaged in responding directly.

If the allegations against a member of staff or a pupil are of a serious nature, these will need to be formally investigated.  This may involve the police and the headteacher will need to follow the school’s safeguarding procedures.

If there is a risk of serious damage to the school reputation or the reputation of individual members of staff, professional legal advice should be sought. 

Adverse comments of any kind are highly demotivating and cause stress and anxiety.  It is important that the senior staff reassure and support all staff and/or other affected members of the school community.

  • Addressing negative comments and complaints

Contact the complainants and invite them to a meeting.  In the meeting, make sure you have any evidence available.

The meeting must:

  • Draw attention to the seriousness and impact of the actions/postings;
  • Ask for the offending remarks to be removed;
  • Explore the complainant’s grievance;
  • Agree next steps;
  • Clarify the correct complaints procedures.

If the meeting does not resolve the issue, the parents must be informed that the school will need to take the matter further. This may include:

  • Reporting the matter to the social network site if it breaches their rules or breaks the law;
  • Reporting the matter to the police if it breaks the law, e.g. if the comments are threatening, abusive, malicious, sexist, of a sexual nature, constitute a hate crime or are libellous they may well break the law.  Online harassment and stalking is also a crime.

If inappropriate postings continue or the original material is not removed, a second meeting is advisable to re-iterate the seriousness of the matter.

Appendix H - Online safety incident reporting form

Any member of the school community can raise a concern about an online safety incident. If you have witnessed or experienced an incident please complete the form below to help us to address the issue.  It is important that you provide as much detail as possible.  Once completed please hand this report to Mrs Prest.

Name of person reporting incident:


Date you are completing this form:

Where did the incident take place:

Inside school?

Outside school?

Date of incident(s):

Time of incident(s):

Who was involved in the incident(s)?

Full names and/or contact details

Children/young people

Staff member(s)


Other, please specify

Type of incident(s) (indicate as many as apply)

Accessing age inappropriate websites, apps and social media

Accessing someone else’s account without permission

Forwarding/spreading chain messages or threatening material

Posting images without permission of all involved

Online bullying or harassment (cyber bullying)

Posting material that will bring an  individual or the school into disrepute

Racist, sexist, homophobic, religious or other hate material

Online gambling

Sexting/Child abuse images

Deliberately bypassing security


Hacking or spreading viruses

Accessing, sharing or creating pornographic images and media

Accessing and/or sharing terrorist material

Accessing, sharing or creating violent images and media

Drug/bomb making material

Creating an account in someone else’s name to bring them into disrepute

Breaching copyright regulations

Other breach of acceptable use agreement, please specify

Full description of the incident

What, when, where, how?

Name all social media involved

Specify: Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp, Snapchat, Instagram etc

Evidence of the incident

Specify any evidence available but do not attach.

Thank you for completing and submitting this form.

Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School



Online Safety

Including Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreements




Adopted: March 2019

Reviewed and updated: March 2021

Next review date: March 2023


 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1.    Introduction. PAGEREF _Toc512000753 \h 2 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350033000000

2.    Responsibilities. PAGEREF _Toc512000754 \h 3 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350034000000

3.    Scope of policy. PAGEREF _Toc512000755 \h 3 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350035000000

4.    Policy and procedure. PAGEREF _Toc512000756 \h 4 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350036000000

Use of email PAGEREF _Toc512000757 \h 4 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350037000000

Visiting online sites and downloading. PAGEREF _Toc512000758 \h 4 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350038000000

Storage of Images. PAGEREF _Toc512000759 \h 6 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350039000000

Use of personal mobile devices (including phones) PAGEREF _Toc512000760 \h 6 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360030000000

New technological devices. PAGEREF _Toc512000761 \h 7 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360031000000

Reporting incidents, abuse and inappropriate material PAGEREF _Toc512000762 \h 7 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360032000000

5.    Curriculum.. PAGEREF _Toc512000763 \h 7 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360033000000

6.    Staff and Governor Training. PAGEREF _Toc512000764 \h 8 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360034000000

7.    Working in Partnership with Parents/Carers. PAGEREF _Toc512000765 \h 9 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360035000000

8.    Records, monitoring and review.. PAGEREF _Toc512000766 \h 9 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360036000000

9.    Appendices of the Online Safety Policy. PAGEREF _Toc512000767 \h 9 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360037000000

Appendix A -Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff ,Governors,student teachers. PAGEREF _Toc512000768 \h 11 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360038000000

Appendix B - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches and supply teachers. PAGEREF _Toc512000769 \h 14 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360039000000

Appendix C - Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers. PAGEREF _Toc512000770 \h 17 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700370030000000

Appendix D - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils. PAGEREF _Toc512000771 \h 18 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700370031000000

Appendix E - Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities. PAGEREF _Toc512000773 \h 21 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700370033000000

Appendix F - Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents. PAGEREF _Toc512000774 \h 22 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700370034000000

Appendix G - Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media. PAGEREF _Toc512000775 \h 23 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700370035000000

Appendix H - Online safety incident reporting form.. PAGEREF _Toc512000776 \h 25 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700370036000000




1.     Introduction


Embsay school recognises that internet, mobile and digital technologies provide a good opportunity for children and young people to learn, socialise and play, provided they are safe. The digital world is an amazing place, but with few rules.  It is vast and fast moving and young people’s future economic success may be partly dependent on their online skills and reputation.  We are, therefore, committed to ensuring that all pupils, staff and governors will be able to use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely.  This is part of our safeguarding responsibility.  Staff are aware that some pupils may require additional support or teaching, including reminders, prompts and further explanation to reinforce their knowledge and understanding of online safety issues.

We are also committed to ensuring that all those who work with children and young people, including their parents/carers, are informed about the ever-changing risks so that they can take an active part in the safeguarding of children.

2.   Responsibilities


The Governing body: 

Governors are responsible for the approval of the online safety policy, ensuring it is disseminated to the wider school community and for reviewing the effectiveness of the policy. Chris Atherton is the named governor for online safety.

As part of their responsibilities in this area the governing Body will:

·       ensure that the statutory requirements of Keeping Children Safe in Education 2020 are complied with.

·       regularly review the staff behaviour policy (sometimes called the code of conduct) which amongst other things, includes acceptable use of technologies, staff/pupil relationships and communications including the use of social media

·       ensure that online safety training for staff is integrated, aligned and considered as part of the overarching safeguarding approach

·       ensure that the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead is trained in online safety issues and is aware of the potential for serious child protection issues that could arise through the use of ICT

·       ensure that children are taught about safeguarding, including online safety.

·       ensure that the school has in place policies and procedures on sexual harassment and peer on peer abuse that can occur online and offline.

·       ensure the appropriateness of any filters, monitoring and security systems

·       regularly monitor online safety incident logs and respond appropriately  to the identified needs

·       ensure the company who is hosting the schools website has enough security in place so it cannot be inappropriately accessed and to have an action plan if it is ‘hacked’ e.g who regular checks the website including during school holidays, who is the key contact if the website is hacked 

The Headteacher:

·       supporting the Governors to comply with the online safety aspects of the Keeping Children Safe in Education

·       supporting the Governors comply with the online safety aspects of the statutory regulations which have make the subjects of Relationships Education (for all primary pupils) and Relationships and Sex Education (for all secondary pupils) and Health Education (for all pupils) mandatory from September 2020.

·       the online safety of all members of the school community.

·       effective and regular training about online safety is provided for the whole school community  and a log is kept of the staff who complete the training 

·       invite governors to take part in online safety training and awareness sessions, with particular importance for those who are members of any committee or working group involved in ICT, online safety education or safeguarding. 

·       effective communication with parents/ carers about safe practices when using online technology’s and support them in talking to their children about these issues

·       that effective filtering, monitoring and security systems are set up

·       ensure that there are effective procedures in place in the event of an online safety allegation which are known and understood by all members of staff 

·       establish and review the school online safety policy and documents and make them available on the school website 

·       liaise with staff, ICT Technical staff, online safety governor, SLT and partner agencies on all issues related to online safety 

·       ensure that all staff are aware of the procedures that need to be followed in the event of an online safety incident taking place 

·       provide training and advice for staff and keep a log of staff who complete training about online issues

·       keep a log of staff, pupils and families who have signed the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for the safe use of technology

·       receive and respond to reports of online safety incidents and create a log of incidents and outcomes to inform future online safety developments 

·       co-ordinate and review online safety education programme in school

·       ensure all new staff receive online safety training as part of their induction programme, ensuring that they fully understand the school online safety policy, Acceptable Usage and Child Protection Policies.

The ICT technician:

·       ensure the school’s ICT infrastructure is secure and meets requirements for filtering and monitoring

·       that the school’s password policy is adhered to

·       ensure that the school’s filtering policy is applied and updated on a regular basis and that its implementation is not the sole responsibility of any single person

·       ensure that the use of the school’s ICT infrastructure (network, remote access, e-mail, VLE etc.) is regularly monitored in order that any misuse or attempted misuse can be reported to the named SLT for action. 


Keeping children Safe in Education 2020 states that the staff behaviour policy

(sometimes called the code of conduct) which should, amongst other things, include:

acceptable use of technologies, staff/pupil relationships and communications including

the use of social media. Alongside the Staff Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), all staff are

responsible for ensuring that: 

·       they have an up to date awareness of online safety matters and of the schools current online safety policy and practices

·       they adhere to any procedures and policies that are implemented to support remote learning for both staff and pupils and communication with parents / carers

·       they attend the training provided by the school about online safety and Online Safety

·       they have read, understood and signed the school Staff Acceptable Usage Policy (AUP)

·       do not ‘be-friend’ any pupil or pupil family member on social media in a social context whilst the pupil is at the school 

·       online safety issues are embedded in all aspects of the curriculum and other school activities 

·       they ensure that pupils understand and follow the school’s online safety and acceptable usage policies 

·       they ensure that pupils have a good understanding of research skills and the need to avoid plagiarism and uphold copyright regulations 

·       they monitor ICT activity in lessons, extracurricular and extended school activities

·       in lessons where Internet use is pre-planned, pupils should be guided to sites checked as suitable for their use and that processes are in place for dealing with any unsuitable material that is found in Internet searches.

·       they are aware that emails can be part of Freedom of Information requests so all correspondence needs to be professional, courtesy and  respectful

·       if confidential information / information under the data protection act is being sent by email it must be sent through the secure email system 


·     pupils are responsible for using the school ICT systems in accordance with the Pupil Acceptable Usage Policy, which they will be required to sign before being given access to school systems. Parents/carers will be required to read through and sign alongside their child’s signature.

·     they must adhere to any procedures that are implemented to support remote learning for both pupils and  staff 

·     pupils must report abuse, misuse or access to inappropriate materials and know how to do so.

·     should understand the importance of adopting good online safety practice when using digital technologies out of school and realise that the school’s online safety policy also covers their actions out of school, if related to their membership of the school or using equipment provided by the school.


Parents/Carers play a crucial role in ensuring that their children understand the need

to use the Internet/mobile devices in an appropriate way.

Parents and carers are responsible for: 

·       endorsing (by signature) the Pupil Acceptable Usage Policy and will alongside this sign the Parents/ Carers Acceptable Usage Policy

·       access the school website and correspond with the school in accordance with the Parents Acceptable Usage Policy. 

·       ensure that they do not use social media to criticise or make inappropriate comments about the school or an individual member of staff as making defamatory comments online has exactly the same legal consequences as if they are made directly to someone else. Similarly threats of violence can lead to criminal proceedings under the Malicious Communications Act. If as a parent/ carer they have any concerns about anything which happens in schools then please contact the school directly.

3.       Scope of policy


The policy applies to:

•    pupils

•    parents/carers

•    teaching and support staff

•    school governors

•    peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers, student teachers

•    visitors

•    volunteers

•    voluntary, statutory or community organisations using  the school's facilities

The school also works with partners and other providers to ensure that pupils who receive part of their education off site or who are on a school trip or residential are safe online.

The school provides online safety information for parents/carers, through the website, in newsletters and at events.  It is important that parents/carers understand their key role in supporting their child/ren to behave appropriately and keep themselves safe online.  

This policy, supported by its acceptable use agreements, is intended to protect the interests and safety of the whole school community.  It is linked to the following other school policies and documents: Child Protection , Information, Health and safety, Home–school agreement, Behaviour, Anti-bullying, Staff Code of Conduct, Safer Working Practice.

Policy and procedure

The school seeks to ensure that internet, mobile and digital technologies are used effectively, for their intended educational purpose, in ways that will not infringe legal requirements or create unnecessary risk.

The school expects everyone to use internet, mobile and digital technologies responsibly and strictly according to the conditions set out in this policy. This policy also includes expectations on appropriate online behaviour and use of technology outside of school for pupils, parents/carers, staff and governors and all other visitors to the school.

When applying this policy, the school will take account of any guidance issued by North Yorkshire. The most recent guidance can be found at: Online Safety Guidance for Schools in North Yorkshire Updated January 2021

Use of email

Staff and governors should use a school email account  for all official communication to ensure everyone is protected through the traceability of communication.  Under no circumstances should staff contact pupils, parents or conduct any school business using a personal email address.  Pupils may only use school approved accounts on the school system and only for educational purposes. Where required parent/carer permission will be obtained for the account to exist.  For advice on sharing personal or confidential information or the need to gain parent permission refer to the Informaiton Policy. Emails created or received as part of any school role will be subject to disclosure in response to a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Staff, governors and pupils should not open emails or attachments from suspect sources and should report their receipt to Mrs Chapman.

Users must not send emails which are offensive, embarrassing or upsetting to anyone (i.e. cyberbullying).

Visiting online sites and downloading

·     Staff must preview sites, software and apps before their use in school or before recommending them to pupils.  Before using any online service that requires user accounts to be created or the sharing of any personal data, staff must consult with the head teacher  with details of the site/service.  If internet research is set for homework, specific sites will be suggested that have previously been checked by the teacher.  All users must observe copyright of materials from electronic sources.

·     Staff must only use pre-approved systems if creating blogs, wikis or other online areas in order to communicate with pupils/ families.

·     When working with pupils searching for images should be done through Google Safe Search (standard through the NY service), Google Advanced Search or a similar application that provides greater safety than a standard search engine.

Users must not:

Visit internet sites, make, post, download, upload or pass on, material, remarks, proposals or comments that contain or relate to:

·     Indecent images of children actually or apparently under the age of 18 or images of child abuse (i.e. images of children, digital or cartoons, involved in sexual activity or posed to be sexually provocative)

·        Indecent images of vulnerable people over the age of 18 (i.e. images of vulnerable people, digital or cartoons involved in sexual activity or posed to be sexually provocative)

·       Adult material that breaches the Obscene Publications Act in the UK

·       Promoting discrimination of any kind in relation to the protected characteristics: gender identity and reassignment, gender/sex, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion, sexual orientation, age and marital status

·       Promoting hatred against any individual or group from the protected characteristics above

·       Promoting illegal acts including physical or sexual abuse of children or adults, violence, bomb making, drug and alcohol abuse and software piracy

·       Any material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute e.g. promotion of violence, gambling, libel and disrespect

Users must not:

·       Reveal or publicise confidential or proprietary information

·       Intentionally interfere with the normal operation of the internet connection, including the propagation of computer viruses

·       Transmit unsolicited commercial or advertising material either to other users, or to organisations connected to other networks except where permission has been given to the school

·       Use the school's hardware and Wi-Fi facilities for running a private business

·       Intimidate, threaten or cause harm to others

·       Access or interfere in any way with other users' accounts

·       Use software or hardware that has been prohibited by the school

  Only a school device may be used to conduct school business outside of school. The only exception would be where a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school for use on a personal device.

All breaches of prohibited behaviours detailed above will be investigated, where appropriate, in liaison with the police.

The school recognises that in certain planned curricular activities, access to controversial and/or offensive online content may be beneficial for educational use. In such circumstances, there is an expectation that access is pre-planned, risk assessed and recorded, and permission given by Mrs Prest.  

Storage of Images

Photographs and videos provide valuable evidence of pupils’ achievement and progress in a variety of contexts and can be used to celebrate the work of the school.  In line with GDPR they are used only with the written consent of parents/carers which is secured in the first instance on a child’s entry to the school. Records are kept on file and consent can be changed by parents/carers at any time. (See Information Policy for greater clarification).

Photographs and images of pupils are only stored on the school’s agreed secure networks which include some cloud based services.  Rights of access to stored images are restricted to approved staff as determined by Mrs Prest.  Staff and pupils may have temporary access to photographs taken during a class session, but these will be transferred/deleted promptly.

Parents/carers should note that there may be some children who are at risk and must not have their image put online and others who do not want their image online.  For these reasons parents/carers must follow the school’s Acceptable Use Agreement and refrain from posting online photographs of any member of the school community, other than their own child/ren.

Staff and other professionals working with pupils, must only use school equipment to record images of pupils whether on or off site. See also Information Policy.  

Use of personal mobile devices (including phones)

The school does not allow staff, including temporary and peripatetic staff, and visitors to use personal mobile phones and devices in the presence of pupils. Under no circumstance does the school allow a member of staff to contact a pupil or parent/carer using their personal device.

Parents/carers may not use personal mobile phones and devices in the school building unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities. Under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises or on off-site school events and activities of anyone other than their own child, unless there is a pre-specified permission from Mrs Prest.  

Year 6 pupils are allowed to bring personal mobile devices/phones to school but must hand them to the class teacher for storage during the day.  Under no circumstance should pupils use their personal mobile devices/phones to take images of

·       any other pupil unless they and their parents have given agreement in advance

·       any member of staff

The school is not responsible for the loss, damage or theft on school premises of any personal mobile device.

Users bringing personal devices into school must ensure there is no inappropriate or illegal content on the device.

  Personal mobiles must never be used to access school emails and data. The only       exception would be where a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school for use on a personal device.

New technological devices

New personal technological devices may offer opportunities for teaching and learning. However, the school must consider educational benefit and carry out risk assessment before use in school is allowed.  Parents/carers, pupils and staff should not assume that new technological devices will be allowed in school and should check with Mrs Prest before they are brought into school.  

Reporting incidents, abuse and inappropriate material

There may be occasions in school when either a pupil or an adult receives an offensive, abusive or inappropriate message or accidentally accesses upsetting or abusive material. When such a situation occurs the pupil or adult must report the incident immediately to the first available member of staff, or the headteacher.  Where such an incident may lead to significant harm, safeguarding procedures should be followed.  The school takes the reporting of such incidents seriously and where judged necessary, the DSL will refer details to social care or the police.

4.     Curriculum

Online safety is embedded within our curriculum. The school provides a comprehensive curriculum for online safety which enables pupils to become informed, safe and responsible. This includes teaching to prevent radicalisation, for which staff provide a narrative to counter extremism.

The curriculum is flexible and can respond to any immediate online safety issues and risks as they emerge.

It is necessary for pupils to develop skills of critical awareness, digital resilience and good online citizenship to enable them to use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely and responsibly.  Pupils are taught to recognise the creative, collaborative, cultural, economic and educational opportunities provided by the internet, mobile and digital technologies. Curriculum work will also include:

·       Understanding how to use the internet, mobile and digital technologies in a balanced and appropriate way to avoid negative impact on wellbeing, e.g. regulated screen time and diverse online activity

·       Learning how to develop a positive online reputation and enhance future opportunities e.g. in relationships and employment

·       Developing critical thinking skills in relation to online content e.g. recognising fake news and extremism, understanding commercial manipulation, maintaining an authentic sense of self that is resilient to online pressure, learning how easy it is to lie online (i.e. users may not be who they say they are and may have ulterior motives)

·       Understanding the dangers of giving out personal details online (e.g. full name, address, mobile/home phone numbers, school details, IM/email address) and the importance of maintaining maximum privacy online

·       Thinking carefully before placing images online and considering their appropriateness and understanding the importance of gaining consent before posting photographs of others

·       Understanding the permanency of all online postings and conversations

·       Understanding relevant legislation, including copyright, and the importance of respecting other people’s information, reputation and images

·       What constitutes cyberbullying, how to avoid it, the impact it has and how to access help.

5.     Staff and Governor Training


Staff and governors are trained to fulfil their roles in online safety. The school audits the training needs of all school staff and provides regular training to improve their knowledge and expertise in the safe and appropriate use of internet, mobile and digital technologies.  This training is recorded as part of safeguarding records.

New staff are provided with a copy of the online safety policy and must sign the school’s Acceptable Use Agreement as part of their induction and before having contact with pupils.

Any organisation working with children based on the school premises are also provided with a copy of the online safety policy and required to sign the Acceptable Use Agreement (Appendix B).

Volunteers, peripatetic staff (unless employed by NYCC services), student teachers and regular visitors are provided with a copy of the online safety policy and are required to sign the Acceptable Use Agreement (Appendix B).

6.     Working in Partnership with Parents/Carers

The school works closely with families to help ensure that children can use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely and responsibly both at home and school.  It is important that parents/carers understand the crucial role they play in this process. The school seeks to regularly consult and discuss online safety with parents/carers and seeks to promote a wide understanding of the benefits of new technologies and associated risks.  The school provides regular updated online safety information through the school website and by other means.

Parents/carers are asked to read, discuss and co-sign with each child the Acceptable Use Agreement whenever the online safety policy is reviewed.  A summary of key parent/carer responsibilities will also be provided and is available in Appendix F. The Acceptable Use Agreement explains the school’s expectations and pupil and parent/carer responsibilities. The support of parents/carers is essential to implement the online safety policy effectively and keep all children safe.

7.     Records, monitoring and review


The school recognises the need to record online safety incidents and to monitor and review policies and procedures regularly in order to ensure they are effective and that the risks to pupils and staff are minimised.

All breaches of this policy must be reported and all reported incidents will be logged on CPOMS. All staff have the individual responsibility to ensure that incidents have been correctly recorded, acted upon and reported.  An online safety incident recording format are provided in appendix H.

The school supports pupils and staff who have been affected by a policy breach. Where there is inappropriate or illegal use of internet, mobile and digital technologies, this will be dealt with under the school’s behaviour and disciplinary policies as appropriate.  Breaches may also lead to criminal or civil proceedings.

Governors receive termly summary data on recorded online safety incidents for monitoring purposes.  In addition governors ensure they have sufficient, quality information to enable them to make a judgement about the fitness for purpose of this policy on an annual basis.



8.     Appendices of the Online Safety Policy

A.    Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff, Governors and student teachers (on placement or on staff)

B.    Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers

C.     Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers working in the school (working directly with children or otherwise)

D.    Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils

E.      Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities

F.      Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents

G.     Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media

H.     Online safety incident reporting form

Appendix A - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff, Governors and student teachers (on placement or on staff)


You must read this agreement in conjunction with the online safety policy and the Information  policy.  Once you have read these, you must sign and submit this agreement and it will be kept on record in the school. You should retain your own copy for reference. This forms part of your professional and safeguarding responsibilities.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies are part of our daily working life and this agreement is designed to ensure that all staff and governors are aware of their responsibilities in relation to their use.  All staff and governors are expected to adhere to this agreement and to the online safety policy.  Any concerns or clarification should be discussed with Mrs Prest. Breaches will be investigated, recorded and, where appropriate, disciplinary procedures will apply and police involvement will be sought.


Internet Access


I will not access or attempt to access any sites that contain any of the following: child abuse; pornography; discrimination of any kind; promotion of prejudice against any group; promotion of illegal acts; any other information which may be illegal or offensive.  Inadvertent access on school equipment must be treated as an online safety incident, reported to the online safety lead and/or DSL and an incident report completed.


Online conduct

I will ensure that my online activity, both in and outside school, will not bring the school, my professional reputation, or that of others, into disrepute.

I will not browse, download, upload or distribute any material that could be considered offensive, illegal or discriminatory.  Exceptionally, use of controversial material as part of the curriculum should be planned and approved on every occasion (see policy). 

I will report any accidental access to or receipt of inappropriate materials or filtering breach to Mrs Prest.

I understand that all my use of the internet and other related technologies can be traced and monitored and, should it be required, must be made available to my line manager, headteacher and others as required.

I will not give out my personal contact and online account information such as phone numbers, email address, and social media account details to pupils and/or parents/carers.

Social networking

I understand the need to separate my professional role from my private friendships; in my professional capacity I will not become ‘friends’ with parents/carers or pupils on social networks. Where my school role is my only connection to an individual, private online contact is unacceptable with parents/carers or pupils. See also Staff Code of Conduct.

When using social networking for personal use I will ensure my settings are not public. My private account postings will never undermine or disparage the school, its staff, governors, parents/carers or pupils. Privileged information must remain confidential.





I understand that there is no occasion when a password should be shared with a pupil or anyone who is not a staff member without permission.


Data protection

I will follow requirements for data protection as outlined in the information policy.  These include:

·        Photographs must be kept securely and used appropriately, whether in school, taken off the school premises or accessed remotely

·        Personal data can only be taken out of school or accessed remotely when authorised by the headteacher or governing body

·        Personal or sensitive data taken off site must be encrypted

Images and videos


I will only upload images or videos of staff, pupils or parents/carers onto school approved sites where specific permission has been granted.

I will not take images, sound recordings or videos of school events or activities on any personal device.

 Use of email


I will use my school email address for all school business.  All such correspondence must be kept professional and is open to Subject Access Requests under the Freedom of Information Act.  I will not use my school email addresses for personal matters or non-school business.

Use of personal devices


I understand that as a member of staff I should at no time put myself in a position where a safeguarding allegation can be made against me as a result of my use of personal devices. I understand that the use of personal devices in school is at the discretion of the headteacher.

I will not access secure school information from personal devices unless a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school.

Additional hardware/software


I will not install any hardware or software on school equipment without permission of Mrs Prest.


Promoting online safety


I understand that online safety is the responsibility of all staff and governors and I will promote positive online safety messages at all times including when setting homework or providing pastoral support.


I understand that it is my duty to support a whole school safeguarding approach and will report any inappropriate or concerning behaviour (of other staff, governors, visitors, pupils or parents/carers) to the DSL or Mrs Prest.


Classroom management of internet access


I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites used in the classroom; this will include the acceptability of other material visible, however briefly, on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.

If I am using the internet to teach about controversial issues I will secure, on every occasion, approval in advance for the material I plan to use with Mrs Prest.

User signature


I agree to follow this Acceptable Use Agreement and to support online safety throughout the school.  I understand this forms part of the terms and conditions set out in my contract of employment (staff members only) and/or my responsibilities as a governor.

Signature …….………………….………… Date ……………………

Full Name …………………………………......................................... (printed)

Job title ……………………………………………………………………

Appendix B - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers



School name Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School


Online safety lead Fiona Prest


Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Fiona Prest


This agreement forms part of your professional and safeguarding responsibility in the school.  You must read and sign this agreement.  This will be kept on record and you should retain your own copy for reference.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies are part of our daily working life and this agreement is designed to ensure that all staff and governors are aware of their responsibilities in relation to their use. You are expected to adhere to this agreement.  Any concerns or clarification should be discussed with Mrs Prest. Breaches will be investigated, recorded and, where appropriate, disciplinary procedures will apply and police involvement will be sought.

The school’s online safety policy will provide further detailed information as required.


Internet Access


I will not access or attempt to access any sites that contain any of the following: child abuse; pornography; discrimination of any kind; promotion of prejudice against any group; promotion of illegal acts; any other information which may be illegal or offensive.  Inadvertent access on school equipment must be treated as an online safety incident, reported to the online safety lead and/or DSL and an incident report completed.


Online conduct


I will ensure that my online activity, both in and outside school, will not bring the school, my professional reputation, or that of others, into disrepute.

I will not browse, download, upload or distribute any material that could be considered offensive, illegal or discriminatory.  Exceptionally, use of controversial material as part of the curriculum should be planned and approved on every occasion (see policy). 

I will report any accidental access to or receipt of inappropriate materials or filtering breach to Mrs Prest.

I understand that all my use of the internet and other related technologies can be traced and monitored and, should it be required, must be made available to my line manager, headteacher and others as required.

I will not give out my personal contact and online account information such as phone numbers, email address, and social media account details to pupils and/or parents/carers.

Should I need to share my professional details, such as mobile phone number or email address, with parent/carers, this must be agreed in advance as an acceptable approach with Mrs Prest.


Social networking


I understand the need to separate my professional role from my private friendships; in my professional capacity I will not become ‘friends’ with parents/carers or pupils on social networks. Where my school role is my only connection to an individual, private online contact is unacceptable with parents/carers or pupils.

Information can be shared with pupils over 13 and parents/carers through an organisational social network site/page e.g. on Facebook or Twitter, but never through a personal account or site. In my professional role in the school, I will never engage in 1-1 exchanges with pupils or parent/carers on personal social network sites.

My private account postings will never undermine or disparage the school, its staff, governors, parents/carers or pupils.  Privileged information known as a result of my work in the school must remain confidential.  

I will not upload any material about or references to the school or its community on my personal social networks.




I must clarify what access I may have to the internet and/or school systems.  If I have access of any kind, I understand that there is no occasion when a password should be shared with a pupil or anyone who is not a staff member. 

Data protection

I will follow all requirements for data protection explained to me by the school.  These include:

·        I must consult with the school before making any recordings, photographs and videos. Once agreed, these must be made on a school device.

·        I understand that there are strict controls and requirements regarding the collection and use of personal data. I will follow all requirements regarding GDPR.

Images and videos


I will only upload images or videos of staff, pupils or parents/carers onto school approved sites where specific permission has been granted.

I will not take images, sound recordings or videos of tuition or wider school activities on any personal device. School devices can be used for this purpose or, in the case of 1:1 tuition, pupil’s or parent/carer devices can be used, with parent/carer agreement.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies provide helpful recording functions but these cannot be made on a teacher’s personal device.  Recordings can be made with the child’s and parent/carer’s agreement on a school device, an organisational device approved by the headteacher/DSL, or a young person’s or parent/carer’s own device.

Use of Email


I will use my professional or formal student email address for all school business.  All such correspondence should be kept professional and is open to Subject Access Requests under the Freedom of Information Act. I will not use my professional email addresses for personal matters.


Use of personal devices


I understand that when working in the school I should at no time put myself in a position where a safeguarding allegation can be made against me as a result of my use of personal devices. I understand that the use of personal devices in school is at the discretion of the headteacher.

I will only use approved personal devices when not with pupils. This therefore precludes use of specialist apps on personal devices.  A school device could be used to access specialist apps that support pupil learning.  

Additional hardware/software


I will not install any hardware or software on school equipment without permission of Mrs Prest.



Promoting online safety


I understand that online safety is part of my responsibility and I will promote positive online safety messages at all times, including when setting homework, rehearsal or skill practice or when providing pastoral support.


I understand that it is my duty to support a whole school safeguarding approach and will report any behaviour (of staff, governors, visitors, pupils or parents/carers) which I believe may be inappropriate or concerning in any way to the DSL or Mrs Prest.

Classroom management of internet access


I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites used in the classroom; this will include the acceptability of other material visible, however briefly, on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.

If I am using the internet to teach about controversial issues I will secure, on every occasion, approval in advance for the material I plan to use with Mrs Prest.


User Signature


I agree to follow this Acceptable Use Agreement and to support online safety in my work in the school.  I understand this forms part of my company/educational setting/organisation’s contract with the school.

Signature …….………………….…………….…      Date ……………………

Full Name ………………………………….................................................... (Please use block capitals)

Job Title/Role …………………………………..…………………..……………

Appendix C - Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers

(Working directly with children or otherwise)



School name……Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School ………………………………..…..


Online safety lead …Mrs Prest……………………………..…


DSL …Mrs Prest……………………………………………..…..



This document is designed to ensure that you are aware of your responsibilities when using any form of IT in the school and other aspects of safeguarding in connection with online safety.

Please raise any safeguarding concerns arising from your visit immediately with the headteacher and/or DSL

·        I understand I may not use my personal mobile phone(s) and other devices with camera functions in front of children.   Any exception must be pre-arranged.

·        I will not take images, sound recording or videos of school events or activities, on or off site, on any device.  Any possible exception must be pre-arranged.

·        I will not give out my personal details such as mobile phone number, email address, and social media account details to pupils and parent/carers.  Where appropriate I may share my professional contact details with parents/carers provided the DSL or headteacher is informed before I leave the school.

·        I understand my visit to the school may give me access to privileged information about pupils, staff, school systems and plans.  Such information should never be shared online, including on social media sites.

·        I understand I should not use school equipment to access the internet without prior approval from my contact in the school or the headteacher.

·        If working in the classroom, I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites I intend to use including checking the acceptability of other material visible on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.  If I am in any doubt about the appropriateness of the content I plan to use I will check with my contact in the school.

Appendix D - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils


 My online safety rules


·            I will only use school IT equipment for activities agreed by school staff.

·            I will not use my personal email address or other personal accounts in school when doing school work.

·            I will not sign up for any online service on school devices unless this is an agreed part of a school project approved by my teacher and agreed by my parent/carer.

·            I will only open email attachments if it has been approved by a member of school staff in school or a parent/carer out of school.

·            In school I will only open or delete my files when told by a member of staff.

·            I will not tell anyone other than my parents/carers my passwords. I will not use other people’s usernames or passwords to pretend to be them online.

·            I will make sure that all online contact I make is responsible, polite and sensible. I will be kind and respectful at all times.

·            If I come across anything upsetting, unpleasant or nasty, or anything that makes me feel unsafe, I will tell my teacher or my parent/carer immediately.

·            If someone says, asks or posts about me anything upsetting, unpleasant or nasty, or anything that makes me feel unsafe, I will not reply. I will tell my teacher or my parent/carer immediately. 

·            I will not give out my own or other people’s personal information, including: name, phone number, home address, interests, schools or clubs.  I will tell my teacher or parent/carer if anyone asks me online for personal information.

·            Uploading or sending my image (photographs, videos, live streaming) online puts me at risk.  I will always seek permission from my teacher or parent/carer if I wish to do this.  I will not take, share or upload any image of anyone else without their permission and also, if they are a child, without their parent’s/carer’s permission.

·            Even if I have permission, I will not upload any images, videos, sounds or words that could upset, now or in the future, any member of the school community, as this is cyberbullying.

·            I understand that some people on the internet are not who they say they are and some people are not safe to be in contact with.  I will not arrange to meet someone I only know on the internet. If someone asks to meet me, I will not reply to them and I will tell a teacher or a parent/carer immediately.

·            I understand that everything I do or receive online can be traced now and in the future. I know it is important to build a good online reputation.  

·            I understand that some personal devices are allowed in school and some are not, and I will follow the rules.  I will not assume that new devices can be brought into school without getting permission.

·            I will not lie about my age in order to access games, apps or social networks that are for older people as this will put me at risk.

·            I understand that these rules are designed to keep me safe now and in the future.  If I break the rules my teachers will look into it and may need to take action.

Name ……………………………

Signed ………………………………….

Date ………………………………………

Dear Parent/Carer,

The internet, email, mobile technologies and online resources have become an important part of learning and life.   We want all children to be safe and responsible when using any IT.  It is essential that children are aware of online risk, know how to stay safe and know where to go to report problems or to get help.

Please read through these online safety rules with your child/ren and talk with them to ensure they understand their importance and what it means for them (and for you).  When you have done this, you both need to sign this agreement to say that you agree to follow the rules.  Any concerns or explanation can be discussed with Mrs Prest. 

Please return the signed sections of this form which will be kept on record at the school.

Pupil agreement

Pupil name………………………………………

This agreement is to keep me safe. I have discussed this agreement with my parents/carers and understand the commitment I have made and my responsibilities.

Pupil signature……………………………………………………………………..

Parent(s)/Carer(s) agreement

Parent(s)/Carer(s) name(s)………………………………………………

I/we have discussed this agreement, which highlights the associated risks when accessing the internet, mobile and digital technologies, with our child/ren.  I/we agree to support them in following the terms of this agreement.

I/we also agree not to share school related information or images online or post material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute.

(Rather than posting negative material online, any parent, distressed or concerned about an aspect of school should make immediate contact with a member of staff.  Negative postings about the school would impact on the reputation of the whole school community.  Parents are encouraged to report breaches so that we can protect the reputation of the school, staff, pupils and parents).

I/we also agree only to use personal mobile phones and devices in designated areas of the school unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities.  I/we understand that under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises of anyone other than our own child/ren, unless there is a pre-specified agreement.  I/we understand that when on school premises, but not in a designated area where phones can be used, they must be switched off and out of sight.

I/we agree that if I take digital or video images at, or of – school events which include images of children, other than my own, these images will not be published / made publicly available on social networking sites.

Parent(s)/Carer(s) agreement

Parent(s)/Carer(s) name(s)……………………………………………………….

Parent/carer signature………………………………………..

Date ………………………………………………………….…

Appendix E - Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities

The school provides online safety information for parents/carers, through the website, in newsletters and at events.  It is important that parents/carers understand their key role in supporting children to behave appropriately and keep themselves safe online.

The online safety policy, supported by its acceptable use agreements, is intended to protect the interests and safety of the whole school community.

·       Parents/carers are required to support their child in understanding and signing the Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement for pupils.

·        Parents/carers may not use personal mobile phones and devices in the school unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities.  Under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises that include anyone other than their own child, unless there is a pre-specified agreement with individuals and parents/carers. If  a digital or video images is taken at, or of – school events which include images of children, other than their own, these images will not be published / made publicly available on social networking sites.

·       Parents/carers should not assume that pupils can bring technological devices to school and should always check the school policy.

·       All cyberbullying incidents affecting children in the school should be reported immediately.  (If the incident involves an indecent image of a child the report must also be made immediately to the police for your own protection.) The school will investigate and respond to all reported cyberbullying incidents, liaising with others where appropriate.  No reply should ever be sent to the sender/poster of cyberbullying content. If applicable block the sender and report abuse to the site. Evidence should be retained and shown in school and/or to the police.  Evidence should not be forwarded.

·       The school may choose to set up social media sites, blogs or have some other online presence in its own name.  Parents/carers, however, do not have the right to set up any site, page, chat group or any other online presence that uses the school name or logo in any form unless agreed by the head teacher.

·       Any parent/carer, distressed or concerned about an aspect of school should make immediate contact with a member of staff rather than posting their concerns online.  Parents/carers should not share school related information or images online or post material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute.  Negative postings about the school would impact on the reputation of the whole school community.  Parents/carers are encouraged to report breaches so that we can protect the reputation of the school, staff, pupils and parents/carers.

Please see the full online safety policy in the policies section on the school website.

Appendix F - Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents

All cyberbullying incidents should be reported and responded to.  Where the perpetrator is a member of the school community the majority of cases can be dealt with through mediation and/or disciplinary processes.  

The following procedures are recommended:

·       Never reply to the sender/poster of cyberbullying content.  If applicable, block the sender.

·       Incidents should be reported immediately.  Pupils should report to a member of staff (e.g. class teacher, headteacher) and staff members should seek support from their line manager or a senior member of staff.

·       The person reporting the cyberbullying should save the evidence and record the time and date.  This evidence must not be forwarded but must be available to show at a meeting.  Under no circumstances should indecent images of children and young people be printed or forwarded as this is a further criminal act.  Staff should not ask to see the evidence of reported indecent images of children or young people but must refer this immediately to the police.  Any member of staff being shown such evidence should immediately inform their line manager or the headteacher so that the circumstances can be recorded.

·       A senior member of staff will meet with the person who has reported the incident and the target, if different, to listen, reassure and support.  All relevant facts will be reviewed and documented.

·       A senior member of staff will conduct an investigation.

·       Anyone found to have cyberbullied will have attention drawn to the seriousness of their behaviour and if necessary the police will be involved.  If the comments are threatening, abusive, sexist, of a sexual nature, constitute a hate crime or are libellous they may well break the law. Online harassment and stalking is also a crime.

·       Once evidence has been secured then the person who has cyberbullied will be requested to remove the offending comments/material.  Any refusal will lead to an escalation of sanctions.

Appendix G - Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media

The school should make it clear which, if any, social media platforms are used to communicate with parents/carers.  If used correctly, parents can use a school’s social media site as a source of reliable information.  The online safety policy, see especially Appendix E (Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities), clarifies that no other social media platforms should be set up using the school’s name or logo.

The school should regularly reinforce with all parties that discussion of school issues on social media platforms, either positive or negative, should not take place as this could bring the school into disrepute and affect families and children.  Parents should be encouraged to be good online role models and not post statements written in anger or frustration.  Identified routes to raise concerns directly with the school should be used.

If negative comments are posted:

·     Collect the facts

As soon as you become aware of adverse comments relating to the school you need to establish what is being said.  It is essential that if you have access to the postings they are secured and retained together with any other evidence.  Do not become engaged in responding directly.

If the allegations against a member of staff or a pupil are of a serious nature, these will need to be formally investigated.  This may involve the police and the headteacher will need to follow the school’s safeguarding procedures.

If there is a risk of serious damage to the school reputation or the reputation of individual members of staff, professional legal advice should be sought. 

Adverse comments of any kind are highly demotivating and cause stress and anxiety.  It is important that the senior staff reassure and support all staff and/or other affected members of the school community.

·     Addressing negative comments and complaints

Contact the complainants and invite them to a meeting.  In the meeting, make sure you have any evidence available.

The meeting must:

·       Draw attention to the seriousness and impact of the actions/postings;

·       Ask for the offending remarks to be removed;

·       Explore the complainant’s grievance;

·       Agree next steps;

·       Clarify the correct complaints procedures.

If the meeting does not resolve the issue, the parents must be informed that the school will need to take the matter further. This may include:

·     Reporting the matter to the social network site if it breaches their rules or breaks the law;

·     Reporting the matter to the police if it breaks the law, e.g. if the comments are threatening, abusive, malicious, sexist, of a sexual nature, constitute a hate crime or are libellous they may well break the law.  Online harassment and stalking is also a crime.

If inappropriate postings continue or the original material is not removed, a second meeting is advisable to re-iterate the seriousness of the matter.

Appendix H - Online safety incident reporting form

Any member of the school community can raise a concern about an online safety incident. If you have witnessed or experienced an incident please complete the form below to help us to address the issue.  It is important that you provide as much detail as possible.  Once completed please hand this report to Mrs Prest.

Name of person reporting incident:


Date you are completing this form:

Where did the incident take place:

Inside school?

Outside school?

Date of incident(s):

Time of incident(s):

Who was involved in the incident(s)?

Full names and/or contact details

Children/young people

Staff member(s)


Other, please specify

Type of incident(s) (indicate as many as apply)

Accessing age inappropriate websites, apps and social media

Accessing someone else’s account without permission

Forwarding/spreading chain messages or threatening material

Posting images without permission of all involved

Online bullying or harassment (cyber bullying)

Posting material that will bring an  individual or the school into disrepute

Racist, sexist, homophobic, religious or other hate material

Online gambling

Sexting/Child abuse images

Deliberately bypassing security


Hacking or spreading viruses

Accessing, sharing or creating pornographic images and media

Accessing and/or sharing terrorist material

Accessing, sharing or creating violent images and media

Drug/bomb making material

Creating an account in someone else’s name to bring them into disrepute

Breaching copyright regulations

Other breach of acceptable use agreement, please specify

Full description of the incident

What, when, where, how?

Name all social media involved

Specify: Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp, Snapchat, Instagram etc

Evidence of the incident

Specify any evidence available but do not attach.



Thank you for completing and submitting this form.

Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School



Online Safety

Including Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreements




Adopted: March 2019

Reviewed and updated: March 2021

Next review date: March 2023


 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1.    Introduction. PAGEREF _Toc512000753 \h 2 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350033000000

2.    Responsibilities. PAGEREF _Toc512000754 \h 3 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350034000000

3.    Scope of policy. PAGEREF _Toc512000755 \h 3 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350035000000

4.    Policy and procedure. PAGEREF _Toc512000756 \h 4 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350036000000

Use of email PAGEREF _Toc512000757 \h 4 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350037000000

Visiting online sites and downloading. PAGEREF _Toc512000758 \h 4 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350038000000

Storage of Images. PAGEREF _Toc512000759 \h 6 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700350039000000

Use of personal mobile devices (including phones) PAGEREF _Toc512000760 \h 6 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360030000000

New technological devices. PAGEREF _Toc512000761 \h 7 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360031000000

Reporting incidents, abuse and inappropriate material PAGEREF _Toc512000762 \h 7 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360032000000

5.    Curriculum.. PAGEREF _Toc512000763 \h 7 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360033000000

6.    Staff and Governor Training. PAGEREF _Toc512000764 \h 8 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360034000000

7.    Working in Partnership with Parents/Carers. PAGEREF _Toc512000765 \h 9 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360035000000

8.    Records, monitoring and review.. PAGEREF _Toc512000766 \h 9 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360036000000

9.    Appendices of the Online Safety Policy. PAGEREF _Toc512000767 \h 9 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360037000000

Appendix A -Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff ,Governors,student teachers. PAGEREF _Toc512000768 \h 11 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360038000000

Appendix B - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches and supply teachers. PAGEREF _Toc512000769 \h 14 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700360039000000

Appendix C - Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers. PAGEREF _Toc512000770 \h 17 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700370030000000

Appendix D - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils. PAGEREF _Toc512000771 \h 18 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700370031000000

Appendix E - Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities. PAGEREF _Toc512000773 \h 21 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700370033000000

Appendix F - Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents. PAGEREF _Toc512000774 \h 22 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700370034000000

Appendix G - Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media. PAGEREF _Toc512000775 \h 23 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700370035000000

Appendix H - Online safety incident reporting form.. PAGEREF _Toc512000776 \h 25 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F0054006F0063003500310032003000300030003700370036000000




1.     Introduction


Embsay school recognises that internet, mobile and digital technologies provide a good opportunity for children and young people to learn, socialise and play, provided they are safe. The digital world is an amazing place, but with few rules.  It is vast and fast moving and young people’s future economic success may be partly dependent on their online skills and reputation.  We are, therefore, committed to ensuring that all pupils, staff and governors will be able to use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely.  This is part of our safeguarding responsibility.  Staff are aware that some pupils may require additional support or teaching, including reminders, prompts and further explanation to reinforce their knowledge and understanding of online safety issues.

We are also committed to ensuring that all those who work with children and young people, including their parents/carers, are informed about the ever-changing risks so that they can take an active part in the safeguarding of children.

2.   Responsibilities


The Governing body: 

Governors are responsible for the approval of the online safety policy, ensuring it is disseminated to the wider school community and for reviewing the effectiveness of the policy. Chris Atherton is the named governor for online safety.

As part of their responsibilities in this area the governing Body will:

·       ensure that the statutory requirements of Keeping Children Safe in Education 2020 are complied with.

·       regularly review the staff behaviour policy (sometimes called the code of conduct) which amongst other things, includes acceptable use of technologies, staff/pupil relationships and communications including the use of social media

·       ensure that online safety training for staff is integrated, aligned and considered as part of the overarching safeguarding approach

·       ensure that the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead is trained in online safety issues and is aware of the potential for serious child protection issues that could arise through the use of ICT

·       ensure that children are taught about safeguarding, including online safety.

·       ensure that the school has in place policies and procedures on sexual harassment and peer on peer abuse that can occur online and offline.

·       ensure the appropriateness of any filters, monitoring and security systems

·       regularly monitor online safety incident logs and respond appropriately  to the identified needs

·       ensure the company who is hosting the schools website has enough security in place so it cannot be inappropriately accessed and to have an action plan if it is ‘hacked’ e.g who regular checks the website including during school holidays, who is the key contact if the website is hacked 

The Headteacher:

·       supporting the Governors to comply with the online safety aspects of the Keeping Children Safe in Education

·       supporting the Governors comply with the online safety aspects of the statutory regulations which have make the subjects of Relationships Education (for all primary pupils) and Relationships and Sex Education (for all secondary pupils) and Health Education (for all pupils) mandatory from September 2020.

·       the online safety of all members of the school community.

·       effective and regular training about online safety is provided for the whole school community  and a log is kept of the staff who complete the training 

·       invite governors to take part in online safety training and awareness sessions, with particular importance for those who are members of any committee or working group involved in ICT, online safety education or safeguarding. 

·       effective communication with parents/ carers about safe practices when using online technology’s and support them in talking to their children about these issues

·       that effective filtering, monitoring and security systems are set up

·       ensure that there are effective procedures in place in the event of an online safety allegation which are known and understood by all members of staff 

·       establish and review the school online safety policy and documents and make them available on the school website 

·       liaise with staff, ICT Technical staff, online safety governor, SLT and partner agencies on all issues related to online safety 

·       ensure that all staff are aware of the procedures that need to be followed in the event of an online safety incident taking place 

·       provide training and advice for staff and keep a log of staff who complete training about online issues

·       keep a log of staff, pupils and families who have signed the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for the safe use of technology

·       receive and respond to reports of online safety incidents and create a log of incidents and outcomes to inform future online safety developments 

·       co-ordinate and review online safety education programme in school

·       ensure all new staff receive online safety training as part of their induction programme, ensuring that they fully understand the school online safety policy, Acceptable Usage and Child Protection Policies.

The ICT technician:

·       ensure the school’s ICT infrastructure is secure and meets requirements for filtering and monitoring

·       that the school’s password policy is adhered to

·       ensure that the school’s filtering policy is applied and updated on a regular basis and that its implementation is not the sole responsibility of any single person

·       ensure that the use of the school’s ICT infrastructure (network, remote access, e-mail, VLE etc.) is regularly monitored in order that any misuse or attempted misuse can be reported to the named SLT for action. 


Keeping children Safe in Education 2020 states that the staff behaviour policy

(sometimes called the code of conduct) which should, amongst other things, include:

acceptable use of technologies, staff/pupil relationships and communications including

the use of social media. Alongside the Staff Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), all staff are

responsible for ensuring that: 

·       they have an up to date awareness of online safety matters and of the schools current online safety policy and practices

·       they adhere to any procedures and policies that are implemented to support remote learning for both staff and pupils and communication with parents / carers

·       they attend the training provided by the school about online safety and Online Safety

·       they have read, understood and signed the school Staff Acceptable Usage Policy (AUP)

·       do not ‘be-friend’ any pupil or pupil family member on social media in a social context whilst the pupil is at the school 

·       online safety issues are embedded in all aspects of the curriculum and other school activities 

·       they ensure that pupils understand and follow the school’s online safety and acceptable usage policies 

·       they ensure that pupils have a good understanding of research skills and the need to avoid plagiarism and uphold copyright regulations 

·       they monitor ICT activity in lessons, extracurricular and extended school activities

·       in lessons where Internet use is pre-planned, pupils should be guided to sites checked as suitable for their use and that processes are in place for dealing with any unsuitable material that is found in Internet searches.

·       they are aware that emails can be part of Freedom of Information requests so all correspondence needs to be professional, courtesy and  respectful

·       if confidential information / information under the data protection act is being sent by email it must be sent through the secure email system 


·     pupils are responsible for using the school ICT systems in accordance with the Pupil Acceptable Usage Policy, which they will be required to sign before being given access to school systems. Parents/carers will be required to read through and sign alongside their child’s signature.

·     they must adhere to any procedures that are implemented to support remote learning for both pupils and  staff 

·     pupils must report abuse, misuse or access to inappropriate materials and know how to do so.

·     should understand the importance of adopting good online safety practice when using digital technologies out of school and realise that the school’s online safety policy also covers their actions out of school, if related to their membership of the school or using equipment provided by the school.


Parents/Carers play a crucial role in ensuring that their children understand the need

to use the Internet/mobile devices in an appropriate way.

Parents and carers are responsible for: 

·       endorsing (by signature) the Pupil Acceptable Usage Policy and will alongside this sign the Parents/ Carers Acceptable Usage Policy

·       access the school website and correspond with the school in accordance with the Parents Acceptable Usage Policy. 

·       ensure that they do not use social media to criticise or make inappropriate comments about the school or an individual member of staff as making defamatory comments online has exactly the same legal consequences as if they are made directly to someone else. Similarly threats of violence can lead to criminal proceedings under the Malicious Communications Act. If as a parent/ carer they have any concerns about anything which happens in schools then please contact the school directly.

3.       Scope of policy


The policy applies to:

•    pupils

•    parents/carers

•    teaching and support staff

•    school governors

•    peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers, student teachers

•    visitors

•    volunteers

•    voluntary, statutory or community organisations using  the school's facilities

The school also works with partners and other providers to ensure that pupils who receive part of their education off site or who are on a school trip or residential are safe online.

The school provides online safety information for parents/carers, through the website, in newsletters and at events.  It is important that parents/carers understand their key role in supporting their child/ren to behave appropriately and keep themselves safe online.  

This policy, supported by its acceptable use agreements, is intended to protect the interests and safety of the whole school community.  It is linked to the following other school policies and documents: Child Protection , Information, Health and safety, Home–school agreement, Behaviour, Anti-bullying, Staff Code of Conduct, Safer Working Practice.

Policy and procedure

The school seeks to ensure that internet, mobile and digital technologies are used effectively, for their intended educational purpose, in ways that will not infringe legal requirements or create unnecessary risk.

The school expects everyone to use internet, mobile and digital technologies responsibly and strictly according to the conditions set out in this policy. This policy also includes expectations on appropriate online behaviour and use of technology outside of school for pupils, parents/carers, staff and governors and all other visitors to the school.

When applying this policy, the school will take account of any guidance issued by North Yorkshire. The most recent guidance can be found at: Online Safety Guidance for Schools in North Yorkshire Updated January 2021

Use of email

Staff and governors should use a school email account  for all official communication to ensure everyone is protected through the traceability of communication.  Under no circumstances should staff contact pupils, parents or conduct any school business using a personal email address.  Pupils may only use school approved accounts on the school system and only for educational purposes. Where required parent/carer permission will be obtained for the account to exist.  For advice on sharing personal or confidential information or the need to gain parent permission refer to the Informaiton Policy. Emails created or received as part of any school role will be subject to disclosure in response to a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Staff, governors and pupils should not open emails or attachments from suspect sources and should report their receipt to Mrs Chapman.

Users must not send emails which are offensive, embarrassing or upsetting to anyone (i.e. cyberbullying).

Visiting online sites and downloading

·     Staff must preview sites, software and apps before their use in school or before recommending them to pupils.  Before using any online service that requires user accounts to be created or the sharing of any personal data, staff must consult with the head teacher  with details of the site/service.  If internet research is set for homework, specific sites will be suggested that have previously been checked by the teacher.  All users must observe copyright of materials from electronic sources.

·     Staff must only use pre-approved systems if creating blogs, wikis or other online areas in order to communicate with pupils/ families.

·     When working with pupils searching for images should be done through Google Safe Search (standard through the NY service), Google Advanced Search or a similar application that provides greater safety than a standard search engine.

Users must not:

Visit internet sites, make, post, download, upload or pass on, material, remarks, proposals or comments that contain or relate to:

·     Indecent images of children actually or apparently under the age of 18 or images of child abuse (i.e. images of children, digital or cartoons, involved in sexual activity or posed to be sexually provocative)

·        Indecent images of vulnerable people over the age of 18 (i.e. images of vulnerable people, digital or cartoons involved in sexual activity or posed to be sexually provocative)

·       Adult material that breaches the Obscene Publications Act in the UK

·       Promoting discrimination of any kind in relation to the protected characteristics: gender identity and reassignment, gender/sex, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion, sexual orientation, age and marital status

·       Promoting hatred against any individual or group from the protected characteristics above

·       Promoting illegal acts including physical or sexual abuse of children or adults, violence, bomb making, drug and alcohol abuse and software piracy

·       Any material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute e.g. promotion of violence, gambling, libel and disrespect

Users must not:

·       Reveal or publicise confidential or proprietary information

·       Intentionally interfere with the normal operation of the internet connection, including the propagation of computer viruses

·       Transmit unsolicited commercial or advertising material either to other users, or to organisations connected to other networks except where permission has been given to the school

·       Use the school's hardware and Wi-Fi facilities for running a private business

·       Intimidate, threaten or cause harm to others

·       Access or interfere in any way with other users' accounts

·       Use software or hardware that has been prohibited by the school

  Only a school device may be used to conduct school business outside of school. The only exception would be where a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school for use on a personal device.

All breaches of prohibited behaviours detailed above will be investigated, where appropriate, in liaison with the police.

The school recognises that in certain planned curricular activities, access to controversial and/or offensive online content may be beneficial for educational use. In such circumstances, there is an expectation that access is pre-planned, risk assessed and recorded, and permission given by Mrs Prest.  

Storage of Images

Photographs and videos provide valuable evidence of pupils’ achievement and progress in a variety of contexts and can be used to celebrate the work of the school.  In line with GDPR they are used only with the written consent of parents/carers which is secured in the first instance on a child’s entry to the school. Records are kept on file and consent can be changed by parents/carers at any time. (See Information Policy for greater clarification).

Photographs and images of pupils are only stored on the school’s agreed secure networks which include some cloud based services.  Rights of access to stored images are restricted to approved staff as determined by Mrs Prest.  Staff and pupils may have temporary access to photographs taken during a class session, but these will be transferred/deleted promptly.

Parents/carers should note that there may be some children who are at risk and must not have their image put online and others who do not want their image online.  For these reasons parents/carers must follow the school’s Acceptable Use Agreement and refrain from posting online photographs of any member of the school community, other than their own child/ren.

Staff and other professionals working with pupils, must only use school equipment to record images of pupils whether on or off site. See also Information Policy.  

Use of personal mobile devices (including phones)

The school does not allow staff, including temporary and peripatetic staff, and visitors to use personal mobile phones and devices in the presence of pupils. Under no circumstance does the school allow a member of staff to contact a pupil or parent/carer using their personal device.

Parents/carers may not use personal mobile phones and devices in the school building unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities. Under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises or on off-site school events and activities of anyone other than their own child, unless there is a pre-specified permission from Mrs Prest.  

Year 6 pupils are allowed to bring personal mobile devices/phones to school but must hand them to the class teacher for storage during the day.  Under no circumstance should pupils use their personal mobile devices/phones to take images of

·       any other pupil unless they and their parents have given agreement in advance

·       any member of staff

The school is not responsible for the loss, damage or theft on school premises of any personal mobile device.

Users bringing personal devices into school must ensure there is no inappropriate or illegal content on the device.

  Personal mobiles must never be used to access school emails and data. The only       exception would be where a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school for use on a personal device.

New technological devices

New personal technological devices may offer opportunities for teaching and learning. However, the school must consider educational benefit and carry out risk assessment before use in school is allowed.  Parents/carers, pupils and staff should not assume that new technological devices will be allowed in school and should check with Mrs Prest before they are brought into school.  

Reporting incidents, abuse and inappropriate material

There may be occasions in school when either a pupil or an adult receives an offensive, abusive or inappropriate message or accidentally accesses upsetting or abusive material. When such a situation occurs the pupil or adult must report the incident immediately to the first available member of staff, or the headteacher.  Where such an incident may lead to significant harm, safeguarding procedures should be followed.  The school takes the reporting of such incidents seriously and where judged necessary, the DSL will refer details to social care or the police.

4.     Curriculum

Online safety is embedded within our curriculum. The school provides a comprehensive curriculum for online safety which enables pupils to become informed, safe and responsible. This includes teaching to prevent radicalisation, for which staff provide a narrative to counter extremism.

The curriculum is flexible and can respond to any immediate online safety issues and risks as they emerge.

It is necessary for pupils to develop skills of critical awareness, digital resilience and good online citizenship to enable them to use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely and responsibly.  Pupils are taught to recognise the creative, collaborative, cultural, economic and educational opportunities provided by the internet, mobile and digital technologies. Curriculum work will also include:

·       Understanding how to use the internet, mobile and digital technologies in a balanced and appropriate way to avoid negative impact on wellbeing, e.g. regulated screen time and diverse online activity

·       Learning how to develop a positive online reputation and enhance future opportunities e.g. in relationships and employment

·       Developing critical thinking skills in relation to online content e.g. recognising fake news and extremism, understanding commercial manipulation, maintaining an authentic sense of self that is resilient to online pressure, learning how easy it is to lie online (i.e. users may not be who they say they are and may have ulterior motives)

·       Understanding the dangers of giving out personal details online (e.g. full name, address, mobile/home phone numbers, school details, IM/email address) and the importance of maintaining maximum privacy online

·       Thinking carefully before placing images online and considering their appropriateness and understanding the importance of gaining consent before posting photographs of others

·       Understanding the permanency of all online postings and conversations

·       Understanding relevant legislation, including copyright, and the importance of respecting other people’s information, reputation and images

·       What constitutes cyberbullying, how to avoid it, the impact it has and how to access help.

5.     Staff and Governor Training


Staff and governors are trained to fulfil their roles in online safety. The school audits the training needs of all school staff and provides regular training to improve their knowledge and expertise in the safe and appropriate use of internet, mobile and digital technologies.  This training is recorded as part of safeguarding records.

New staff are provided with a copy of the online safety policy and must sign the school’s Acceptable Use Agreement as part of their induction and before having contact with pupils.

Any organisation working with children based on the school premises are also provided with a copy of the online safety policy and required to sign the Acceptable Use Agreement (Appendix B).

Volunteers, peripatetic staff (unless employed by NYCC services), student teachers and regular visitors are provided with a copy of the online safety policy and are required to sign the Acceptable Use Agreement (Appendix B).

6.     Working in Partnership with Parents/Carers

The school works closely with families to help ensure that children can use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely and responsibly both at home and school.  It is important that parents/carers understand the crucial role they play in this process. The school seeks to regularly consult and discuss online safety with parents/carers and seeks to promote a wide understanding of the benefits of new technologies and associated risks.  The school provides regular updated online safety information through the school website and by other means.

Parents/carers are asked to read, discuss and co-sign with each child the Acceptable Use Agreement whenever the online safety policy is reviewed.  A summary of key parent/carer responsibilities will also be provided and is available in Appendix F. The Acceptable Use Agreement explains the school’s expectations and pupil and parent/carer responsibilities. The support of parents/carers is essential to implement the online safety policy effectively and keep all children safe.

7.     Records, monitoring and review


The school recognises the need to record online safety incidents and to monitor and review policies and procedures regularly in order to ensure they are effective and that the risks to pupils and staff are minimised.

All breaches of this policy must be reported and all reported incidents will be logged on CPOMS. All staff have the individual responsibility to ensure that incidents have been correctly recorded, acted upon and reported.  An online safety incident recording format are provided in appendix H.

The school supports pupils and staff who have been affected by a policy breach. Where there is inappropriate or illegal use of internet, mobile and digital technologies, this will be dealt with under the school’s behaviour and disciplinary policies as appropriate.  Breaches may also lead to criminal or civil proceedings.

Governors receive termly summary data on recorded online safety incidents for monitoring purposes.  In addition governors ensure they have sufficient, quality information to enable them to make a judgement about the fitness for purpose of this policy on an annual basis.



8.     Appendices of the Online Safety Policy

A.    Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff, Governors and student teachers (on placement or on staff)

B.    Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers

C.     Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers working in the school (working directly with children or otherwise)

D.    Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils

E.      Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities

F.      Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents

G.     Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media

H.     Online safety incident reporting form

Appendix A - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff, Governors and student teachers (on placement or on staff)


You must read this agreement in conjunction with the online safety policy and the Information  policy.  Once you have read these, you must sign and submit this agreement and it will be kept on record in the school. You should retain your own copy for reference. This forms part of your professional and safeguarding responsibilities.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies are part of our daily working life and this agreement is designed to ensure that all staff and governors are aware of their responsibilities in relation to their use.  All staff and governors are expected to adhere to this agreement and to the online safety policy.  Any concerns or clarification should be discussed with Mrs Prest. Breaches will be investigated, recorded and, where appropriate, disciplinary procedures will apply and police involvement will be sought.


Internet Access


I will not access or attempt to access any sites that contain any of the following: child abuse; pornography; discrimination of any kind; promotion of prejudice against any group; promotion of illegal acts; any other information which may be illegal or offensive.  Inadvertent access on school equipment must be treated as an online safety incident, reported to the online safety lead and/or DSL and an incident report completed.


Online conduct

I will ensure that my online activity, both in and outside school, will not bring the school, my professional reputation, or that of others, into disrepute.

I will not browse, download, upload or distribute any material that could be considered offensive, illegal or discriminatory.  Exceptionally, use of controversial material as part of the curriculum should be planned and approved on every occasion (see policy). 

I will report any accidental access to or receipt of inappropriate materials or filtering breach to Mrs Prest.

I understand that all my use of the internet and other related technologies can be traced and monitored and, should it be required, must be made available to my line manager, headteacher and others as required.

I will not give out my personal contact and online account information such as phone numbers, email address, and social media account details to pupils and/or parents/carers.

Social networking

I understand the need to separate my professional role from my private friendships; in my professional capacity I will not become ‘friends’ with parents/carers or pupils on social networks. Where my school role is my only connection to an individual, private online contact is unacceptable with parents/carers or pupils. See also Staff Code of Conduct.

When using social networking for personal use I will ensure my settings are not public. My private account postings will never undermine or disparage the school, its staff, governors, parents/carers or pupils. Privileged information must remain confidential.





I understand that there is no occasion when a password should be shared with a pupil or anyone who is not a staff member without permission.


Data protection

I will follow requirements for data protection as outlined in the information policy.  These include:

·        Photographs must be kept securely and used appropriately, whether in school, taken off the school premises or accessed remotely

·        Personal data can only be taken out of school or accessed remotely when authorised by the headteacher or governing body

·        Personal or sensitive data taken off site must be encrypted

Images and videos


I will only upload images or videos of staff, pupils or parents/carers onto school approved sites where specific permission has been granted.

I will not take images, sound recordings or videos of school events or activities on any personal device.

 Use of email


I will use my school email address for all school business.  All such correspondence must be kept professional and is open to Subject Access Requests under the Freedom of Information Act.  I will not use my school email addresses for personal matters or non-school business.

Use of personal devices


I understand that as a member of staff I should at no time put myself in a position where a safeguarding allegation can be made against me as a result of my use of personal devices. I understand that the use of personal devices in school is at the discretion of the headteacher.

I will not access secure school information from personal devices unless a closed, monitorable system has been set up by the school.

Additional hardware/software


I will not install any hardware or software on school equipment without permission of Mrs Prest.


Promoting online safety


I understand that online safety is the responsibility of all staff and governors and I will promote positive online safety messages at all times including when setting homework or providing pastoral support.


I understand that it is my duty to support a whole school safeguarding approach and will report any inappropriate or concerning behaviour (of other staff, governors, visitors, pupils or parents/carers) to the DSL or Mrs Prest.


Classroom management of internet access


I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites used in the classroom; this will include the acceptability of other material visible, however briefly, on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.

If I am using the internet to teach about controversial issues I will secure, on every occasion, approval in advance for the material I plan to use with Mrs Prest.

User signature


I agree to follow this Acceptable Use Agreement and to support online safety throughout the school.  I understand this forms part of the terms and conditions set out in my contract of employment (staff members only) and/or my responsibilities as a governor.

Signature …….………………….………… Date ……………………

Full Name …………………………………......................................... (printed)

Job title ……………………………………………………………………

Appendix B - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement - Peripatetic teachers/coaches, supply teachers



School name Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School


Online safety lead Fiona Prest


Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Fiona Prest


This agreement forms part of your professional and safeguarding responsibility in the school.  You must read and sign this agreement.  This will be kept on record and you should retain your own copy for reference.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies are part of our daily working life and this agreement is designed to ensure that all staff and governors are aware of their responsibilities in relation to their use. You are expected to adhere to this agreement.  Any concerns or clarification should be discussed with Mrs Prest. Breaches will be investigated, recorded and, where appropriate, disciplinary procedures will apply and police involvement will be sought.

The school’s online safety policy will provide further detailed information as required.


Internet Access


I will not access or attempt to access any sites that contain any of the following: child abuse; pornography; discrimination of any kind; promotion of prejudice against any group; promotion of illegal acts; any other information which may be illegal or offensive.  Inadvertent access on school equipment must be treated as an online safety incident, reported to the online safety lead and/or DSL and an incident report completed.


Online conduct


I will ensure that my online activity, both in and outside school, will not bring the school, my professional reputation, or that of others, into disrepute.

I will not browse, download, upload or distribute any material that could be considered offensive, illegal or discriminatory.  Exceptionally, use of controversial material as part of the curriculum should be planned and approved on every occasion (see policy). 

I will report any accidental access to or receipt of inappropriate materials or filtering breach to Mrs Prest.

I understand that all my use of the internet and other related technologies can be traced and monitored and, should it be required, must be made available to my line manager, headteacher and others as required.

I will not give out my personal contact and online account information such as phone numbers, email address, and social media account details to pupils and/or parents/carers.

Should I need to share my professional details, such as mobile phone number or email address, with parent/carers, this must be agreed in advance as an acceptable approach with Mrs Prest.


Social networking


I understand the need to separate my professional role from my private friendships; in my professional capacity I will not become ‘friends’ with parents/carers or pupils on social networks. Where my school role is my only connection to an individual, private online contact is unacceptable with parents/carers or pupils.

Information can be shared with pupils over 13 and parents/carers through an organisational social network site/page e.g. on Facebook or Twitter, but never through a personal account or site. In my professional role in the school, I will never engage in 1-1 exchanges with pupils or parent/carers on personal social network sites.

My private account postings will never undermine or disparage the school, its staff, governors, parents/carers or pupils.  Privileged information known as a result of my work in the school must remain confidential.  

I will not upload any material about or references to the school or its community on my personal social networks.




I must clarify what access I may have to the internet and/or school systems.  If I have access of any kind, I understand that there is no occasion when a password should be shared with a pupil or anyone who is not a staff member. 

Data protection

I will follow all requirements for data protection explained to me by the school.  These include:

·        I must consult with the school before making any recordings, photographs and videos. Once agreed, these must be made on a school device.

·        I understand that there are strict controls and requirements regarding the collection and use of personal data. I will follow all requirements regarding GDPR.

Images and videos


I will only upload images or videos of staff, pupils or parents/carers onto school approved sites where specific permission has been granted.

I will not take images, sound recordings or videos of tuition or wider school activities on any personal device. School devices can be used for this purpose or, in the case of 1:1 tuition, pupil’s or parent/carer devices can be used, with parent/carer agreement.

Internet, mobile and digital technologies provide helpful recording functions but these cannot be made on a teacher’s personal device.  Recordings can be made with the child’s and parent/carer’s agreement on a school device, an organisational device approved by the headteacher/DSL, or a young person’s or parent/carer’s own device.

Use of Email


I will use my professional or formal student email address for all school business.  All such correspondence should be kept professional and is open to Subject Access Requests under the Freedom of Information Act. I will not use my professional email addresses for personal matters.


Use of personal devices


I understand that when working in the school I should at no time put myself in a position where a safeguarding allegation can be made against me as a result of my use of personal devices. I understand that the use of personal devices in school is at the discretion of the headteacher.

I will only use approved personal devices when not with pupils. This therefore precludes use of specialist apps on personal devices.  A school device could be used to access specialist apps that support pupil learning.  

Additional hardware/software


I will not install any hardware or software on school equipment without permission of Mrs Prest.



Promoting online safety


I understand that online safety is part of my responsibility and I will promote positive online safety messages at all times, including when setting homework, rehearsal or skill practice or when providing pastoral support.


I understand that it is my duty to support a whole school safeguarding approach and will report any behaviour (of staff, governors, visitors, pupils or parents/carers) which I believe may be inappropriate or concerning in any way to the DSL or Mrs Prest.

Classroom management of internet access


I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites used in the classroom; this will include the acceptability of other material visible, however briefly, on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.

If I am using the internet to teach about controversial issues I will secure, on every occasion, approval in advance for the material I plan to use with Mrs Prest.


User Signature


I agree to follow this Acceptable Use Agreement and to support online safety in my work in the school.  I understand this forms part of my company/educational setting/organisation’s contract with the school.

Signature …….………………….…………….…      Date ……………………

Full Name ………………………………….................................................... (Please use block capitals)

Job Title/Role …………………………………..…………………..……………

Appendix C - Requirements for visitors, volunteers and parent/carer helpers

(Working directly with children or otherwise)



School name……Embsay CofE (VC) Primary School ………………………………..…..


Online safety lead …Mrs Prest……………………………..…


DSL …Mrs Prest……………………………………………..…..



This document is designed to ensure that you are aware of your responsibilities when using any form of IT in the school and other aspects of safeguarding in connection with online safety.

Please raise any safeguarding concerns arising from your visit immediately with the headteacher and/or DSL

·        I understand I may not use my personal mobile phone(s) and other devices with camera functions in front of children.   Any exception must be pre-arranged.

·        I will not take images, sound recording or videos of school events or activities, on or off site, on any device.  Any possible exception must be pre-arranged.

·        I will not give out my personal details such as mobile phone number, email address, and social media account details to pupils and parent/carers.  Where appropriate I may share my professional contact details with parents/carers provided the DSL or headteacher is informed before I leave the school.

·        I understand my visit to the school may give me access to privileged information about pupils, staff, school systems and plans.  Such information should never be shared online, including on social media sites.

·        I understand I should not use school equipment to access the internet without prior approval from my contact in the school or the headteacher.

·        If working in the classroom, I will pre-check for appropriateness all internet sites I intend to use including checking the acceptability of other material visible on the site.  I will not free-surf the internet in front of pupils.  If I am in any doubt about the appropriateness of the content I plan to use I will check with my contact in the school.

Appendix D - Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils


 My online safety rules


·            I will only use school IT equipment for activities agreed by school staff.

·            I will not use my personal email address or other personal accounts in school when doing school work.

·            I will not sign up for any online service on school devices unless this is an agreed part of a school project approved by my teacher and agreed by my parent/carer.

·            I will only open email attachments if it has been approved by a member of school staff in school or a parent/carer out of school.

·            In school I will only open or delete my files when told by a member of staff.

·            I will not tell anyone other than my parents/carers my passwords. I will not use other people’s usernames or passwords to pretend to be them online.

·            I will make sure that all online contact I make is responsible, polite and sensible. I will be kind and respectful at all times.

·            If I come across anything upsetting, unpleasant or nasty, or anything that makes me feel unsafe, I will tell my teacher or my parent/carer immediately.

·            If someone says, asks or posts about me anything upsetting, unpleasant or nasty, or anything that makes me feel unsafe, I will not reply. I will tell my teacher or my parent/carer immediately. 

·            I will not give out my own or other people’s personal information, including: name, phone number, home address, interests, schools or clubs.  I will tell my teacher or parent/carer if anyone asks me online for personal information.

·            Uploading or sending my image (photographs, videos, live streaming) online puts me at risk.  I will always seek permission from my teacher or parent/carer if I wish to do this.  I will not take, share or upload any image of anyone else without their permission and also, if they are a child, without their parent’s/carer’s permission.

·            Even if I have permission, I will not upload any images, videos, sounds or words that could upset, now or in the future, any member of the school community, as this is cyberbullying.

·            I understand that some people on the internet are not who they say they are and some people are not safe to be in contact with.  I will not arrange to meet someone I only know on the internet. If someone asks to meet me, I will not reply to them and I will tell a teacher or a parent/carer immediately.

·            I understand that everything I do or receive online can be traced now and in the future. I know it is important to build a good online reputation.  

·            I understand that some personal devices are allowed in school and some are not, and I will follow the rules.  I will not assume that new devices can be brought into school without getting permission.

·            I will not lie about my age in order to access games, apps or social networks that are for older people as this will put me at risk.

·            I understand that these rules are designed to keep me safe now and in the future.  If I break the rules my teachers will look into it and may need to take action.

Name ……………………………

Signed ………………………………….

Date ………………………………………

Dear Parent/Carer,

The internet, email, mobile technologies and online resources have become an important part of learning and life.   We want all children to be safe and responsible when using any IT.  It is essential that children are aware of online risk, know how to stay safe and know where to go to report problems or to get help.

Please read through these online safety rules with your child/ren and talk with them to ensure they understand their importance and what it means for them (and for you).  When you have done this, you both need to sign this agreement to say that you agree to follow the rules.  Any concerns or explanation can be discussed with Mrs Prest. 

Please return the signed sections of this form which will be kept on record at the school.

Pupil agreement

Pupil name………………………………………

This agreement is to keep me safe. I have discussed this agreement with my parents/carers and understand the commitment I have made and my responsibilities.

Pupil signature……………………………………………………………………..

Parent(s)/Carer(s) agreement

Parent(s)/Carer(s) name(s)………………………………………………

I/we have discussed this agreement, which highlights the associated risks when accessing the internet, mobile and digital technologies, with our child/ren.  I/we agree to support them in following the terms of this agreement.

I/we also agree not to share school related information or images online or post material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute.

(Rather than posting negative material online, any parent, distressed or concerned about an aspect of school should make immediate contact with a member of staff.  Negative postings about the school would impact on the reputation of the whole school community.  Parents are encouraged to report breaches so that we can protect the reputation of the school, staff, pupils and parents).

I/we also agree only to use personal mobile phones and devices in designated areas of the school unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities.  I/we understand that under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises of anyone other than our own child/ren, unless there is a pre-specified agreement.  I/we understand that when on school premises, but not in a designated area where phones can be used, they must be switched off and out of sight.

I/we agree that if I take digital or video images at, or of – school events which include images of children, other than my own, these images will not be published / made publicly available on social networking sites.

Parent(s)/Carer(s) agreement

Parent(s)/Carer(s) name(s)……………………………………………………….

Parent/carer signature………………………………………..

Date ………………………………………………………….…

Appendix E - Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities

The school provides online safety information for parents/carers, through the website, in newsletters and at events.  It is important that parents/carers understand their key role in supporting children to behave appropriately and keep themselves safe online.

The online safety policy, supported by its acceptable use agreements, is intended to protect the interests and safety of the whole school community.

·       Parents/carers are required to support their child in understanding and signing the Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement for pupils.

·        Parents/carers may not use personal mobile phones and devices in the school unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities.  Under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises that include anyone other than their own child, unless there is a pre-specified agreement with individuals and parents/carers. If  a digital or video images is taken at, or of – school events which include images of children, other than their own, these images will not be published / made publicly available on social networking sites.

·       Parents/carers should not assume that pupils can bring technological devices to school and should always check the school policy.

·       All cyberbullying incidents affecting children in the school should be reported immediately.  (If the incident involves an indecent image of a child the report must also be made immediately to the police for your own protection.) The school will investigate and respond to all reported cyberbullying incidents, liaising with others where appropriate.  No reply should ever be sent to the sender/poster of cyberbullying content. If applicable block the sender and report abuse to the site. Evidence should be retained and shown in school and/or to the police.  Evidence should not be forwarded.

·       The school may choose to set up social media sites, blogs or have some other online presence in its own name.  Parents/carers, however, do not have the right to set up any site, page, chat group or any other online presence that uses the school name or logo in any form unless agreed by the head teacher.

·       Any parent/carer, distressed or concerned about an aspect of school should make immediate contact with a member of staff rather than posting their concerns online.  Parents/carers should not share school related information or images online or post material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute.  Negative postings about the school would impact on the reputation of the whole school community.  Parents/carers are encouraged to report breaches so that we can protect the reputation of the school, staff, pupils and parents/carers.

Please see the full online safety policy in the policies section on the school website.

Appendix F - Guidance on the process for responding to cyberbullying incidents

All cyberbullying incidents should be reported and responded to.  Where the perpetrator is a member of the school community the majority of cases can be dealt with through mediation and/or disciplinary processes.  

The following procedures are recommended:

·       Never reply to the sender/poster of cyberbullying content.  If applicable, block the sender.

·       Incidents should be reported immediately.  Pupils should report to a member of staff (e.g. class teacher, headteacher) and staff members should seek support from their line manager or a senior member of staff.

·       The person reporting the cyberbullying should save the evidence and record the time and date.  This evidence must not be forwarded but must be available to show at a meeting.  Under no circumstances should indecent images of children and young people be printed or forwarded as this is a further criminal act.  Staff should not ask to see the evidence of reported indecent images of children or young people but must refer this immediately to the police.  Any member of staff being shown such evidence should immediately inform their line manager or the headteacher so that the circumstances can be recorded.

·       A senior member of staff will meet with the person who has reported the incident and the target, if different, to listen, reassure and support.  All relevant facts will be reviewed and documented.

·       A senior member of staff will conduct an investigation.

·       Anyone found to have cyberbullied will have attention drawn to the seriousness of their behaviour and if necessary the police will be involved.  If the comments are threatening, abusive, sexist, of a sexual nature, constitute a hate crime or are libellous they may well break the law. Online harassment and stalking is also a crime.

·       Once evidence has been secured then the person who has cyberbullied will be requested to remove the offending comments/material.  Any refusal will lead to an escalation of sanctions.

Appendix G - Guidance for staff on preventing and responding to negative comments on social media

The school should make it clear which, if any, social media platforms are used to communicate with parents/carers.  If used correctly, parents can use a school’s social media site as a source of reliable information.  The online safety policy, see especially Appendix E (Online safety policy guide - Summary of key parent/carer responsibilities), clarifies that no other social media platforms should be set up using the school’s name or logo.

The school should regularly reinforce with all parties that discussion of school issues on social media platforms, either positive or negative, should not take place as this could bring the school into disrepute and affect families and children.  Parents should be encouraged to be good online role models and not post statements written in anger or frustration.  Identified routes to raise concerns directly with the school should be used.

If negative comments are posted:

·     Collect the facts

As soon as you become aware of adverse comments relating to the school you need to establish what is being said.  It is essential that if you have access to the postings they are secured and retained together with any other evidence.  Do not become engaged in responding directly.

If the allegations against a member of staff or a pupil are of a serious nature, these will need to be formally investigated.  This may involve the police and the headteacher will need to follow the school’s safeguarding procedures.

If there is a risk of serious damage to the school reputation or the reputation of individual members of staff, professional legal advice should be sought. 

Adverse comments of any kind are highly demotivating and cause stress and anxiety.  It is important that the senior staff reassure and support all staff and/or other affected members of the school community.

·     Addressing negative comments and complaints

Contact the complainants and invite them to a meeting.  In the meeting, make sure you have any evidence available.

The meeting must:

·       Draw attention to the seriousness and impact of the actions/postings;

·       Ask for the offending remarks to be removed;

·       Explore the complainant’s grievance;

·       Agree next steps;

·       Clarify the correct complaints procedures.

If the meeting does not resolve the issue, the parents must be informed that the school will need to take the matter further. This may include:

·     Reporting the matter to the social network site if it breaches their rules or breaks the law;

·     Reporting the matter to the police if it breaks the law, e.g. if the comments are threatening, abusive, malicious, sexist, of a sexual nature, constitute a hate crime or are libellous they may well break the law.  Online harassment and stalking is also a crime.

If inappropriate postings continue or the original material is not removed, a second meeting is advisable to re-iterate the seriousness of the matter.

Appendix H - Online safety incident reporting form

Any member of the school community can raise a concern about an online safety incident. If you have witnessed or experienced an incident please complete the form below to help us to address the issue.  It is important that you provide as much detail as possible.  Once completed please hand this report to Mrs Prest.

Name of person reporting incident:


Date you are completing this form:

Where did the incident take place:

Inside school?

Outside school?

Date of incident(s):

Time of incident(s):

Who was involved in the incident(s)?

Full names and/or contact details

Children/young people

Staff member(s)


Other, please specify

Type of incident(s) (indicate as many as apply)

Accessing age inappropriate websites, apps and social media

Accessing someone else’s account without permission

Forwarding/spreading chain messages or threatening material

Posting images without permission of all involved

Online bullying or harassment (cyber bullying)

Posting material that will bring an  individual or the school into disrepute

Racist, sexist, homophobic, religious or other hate material

Online gambling

Sexting/Child abuse images

Deliberately bypassing security


Hacking or spreading viruses

Accessing, sharing or creating pornographic images and media

Accessing and/or sharing terrorist material

Accessing, sharing or creating violent images and media

Drug/bomb making material

Creating an account in someone else’s name to bring them into disrepute

Breaching copyright regulations

Other breach of acceptable use agreement, please specify

Full description of the incident

What, when, where, how?

Name all social media involved

Specify: Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp, Snapchat, Instagram etc

Evidence of the incident

Specify any evidence available but do not attach.



Thank you for completing and submitting this form.